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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 343x310, foreveralone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2740674 No.2740674 [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone who is committing suicide tonight anything.

>> No.2740677

Why are you commuting suicide?

>> No.2740684

Because it saves a lot more gas.


>> No.2740690

Are you planning on taking alot of people with you?

>> No.2740692

He's in an Abelian cult.

>> No.2740702

You're not going to kill yourself. You're a coward.

>> No.2740706

That's probably what the voices say to him :/

>> No.2740709

How are you killing yourself?
Are you dying alone or with unfortunate strangers?
Do you care about what happens after you die? If you don't, it would be cool if you splattered all over some main street.
What are your reasons? General loserdom/forever loneliness/relationshit/no direction in life?
Could you troll some fags with your death?

>> No.2740712

why did you make a thread for me OP?

>> No.2740717


I am miserable.

>> No.2740720

what's your email?

>> No.2740725

Aren't we all.

Protip: learn to meditate and start acting like a vulcan. Helped me out.

>> No.2740727

What method are you using?

>> No.2740736


>> No.2740738
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why are you so miserable? Were you forced into child prostitution? Are you currently a slave? Are you dying from some horrible painful disease?

surely if you are going to kill yourself you must have some great unjustice in your life. So, what are your problems?

>> No.2740740

Why do you hate God?

>> No.2740745
File: 68 KB, 710x600, 1289771239695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not. Think of how happy you might be in several years, like this cat.

>> No.2740748

why /sci/?

>> No.2740753
File: 23 KB, 450x598, 1268009888483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aren't we all

Nope. Some people take a active role in there life, they solve their fucking problems, instead of just doing nothing.

>> No.2740754

Thought about it, but I'm not in the mood.

>How are you killing yourself?

Bleeding to death in a warm bath
Are you dying alone or with unfortunate strangers?

Do you care about what happens after you die? If you don't, it would be cool if you splattered all over some main street.

No and no.
What are your reasons? General loserdom/forever loneliness/relationshit/no direction in life?

To summarize, a lack of any sort of meaningful human connection, no hope

>> No.2740762

Misery comes in all shapes and sizes, my friend.

>> No.2740765

Okay, why are you prolonging it?
Why do you now want attention?
Isn't it a bit too late to try and feel good if you're really set on offing yourself?

How do you feel knowing the mod just posted your IP to your local emergency services and police and paramedics are on their way?

Does your country have laws against suicide?
If so, how do you feel about the upcoming fine or jailtime?

>> No.2740767

Becoming dead isn't going to forge new connections.

>> No.2740774

Are you going to stream it?

Will you light yourself on fire? Or overdose?

>> No.2740783

instead of going out alone you should do something meaningful first, like taking out a tea party member THEN offing yourself, no?

>> No.2740784

> mods giving a crap about this board or anyone posting on it
> mfw

>> No.2740792 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 330x348, 253523588900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you have an excellent reason to commit suicide you shouldn't do it. Acceptable reasons:
-Terminal illness
-Immense suffering
-Brain damage
etc etc

If you are a normal (physically) person, why don't you make yourself useful and fight for a better world. And that doesn't mean signing up to the military, it could be something like volunteer work to aid work.

Just because you believe you currently have no value just means you need to get some. If you cannot be bothered improving the world then maybe, just maybe does suicide is justify the waste of resources you consume.

>> No.2740794
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>laws against suicide

>> No.2740795

How about you take sand out of your vagina and man the fuck up? Do push-ups for 10 hours straight or something, DONT BE A FUCKING SISSY

>> No.2740799

That doesn't work.

>> No.2740800
File: 46 KB, 330x348, 253523588900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you have an excellent reason to commit suicide you shouldn't do it. Acceptable reasons:
-Terminal illness
-Immense suffering
-Brain damage
etc etc

If you are a normal (physically) person, why don't you make yourself useful and fight for a better world. And that doesn't mean signing up to the military, it could be something like volunteer work to aid work.

Just because you believe you currently have no value just means you need to get some. If you cannot be bothered improving the world then maybe, just maybe does suicide justify the waste of resources you consume.

>> No.2740803

If you're diagnosed with a terminal illness like Alzheimer's Disease, you can off yourself. But not for trivial problems.

>> No.2740806

America has laws against attempted suicide. If you get picked up paramedics, then you're sent to the hospital to patched up physically, then sent to trial. I hate being a fucking americunt.

>> No.2740812

Guess if you commit suicide, you'll finally know if God exists or not. Problem is that you won't be able to come back and tell us.

>> No.2740821

They aren't as active as one might wish, but they do their job.

Shocking how some countries have laws that yours might not.

>> No.2740822
File: 604 KB, 732x732, 1298083204497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sent to trial for attempted suicide

not sure if troll

>> No.2740823

DO A FLIP!!!!!!!!!!!1!111!111!11!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2740827

in my country, anyone caught attempting suicide gets the death penalty.

>> No.2740830


I have a science degree

>> No.2740843
File: 380 KB, 415x580, alanwatts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can never escape, OP.. never.


>> No.2740850

>In the Australian state of Victoria, while suicide itself is no longer a crime...

so after much deliberation Australia has come to the conclusion that it is not possible to charge someone with a crime once they are dead.

hmmmmmm indradastingh

>> No.2740860

Move along. He's not going to kill himself. Just a needy self-loathing forever loner who has nothing better to do.

>entssim Japan

>> No.2740863


Second degree, or third degree?

>> No.2740884
File: 168 KB, 700x900, 1300038246025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now aware that consciousness is simply energy being aware of ittself, so by committing suicide you are simply rerolling characters in the MMO that is the Universe.

>> No.2740889

What's the coolest thing you ever did OP?

I think that if people want to go, then go. You never get the choice about if you want to come here or not.

I've been where you are OP. Moral thing incoming here: I decided not to. I kept saying "well, if -that- happens, I'll kill myself for sure". Never really came to anything so decided that I could rather stick around. No idea where you live, but a lot of people get depressed around winter time. why not put it off until july or something. Do it in the sun after a nice and relaxing day. If you plan to do it then, then anything hanging over you at the moment can be forgotten anyway.

>> No.2740895

>If so, how do you feel about the upcoming fine or jailtime?
Why does laws like this exist, if someone wants to kill himself let the fucker die!

>> No.2740899

Woah, that's a great video

Thanks anon

>> No.2740906

why don't you just killyourself right now idiot? you obviously have doubts if you are putting it on your scheduele nothing else will fucking matter because you will be dead so If you really hate your life so much even this instant then kill your self this instant retard.

>> No.2740911


it exists because if we say it's okay we probably have to help them. Which I think is a great idea.

>> No.2740913


waiting for OP >:|

>> No.2740919
File: 4 KB, 145x130, 1259587267736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were going to kill yourself, you wouldn't post about it on an anonymous image board. You're clearly tossing up between doing it and blowing it over.

Just fucking kill yourself so we don't have to hear about your self-pity and your bullshit life. No one cares because you're just another drone in society who will not make any significant impact in this world.

And that's your fault.

>> No.2740923


I had a friend in high school, who had leukemia. He always said that if and when it came out of remission, then he would an hero. Why? Cause he didn't want to put his family and friends through the agony of watching him die horribly. And at the ripe old age of 17, the cancer came out of remission, and the doctors said there was a very slim chance of it going back into remission.

Why do I tell you this? You say you have no hope? Well, he had a very slim chance at hope... and he an hero'ed. HE had a reason, other than "no hope of connection".

I still think about his actions. Whether or not it was justified. I don't know.

I DO know, you, being a pansy pussy ass little whiny bitch, spits on this memory. Whatever you are going through is only temporary and if you an hero you remove any chance of things getting better in the future.

I don't know you. I have no idea who you are or what is going on. But I have been there, too.

Life. Does. Get. Better.

Or did I just get trolled?

>> No.2740930

Well, US courts still sentence people to hundreds of yearss of prison, no ?

Yeah right. We never read about people talking about their suicide on internet before doing ti.

>> No.2740951

>Hurrr durr I'm in the top 20th percentile of the richest people on the planet, what with the computer and internet and all. Now I'm going to kill myself because my girlfriend dumped me/ im too lazy or retarded to make something of my life despite having every advantage handed to me so far.

>> No.2740952

Not OP, but...
>I DO know, you, being a pansy pussy ass little whiny bitch, spits on this memory.
How so ? I really don't see the connection between the suicide of your highschool friend and OP.
>if you an hero you remove any chance of things getting better in the future.
Well, if he does an hero, he certainly won't care.

>> No.2740960


>Why? Cause he didn't want to put his family and friends through the agony of watching him die horribly.

I hope reincarnation exists and that he's reborn somewhere as a new baby. Not that there'd be any way to prove it, but still...

>> No.2740966
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>> No.2740969

>implying wealth makes mediocre people better
Yeah, hurr durr too.

>> No.2740973

Can I join you?

>> No.2740974
File: 93 KB, 500x500, troll-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2740978


The Beatles had it right. Money can't buy you love.

>> No.2740986


Sociology major here. It's like a natural law or something, but there's nothing you can do about it. A certain percentage of a society will allays commit suicide.

>> No.2740987

Depression is relative, you pretentious asshat.

>> No.2740989


>> No.2740999


Not OP but FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. Not all problems are fixable. I hate pricks like you that think anyone who has a bad life should just "suck it up" and fix things. I would love to have you live my life and watch your smug bullshit fall away once you realized how fucking wrong you are.

>> No.2741003


The difference is my friend wanted to live...

>> No.2741004

>courts sentence ppl to hundreds of years
yea. while they're still ALIVE

big fucking difference

>> No.2741005

take one young earth creationist and you'll have done your part

>> No.2741014

Your money, is there any way i can have them?

>> No.2741020


Actually, yes. This is a great idea. We should make a list.

>> No.2741025

Well, everyone dies, but that's no reason to get butthurt at those who want to chose the time and place.

>> No.2741029

No, he should take some Scientologist.

>> No.2741037
File: 60 KB, 750x600, 1266749743357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most problems are fixable. Most of the petty bullshit people commit suicde over are fixable. There are a few exceptions though, including a really bad "disease"/medical problems, or slavery.


>> No.2741042


Yes, but you're supposed to live to 90 and die peacefully in your sleep from a quick bout of pneumonia while otherwise still being in decent health and productive to the end.

>> No.2741054
File: 181 KB, 480x640, 1299020462237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not kill yourself.
Great times are coming.

>> No.2741063

Hey, you mind buying me some games on steam? You won't really need the money or anything.

>> No.2741073

Not really. You're supposed to die at 70 from repeated heart failures or cancer.

>> No.2741074

Most people that do kill themselves are in a mindset where they've tried to fix their problems in many, many ways but it ends up failing for them to the point it convinces me that there are no solutions to it (pretty much making them disabled from being convinced or capable of seeing such solutions), that they literally believe there's going to be nothing but failure or hopelessness with their problems, that they literally believe there's no way out and that suicide is the only alternative they have left and nothing else. And once they're in this mindset, it's virtually next to impossible to bring me them out of it, especially if they've tried so many solutions that failed on them, they're experiences tell them that it won't work regardless of what anyone does, it's very difficult to be able to communicate and relate them on such issues, they're pretty much on a different plain of existence in a way that most people wouldn't be able to relate or understand and connect with them on their problems, it's very difficult for them to comprehend or gage what's going on with this person. In order to reach them you would need someone with experience dealing with suicidal people, or someone that was suicidal themselves before, but most former-suicidals understand how difficult it would be to reach that person, and would just simply leave them to fester.

>> No.2741081

I, surprisingly, lol'd.

>> No.2741096

what's the point

>> No.2741103
File: 10 KB, 197x255, london..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that because you're a raghead. White people don't consider sharia law in Europe "great times".

>> No.2741109


That would be ok if it was largely painless. My grandfather died at 74 of heart failure (ie. the heart just stops). I doubt he felt much of anything, just a painless fade to back.

>> No.2741110


Butthurt? A little. Yes, everyone dies; it's inevitable. Choose the time and place? Is that your reasoning? Have you ever been Depressed? Known someone that is suicidal? No? Then STFU. Yes? Then you should understand. And then the "everyone dies anyways" argument, as you should know, falls way short.

Potential, OP, you have potential. Potential that will never be explored if you an hero. But you may be beyond caring about that.

>> No.2741126

Bet you guys miss me now.

>> No.2741136


80-84 is about the oldest I'd want to live to.

>> No.2741142

Yeah, buy us some video games on Steam. My e-mail is mrcrazymc@yahoo.com, send them there.

>> No.2741148

Apart from the existential terror.

>> No.2741153

fucking racists

>> No.2741154


My mother's friend died a horrible death from bone cancer. It wasn't pretty. Unless you're getting something like that, why kill yourself? Why not accept the gambit that if you do nothing, you may achieve something at some point, considering you have years left to live?

This seems the more scientific option. That's why I probably won't ever kill myself.

>> No.2741158

>Then you should understand. And then the "everyone dies anyways" argument, as you should know, falls way short.
Understand what ? How does it fall short (though it's not really an argument for suicide, just the confirmation that there's no moral duty to live another day) ?

>But you may be beyond caring about that.
Why shouldn't he be beyond that ?

>> No.2741162


Yeah, they're racists because they hate Islam. Islam is a religion, you fucking retard.

>> No.2741194
File: 23 KB, 440x330, Bob-Dole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does everyone eventually die? Certainly, but if you kill yourself at a young age, you lose all the decades you have ahead of you to contribute something productive to the world.

Pic related. Why is Bob Dole (loser presidential candidate and Viagra spokesman) still working part-time at almost 90 despite numerous health issues? OP ought to be ashamed that there are men that old who have more life in them than he does.

>> No.2741195


You value life too much. Read a book about the universe. Figure out how little and meaningless you are. I've been very depressed, but your statement about "you should know" falls to short to be honest. It's as if you decided that suicide is illegal and that it should be obvious to everyone that it should be.

1 wasted potential among is nothing to whine about. That you're guilt tripping people who don't want to hang out any more is just ridiculous.

>> No.2741204


>Understand what?

Either you are being deliberately obtuse, or you really don't understand. Either way, since you brought philosophy into it, there is not reason to continue discussing the issue with you unless you answer this:

>Have you ever been Depressed? Known someone that is suicidal?

>> No.2741212


Oh no, my grandfather was a really religious guy, so I doubt he had any existential terror. Besides, in the last month or so before he died, he was acting pretty strange, as if he knew his time was coming.

>> No.2741215


Dumbass. I'm not talking about the vastness of the universe. I'm talking about the one and only life you have... that you know of.... that's a sure thing.

>> No.2741222

Why you taking the easy way out?

>> No.2741225


See >>2740803

>> No.2741235

>all the decades you have ahead of you to contribute something productive to the world.
Not OP, but if all I had to look forward to was to contribute to the world, I would kill myself fucking instantly. You fucking suck at pep talking.

>> No.2741237
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>> No.2741238



>> No.2741239

>there is not reason to continue discussing the issue with you unless you answer this
I thought my answer was made clear by quoting only the part relevant to someone that was depressed or knew someone suicidal.

I don't think bob dole is really an improvement over no bob dole.

>> No.2741265

What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you so stupid? We're not talking about OP anymore. If this was indeed a troll thread, we made it into a worthy discussion,

Wait, are you one of those obtuse fuckers who simply believes that replies=successful troll?

>> No.2741276


Besides that, my GF saw plenty of extremely gruesome deaths while fighting in WWII, so I doubt it phased him much.

>> No.2741289


>> No.2741291

your girlfriend fought in WWII?!

>> No.2741293



>> No.2741297

I think you underestimate human potential. Although most of those billions of people will accomplish nothing, it only takes one to change the world.

Given that OP doesn't even have the ambition to make his OWN life better, however, there's not much to say for him. If you are a grown adult, you are perfectly capable of not "being miserable". I hope someone slaps some sense into you before it's too late.

>> No.2741298

don't you want to see how the world turns out in 50 years?

>> No.2741306
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>> No.2741316
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>I don't understand that having an "advantage" at living in a shitty existence matters.

Cool, bro. Some people might not value the repetitive, brainless monotony as highly as you do.

>> No.2741319

*doesn't matter

>> No.2741330


Yeah, I mean what about all those guys my grandfather saw get killed in WWII? Ever wonder how many of them might have started a business or created a product or something else to advance society if they had survived the war? So much potential gone to waste.

>> No.2741333


Change the world, I get it. But that's not important. It can be fun, I'll give you that. But it's not a duty. If you don't want to hang around anymore it should not be frowned upon. You never get the option of not being born, so why should it be bad if you would like to leave?

And do you want to slap me or OP? Either way, if you're a slap-some-sense-kind-of-person it's a lot more understandable why you seem to be proud of your blissful ignorance.

>> No.2741357


What has been created in the last 10.000 years that has had any significant impact on the universe? Or last 1.000.000 years. Nothing. But the fact that someone made a computer is kinda cool. It gives me an almost endless supply of hot girls doing nasty things on my screen. Important shit.

>> No.2741360
File: 58 KB, 737x552, oliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, herro
You wan soo-ee-sai?
I get you bes prai!

>> No.2741369

I'm suicidal and I don't want to be bob dole or something similar.

>> No.2741385
File: 25 KB, 425x325, jobswithipod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most of humanity are just drudges who never do a lot to alter the course of history.

But every once in a while, someone different comes along...

>> No.2741414


FOAD, Apple fanboy.

>> No.2741423

>Implying Steve Jobs is important

>> No.2741432

Apple hasn't done anything important for this world you fucking faggot.

>> No.2741437


No. And stop trolling.

They make it fun. Nothing else. But - more or less anyone can create some fun.

You know how older people tend to say people should not take life so seriously? That's what I am trying to say.

It's pointless, meaningless shit.

You can tell everyone on the planet that it has meaning and everyone can agree. That still does not make it so. If you need to believe that the stuff you do is important, then grab on to it and go do something "important". In the meantime I'll be over here taking life a little bit less serious than you and having some fun. And if it's no fun any more, then I'll an hero with a good conscience. While you'll be filled with guilt when you're staring down the barrel of that old shotgun you'll end up buying after your company is bankrupt and you cheated on your wife with your daughter.

>> No.2741462
File: 29 KB, 400x291, img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They made it possible for you to have an endless supply of nekkid ladiez with a few clicks of a mouse. If that's not altering history, I don't know what is.

>> No.2741463


1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-273-TALK
1-800-784-2433 1-800-273-8255

>not sure if troll, indeed
If serious, do reconsider. There's a lot to experience that can make life worth living, just to see the amazing things every day that you never knew of before, whether miracles of nature or the ever increasing accomplishments of mankind. If you're here in a board like this, then I think you probably appreciate these things. Good luck =)

>> No.2741467

Although I don't like their products, you can't deny that they have advanced consumer technology. Look at what an impact the iPhone has made.

>> No.2741469

I would have that just fine without apple. Why are you such a pathetic fanboi?

>> No.2741471

Science thread in /sci/- 10 replies

Troll thread in /sci/ 100+ replies

What else is new?

>> No.2741474


I understand that you don't know. I am trying to tell you. It's not important with naked ladies. But it's fun.

>> No.2741480

Impact? Yeah. Kind of like spam mail has made an impact. Doesn't mean it's important in any way.

>> No.2741483


>I don't want to be bob dole or something similar.

that's a step in the right direction

But seriously, what do you want to be? It's gots to be something other than another statistic.

Everyone has the option to choose the time and place, before *something* else takes them. Why don't people? Why not end it now, if an individual is so insignificant?

Is there a "moral duty to live another day"? No. At the core of any discussion is this: 'what's best for me?'

Is an hero'ing the best thing? Or is waiting whatever problems there are out to see "what's next?" the best thing? Is there hope, that whatever problems exist now, will not be there, maybe even tomorrow? Yes.

Hope you don't take this the wrong way or out of context, but there is a movie quote that always stuck with me:

Clint Eastwood: "Hell of a thing; killing a man. You take away all that he is, and all that he will ever be."

I think the movie was "Unforgiven". Powerful (to me at least). And this was during a depressed time, too.

What's powerful to you?

>> No.2741489

So cell phone users, already the bane of civilization, have become even more obnoxious thanks to Apple. Point taken. Except you seem to think this is a good thing.

>> No.2741508


Like Microsoft and IBM and many other companies didn't all help make it possible for you to look at l33t kewl titz on the Internet?

>> No.2741526
File: 45 KB, 560x337, 2-jobs-ipad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gotta hate.

>> No.2741555

We're talking specifically about apple, not all of them.

But yes, no single one of those on their own made any really significant difference that wouldn't have been reached without them.

>> No.2741571

>But seriously, what do you want to be?
Seriously ? Emperor of rome, and a few other hundreds kinds of human and inhuman forms of life.
>'what's best for me?'
Depends who is me. One thing is sure, my life isn't worth living until it's worth living in the present time.
>What's powerful to you?
"CALIGULA : Men die and are not happy."
-Albert Camus.

>> No.2741598

>One thing is sure, my life isn't worth living until it's worth living in the present time.

Then live in the present. Not what you want; that you have to work for to get. Emperor of Rome? You want that handed to you right noe?

sage for retarded shit

>> No.2741625

>Then live in the present.
It's not like there's a choice.

>> No.2741663

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

>> No.2741684

You say your life isn't worth living -- or whatever justification you have -- then quote Camus. Do you not see the irony?

>> No.2741692

>Suicide is a permanent solution to a permanent problem.

>> No.2741702
File: 149 KB, 337x363, doitfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read the thread, but since people are still posting I'm assuming OP hasn't done himself in yet.


>> No.2741717

Nonsense. There are tons of ways that OP can act to change his situation, his outlook, and his prospects. Stage IV brain cancer is a permanent problem. Feeling worthless is -very- susceptible to interventions.

>> No.2741719

A bit of advice
Given to a young Native American
At the time of his initiation:
As you go the way of life,
You will see a great chasm. Jump.
It is not as wide as you think.

>> No.2741731

Well, I don't agree with his conclusions, but he put in words my reflections better than I could.

>> No.2741737

The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light.

It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.

Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.

don't be a coward op

>> No.2741740

Actually, every problem in life is a temporary problem, since life itself is a temporary problem.
Regardless, a permanent solution is just as good as a temporary one.

>> No.2741807


Sure... the universe is an unimaginably cold, unimaginably large, and unimaginably unloving place, and our lives are a few bright pages bookended by black infinities. But life takes the side of life. Don't make your decision because you think death will be "better": it won't be anything at all, and neither will you.

>> No.2741840

There are so many more hoes for you to conquer! Beat back that damn life and show them who's fucking B-O-S-S!

At the very least, run away from your home for a week or two to do all the fun stuff that you've always dreamed of doing :-)

>> No.2741863


Heh, yeah, I have a suicide bucket list going. #1 is going into my ex-girlfriend's email account and reading the contents. #2 would be going to go climb some stubby little mountains in the chilcotens. #3 would be another season of treeplanting. #4 would be to finish real analysis, etc. HOLY SMOKES MY SUICIDE BUCKET LIST IS ACTUALLY A LIFE (well except for the spying on ex-gf part)

>> No.2741877


Mwahahaha :-)! That's the trick that I learned for myself :-). The people that I've met who suffer from depression tend to think about the crappy parts of life rather than living it. No wonder they feel so depressed!

At least give your bucket list a shot. The challenge might be kind of interesting :-).

>> No.2741891


>because you think death will be "better": it won't be anything at all, and neither will you.

If you commit suicide and there is a God, you're not getting into heaven because of it, and if there isn't a God, you threw away the only life you had for nothing.

>> No.2742239
File: 5 KB, 92x134, 1296736853451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, if you kill yourself because of society's pressures on your, then you most certainly deserve it.

But if you're able to draw a line in the ground here before heading for nothingness, you can start confronting your enemies, whatever that means. If not, maybe you werent' cut out for being alive.

PS. R u gay?

>> No.2742400

Could you go out in a useful way? Buy a plane ticket to Japan and do some kamikaze mission at Fukushima.

>> No.2742409

>implying that a God existing means that it's the God from the Bible

>> No.2742449

what's with the rush? you gonna die anyway.

you don't need to kill yourself to end your life, just start a new one

there is no purpose to anything other than what you give it

>> No.2742465

How will your death contribute to freeing Palestine? Why not try and assasinate Putin?

>> No.2742482

this thread is over 10 hours long.
has OP done it yet?
if not, OP is an attention whoring faggot.
get one with it.

>> No.2742484

this thread is over 10 hours long.
has OP done it yet?
if not, OP is an attention whoring faggot.

>> No.2742498

Was in your position OP.

Took a world trip for two months. Ended up shaking on the floor in a rome hotel room from a panic attack.

Still depressed as fuck.

Realized it's all mindset.

Started exercising and eating healthy.

Still fucking depressed.

Acuire girlfriend.

Depression gets slighlty better then worsens.

Break up with gf.

Get prescribed valium fo anxiety.

Shits algud for a while then worsens.

Now drink and weed myself to sleep everynight.

Not sure if this helps.

>> No.2742594
File: 4 KB, 120x120, 4b3c0155_ccbe_99e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly, why does everything bad honestly have to be considered "gay?"

>> No.2742601


because being gay is bad?

>> No.2742606

the fact gay and fag now means something other than homo should be a good thing, get with the program