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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 83 KB, 696x618, 127190495241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2738745 No.2738745 [Reply] [Original]

If the Christian God exists, that means he is an evil dictator and we should do everything in our power to kill him.

How do you propose we kill God?

>> No.2738753

Right. The Christian God who invented free will is a dictator. OP confirmed for angsty teenager who has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.2738754

Build a space elevator and ride iron chariots up to challenge him.

>> No.2738760

Nuke him

>worship me or I'll burn you

>> No.2738761

I thought Satan gave people free will and knowledge.

>> No.2738778
File: 24 KB, 461x403, tumblr_l6uv27cqqa1qaauhwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going by Ancient Aliens logic, Yahweh is an aliens emperor.

Killing him should be easy

>> No.2738787

And God created Satan

No, you deserve to be burned for your sins. God will lovingly forgive you if you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.

>> No.2738791
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>invented free will

>> No.2738800

What if the serpent isn't Satan? There isn't really any reason to theologically link the two.

>> No.2738802

>No, you deserve to be burned for your sins.

That's like how abused children say "They rape me because I deserve it"

>> No.2738810
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No Yahweh is a giant space robot formed from 3 smaller robots, the father, son, and holy spirit.

Angels(aka Aliens) are his servants

>> No.2738813

Tomas Edison invented the light bulb.
Agapito Flores invented the florescent light bulb.
Tomas Edison invented the florescent light bulb.

Shit logic is shit.

>No, you deserve to be burned for your sins. God will lovingly forgive you if you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior


>> No.2738828

Hey guys, get this.


kill the christians!

>> No.2738836

so i'm sure he did'nt think santan would be a bad ass.

>> No.2738871
File: 139 KB, 662x1303, 1299197411393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all dumbasses for believing in religion.

pic related.

>> No.2738880
File: 142 KB, 680x1501, 1299353345817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this picture is truth

>> No.2739017

If the Christian God exists

>since he doesn't, why make a plan?

9.5/10- no one seemed to get it

>> No.2739055
File: 133 KB, 520x648, Lucifer .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always kind of liked the Satan/Lucifer character, even though he doesn't real. Bringing knowledge to a humanity enslaved by ignorance, and standing up for what he believes is right even though he knows he can't win.

>> No.2739083

there's a verse in the book of revelation that calls Satan the "ancient serpent," but that's about it

>> No.2739101
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yea, its called "Prometheus"
the roman's have had this guy for hundreds of years.


>> No.2739121

They both are the light bringer.

>> No.2739130

>How do you propose we kill God?

Make a stronger god...

>> No.2739140

Oh, and also in jewish mysticism a figure named "Samael" who has a lot in common with the christian Satan is identified with the serpent.

>> No.2739151

Can we get a rule for banning the word God on this board?

I mean, there is no meaningful discussion in science that could use this word. We would be much more efficient herre if we avoided religion topics.

>> No.2739157

If a christian god exists then that means good and evil are it's creations.

If god is evil then we should be amoral, look out for #1 and obey god to avoid eternity in hell.

If good is good then that means the right thing to do is obey god.

Of course I don't believe you should go to hell for eternity for fapping or being homosex, infinite pain for eternity is no laughing matter, I wouldn't even wish that on someone who tortured me and my family to death, I'm just saying.

>> No.2739161

To kill a god, you gotta become the god.

>> No.2739185


We discover way of exploiting new physics that allows us to "see" the past as if we had a camera there. We watch the emergence of all world religions, and there is no magic involved.

How would people react?

>> No.2739192


"God is so clever that He can manufacture a consistent past in which He doesn't exist!"

>> No.2739196

Lucifer is sort of an absurd hero isnt he?

>> No.2739215

"Why would he do that?"

>> No.2739222


Hell if I know, I guess he just likes playing "Present No Evidence Of My Existence". It's a great game for parties!

>> No.2739228

No, no. Tarvuism is the way!


>> No.2739245

If I thought the Christian god existed, I would worship him and do everything he said in order to get into heaven.

Anyone who says different is lying. Since when is people's honour more important than not burning in hell forever?

>> No.2739252

if the bible is to be believed lucifer would want you to spend eternity in fiery hell flames, logically you would not want to be buds with him, you're just trolling christfags

>> No.2739259

I'd put it another way.

Lucifer is supremely butthurt about being kicked out of heaven, and he wants you to suffer everything that he does.

>> No.2739267

logically you wouldnt want to be on the side of Spartacus yet many champion him as a hero

>> No.2739274

>Christian God

>> No.2739283
File: 76 KB, 450x360, satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't the Bible a little biased....

Two supernatural creatures had a fight and now one of them presents a book to us? The one called God killed the entire world with a great flood, gave us original sin, and created disease according to the creationist story.

Maybe it's time to give Satan a chance?

>> No.2739286

The devil you know.

>> No.2739287

there isn't even anything in the bible about him being an angel and getting kicked out of heaven, but the war in heaven story still is a super cool story, bro

inb4 someone cites those verses from the book of isaiah that are explicitly stated to be about a Babylonian king just a few verses before

>> No.2739301

The winner is the one who writes the history books. Or something, I forget the exact saying. God is just America, while Satan is like...poland or some shit.

>> No.2739305


I'm just messing with you! Tarvuism is the way to go! Even the most dull can understand the glory of Tarvuism.

It's so easy to join!

>> No.2739306

BibleGod has a terrible secret. Obvious when you think about it really.

He's not actually omnipotent or omniscient. A cursory reading of the OT will tell you this.

So yes, we would have a chance, I think. The problem would be locating his kingdom, since I guess it's not in this dimension or whatever.

>> No.2739309 [DELETED] 

Ask him to create a rock he cant lift, relaity will collpase onto itself and God would to create the universe again and this time Eve won't fuck up with the apple tree

>> No.2739307

>Since when is people's honor more important than not burning in hell forever?
Since you're a pussy for being scared of a few infinite lifetimes in hell. Faggot.

>> No.2739310

I lol'd at you changing my spelling

>> No.2739318
File: 49 KB, 430x430, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the key to his kingdom is one of these....

>> No.2739321

>there isn't even anything in the bible about him being an angel and getting kicked out of heaven,
Cool story. The Isaiah verses are clearly a comparison between the fall of that king and the fall of Lucifer.

>He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

>> No.2739327

>A cursory reading of the OT will tell you this.
Yeah, sure.

You're reading what you want into it, just like the Christians.

>> No.2739337

I assure you that I'm not.

God forgets things, doesn't see things, etc. all through the very beginning of the OT, on the most literal reading possible.

>> No.2739342


This is not the place to discuss fantasy books.

>> No.2739343

>A cursory reading of the OT will tell you this.

The Tower of Babel story is a good example of this. Christians say that the tower was destroyed because of the peoples' pride, but that's not what the bible says.

>Genesis 11:5-7 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

>> No.2739355

So butthurt that you have to change the subject to troll?

Figures, since you're such a pussy.

>> No.2739357

>Cool story. The Isaiah verses are clearly a comparison between the fall of that king and the fall of Lucifer.
You clearly fail at Occam's razor and have to make shit up about a primordial war between angels that just isn't present in the text. Also, the king of Babylon says "I will ascend to heaven." If the Lucifer story was correct, Lucifer would already be in heaven.

>>He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Look at the context. It's right after some faggots tell Jesus that they got demons to submit to them. "Falling from heaven" is simply allegory for "suffering a defeat" or "losing a position of power."

>> No.2739362

Are you seriously saying that you would rather burn in hell forever than obey the omniscient creator of the universe?
I feel sorry for your parents.

>> No.2739368

So what some of you are proposing is that god is a physical, tangible being? I...could get behind that. Maybe.

>> No.2739386

He has superpowers for sure, but I'm not entirely convinced that the bible paints a picture of something that can't be killed. After all, he seems to confirm in the Ten Commandments that there are other gods he's competing with.

Not to mention the embarrassing fact that he apparently can't manage to kill Satan.

>> No.2739394
File: 897 KB, 1200x1251, cat-and-boobs.1184457700807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could exploit the fact that he loves all of us by debasing ourselves, so that he despairs to the point where he must either kill himself or destroy the universe.

>> No.2739400

we kill god by killing ourselves for we are god

>> No.2739403

>We could exploit the fact that he loves all of us by debasing ourselves, so that he despairs to the point where he must either kill himself

Did you miss the part where this is exactly what already happened?

>> No.2739407

If you're going to be that loose with it, you can make the Bible say *anything*.

>> No.2739408

Iron chariots are supposed to be super effective.

>> No.2739411

It was called the Flood.

>> No.2739416

Yeah, physical beings with superpowers waging war against eachother in ancient times. While I can't say I will ever believe it to be true, I can say that this way of thinking is much cooler and entertaining than the normal boring way of thinking about it.

>> No.2739423

use the subtle knife

>> No.2739425


Which hell foo? Which fairy tale are you talking about? Greek mythology? Christian mythology? Hindu mythology?


>> No.2739430
File: 34 KB, 514x170, 1298753432121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2739447

The god that caused the flood is the water god. Everyone knows the water god is lame. Wake me up when the electricity god arrives.

Oh, wait.

>> No.2739817

What the fuck, our Janitors here suck ass. They'll clean up threads that are about the moon's closeness and how it affects earth (by starting out with a faulty premise, just like every other thread on /sci/) but they won't ban the dickhead who made this thread?

Mods != gods
Janitors for /sci/ are retarded.

>> No.2739846
File: 56 KB, 720x405, 164171_190837897595914_100000091168546_736941_5911812_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dsfe g

>> No.2739869

God is already dead though.

>> No.2739881
File: 75 KB, 640x866, eva01ld4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giant robots piloted by mentally deranged children.

>> No.2739893

Wasn't Satan apparently sent to hell to be punished just like everyone else that gets sent there?

>> No.2739894


>clone "angel" hybrids covered in armor/restraints to look like robots

>> No.2741902
File: 88 KB, 733x347, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is an IDEA, Mr Creedy.

And ideas are bulletproof.

>> No.2741912


That passage doesn't quite make sense. How would building a tower give the people god-like powers (as the narrative seems to imply)?

>> No.2741915

The Jews thought that Heaven was literally in the sky, above the clouds. As in, you could steal God-tech if you got up there. Think Prometheus.

>> No.2741920


I don't know exactly, although it seems to imply that God scattered them because they as mortal men couldn't handle being their own gods.

Disclaimer: I'm an agnosticfag, so I have no personal bias here

>> No.2741937

The agnostic/atheist divide is entirely artificial. Don't pretend you're in some zen state just because you're afraid of being associated with angsty teens.

>> No.2741938




>> No.2741945

a god lives and dies with his believers

>> No.2741946


Atheists are too rude and classless for my taste and it smacks too much of being a belief, so I don't subscribe to it.

>> No.2741953

So you admit that there is no question about theology on which you and an atheist would have differing opinions?

Well, have fun buying into religious people's propaganda about the word "atheism". I'm sure they'll reciprocate by letting you have some crumbs from the table.

>> No.2741961

>Atheists are too rude and classless for my taste


>and it smacks too much of being a belief


>> No.2741966

The narrative does not imply that. You failed to read it.

"United as they are, they can achieve anything."

Reading comprehension, get it. Also, we need to get organized.

>> No.2741972


>So you admit that there is no question about theology on which you and an atheist would have differing opinions?

There are differences. You say "There is no god." I say "How do you know that? There are many religious beliefs, any one of which could be correct."

>> No.2741979

You choose what philosophies to accept/follow based on how other people perceive them?

jesus fucking christ you are one hell of a shallow motherfucker

>> No.2741982

If you said "there are no unicorns", would you think it fair for me to respond in that way? My conclusion in only tentative based on lack of evidence. It's the sort of conclusion you're allowed to have in every field EXCEPT religion.

You're buying into religious exceptionalism.

>> No.2741987

Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden because God was worried that if they ate the Fruit of Life, they would attain immortality and become like him. All we need to do is figure out how to defeat an angel with a magic fire sword, and we'll be able to break back in, eat the Fruit of Life, and become powerful enough to defeat God.

>> No.2742011


I have no doubt you are already on your way. A black mass with an abortive sacrifice should be asy enough to accomplish, and when the flames of Hell are licking your prostate gland you'll know you failed.

"My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism." KARL MARX

>> No.2742013


If there's a Hell, Moot is sure going there for making us suffer with his shitty, crashing servers.

Anyway, to address your point, religion and unicorns are not one and the same. People don't build whole civilizations around unicorns. People don't write holy books about unicorns. People don't have rituals surrounding unicorns. People don't fight wars over unicorns.

Maybe if people believed unicorns to be a deity, then your argument would be valid. My point is that one of the many religions in the world is probably correct, but since there's no way to know which one, I do not identify with any of them.

>> No.2742019


>You choose what philosophies to accept/follow based on how other people perceive them?

I don't need Christians to tell me that atheists have no class and act like a religion in of themselves. All I have to do is read any religion thread on 4chan. I don't wish to identify with people who make a sport of attacking others' deep-seated beliefs. I may not agree with them, but I feel it's not my place to pass judgement on them.

>> No.2742023


See >>2741920

The implication being that imperfect men could not handle god-like powers responsibly.

>> No.2742026


Your Lucifer jpeg is incorrect. First of all, Satan is BLACK, the darkest of dark black. Pure black.

NOT RED. Even though you commies are pinkoes and reds, and satanic.

So at the very least, get the pic correct next time, won't you, instead of showing your ignorance.

>> No.2742032


Agree with ya. Not going to state what my beliefs are, but I'll point out that you can go to many Christian websites and rarely hear atheists mentioned, but every last atheist site is nonstop "CHRISTIANS SUCK ASS!" Seems like they're very, very insecure about their beliefs if they always need to attack others.

>> No.2742034


>> No.2742044


We know WHY. All of them without exception say " You are an idiot to believe in an imaginary being in the sky."
Then they go on their activism rant about religion causing all wars and strife, and add in their morphed Christopher Hitchens quotes, darwinistic misinterpretations, and claim they have perfect logic and use it...

I'd just like to know how many of them are useful idiots.

"My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism." KARL MARX

I've met a few atheists who are Libertarians and display a solid logic, but the vast majority who claim to be thus are ankle biting smart mouthed bratty punks. Indeed they likely drive the religious further into their beliefs by their obtuse displays of misbehavior, confirming believer's convictions of their Hellbound status so to speak.

>> No.2742056

>you can go to many Christian websites and rarely hear atheists mentioned
Well go there then and take your silly beliefs there with you.
Crackpots get mocked here live with it or GTFO.

>> No.2742062


>Then they go on their activism rant about religion causing all wars and strife, and add in their morphed Christopher Hitchens quotes, darwinistic misinterpretations, and claim they have perfect logic and use it...

Ad-hominem attacks and strawmen != logic.

>I've met a few atheists who are Libertarians and display a solid logic

I'd beg to differ on "logic", but I suppose those are the kind who would like to believe in God but can't because of suffering in the world or whatever. I don't really have any issues with them.

>but the vast majority who claim to be thus are ankle biting smart mouthed bratty punks.

Right. They invent a bizarre strawman god and demand that Christians prove its existence.

>Indeed they likely drive the religious further into their beliefs by their obtuse displays of misbehavior

There was some famous Soviet propagandist who said that "Religion is like a nail. The harder you hit it, the deeper you drive it in."

>> No.2742085


>Crackpots get mocked here live with it or GTFO.

Funny, I didn't know this was richarddawkins.net. This is supposed to be a science board, and what that has to do with atheism I have absolutely no idea.

>> No.2742098


The athiest faggots and left wing lunatics claim they are scientific because they don't believe in an imaginary fake being... then they go on raging about evolution vs religious teaching in science classes in their liberal national public school systems....

So, for the wacked out left wing activist athiests, it has everything to do with science, and their whole belief system, attacking activistic jabbing screeches, and all.

>> No.2742112


If you were really a man of science, the proper thing to do would be to become an agnostic or a pantheist.

BTW, I would like to remind you that Dawkins is a biologist by training, but unfortunately history won't remember him for his work in that field, only his pathetic attempts to demolish Christians.

>> No.2742118


Pathetics? he made christians more butthurt than anyone

>> No.2742126

And /sci/Anon said.
Bring forth to me your nut jobs, crackpots, and those with silly unfounded beliefs that we may mock them and receive joy from their tears.

>> No.2742127


>Pathetics? he made christians more butthurt than anyone

He didn't make me butthurt one bit. I just find it comical that he had to turn atheism into a religion (which it's not supposed to be) with himself as its prophet in order to attract followers.

>> No.2742128

all religions are man-made
you are irrational for believing
you fuck

>> No.2742131


Mocking others' beliefs isn't science; it's childish behavior that most people over the age of about 15 abandon.

>> No.2742133


if he didn't you wouldnt even refer to him

>> No.2742138


I'm not the same guy who originally brought him up.

>> No.2742146


Didn't someone in this thread say that atheism is a belief in of itself?

>> No.2742152

Childish behavior?
On 4chan!

>> No.2742159

You are a maltheist. This is not your board.

>> No.2742160


But not just here, on any atheist website. I am not an atheist because I do not derive emotional pleasure from attacking others' beliefs.

>> No.2742163

It is scientific to mock people with childish beliefs, in the hopes of making them lose these childish beliefs.

Because doing so would make them better scientists and less prone to dismissing evidence.

>> No.2742169

>>2742062 gee he was right im such an ass

Yes, and the evidence mounts: " all religions are man-made
you are irrational for believing
you fuck"
" >worship me or I'll burn you"

" you are all dumbasses for believing in religion.

pic related."


LMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2742172


>It is scientific to mock people with childish beliefs, in the hopes of making them lose these childish beliefs.

Ah see, that's the problem. Christians are too nice and can't get down and dirty, which is what you'd need to do to rid people of childish beliefs like atheofascism.

>> No.2742176

Please learn the meaning of "ad hominem" before you make a fool of yourself on the internet next time.

>> No.2742177


Lay off the weed.

>> No.2742180
File: 188 KB, 1260x452, 4chan - solving the problems of socialism-communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, see, that's the problem.

Pic related.

>> No.2742183




There is still a big, big fucking problem....

>> No.2742191

I don't see how that discredits anything he said or invalidates any of his works.

>> No.2742200


Evolution is a FACT - the only thing we are discussing (scientists) is the method in which creatures evolve. As in Natural Selection or another theory may arise that can shed light on the question in a may elegant form.

The only thing that video demonstrates is that certain elements of the theory are still debated.

>> No.2742214



You don't speak for scientists, the scientific community, nor your supposed consensus any more than Al Gore did before the AGW LIARS e-mails broke free from their hidden grant money procurement vault, you silly little bitch.

>> No.2742218



>> No.2742222

Do you mind telling me how old you are?

>> No.2742233
File: 902 KB, 280x170, G T F O.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2742242






>> No.2742245

I've seen that video before. Again, how old are you?

>> No.2742246

Almost 16 faggot!

>> No.2742248



>> No.2742249

Age please.

>> No.2742250


And I'm Albert fucking Einstien

My money is on 13

>> No.2742288


You spelled his last name wrong FUCK FOR BRAINS !

>> No.2742347



>> No.2742650
File: 4 KB, 300x57, Sciences-ISOpe.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could just ignore him until he goes away.

>> No.2743290

The traditional way to defeat God is with iron chariots or crosses. I suppose cars and tanks count as iron chariots.