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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2734479 No.2734479 [Reply] [Original]

Please use science to explain to me how I can become bi-winning

>> No.2734502

You'd have to be a total fricken rockstar from mars

>> No.2734512

Well first you have to win over here. And then you have to go win over there.

Now you're biwinning.

>> No.2734533

Also, acquire some tiger blood.

>> No.2734541

By banging 7 gram rocks into your bloodstream. Your bloodstream mainly being composed of tiger's red blood cells will react forming 2 identical forms of you. You are directly entangled but contrary to the homonimous quantum state when one wins both win. So all you have to do is win once.

>> No.2734553

The real key is to get some fastballs. No matter how bad shit gets throw a few fastballs and you'll be winning

>> No.2734567

Well, something which is necessary, but not sufficient, is the genetic component. You need both tiger blood and Adonis DNA. Start from there.