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2734100 No.2734100 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say I make up a story, then find different terms to categorize different levels of believing this fictional story I just made up. If you didn't believe, would you walk around proclaiming that you are this new word which would be a synonym for a non-believer?

This is why all atheist are as stupid as religious people for defining themselves as compared to believers. Agostic is also included in this argument.

This also forces different wars because you're either ''for'' or ''against'' instead of just not even considering these stupid stories.

>> No.2734106

Don't persecute mai religion, bro.

>> No.2734122

Because religion has to do also with the explanation of how the world was created, how we reached a point to exist on this world, who we are, what happens after we die if something happens etc and those are things that everybody is concerned about. So since religion has theories that explain such things, either you agree with them and you are a believer or you don't and you are a believer again into something else but an atheist since the existence of god doesn't explain these for you.

>> No.2734137


The explanations are obsolete, have been for a while but nice try bro (all the ratifications of the bible stories the popes did to make it more credible didn't work.

>> No.2734161

I didn't say that the explanations are proved or whatnot. I believe I said "theories". And we cannot ignore that a large amount of people believe in them. If that is because of ignorance or lack of education doesn't really matter. What matters is that the answer to the question why not ignore these theories completely is because you have to believe in something and if you do that you have to disregard something else. Thus, if you don't believe in religion you become a non-believer BUT only to that system of believes. You are still a believer to something else though.

>> No.2734163

If religion wasn't so prominent, I'd completely agree with you, OP.

The problem lies with the believers, not the non-believers. When religion dies (and I doubt it ever truly will) atheism will die along with it.

>> No.2734171
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>> No.2734183

Agreed. The best self-description is "not religious." And there's no need to bring it up unless asked.

But science this ain't.

>> No.2734193


I wasn't raised in a religious context. I have never consider religion as a part of my realited, hence I have never ''stopped believing'' in religion. I should not be in a category described as ''non-believing'', I am just a rational being.

And you keep derailing what I am saying, what is up with you?

>> No.2734200


Where besides /b/ then? I went everywhere and everone sends me someplace else, screw it religion is a pseudo-science, therefore it can be discussed here.

>> No.2734218

Does it matter how you grew up with? Religion is older than you. It exist before you exist. There is no chance you never heard of religion even if you live in a tribe in some isolated corner of the world. Just because you never stopped believing in it because you never started doesn't mean that this doesn't make you a non-believer. Also, nobody's forcing you to categorize yourself. You came up with such a question.

I believe I stick to the point, answering the question and just that.

>> No.2734243


Oh so because OTHER people come up with a concept of reality, I become IN or OUT of this conception, instead of just having beliefs and opinions on subjects without creating ''teams'' like this.

Especially since the word Atheist is either seen as ''good'' or ''bad'', it isn't impartial to the subject at hand.

>> No.2734255
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>capitalizes atheist

>> No.2734261

So if someone asks you if you are an atheist for not believing in god, what would you say? How would you define yourself?

>> No.2734265


Yeah it's like Communism or Diplomat

>> No.2734272

See, you already know where the garbage belongs. You're just refusing to put it there.

>> No.2734273
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>capitalizes communist and diplomat

>> No.2734274


I'd say I don't believe in a god, that's it, I wouldn't make a fuss, but I wouldn't agree with being categorized as atheist

>> No.2734297


Bumps too fast

>> No.2734300

But that is what atheist means. It is originally a Greek world and means he who has no god. In English, someone that doesn't believe in god or someone that believes that no deities exist. I don't know why you get obsessed with the word if you actually agree with its meaning.

>> No.2734311

The names are retarded, but that's the only way that I can communicate to religious dumbasses.

I often identify myself as an agnostic aleprechaunist when I am in a debate....


>> No.2734321

The Quran say no such thing. Please move long.

>> No.2734325


Name any Christians who execute their daughter for not being a virgin.

>> No.2734335


I don't agree with the meaning that's the thing. The ''invented story'' in my OP is not the bible, it's the creation of a god in the first place. I just tell people that I don't believe in god because it would be too long in a casual conversation to explain my point. (And you seem like a philosifag, it's not because the Greeks think of something or have a certain language structure that they are all knowing and we should still take their example after thousand of years)

God is a fictional story, I will not call myself a Mudblood for not believing in Harry Potter.

>> No.2734342
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Fuck this thread.

>> No.2734345

You sound like the type of retarded chimps that take pride in using silly, unintellectual, and overused arguments against theists to sound smart.

How's it feel being just slightly better than mediocre?

>> No.2734353
File: 60 KB, 550x375, retard (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks anon worships the greek philosophers because he briefly mentioned the etymology of the word "atheist"
>sounds like he has absolutely no idea what philosophy is about while he's at it

>> No.2734357

Cannot be bothered to read the whole thread but to the OP -

Atheism doesn't necessarily have anything to do with religion. That every common religion features a deity is nothing short of happenstance. Atheism means the lack of a belief in a deity. Hence, it's perfectly possible to be a religious atheist, if you follow a religion that does not feature a deity.

Agnosticism is a term made up for people who want to sit on the fence and not get embroiled in pointless arguments.

Whatever illiterate point you're trying to make is completely unfounded and irrelevant to any discussion worthy of any value whatsoever.

>> No.2734372

I get your point. In the times we live now you can simply ignore it. I might be wrong, but I believe that the first people that claimed that god doesn't exist, not that they are not followers of a god were the ancient Greeks. Everything was back then explained by the existence of gods. It was a huge step forward to say that something like that didn't even exist and that's how the word was invented. We use it since then but I believe there could be the possibility that we discard it completely now that some people take for granted that there is no god.

>> No.2734378


I didn't say it was a philosophical statement, I said you spoke like a philosofag (because I know a lot of these types of people).

You also seem like the kind of person who uses so many argumentative fallacies that you must lose every argument, yet you think you've won every last one of them.

>> No.2734387

well though, he was partially true...

>> No.2734389

What's silly is language itself is a popular convention shared by a culture. Because religion exists, a word must exist for non-religious people.

Your Harry Potter example is retarded, because there aren't enough Harry Potterians to warrant a need for the term mudblood (think you're looking for muggle, btw). The reality of religion is COMPLETELY FUCKING IRRELEVANT -- all that matters is enough people believe to make a distinction between religious and nonreligious people necessary.

>> No.2734401

and that wasn't me who mentioned the Greeks. Anyway, I am done with this thread because I do believe I answered the question in any possible way and I have nothing else to state.

>> No.2734407

having reasonable conversation about the differences
>males start out as female in the womb
>some guy NO woman come from men like in the bible
>You're right they're McRib sandwhiches *chuckle*
>SEE I knew it was true

god damnit humanity

>> No.2734413

I'm not that guy, just someone tired of shitty delusional math undergrads.

Also, I never said you thought that comment was a philosophical statement -- philosophers for the most part don't worship the ancient Greeks, other than a passing admiration for an ancient but intellectually advanced and rational culture. Your comment makes it sound like the only people you've ever been in contact with are hipsters that like to quote Aristotle to sound intelligent.

>> No.2734418


Riiiiight. There isn't much of an argument going on >.>.....

You believe in telepathy, zombies, giants, talking animals, an invisible cosmic alien, a magical apple of knowledge, curses, fairies, etc.

I just slowly inch away from your crazy motherfucking ass....

>> No.2734421


Yes for your last statement, I know a lot of philosophical hipsters, but people who study in philosophy also have more of a grasp on ancient greek culture (politifags and historifags too)

>> No.2734432
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>thinks I'm a thiest because I called him on his vapid "aeleprechaun" comment

>> No.2734441


Oh so you're al knowing and once you've answered, every possible opinion has been said? Screw you

>> No.2734447
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>> No.2734454


If you want a logical conversation, it's also quite simple:

Burden of proof has not been fulfilled.

Tada! The end dumbass.

>> No.2734469
File: 34 KB, 500x429, atheist_chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herpy derpy do

>> No.2734470


Atheism: Creating a ridiculous, cartoon-like strawman god that no sane person believes in, and then demand that Christians prove its existence.

I think you'll find Christians in total agreement with you that the atheist strawman god doesn't exist.

>> No.2734477

Explain how the supernatural can coincide with the natural.

For that matter, prove that God can do anything whatsoever.

>> No.2734481
File: 59 KB, 600x716, carl_jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when angsty teen believe 'religion' is nothing more than a brainwashing institution and not something thats metaphysical a basic discovery into the subconscious.

>> No.2734487

>my face when that makes no sense

>my face when faces are in short supply and I cannot afford one

>> No.2734501
File: 62 KB, 325x361, mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw i see religion threads
>mfw idiots like you want to defend religion in any sense.

>> No.2734510
File: 13 KB, 278x185, implying trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. whole motherfucking. thread.
>mfw /sci/ lurkers are supposed to be intelligent, but spend their time arguing about a God who's existence cannot be proven or disproven

>> No.2734509
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>Explain how the supernatural can coincide with the natural.

The supernatural (IMO anyway) is on a different and higher dimension of existence than the physical world.

>For that matter, prove that God can do anything whatsoever.

Look around you. It's called the universe and God made all of it.

>> No.2734514
File: 3 KB, 120x126, mfw (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw anon abuses the word "metaphysical"

>> No.2734521
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>> No.2734524


I've talked to hundreds of Christians. They all have different versions of God. If you read the damn Bible, you would find the crazy God.

If you, however, want to stick with a definition that is so broad that it doesn't pertain to reality, go for it. If your God is the "universe" or whatever, you are really just renaming something that already has a name.

>> No.2734534

>mfw you're a cheap bastard

>> No.2734569


Ah, but even in the OT God displays incredible patience and restraint with the Israelites. Over and over again he gives them a chance to behave and they don't listen.

>> No.2734573

Too bad he didn't give that chance to the toddlers and infants of Jericho.

>> No.2734603


If you've had any experience reading the old testament or having these religious conversations, I think you would have run into 2 kings 2. What do you think of that passage?

"23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. 25 And he went on to Mount Carmel and from there returned to Samaria."

Nom, nom, nom....bears are hungry....

>> No.2734617

>>2734603I have faith that God had a purpose in teaching those youth. We may not always understand why things happen, but there is always a reason. God doesn't answer to human reason.

>> No.2734717


And thus there is no way that you can claim to know his will.

Perhaps he wanted us to use our critical thinking skills and realize that the Bible was written by man like all of the other thousands of religions man has also created.


>> No.2734719


By the way, my morality is far superior to your morality if your morality justifies murdering children using 2 she bears....

>> No.2734741


Really, killing/enslaving the entire population of cities was normal in warfare at that time. Human rights didn't exist then.

Aside from that, the capture of Jericho may have not really happened since archaeological evidence indicates that the site was uninhabited around the time the Israelites were invading Palestine.

>> No.2734761
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BTW, this medieval painting of Jericho is pretty comical. I don't think ancient Palestinian towns had buildings like that...

>> No.2735934

This is true, atheists need not and shouldn't concern themselves with what others want to believe. People can decide for themselves, from their own experiences and knowledge, if they want to be atheist or not.

>> No.2735946


I dont concern myself with peoples belief in the name of Atheism. Im concerned that people believe inaccurate teachings. It would be equally disturbing if people were still being taught the earth was flat. Why is it acceptable for people to live in a deluded fairy tale? Facts are fucking facts and they dont change because you dont like them. Accept the facts and deal with it, The world doesnt smell like roses everyday just to make you chipper.

>> No.2736109

Seriously? The janitor deletes a perfectly good thread about the science of morality, and this sub-/b/ troll is still up? Fuck you janitor, fuck you.