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File: 42 KB, 400x370, de_rothschild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2728717 No.2728717 [Reply] [Original]

bow to your trillionaire overlords.

>> No.2728824

What about all the billionaires holding their GOP lapdogs leash?

Plutocracy has little to do with your antisemitism. True the Israeli lobby holds huge sway in DC, but so does the NRA.
And now the faceless king of them all: The US Chamber of Commerce. Whose members can dump as much money as they like any candidate or cause, election year or not. Our "overlords" are rich people. And Aware of it or not, they're pushing the US into a Dickensian slump we may never recover from. Wake up stormfag. and stop posting these damn things in /sci/

>> No.2728859

>billionaires holding their GOP lapdogs leash

oh gawd not you too

>> No.2728882

Of course. You have to recognize that the same is true of the Democratic party. Anyone else read about the shit Obama and crew are doing now - authorizing federal wiretaps for just copyright infringement? I have mixed feelings about criminalizing what used to be a civil affair and bringing down such governmental force to bear.

Also not /sci/ related.

>> No.2729422

True enough. But there is a difference in some Democrats. Its just now, after the "Citizens United" case, there is going to be even less difference.

We have to socialize the democratic process and break the lobbyists grip on our world


>> No.2729424
File: 49 KB, 560x319, 3213123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2729442

If they are so powerful when are they going to take all Bill Gate's money?

>> No.2729764
File: 33 KB, 485x392, troy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rothschilds?

The rich in general aren't after Gate's money because they have ours already.

>> No.2729824

>my face when they arey only powerful because a bunch of ones and zeros say that they have tons of stacks of papers which say that they have gold somewhere possibly

isn't life so strange sometimes, when you really think about it?

>> No.2729841

The Rothschilds in general is too broad a term. There's many, many people in the House of Rothschild. You'll have to be more specific with WHICH Richschilds. They are not a collective hivemind.

>> No.2729850

>They are not a collective hivemind.

>Implying they are not a collective hivemind.

>> No.2729855

Go back to >>>/x/

>> No.2729887


I wonder if there are any non-evil Rothschilds?

>> No.2729897

Undoubtedly. The Rothschilds span 40-50 patriarchs/matriarchs alone. The Rothschild family is huge. Statistically, quite a few can't be evil. Indoctrination can only go so far, even in the high class world...

>> No.2729962
File: 85 KB, 355x450, Jay_Rockefeller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only including the rich in general. I scoff at the OPs stormfaggery.
I believe I saw that name in a one of those progressive magazine (Perhaps even The Progressive)

>> No.2730026

Not every rich person is an evil bastard. There's good ones, and bad ones, just like you and me.

>> No.2730040


Well yeah, I know. Bill Gates seems to be a pretty decent guy, as well as Boone. The rest, I dunno.

>> No.2730057


>implying Bill Gates isn't a member of the Bilderberg group, all of whom are busy plotting world domination

>> No.2730064

See the book "Snakes In Suites". A surprisingly large number of fortune 500 CEOs are sociopaths, to use the clinical term. Sure, some are good and evil, just like us, but a lot more of them are evil than the average joe.

>> No.2730085


What's so evil about this?

>> No.2730106


Any examples?

>> No.2730111

I haven't read it yet, sadly. I half expect that they wouldn't quote actual names. Something about getting sued probably.

>> No.2730137

"Sociopath" is a term that gets thrown around a lot and it is a term that refers to a set of behaviours, not a specific cause.

>> No.2731753


>> No.2731917

>OPs stormfaggery

what? the fact that they are jews is irrelevant lol

sounds like you're the stormfugory