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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 144 KB, 375x500, nakedsleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2727634 No.2727634 [Reply] [Original]

question: are there any cons to sleep naked?

is it possible that a spider will bite my penis/nuts or crawl into my rectum for a feast?

>> No.2727720

i thought /sci/ was supposed to be full of scientists.

>> No.2727730

If someone breaks in you'd be confronting them with your tackle out.
Or if you need to piss at night or in the morning you'd have to get dressed first if there's anyone in the house you'd rather not show your junk.

>> No.2727736

i'm guessing you live out in the forest in filthy surroundings. so yes. Don't sleep naked.

>> No.2727737

Yes it's possible, but it can still bite it with your clothes on. Do you think a magical forcefield exists around you otherwise? As for the second, no.

The only major problem with sleeping naked is saggy breasts for women.

>> No.2727738

Spiders feeding on your rectum is known to build up resistance to HIV.

>> No.2727741

That picture...

Someone pass me the eye bleach.

>> No.2727744

>If someone breaks in you'd be confronting them with your tackle out.
They'll be too intimidated by the size of your manhood / laughing too hard at the size of your manhood to effectively fight you. Win.

>> No.2727748

If it's cold, you'll have to use more blankets.

>> No.2727755

Depends on how much of a homo they are.

>> No.2727762

well i sleep with my door locked just to make it a bit more rough for intruders. not too worried about that or having to get dressed to pee. because i urinate in bottles anyway.

i live in Los Angeles

but doesn't it make it more of a challenge for the spiders?

are you serious? thanks dude.

>> No.2727787

my gf and i fell asleep naked in each others arms the other night. When I woke up I nudged her a little bit until she woke up and then we had sex. Highly recommended
I detected no spider bites the following morning, but hey you can't be sure until a host of baby spiders bursts from your rectum

>> No.2727796

dat cellulite

>> No.2729294
File: 49 KB, 560x319, er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2729304

LOL'D so hard. Thanks for the visual of a spider chomping on your nutsack.

>> No.2729307


You have your answer, I want moar of that ass.

>> No.2729308

As long as your head is above the blanket, you are more at risk of eating a spider/having one crawl into your ear than you are your rectum.

There are probably no cons to sleeping naked.

>> No.2729317

testicular torsion

>> No.2729323

>crawl into my rectum for a feast

this statement caused the projection of beverage from my mouth

>> No.2729335

Females do not get saggy boobs from sleeping naked. Females get saggy boobs from genetics, or from having large boobs. It is something about which nothing can be done.

>> No.2729351

inb4 science to the rescue

>> No.2729357
File: 107 KB, 245x256, reaction pleased boy burichan reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it possible that a spider will bite my penis/nuts or crawl into my rectum for a feast?

>crawl into my rectum for a feast?

My dear lad, spiders are carnivorous insect-eaters. The only thing a spider would be doing inside your rectum is dying.

>> No.2729358


Females get saggy boobs because of gravity. They're constantly accelerating towards the ground and unless something is done about it eventually they will tear off.

>> No.2729359

>is it possible that a spider will bite my penis/nuts or crawl into my rectum for a feast?

I'm amused that you think your bedclothes would prevent a spider from reaching and crawling into your rectum if it wanted to.

>> No.2729361

Or building a cavernous web system.

>> No.2729364

the real question is, would a spider *want* to crawl in one's rectum for a feast?