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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 257 KB, 904x1000, choclate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2725170 No.2725170 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to settle this religious debate right here and now. /sci/ has no Mod, nor has Mod sent down any janitors to watch over us. It's all fairy tails passed

Proof: If there was a benevolent Mod, then why do bad threads happen to good posters? CHECKMATE!

>> No.2725176

Well the problem here is that you're forgetting the INCOMPETENCE variable, the epicurean paradox doesn't really work if you replace Omnipotence with Incompetence.

>> No.2725175

So, what? Do you think this board, with all it's complexities, just POOFED into existence out of the emptiness of the tubes?

>> No.2725178

Bad threads are here to TEST YOUR FAITH.


>> No.2725183

Face it! You only believe in Mod because oldfags brainwashed you as a newfag!

>> No.2725186

moot gave us free will

it's up to us to make good threads

>> No.2725189

Am I the only one smelling a lot of samefag in here?

>> No.2725193

Mod exists. It says so in the Rules.

>> No.2725195

Faggotry is merely the absence of Mod. We still have free will. It is up to us to accept Mod's win into our hearts.

An imperfect Mod would not be Mod. How could such an elaborate place such as /sci/ be created by anything that is less than perfect?

>> No.2725197
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The use of capitalization is indeed intrigueing

>> No.2725198

Circular argument much? How do you know that the "Rules" are the unadulterated word of this so-called "Mod"? It says so in the rules

>> No.2725200

yes, you are the only one
I can't believe there in a mod anymore, how could he do this to us?

>> No.2725205
File: 32 KB, 400x284, 1295059796831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lawl u mad bro? u jelly? haters gonna hat

>> No.2725208

Well, then who wrote the Rules?! It could have been some trolling goat farmers for all we know! Show me EVIDENCE!

>> No.2725211
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1298233953857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm agnostic about mods. They might exist but I have my doubts. inb4 someone attributes a random accidental ban as being intelligently designed.

>> No.2725214 [DELETED] 
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God has passed the word unto us. It says so in the holy rules.

>> No.2725220
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Mod has passed the word unto us. It says so in the holy rules.

>> No.2725226
File: 92 KB, 629x433, 1270359593616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If mod is real, why am I not b&?


>> No.2725229

I used to believe in mod, but then my loved thread 404d. If there really was mod, he would NEVER let that thread die..

>> No.2725230

It's fence sitters like you that keep these fairytales alive. Why can't you just wake up and smell the coffee? There is no evidence for any sort of mod, therefore mods do not exist for all practical purposes.

>> No.2725231

Nobody has actually seen a real ban, the only account we have of actual bans are in the revered Rules.

>> No.2725238

It's our own mortality that makes posting worthwhile.

>> No.2725244

Have you not heard the good news?
If you lurk and post devoutly, and rightly thou shalt at the moment of the 404 be rewarded with everlasting threads!

>> No.2725248
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Requesting rule 34 on Mod.

>> No.2725250

It happens all the time. You are just too blind to find it. For example my father's friend's neighbor's son once saw a ban. I also read a post about blood coming from a picture of moot.

moot failed for our sins! Accept Mod before it is too late!

>> No.2725256

I believe in Mod and His Son Janitor, who died for our rule violations. I also believe Janitor was raised from the dead after three days. I pray to Janitor and Mod every day and they bless me with boards that always stick to the rules and are sfw. I even believe in the creator, moot. I'm sure you'll all make fun of me for my faith but when I die and go to irc to live with Mod, Janitor and moot, you'll all be burning in /b/.

>> No.2725258

I used the proper spelling of the word "ni99er" and was banned.

>> No.2725260

There is no Archive and there is no B&. If there were, I'd much rather live with the fun luving B& than the Rule thumpers that get into Archive.

>> No.2725265

Absence of proof isn't proof of absence!

Just because we can't see Mod or prove that Mod exist doesn't mean there is no Mod.

>> No.2725274

But if the existence of Mod cannot be proven or disproven, it means Mod has no tangible effect on /sci/tard existence, and is thus an ephemeral and pointless concept.

>> No.2725282

Show me proof of Nicholas Cage's acting talent! You can't! And yet we all know Nicholas Cage can't act. Without evidence or a theoretical basis the existance of an concept is by default negative. Show me how the patterns of /sci/ all line up in such a way to require Mod, else I'm sticking with the Null Hypothesis. I'm sticking with SCIENCE!

>> No.2725281
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I reported this thread. We'll see if Mod is real or not.

>> No.2725289
File: 27 KB, 400x300, A8F7107A1C7FF1CD1CDD842AE4C6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicolas Cage holding his Oscar for Best Actor.

>> No.2725290

Do not anger Mod. When Mod gets angry he irradiates Weaboos. He is a vengeful Mod.

>> No.2725314

If Mod created this board, then who created Mod??

>> No.2725321

We all know the myth. If you find Nicholas Cage's Oscar at the end of the rainbow he will grant you a wish. Why you thought anyone would be trolled by your supposed belief in Nicholas Cage's acting talent is beyond me. Protip - try and be more subtle next time you troll.

>> No.2725322


>> No.2725323

text goes in, latex comes out. never a miscommunication. how do you explain that?

>> No.2725333
File: 80 KB, 627x441, ATHIESTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give myself an expected ban length of 3 millionths of a day.

Atheists have an infinite expected time in hell.

Pascal motherfucker.

>> No.2725331


>> No.2725329

Mod is the alpha and the omega. He is the uncaused causer. Mod is.

>> No.2725335

I believe there were earlier websites and earlier mods that existed before these ones did.

>> No.2725338

Mod is page 0 and page 41. Mod is the uncancered cancer. Mod is.

>> No.2725348

Take your "moot" back to the middle east. Around these parts we worship Mod. And don't try and tell me they are the same thing. Everybody knows moot is just another name for a Moon worship. Just look at the similarities between the two words!

>> No.2725352


Instead of wasting your time reporting (there's no one there to read it!), why don't you do something useful, like sage?

>> No.2725354

You can't explain that.

>> No.2725355

You dare blaspheme moot? You are the great evil one, the W.T. Snacks. I will blow up your post even if it destroys mine for I know that when I die in the name of moot I will be given many stickies in the after life.

>> No.2725360
File: 52 KB, 500x336, oh u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Mod isn't a corruption of the much older worship of Moderator
>implying Mod worship itself doesn't derive most of its traditions from both moot and Moderator culture.

>> No.2725362

See! moot worshipers are the agents of W.T. Snacks! We should nuke'm all!

Remember the World Trade Server!

>> No.2725367

>W.T. Snacks
>World Trade Server


>> No.2725372

You can't explain that.

>> No.2725382

Take that intellectual liberal nonsense back to /b/.

>> No.2725398

If all of this just poofed into existence how do you explain the archives of /r9k/ /new/ and other extinct boards?

creationfag status

[ ]Told
[ ] Not told
[x] No Country for Told Men

>> No.2725401
File: 57 KB, 315x319, Sandwich Board2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at all the faggotry and fails around the board. The apocalypse is coming. These are the final days of sci, predicted long ago by the ancient anons! But dont be afraid. Repent, and all your threads shall be Archived and forever stickied by the mighty moot! All your bans will be cleaned!

>> No.2725411

Those leftists piss me off so much some times. They are always trying to spread lies and down talk everyone on the right side of 4chan. Just spend 5 minutes watching MSN/b/C. So many lies, spouting slander against Mod. This is why Fo/x/ News and /rs/ Limbaugh are so popular. 4chan is sick of the left controlling the media! The far right are taking the website back!

>> No.2725443

We must archive this struggle for future generations, to prevent them from growing up in a Modless world.

>> No.2725448

I've already submitted a request fellow soldier of Mod.

>> No.2725473


May our prayers be answered!

>> No.2725491


I'm helping out just to see the idiocy of you two nutjobs immortalized for future generations. Just wait until the Large Hardon Collider proves there is no Mod!

>> No.2725488

It's been predicted that Mod will return. When he gets back all you faggots will be banned. Then /sci will be a paradise.

>> No.2725494

>ITT: fags don't know about green oval

>> No.2725503

You probably also believe the boards took millions of bytes to code.

>> No.2725530
File: 146 KB, 496x384, sagan_face_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sagan didn't believe in Mod. Should you?

>> No.2725542
File: 60 KB, 481x358, sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't it strike anybody as a bit ironic that such a homophobic institution spends so much time professing undying love for a fiercely masculine Mod?

>> No.2725560


>> No.2725562


The purpose of the collider is to determine what are the pixels that make up our world made of and why do they have the bluish color. But EVERYTHING, even the pixels and reply boxes, was created by moot. Your futile attempt at disproving the moot will fail.

>> No.2725574
File: 75 KB, 500x334, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, mootfags?

>> No.2725588
File: 200 KB, 600x600, 4de09a1cdd20ac83f81fc9752629e965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like that. mods are here, but they doesn't act. they act whenever they feel it's necessary, but we also have a role down here to play.

not thinking about "what mods think" but just act like if we don't need them.

it is believed these anon boards aren't flooded with cp and guro that would prove the existence of active mods. but who knows...

>> No.2725593

Once we figure everything out, once we understand everything from what makes pixels work and the structure of the tubes, /sci/kind will realize that this board is so elegant that it doesn't need a creator, and especially not a Mod who supposedly just pounds his pudgy ape fingers into a keyboard and voila, /sci/!

>> No.2725601

I believe Mod exists and that he created this board;, but I do not believe he affects our daily lives. He is a detached Mod.

>> No.2725609

moota makbar.
Infidels, your time is limited.

>> No.2725613

>capitalizes Mod
>implies he is rational
lol no

>> No.2725648

The Rules say it, I believe it, and that settles it

>> No.2725896

Isn't it obvious that Mod exists? Think about it. Every get is a modget. If the very existence of gets proves the existence of Mod.

>> No.2726034

I refuse to believe in mod unless he appears to us! Show us a sign!

>> No.2726294

If mod exists, then why does his existance influence us so little?
If there really was a all powerful mod, then why do we have so many bad posts and posters.

>> No.2726327

The Rules tell me that Mod is watching over us!
Repent sinner!
Your hour of judgment is at hand!

>> No.2726345
File: 59 KB, 235x268, 1282724175802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Mod really existed He wouldn't let me post Boxxy