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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2724180 No.2724180 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain this? Why do I not rape and kill if I simply evolved from single celled organisms? Where did morals come from?

>> No.2724189


> Assuming rape and killing isn't moral
> derp

>> No.2724192

from empathy

>> No.2724199

Try doing it, you'll end up in jail and shunned by next to everyone in your society. No abstract concept of a benevolent super-complex entity needed.

>> No.2724197
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Kinda weak attempt at trolling.

>> No.2724206


Our brains evolved to the point of humans becoming self-aware. Without self-awareness, there is no morality.

>> No.2724212
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>unable to properly answer question
>call OP a troll instead

>> No.2724219

>call own attempt at trolling a question
Haw haw haw.
A marvellous quip, my good OP. Quite marvellous.

>> No.2724220
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>answering a person who's either trolling or has never read a single sentence about psych or phil apart from his religious texts in his whole life

>> No.2724227

Ignoring the correct answer >>2724192

Pretending to be a successful troll.

>> No.2724236

If god isn't real, then how does the world exist?

>> No.2724237

>Why do I not rape and kill if I simply evolved from single celled organisms?

What does one have to do with the other?

>> No.2724241

>I will not rape you little girl, because my god tells me I will be punished for it.

>I will not rape you little girl, because I know you are a human being, I know I will damage you physically and psychologically for the rest of your life. I will ruin your life and the life of your relatives and cause great suffering and pain. ...I don't want that to happen, because I wouldn't want the same thing happening to me. Because I know what it feels like to suffer and be in pain, because like you, I am also a human being, and I have the ability to reflect me onto others and others onto me. And it's good to feel good and happy, and everyone should be able to feel that way. Cause life will be better because of it.

>> No.2724248

Who put the God there? You can't explain that.

>> No.2724249

It's an evolutionary adaptation of some kind, humans works and survives efficiently in a group so humans made up morality so we don't end up killing each other. Shit works, so modern civilization made laws based from it, fuck they even made religion from it.

>> No.2724260
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Rape isn't immoral as long as you don't live in a society that tells you it is.

>> No.2724262

I promise you, if there wouldn't be any punishment for rape and murder, you'd be killing and raping everyone just like the vikings did in the good old times.

>> No.2724263
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>> No.2724270

Well, if that's the case for you, then I'm glad you believe in a god.

>> No.2724273

Humans aren't self-aware. You can't prove otherwise.

>> No.2724281

Hey /OP/ if goes does real then whycome people rape and murder?

>> No.2724298
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Also a vague hint is the fact that within a bigger group (or society) crime rates (lack of morals if you will) are going to rise in comparison to smaller ones.

The smaller the group the higher the consequences regarding survival if an individual behaves in an anti-social manner, e.g. if I kill one individual in a group of 10 people, it's 10% less contribution to the survival/progress of the group, but if I kill one individual out of 300 million that's not going to have any (survival/progress-related) consequences for the rest , etc.

There are couple more things influencing this, like Dunbar's number, the overall social situation, possible mental defects, etc.

Overall 5/10 and still not sure if troll.

>if god is real how doesn't the church morals?

It's not like people haven't raped, pillaged and generally killed and slaughtered in the name of "God" and the "Church" or any other belief system...

>> No.2724304
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>It's not like people haven't raped, pillaged and generally killed and slaughtered in the name of "God" and the "Church" or any other belief system...

But that's part of their morals

>> No.2724310

Also, I don't get the significance of evolving from single celled organism to rape.

>> No.2724334

Heh. I guess you're right.

>> No.2724335

so it all comes down to morality being subjective and arbitrary huh?

>> No.2724367

If god isn't real, then how can we tell food from poison, or delicious from repulsive? Or art from mess? Or sexy from bland?

If you apply that question to any other human behavior, you see how stupid it is.

>> No.2724385

You don't need a god to tell you that murder and rape are bad ideas. The guy that rips off your head after you rape or murder his loved one is going to be telling you that. It's almost that simple. Behavior evolves. In a group of mostly peaceful people, you will not survive being a violent asshole.

>> No.2724389
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>> No.2724412
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>> No.2724425

I have no idea why you dont OP
but i do frequently
and will probably rape and kill you

>> No.2724437

The Social Contract and more advanced forms of such once we have stable societies.

Banding together and deciding not to kill each other, it fucking works, bitches.

>> No.2724541

Hey op,

If god is the only way to 'morals' then how did early humans develop morals for your god to make?


>> No.2724572
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coop mode makes life easier
it's hard to get into coop mode if you fuck everyone in the ass against their will.
humans, just like electricity, often choose the path of least resistance
thus, to make life easier, we don't do bad shit to others all the time, cause the results could potentially make our lives harder than it would have been without doing it.

it works like your imaginary friends imaginary magical fireplace underground, only with actual judges and jails and without having to be a science rejecting tit in order to please their fairytale overlords and pay their churches exploiting and conditioning them.

but the principle is the same, I don't need a god to punish me in hell after I rape and murder people.
The law system usually does a much better job at it.

So I get all the benefits of being a modern human, without the bronze age goat herding.

Also, law is pretty much...like your big brother, people sometimes don't like being raped and killed, so they run to their stronger coop players..and those PK you then.

See, it all works out of you think of it as coop.

>> No.2724783

Morals are social constructs, best dealt with by voluntarily according with normative values. Currently normative beliefs are handled by religion; fairly soon there'll be a more humanistic approach.
"Science" doesn't have all the answers; science still deals very poorly with large-scale aspects of psychology, economic effects, and prediction of human behavior. Normative values are needed because such activity is difficult to analyze scientifically.

However, this is all just a matter of how we should approach instilling values in others. There is no actual reason why you "should" do or do not do anything, morals have no weight or meaning independent of subjective human opinion.

>> No.2725493

Morality is the emergent structure of social interaction. For ants, morality is dragging your wounded back to the hive to eat them. For fascists, it's slaughtering anyone who disagrees with your absolute rule. For dolphins, it's sex with anything. For Christians, it's worshiping human sacrifice and claiming irresponsibility because some innocent person was tortured. For wolves, it's regurgitating food for the weak and injured. For Muslims, it's raping underage girls and then stoning underage rape victims. For lions, it's one big strong male ruling a pack of females, and the females keeping him fit and strong so he can fight off other males and let their cubs live. For Jews, it's going as far as possible out of their way to make a big hypocritical show of keeping all milk and meat separate, when the commandment gives only one specific thing about not personally boiling a baby goat in goat milk that actually came from its mother. For bees, it's murdering liars who waste the hive's time reporting the wrong distance or strength of food sources. For secular humanists, it's examining whether your actions and policies are actually beneficial to yourselves and others and if you want to take part in them.

I don't want to be murdered. I don't want to be stolen from. I join up with a bunch of other people who think that's also a good idea and we all agree to not do that. It diminishes us as a whole to have members of our group murdered or stolen from. It benefits us as a whole and as individuals to deal fairly with others. So we make those rules and it becomes moral in our society.

If morality comes from God, why isn't God moral?

>> No.2725835



>> No.2725925 [DELETED] 
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Samefag here,

OP could just as easily say: "If scientific values like the respect for evidence, or the desire to understand the universe don't come from god, then where does science come from?"

Facts imply values. We only get facts by first appealing to certain values. If you meet a person who doesn't value evidence or logical consistency, what argument or evidence could you provide to make them value these things? There are none. The conversation has nowhere to go. No use giving evidence to explain why water on two parts hydrogen and one part water--what we normally think of as a totally value free statement. Not so it turns out.

This is no more a problem for morality than it is for science.

>> No.2725935
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Samefag here,

OP could just as easily say: "If scientific values like the respect for evidence, or the desire to understand the universe don't come from god, then where does science come from?"

Facts imply values. We only get facts by first appealing to certain values. If you meet a person who doesn't value evidence or logical consistency, what argument or evidence could you provide to make them value these things? There are none. The conversation has nowhere to go. No use giving evidence to explain why water is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen--what we normally think of as a totally value free statement. Not so it turns out.

This is no more a problem for morality than it is for science.

>> No.2726180

Hey guys! I have proof that morality comes from God!

>> No.2726267

Why is there no morals in the animal kingdom then? Why did humans (gods image) get morals and animals (not gods image) get none? huh? checkmate atheists