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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 505x339, James_Randi_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2723436 No.2723436 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw James Randi is a faggot who wouldn't have the balls to take on /x.

>> No.2723444

He has taken on /x, he's $1million challenge is open to all. He has taken on everyone.

>> No.2723446

i like that he's homo but truly feels it's no big deal. not even a big enough deal to bring up until he's an old fart.

>he's talking to some liberal faggot pestering why he didn't come out sooner to stomp creationists and fag marriage
>randi is just like, "dude, i just don't really care."

>> No.2723462

If JR posted on any /x thread, we'd tear him a new one. Just as we regularly demolish /sci trolls.

>> No.2723461

>See Milk
>Become homosexual

Wow, movies really do impact our lives.

>> No.2723466

>Believe stuff with no evidence supporting it

Quit trolling.

>> No.2723473

after i saw milk i was about ready to suck a mean cock.

>> No.2723479

>mfw people couldn't type /x/ properly
The fuck is this? A trend or something?

>> No.2723480


We don't believe, we know. Deal with it, Randi cock-sucker.

>> No.2723492

Paranormal science is a real thong. Dozens of well articulated theories are out there and being expanded upon. There are things in our universe which go unexplained, and some people are using critical thinking skills to explain them WHILE tying them with what we do currently know.

You're showing your ignorance and young age by trying to come off as some Penn and Teller idiot. "Hurr atheist science is so kewl lol." In reality you're just some fucking poser using science as a trend. You're the same kind of idiot who wears a "SCIENCE!" t - shirt and has an Atheist quote as his background. In other words, you're the worst type of person alive.

So how about you fuck right off and leave this board to the adults.

>> No.2723505

there is no second /

just look

>> No.2723512


In a thread earlier today, I proposed that ghosts are a higher form of energy that is not measurable with present means. I wasn't really attacked for it, but they did complain how I didn't offer any scientific theory as to how ghosts work.

But as I pointed out, there's no one on 4chan with any real scientific training anyway.

>> No.2723516

>that is not measurable with present means
Think about this for a second. Think hard.

>> No.2723533


We might be able to measure it in the future. I get what you're saying.

>> No.2723542

>There are things in our universe which go unexplained

Yes there are, but pointless guesswork with no evidence isn't going to get us any closer to explaining them

>You're the same kind of idiot who wears a "SCIENCE!" t - shirt

Most of my t-shirts are just random words or images because I buy them all cheap at second hand stores.

>has an Atheist quote as his background
>"Hurr atheist science is so kewl lol"

I guess I'm an atheist, but I don't really think about it that much. I just think that there is no point in following through any old theory made by people in fields that not only have never turned up a shred of evidence, but also have been discredited time and time again.

So sweet, maybe you have seen a ghost/psychic vision/other paranormal activity, but I personally never had, so unless you can show me some evidence why should I believe it? If I claimed that yesterday I saw a unicorn, you may not know that I didn't, but if I didn't give you proof that I did than why should you believe it?

All I'm saying is that I think that evidence and experimentation is an important part of accepting something as fact, even if it is in reality fact, because otherwise I could never distinguish between reality or not.

Anyway I've wasted a bit too much time on a troll, present some studies and I'll give them a read any maybe you'll convince me ;) Otherwise, enjoy believing what you want to believe, I'm cool with that too - it is, however, off topic.

>> No.2723545


I mean really. The Dawkins crew are just childish hipsters who invent a strawman god and demand that Christians prove its existence.

>> No.2723557

We also might be able to prove that Zeus is for real in the future, or that any absurd idea is for real in the future, if you accept that ghosts might be real then you also have to accept that ANY concept anyone can dream up might be real. And yes, it might, all that matters is what we can currently know.

Here is an alternative to your theory:
>In a thread earlier today, I proposed that space cupcakes are a higher form of energy that is not measurable with present means.

Equally valid to your claims, great, but that doesn't actually say anything.

>> No.2723558


>maybe you have seen a ghost/psychic vision/other paranormal activity

My family has had a million of 'em. Like my grandmother saying how when she was a kid and saw a piano playing by itself shortly after their landlord (a big music lover) died.

>> No.2723563


I've never seen anyone claim that space cupcakes exist or that invisible pink teapots orbit Jupiter. But I have heard lots and lots of people say they've seen ghosts.

>> No.2723570

Maybe you did. Maybe there was an alternative explanation. Maybe it was a ghost. But the fact that you have no proof of it means shit to the rest of the world. You could also just be hallucinating/making crap up. Additionally, just outright saying "it's ghosts!" means we might be attributing the wrong cause to those events.

Along time ago we saw 'demons' in the mentally ill, but some non-retards decided to find out what actually causes these kinds of things and we got somewhere.

>> No.2723577

There's a lot we don't understand, just look at where we were 50 years ago. I mean, maybe, but until then, it's just a belief.

>> No.2723579
File: 442 KB, 640x480, 1284739313713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believing ghosts? On my /sci/?

Oh my dear fucking god. Really.

>> No.2723585

when LHC proves the reality of fractal dimensions we will eventually be able to determine ghosts are some remnants of living things' energy in these fractal dimensions. its a ways off tho.

>> No.2723582

1. Ghosts have a culture around them that people want to be a part of that also affirms belief and brings peace. People WANT there to be ghosts, so naturally the claims that there are ghosts are much higher than any other absurd theory, but their validity is still equal.

2. The phenomena is real, but ghosts aren't the cause and we should investigate further.

3. Ghosts are real.

All three are possible, but we don't know shit because none of it can be measured of proven, so why would you expect someone who HASN'T seen/had experiences to believe any of it is real to begin with?

Maybe there are ghosts, so take it to the places for the dedicated believers. If I see one, I'll join you. In the mean time, sage'd and reported for off-topic.

>> No.2723593
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1299827336370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, why don't you take your imaginary beings back to your /x? There's a simple reason why paranormal activities are separated from scientific.

>> No.2723603

That's actually not what I'm saying. If it's not measurable, then how do we see it? Our senses are not magic. Our instruments offer us a wider range of information then we have naked. So if it's not detectable by any current instrument, why would we be able to see ghosts with our eyes?

>> No.2723612


Continuing. When my grandmother was a kid (this must have been in the '20s), they lived in a rental house. The landlord was a big music lover (as I mentioned), and then he died one day of cancer or something like that. In his last will, he requested that a band play at his funeral. However, that was expensive and a big mess to set up, so his family ignored the request.

Anyway, the rental house had an old piano in the basement, and one day my GM and her sister hear this music playing. They go downstairs and see the thing playing all by itself (nobody there). Predictably, they panicked and ran screaming out of the place.

My GM always maintained that that was the landlord's ghost come back to get his unsatisfied music fix.

>> No.2723613
File: 28 KB, 702x608, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2723614


The human brain is vastly more complicated than any manmade device.

>> No.2723620

True. But our brains are more complex then a dolphins, but we can't naturally understand their calls.

Our brains are more complex then any machine, but our senses cannot necessarily pick up everything they can.

>> No.2723625

quantum biochemistry

>> No.2723631


True. And I've seen animals (especially dogs) act really weird and growl when there's nothing apparently there. Are they seeing things we're not?

>> No.2723638

I've also heard people claim that in haunted buildings, they could on occasion see humanoid figures out of the corner of their eye, but when looking straight ahead, there was nothing there.

It's notable that the edges of the eye contain a larger number of rods than the center part (making them more light-sensitive).

>> No.2723646

>People WANT there to be ghosts

Best comment in this thread.

>> No.2723651

It's true too.

>> No.2723653


But most of the experiences in my family happened out of the blue, not as a result of any conscious search for ghosts (like in bad ghost-hunter TV shows).

>> No.2723662

Then apply the scientific method to it and discuss the results.

You can't? Then maybe it is ghosts, but it's also off-topic.

I think I've had enough, thanks for the discussion, hidden.

>> No.2723665


>> No.2723716
File: 28 KB, 702x608, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that for you.

>> No.2723729


Yea I saw a piano play itself once too... its called a player piano they were all the rage back in the day.

>> No.2723732


more likely hearing things you are not

>> No.2723748


>more likely hearing things you are not

I'll say.

>> No.2723804

>yfw James Randi is one of the few (if not only) rational faggots who actually does have the balls to take on /x/ through numerous TV shows, documentaries, books, and confrontations of /x/ claimants (like bitchslapping Uri Geller down to a D list celebrity joke) in addition to being the only man to put his money where his mouth is and offer $1M to any /x/ faggot who can prove bullshit... although no one has succeeded in almost 50 years.

>> No.2724724

The difference between /x/ and /sci/ is that /sci/ were the kids who were afraid of the dark. They'd hear noises and turn to their science books to find some sort of answer to what is happening, then they'd put their hands over their ears and go, "LA LA LA LA SCIENCE!"

The /x/ kids weren't afraid of the dark. They'd lay there waiting for the noises and investigate. The /x/ kid would get a flash light and embrace the unknown, he'd go out deep into the woods and investigate phenomena.

Meanwhile the /sci/ pussy sat in his room drowning in ignorance.

>> No.2724734

this is a giant thread about Ghosts on /sci/

and has anyone even looked this dude up
hes a magician
you should all be ashamed