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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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2723343 No.2723343 [Reply] [Original]

>Japan steps up cooling operation
>Army helicopters dumped tonnes of water to try to prevent a meltdown of fuel rods.


>> No.2723355

Yeah I don't understand that. Wouldn't the water just be hitting the containment chamber and go nowhere near the fuel rods themselves?

>> No.2723372

The containment chamber was partially destroyed. The spent fuel rods are open to the air.

>> No.2723373

can't they like

build a big lead wall around the plant

>> No.2723376

They're dumping water on the storage pools in reactor 4, which are -outside- the containment chamber and are currently drained of water. Now do you see why people are shitting their pants about Japan?

>> No.2723379

better than fuckin around doing nothing

>> No.2723388

Yeah, like dumping water from a fucking helicopter is going to do anything, at least 10% of it is going to vapourise in the air due to the downwash from the rotors what the fuck?

I thought japan was smarter than this?

>> No.2723398


It's just a dog and pony show. If they were to actually dump water into those pools, they'd seriously risk knocking the rods into one another and dramatically increasing the risk of criticality.

>> No.2723407

Funny how scientists criticize religionfags for being brainwashed, yet they regularly display irrational confidence in their own field.

>> No.2723416

They're trying to build a powerline from outside of the region, so that they can get power to the facility again. This daft operation is most likely a desperate attempt to stall for time while they finish the powerline.

>> No.2723423
File: 6 KB, 350x350, fukushimadaichi_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to solve this /sci/

>> No.2723430

too little too late, the damage to the environment and the american citizens has been done. I give it a month before the cancer wards start getting more patients. (I'm not regularly pessimistic but i'm in the wake of this and how much the japanese government has held back i've lost my trust in them)

>> No.2723434

Nothing is held back
they genuinely DONT KNOW

>> No.2723433

lmao. Why does science breed such arrogance and inability to admit fault?
Fact is scientists have created this mess and they are unable to provide a solution... apart from dropping water from fucking helicopters.

>> No.2723443

nuclear specialist stated that dumping water from that high is extremely dangerous and because of it there is even a small chance of nuclear reaction starting.

Thanks god nuclear energy is 100% safe, otherwise i would be little bit worried.

>> No.2723449

if that is what you mean

>> No.2723451

Right and I'm sure you have a direct line to communications between the appropriate authorities.

>> No.2723455

thats why I'm concerned

>> No.2723457

The fuel rods are spent, which means they're loaded with nuclear poison. Criticality is unlikely.

>> No.2723470

An explosion won't happen, the damage will come from the wind literally. I've already been talking to my friends on the local base about how to prepare for this shit if it comes my way.

>> No.2723494

how? gonna go live underground?

>> No.2723509

>living underground
nope, buddy recommended to seal all the windows and avoid any ventilation (Military contact). Highly recommended to stay really hygienic and wash clothes regularly or throw them out. Depending on how bad it gets.
On the bright side I'm learning more about science lol

>> No.2723518

Yeah. We have a fort, a couple guns and some MREs, gas masks and we plan to kidnap a girl so we can populate the human race again.

>> No.2723528

Breaking news.
Japan states there never was a fukushima prefecture or nueclear power plant to begin with and urges the Japanese people to ignore it and carry on as usual.

>> No.2723539


>> No.2723540

What environmental damage? So far I have not seen any radiation readings, published anywhere, that are greater than getting a chest x-ray.

>> No.2723544
File: 63 KB, 440x284, gerstell-1950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buddy recommended to seal all the windows and avoid any ventilation

>> No.2723547

Don't the japs have a fucking manual pump and a long hose?

>> No.2723552

>radiation readings, published anywhere, that are greater >than getting a chest x-ray
give it a month, I'm willing to bet money the long term damage will show its ugly face.

>> No.2723556

lolz i wouldn't expect anything more from a place like this
Photo win!

>> No.2723561

What are those comparisons supposed to mean anyways?
Would a chest xray give you 50 microsieverts over the course of an hour? Or is the xray giving you the equivalent of an hours worth of 50 microsieverts?

>> No.2723581

I can't believe hats have gone out of style. They're so awesome.

>> No.2723583
File: 43 KB, 590x452, your science is flawed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nuclears fuckin shit up!
>Where's your evidence?
>lol dumb I'll have evidence eventually.

>> No.2723592

I only have about 950 rounds left between all of my guns. Should I buy more? STALKER modo?

>> No.2723596


No, you still see pathetic geeks wearing fedoras and trillbys and such. It's fucking awful.

>> No.2723600

300,000 bananas bro.

>> No.2723604

Exactly! that's why science is so interesting.
People can be wrong, People can always be corrected.