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2721717 No.2721717 [Reply] [Original]

My racist theory:
Black people are generally less intelligent than white people.
During the last few thousand years of human evolution, most white societies have been more developed than black ones. I don't claim to be able to explain the initial cause of more scientific development in white cultures. However, once it had happened, white cultures had far more technology. White societies have had much more technology (wheel, better farming techniques, more complex tools, et cetera) for all of this time. Black societies were mostly hunter-gatherer during much of this time.

As a result, white people who were intelligent were more likely to mate successfully than less intelligent whites. A man in most white societies who was good at using a fairly complex tool, such as a cart, was more likely be able to provide for a female. A man in white societies who could use a plow effectively could grow moar oatz and feed moar children. Since there were more complex social/political entities in white societies, a man who was able to manipulate others more effectively was more likely to gain power and eventually pussy. All of these abilities I'm describing are forms of intelligence.

In black societies, during the last few thousand years, most of the time they just chased animals and killed them. Strong, fast, resilient people would be likely to survive. Since chasing and killing animals doesn't require huge amounts of intelligence, smart people would rarely have had a genetic advantage, and when they did, it was probably less significant than the advantage gained by being able to run farther or survive longer without food. So, physically superior blacks dominated the gene pool, and still do.

This isn't intended to say "nigs are all stupid", just that I think it's plausible that on average, black people are less intelligent than whites, for the reasons I gave. It also seems fairly obvious to me, but I've never read it anywhere else.


>> No.2721720

tl;dr !

>hahhaa faggot.jpg

>> No.2721729 [DELETED] 

>>most of the time they just chased animals and killed them

>implying whites didn't do this too for 90% of their existence before civilization

>> No.2721740

>implying there is a gene for intelligence


>> No.2721760

Stupid tripfag. You're retarded, both for using a tripcode and your retarded perspective.

>> No.2721768

I didn't say there was "a gene" for intelligence, but I'm pretty sure that it is a trait that is at least somewhat genetic.

Also, the fact that Gould believes that intelligence is not genetically determined (which I assume you are saying) does not mean it's necessarily true. I'm sure many other scientists would disagree with him.

>> No.2721773

>look at me!! i'l use a tripcode
>look at me!!! i'm so edgy with my racist views

attention whore detected

>> No.2721776

ITT people who actually believe that the only differences between races are superficial.

>> No.2721796

Why do you feel the need to go to genetics, look at their culture.

>> No.2721802
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>> No.2721811

Read the bell curve man
read the blank slate (steven pinker)
read guns, germs, and steel (jared diamond)
read the 10,000 year explosion (fairly recent, look it up, author's cochrane i think)
burn in academic/political correctness hell for "racism" but know the truth

>> No.2721813
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>> No.2721819

I don't even dislike black people, I listen to gangster rap. Also, you can say "herp look how stupid niggers r lol they don't even talk right" but that's all plausibly caused by their culture/upbringing. I'm theorizing that they are SLIGHTLY less intelligent than most whites because of shit from their history, not "herp all niggers are retards because most niggers in america act like retards" or whatever.

>> No.2721822
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>> No.2721826

should have replied to

>> No.2721831



Informed post.

>> No.2721842

Tripfag OP

Look at

>> No.2721843

Thanks, Pinker appears to be right down my alley already.

>> No.2721848
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>look up these books
>realize they're written by psychologists

mfw psychologists are talking about genetics

>> No.2721853

>implying pinker isn't a god in all fields.

>> No.2721869
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You really should know who those people are.

>> No.2721878

Psychologists can't talk about genetics?

>> No.2721880

Guns, Germs, and Steel says (from the wiki article, so a very perfunctory read) that eurasian societies rape because of guns germs and steel. I'd agree with that, but it makes sense to me that also, because of technologies and developments, they evolved superior intelligence and raped even harder.

>> No.2721897

soft scientists cannot talk about genetics with any credibility

>> No.2721903

That's exactly what the next book on the list talks about. It explains how exactly those technological advantages may have led to the selection of "smart" people. just like you were saying in your initial post, but better substantiated, and with the weight of science behind it.

>> No.2721908

Africans are certainly better at physics, sir.

>> No.2721916


Ok, I'll ask again. Explain your reasoning. Psychology, in my books, is a science nowadays.

>> No.2721917
File: 4 KB, 300x57, science urover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sci/ did you know one of the theories as to how human intelligence developed so rapidly was a change in our diets; Primarily the addition of fish.

Science is cool

Pic related, it was my fucking captcha

>> No.2721925

Funny, that's exactly how some academics responded to Pinkers book. His book doesn't deal primarily with genetics derp herp. He instead explains how political correctness, and politics in general, may be affecting scientific theories.

>> No.2721928

Ok retarded tripfag, I'll start by asking you what your definition of intelligence is.

>> No.2721935

so he basically said "i don't know much about science, but yall political niggers don't either so get the fuck out of it"?

>> No.2721947

In this context, definitions 1a and 1c

>> No.2721965

Just curious, how would YOU define intelligence?

>> No.2721967

So it's about adaptability and the speed at which you process sensations?

>> No.2721968
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>> No.2721972

>>Psychology, in my books, is a science nowadays


>> No.2721974

fuck you goddamn troll

>> No.2721988

Explain your reasoning. This is /sci/ not /b/. Doesn't count if you can't justify your opinion

>> No.2721989

whoa that's actually true, looked it up

>> No.2721995

This is true.
Burden of proof.

>> No.2722000

Yes. This is because the only africans who can come to america from africa straight up are the cream of the crop. I know lots of black immigrants from ghana, nigeria, et cetera who are super smart, really successful doctors.

mental adaptability. not the speed at which you process sensations...that wasn't in the definition I posted.

>> No.2722003

psychology has always been considered a soft science
burden of proof is on anon to prove it has somehow recently evolved into a hard one

>> No.2722012

African Americans were bred for generations and generations to be strong, not smart.
the smart ones were usually "dealt" with

>> No.2722024

Yeah, that's true as well, but I expect that similar selection occurred earlier, before slavery.

>> No.2722030

But race is just a social construct. Besides, we're all equal.

>> No.2722034
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Pinker has written several books. You guys really do have your heads shoved up you're asses - you take a few physics classes and get uppity, thinking you're the most intelligent people in the room. Yes, neurology, cognitive studies, linguistics, AND psychology are interrelated in some respects.

Articles he published @ Harvard:


>> No.2722038

So by your original post, your view is that those stuck in environments without many resources are less adaptable than those who migrated to Mediterranean/Tropical regions?

As an upfront, are we discounting anything?

>> No.2722042

>Besides, we're all equal.
Explain physical differences like height, bone structure, and how prone some are to certain genetic illnesses.

>> No.2722053 [DELETED] 

My racist theory:
Neandrathals had larger brains than modern humans one notable area are the frontal lobes.
Neandrathals where peaceful people who would take care of the old and injured. One cave found an old male amputee that lived many years after his injury and was burred with herbs and flowers.

Every human on earth is 2%-5% Neanderthal except the niggers which are 0%. We where probably more violent and ended up killing the Neanderthals but the only ones of us that survived outside of Africa where the ones that mingled with them at leas a little.


>> No.2722048

In da jungle, da mighty jungle.

Yeah fo sho, we however got the dumbest of the dumb, the ones the other Blacks captured and sold to whitey as cattle

>> No.2722054

Since when? afaik psychology uses falsifiable research methods. How does that differ from other fields of science?

>> No.2722057

How is that relevant to the real world though. All those things are just physical. We're all equal mentally bro.

>> No.2722068

>So by your original post, your view is that those stuck in environments without many resources are less adaptable than those who migrated to Mediterranean/Tropical regions?
No, I don't claim to be able to explain why eurasian societies got pro skill technology. (though guns germs and steel does). I'm just saying that once they do have said technology intelligence will be a beneficial trait that will be passed on more often.

>As an upfront, are we discounting anything?
I don't think so...

>> No.2722069

Physical differences = results of adaptation
Disposition to genetic illness = I wasn't aware that there was a racial difference in regard to genetic disease

>> No.2722073
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My racist theory:
Neandrathals had larger brains than modern humans one notable area are the frontal lobes.
Neandrathals where peaceful people who would take care of the old and injured. One cave found an old male amputee that lived many years after his injury and was burred with herbs and flowers.

Every human on earth is 2%-5% Neanderthal except the niggers which are 0%. We where probably more violent and ended up killing the Neanderthals but the only ones of us that survived outside of Africa where the ones that mingled with them at leas a little.


Africans are violent, have impulse control issues, and are worse at higher mental functions. This is because there frontal lobes are missing tens of thousands of years worth of Neanderthal evolution.

>> No.2722074

obvious troll

>> No.2722076


You're dealing with people who have a cursory understanding. I imagine intro courses are not representative of the field as a whole, and from what I've gathered, relatively few schools have the resources and departments to offer courses that go beyond the "social science" aspects of psychology.

>> No.2722083


Sickle cell bro, blacks are way more likely to have it
Also Scandinavians have a 10% chance of being immune to HIV, something like that anyway, but it's higher than any other people group

>> No.2722087

>>there frontal lobes are missing

You just confirmed all my opinions about engineers, racists, and tripfags.

>> No.2722090


I've been waiting for this stupid thread to die. Why are you people so obsessed with racism and genetic differences?

>> No.2722092

Cerebral malaria fucks with a lot of kids in Africa and leaves them dumber than they'd otherwise be. That said, OP is a stupid stormfag.

>> No.2722094
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MFW lowest classes out breed higher classes.

>> No.2722120


because it makes nerds who brows /sci/ feel better about their tiny cawks

>> No.2722124

>Implying that I have ever posted on /new/ or visited it more than 2x
>implying that I don't wish I had black friends
hide thread button's over somewhere, bro

>> No.2722126


>> No.2722139

Wow, tons of retarded eugenics up in here.
If you want to know why Euro teched up like crazy through the 17th century, a good place to start is Bruno Latour's "Science In Action", especially chapter 6, 'Centers of Calculation'.

Basically, when Euros left Euro, they started collecting shit. Eventually, they collected so much shit that you couldn't hold it all in one lab. So, you had to create archives. You abstract the shit. That cycle of exploration -> collection -> abstraction basically created the information infrastructure and density necessary for the empirical revolution to kick off. Nothing to do with genes, bubba.

>> No.2722148

>MFW lowest classes out breed higher classes.
I can see that this is relevant, but please explain exactly what your point is so I don't just strawman you

>> No.2722153


What about the salient point in my post?

>> No.2722155

exactly, same thing happened with the niggers in egypt until their civilization fell

>> No.2722158

Grammar fag who cant argue my science so he grammarfags at me instead.

>> No.2722173

>people who were intelligent were more likely to mate successfully than less intelligent

>> No.2722176

You missed my point. My point was
technology means intelligence evolves, not whatever you are talking about. I'm not trying to explain why eurasian societies had better tech, I'm trying to say that because of their better tech they ended up evolving to be smarter.

>> No.2722177

ok, i'll argue science. How can an entire race's frontal lobe be "missing" without it being glaringly obvs. by this point? I mean, if blacks have no frontal lobe, an ER doctor should have piped up at this pt after he sees a head X-ray w/o a frontal lobe.

>> No.2722191

What about all the barbarians the romans conquered?

>> No.2722193
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stupid bs

>> No.2722196

>because there frontal lobes are missing tens of thousands of years worth of Neanderthal evolution
Reading comprehension. Frontal lobes not physically missing, they are missing the benefits from interbreeding with Neanderthals.

>> No.2722205

Can someone tell me what's wrong with this post? I already took out some things but still wouldn't let me post.

>> No.2722210


I have to agree with you. Its not racism, its just the fucking truth, maybe not a lack of intelligence, but certainly there is something different about Africans than white and brown and yellow people. Africa has vast mineral resources, but never utilized them efficiently. Sure, they were conquered early on, but there were kingdoms where the rulers were fabulously wealthy with gold and from slave trading, but they never did anything. They just sat there and got the shit conquered out of them. Its not like the land was just crap, Carthage (not black Africans by the way) did fine until Rome did away with them, but that's it. How come Rome, a little dirt "city" made up of seven mud villages surrounding a fucking swamp rise up to conquer the world?
By the time the Europeans came a knockin during the age of imperialism they met men with spear and they had rifles, and yes, that was really unfair. But WHY did the Africans only have spears? Its not like they didn't have gold and diamonds they could trade. I don't think that blacks should be slaves or unequal in ANY way, but still, its worth discussing.

>> No.2722216

That could contribute as well, but it doesn't make my theory wrong.
Smart people don't mate very much now in America and most of Europe, for a variety of reasons: partly, they want to avoid overpopulation, partly it's considered socially inferior to have lots of kids, and also poor people/lower classes often don't have access to/use birth control. Another consideration is the whole "smart nerd/dumb jock" stereotype where the nerd usually doesn't get laid. This is true to some extent NOW.

None of this was true thousands of years ago. If there's a family of serfs farming a shit small field and barely making enough food to live, the ones who can make moar food will live and those who don't will starve or have fewer children because they can't feed enough. Now, in most developed countries, welfare and very successful economies allow poor/lower class people to feed tons of children. In the US, poor people get fairly large tax benefits for each child they have.

>> No.2722223

it all makes PERFECT sense now; thx 4 explaining. neanderthals are master race how could i be so mistaken

>> No.2722233

And when you mix two breeds of corn to get a hybrid one of them must have been the master race.

>> No.2722239


Tripfag, this is a discussion on genetics and intelligence. Once we start talking about class differences this will turn into a shit storm

>> No.2722240

If blacks are so intelligent, why is Africa a shithole?

And don't give me "dem whiteys did it" because if blacks were equally intelligent, why didn't they fight off whitey...

Come on guys.

>> No.2722251
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>> No.2722259

>so how does technology make us more adaptable than other races

I'll try to explain my view again:
Let's say we have two serfs in some part of europe, one is stupid, one is smart. The stupid one is more physically fit.
They own/rent farms near each other. The smart one thinks "Hmm, I can plant this shit more efficiently to make more food". The dumb one doesn't, just does it the way his parents did. Smart one has a ton of kids, dumb one starves because his physical superiority in strength doesn't compensate for his inefficient growing methods.

Let's say we have two tribesmen in Africa. One is smart/weak, the other is stupid/strong.
Smart/weak one can't catch gazelles for shit, dies
Stupid/strong one can, eats many gazelles, has kids.

Yes, I know not everyone is smart/weak or stupid/strong.

>> No.2722262


This says nothing.
a) the given definition of intelligence in this thread is adaptability
b) IQ is biased as fuck, especially to those from different races.
c) the rest doesn't say much

>> No.2722265

What it does say, invalidates your point. I'll leave you with that one

>> No.2722266

Arr hair! AZN is mastel lace!

>> No.2722271

I didn't bring class into this, it was
I was just responding to him
Also, I don't think I said anything particularly stupid/offensive/inflammatory about class.

>> No.2722276

How about "african americans are generally less intelligent (and more athletic) than other groups because we bred them for long labor and obedience."

How's that? Work for everyone? I mean hell, everyone can agree that The Negro is athletically superior to The White Man. Why can't The White Man be intellectually superior to The Negro?

>> No.2722284

Cranial capacity and cortical neurons should be more than enough to put any argument to bed.

As painful as it may be to admit, sub Saharan africans certainly are disadvantaged genetically when it comes to matters of the brain. Most likely related to the lack of Neanderthal DNA that was touched upon earlier in this thread.

The fact that they have higher levels of testosterone and melanin (which has been to foster higher amounts of aggression in animals in of itself) doesn't help things either.

>> No.2722285

Duuuuudee. Africa = arid as fuck, no resources. We came from that region and didn't make much progress until we went walkabout.

We can talk about the serfs but that involves societies and the monetary system. We're just talking about genetics and adaptability. afaik it's better to have more kids as more kids = more work = better/larger harvests.

>> No.2722286

because instead of sharing/taking and collaborating (to an extent) as they did with asians, whites simply exploited exploited exploited the african and native american peoples. they got an advantage over the africans from this exchange of knowledge, and whatever tiny advantage they got they built upon and magnified until eventually the european nations just decided to band together and carve up africa among themselves. Africans are disadvantaged now because of centuries of white racism and oppression.
Its not like Asia would be any better than Africa now if whites hadn't treated it with a modicum of decency. The USA defeated Japan in WWII and it was the best thing that happened to the land of the rising sun - you couldn't say nearly the same thing for any African nation that was colonized or defeated in a war by a European power, even the african nations that fought with and were defended by the Allies in WW2.

>> No.2722296

>implying tracking and killing an animal several times larger than yourself requires little intelligence

>> No.2722298

>b) IQ is biased as fuck, especially to those from different races.
Explain the higher scores achieved by Asians then, if IQ tests are so "culturally biased" to favor whites?

>> No.2722304

it selects more for strength and athletic prowess, given the tools available

>> No.2722305
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dur hur lions be smart hur

>> No.2722312

No. Black people in most of the world today have a shit education and upbringing, which can be used as an explanation for bad IQ scores, and yes education and upbringing does affect IQ scores somewhat.

>> No.2722315

Sub Saharan Africa is a lush and mineral rich land, whenever non-negros have settled there, they have prospered

>> No.2722316

I don't care about the cubic dims of their skull. The neuronal difference is negligible. This study is flawed. They use IQ as a measure of intelligence knowing that it's biased. Hormone levels, which hormones, how much higher? Mediation for cultural differences? Were these blacks from their culture or those in another?

I need A LOT more info

>> No.2722318

implying the average /sci/duck is anywhere near being as capable of taking down a wildebeest as the average african spear chucker is

>> No.2722324

I wouldn't say its biased to favor whites, but the wealthy. Carlton Banks would've nailed the "oarsman-regatta" question.

>> No.2722329

>>If blacks are so intelligent, why is Africa a shithole?

poor arable land
animal predators abound

also, africa isn't entirely a shithole. i was in kenya for a week once for my old job. they have paved roads, schools, food, computers, cell phones, and clothes, and they all look like wesley snipes lol. on natgeo and christfag advertisments, you only see the countryside, which a kenyan businessman told me was an an overrepresented part of african society.

secondly, most india is a shithole. you don't therefore conclude that "hurr durr indians are stupid."

>> No.2722330

Race is a social construct. There is no biological basis for it, therefore you have just spent 2 minutes of your life starting a thread that has absolutely no validity.

I say it took you 2 minutes because your theory is idiotic to say the least and it was no doubt written in 'idiot time' which = to about 2 minutes.

Read a modern genetics/human variation book, you dolt.

>> No.2722336

Someone post the chart, with each race and family income

>> No.2722342
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yea I agree with OP, although I think the enviromental factor plays a bigger role then the racial factor does.

>> No.2722345

Because IQ isn't so much about an intrinsic ability to do a task. It's just about knowing how to do them. If I went to the Amazon, and tested an Amazonian tribesmen, they'd fail. They'd probably shoot me with darts. Does this make them stupid?

All the IQ test looks at are the traits that Western cultural ties to success.

>> No.2722347

It doesn't matter how strong you are if you can't sneak up on a gazelle. There are different types of intelligences. If you were stranded on a deserted island your knowledge of how to operate a computer wouldn't matter worth shit and, you'd probably die before the end of the month. A hunter gatherer with years of experience living in the wilderness would probably fair better.

>> No.2722350

>The neuronal difference is negligible.
No it isn't, actually. Perhaps between Asians and whites, but certainly not between black and whites.

But in all seriousness if you need to read several books to conclude that as a whole blacks are a significantly less intelligent than whites or asians, then you're either ignorant of history and/or haven't interacted with many blacks.

>> No.2722351

Kenya is nice because of Britain.

>> No.2722352

>We can talk about the serfs but that involves societies and the monetary system.
I am talking about societies and the monetary system (among other things), and how they affect evolution of intelligence within a society/race.
this is correct. yes intelligence helps catching animals, but strength/speed is more important.

>> No.2722354

Africa has some of the most fertile land in the world. Congo alone could feed all of Africa even in a bad year. Its a tropical paradise except for all the wild animals and niggers.

>> No.2722358

you do know that education doesn't have all that much of an effect on IQ test results right?

The best ones just measure visual/spatial reasoning and mathematical computation skills

>> No.2722360

this thread is an insult to the many highly intelligent black people we see and hear everyday. while we're on the subject, my racist theory is that black people are generally more musically talented than white people. /stormfront/ go

>> No.2722361
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>> No.2722367

This. My current chemistry professor is a black guy. This thread is funny to watch, tho.

>> No.2722373

>implying making the same poison darts your culture has been making for hundreds of generations exhibits intelligence

>> No.2722374
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>> No.2722381

Hopefully obvious troll.
If all you have to do to respond to something you disagree with on this board is say "herp read a book about this subject" without making an argument then this board sucks a fatty

>> No.2722394


your argument is that intelligence only counts when technology is a factor

you should be embarassed

>> No.2722403


chinese confirmed for master race then?

>> No.2722405

I'm not saying that black people can't be smart, only that on average they are slightly less so than whites. I know very smart blacks personally.
Actually, of people I know, the whites are stupider than blacks on average.

>> No.2722409
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>dur hur because a bear did not maul me to death once in the forest means that all bears will never maul me ever
Black chemistry professors are certainly the exception to the rule.

>> No.2722411

You can't discuss something like evolution in a time frame of a mere few hundred years.

Fuck off it doesn't have much to do with it. The spatial ones test for g which is meant to eliminate some cultural differences. There's still gonna be fuckloads. Again, I'll cite the Amazonian tribesmen example.

Also, spatial reasoning, so fucking what. I can have a stroke and suck at it and yet still be as capable doing other tasks. I may also have some other defect which decreases my ability to do the above and increases my practical intelligence. Whatever it may be, IQ is fucked

>> No.2722417
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>> No.2722422

No. When there is technology, intelligence is MORE important to natural selection. It still matters in any case...

>> No.2722424
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>> No.2722426

A standard deviation below is not slight. Also this isn't for pure african blacks, but rather the African American who are almost all mixed race.

1/2 of blacks being less intelligent than 5/6ths of whites is not slight.

>> No.2722430

The thing about this 'theory' is that it still doesn't justify racism. Even if race x were on average slightly less intelligent than race y, it would only describe a population, and not who was actually more intelligent than who.

>> No.2722431


I for one welcome our new masters.

>> No.2722432
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>> No.2722438

>angry small penis white aspie detected

>> No.2722441
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>> No.2722446

What I said about serfs in the middle ages is true in a similar way for members of eurasian societies at other points in time. I just know more about middle ages history so I used that as an example. but greeks/romans also had farming/complex economies, et cetera, and so did tons of others even farther back.

>> No.2722453


based upon what evidence or studies

>> No.2722455

Retard boy, if you read carefully I mentioned the crux of my argument in a few short understandable words, that any moron can understand. I said--THERE IS NO BIOLOGICAL BASIS FOR RACE.

THEREFORE, you cannot base someone's intelligence on it.

There, I saved you the trouble of spasaming into an epileptic fit at the thought of you actually having to open up a book.

>> No.2722460
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lol, black guy talking about "muh dik" already

>> No.2722468


Your argument is flawed. I was going to continue but I cba. Just know that there isn't a difference. It took us billions of years to evolve. Evolution doesn't happen overnight

>> No.2722469

this. u fags haven't taken biology or genetics, have you?


>> No.2722475

No evidence or studies, just my theoretical explanation, as given several times in this thread. No, I haven't done a study where you give one group of people technology and see if they evolve to be smarter than a group without. I just explained why, in theory, that would happen. I have no way of testing this.

>> No.2722477

It's a well known fact that the grades of college athletes are doctored. A fair deal of blacks in colleges are there for athletics..

>> No.2722485

Chinese will never be "masters" of anything the US feels like being master of.

They have no HAARP and they will never have HAARP...because can just burn the shit out of theirs if they try it.

>> No.2722493


>> No.2722499

oh, but you've taken wikipedia? nevermind, it beats any genetics book who cares what the egghead who wrote it has to say anyway?

>> No.2722502


>> No.2722506

I'll respond to your ad hominem by saying that I've read a shit load of books.
Apparently, you haven't, since you misspelled a simple word.

But, back to the actual topic:
>there is no biological basis for race
When I said this was probably a troll, I wasn't saying that it's a retarded notion, just that posting it without an argument for it seems likely to be a troll.
It seems fairly clear to me that if a certain group has kids and their kids have different biological characteristics from the kids produced by another group, then there is a biological basis for making a distinction between the two groups.

>> No.2722526

There has to be a middle ground between completely denying race exists whatsoever and raging stormfaggery.

>> No.2722528

Alo tripfag, I've always wondered, how does it feel to be so retarded? I know you're probably going to say, "zomfg! adhominem..." &c, so let me make this blunt: I'm not here to debate you, only to disparage you. Good day, homosexual!

>> No.2722535

>See a 200 post thread about race on /sci/ >no sage
Arguing delusional people living in 19th century not science.

>> No.2722546

I'm so retarded I'm a national merit scholar bitch

but, anyone reading this thread, I'm still interested in talking about actual stuff, I just couldn't resist being immature

>> No.2722552

Race doesn't exist. Only populations with traits that can easily be transferred from one to the other.

>> No.2722555

Ethnicity exists. Lo and behold the ethnicities which evolved in close proximity to each other have similar traits. 3 obvious clumps are found looking at traits.
1. White Europeans
2. East Asians
3. Sub Saharan Blacks

>> No.2722556

whites procured advanced technology faster through historical contingency

europe/eurasia as one giant land mass spanning an entire continent east to west enduring roughly similar climates

not having to deal with temperature changes and drastic changes in climate when traveling enabled cultures and technological manifestations to disseminate across a vast region

additionally, eurasia has far more domesticable plants and animals, and didn't have to travel for thousands of years to reach another giant land mass that is fundamentally oriented north/south

the first travelers to reach north america encountered animals that had never seen humans, and were therefore incredibly tame, and easily killed

hunter/gatherer lifestyle was prolonged for the indians of the americas because of many reasons, time, and convenience

a great amount of historical contingency goes into the appropriation of cultures

and OP's assertion of advanced civilization marks higher intelligence is a incredible fallacy

specialization and dense populations are the route of civilization, not a sudden mutation of intelligence, and mutations of any sort are more likely in point A then they are in point B

once whites developed intense specialized societies, the only qualification for reproducing was live long enough to fight off diseases

african americans had to actively hunt and search for food in an environment devoid of domesticable animals and oppressively hot climates, so to a first approximation modern hunter/gatherer tribes of papua new guinea would be the most intelligent humans alive, because intelligence is undoubtedly and attribution of reproductive success, unlike whites/asians

I think it stands to reason that the assumption can be made of OP's being naivete and extremely illiterate

>> No.2722563

OK, then replace "race" with "populations with traits that can easily be transferred from one to the other" in all of my posts.

>> No.2722572

>implying some of the first civilizations weren't "black" or at least dark skinned
>implying the wheel was invented by whites
>implying there weren't several black non-hunter/gather civilizations

What does OP mean by black? Dark skinned or African? What about Caribbean?

>> No.2722573

>and mutations of any sort are NOT more likely in point A then they are in point B

obvious err

>> No.2722575

You are a fool if you think just because I misspelled a word I am not well-read. And I am not a "kid", you assumptive twit.

Anyway, grandpa, the interwebz has all sorts of new knowledge since the dark ages about all sorts of subjects, including but not limited to genome variation information. Just so ya know.

>> No.2722597

he's right, idiot. mutations are the result of molecular phenomena. it's their differential fitness that makes them more prevalent, though.
shit, 2722573, i'm a mathfag and even i know this. what's your excuse?

>> No.2722606

I have never seen a study of the relative domesticability of Eurasian and African animals. Sure a horse is a lot easier to ride than a zebra, but whites and asians worked on that for a long fucking time. You can't compare modern animals that have been domesticated to African animals that have had no selective breeding

>> No.2722610

I agree with the OP. Only the strongest and smartest survive. This about all the places whites have moved also, being challenged and having to learn how to adapt, while some died along the way.

Of course we are now trying to promote reverse Darwinism with welfare and aid payments to people and countries of people unable to support themselves.

>> No.2722614

The population of the Caribbean is black because they are the descendants of African slaves.

>> No.2722621

IQ is completely hereditary, environmental effects are fucking minimal unless you're malnourished, high IQ parents give birth to high IQ kids, and vice versa.
IQ positively correlates with income, academic achievement, vocational achievement, income (meaning that low income people with high IQs earn more than low income people with low IQs and even more than medium income people with low IQs). IQ negatively correlates with committing crime, even with social factors taken to account.

Blacks on average test 2 standard deviations below whites.

ALL of this is absolute fact backed up by years of studies and mountains of statistical evidence. It has as much validity behind it as Climate Change.


>> No.2722623


actually as far as I knew, practical application of the wheel (chariot) originated with the peoples north of the black sea. (indo-europeans)

different innovations popped up everywhere, so what?

>> No.2722627

I believe African Americans have a lower average I.Q because A)Most of them are poor or were raised in poor families and B) Because of the Nigger culture that the Jews are pushing.

>> No.2722632

I didn't intend to say you're a kid...
Also, I don't really see the point of just saying "genome variation" without explaining how it relates to this discussion. You haven't proven or even argued against my point (with your comment about genome variation), you just implied that I'm wrong because I don't know about/haven't referred to genome variation.

>> No.2722638

So is OP talking of just African descended, then?

>> No.2722658


>> No.2722659

I hadn't thought out what I meant in detail, a mistake on my part.
I guess let's simplify it to africa versus europe.

>> No.2722660

Nubia was black, they were a perfectly legitimate civ, Egyptians were essentially like Arabs, they were one of the first important civilizations

>> No.2722663

Yes, this is talking about people who owe their inherited traits to precolumbian Africa, Europe and East Asia.

>> No.2722672

av. IQ of homo erectus: 50
av. IQ of Australian Aborigines: 62

>> No.2722673

Supposedly, the oldest wheel found was created by the Sumerians, a Mesopotamian civilizations. Though some argue the wheel was invent thousands of years before that.

>> No.2722676

your imposition of Darwinism is an insult to Darwin

>> No.2722677

ITT: Politically motivated anti racist science deniers get fucking told.

>> No.2722683

And I assume that you mean modern man, not our ancestors who migrated from Africa to Europe?

>> No.2722684

Yeah, I'm talking about recorded history.

>> No.2722689

Studies. Not politically motivated tripe.

Diamond assumed the animals were more suitable for domestication because, historically, they were domesticated. I'm sure you can see the problem with that reasoning in light of this discussion we're having.

>> No.2722692

When I was a kid, judging people by the color of their skin was a bad thing.

>> No.2722701

you're not going to get an actual discussion on this OP. people posting on here grew up in an age of media telling them they're all equal while instilling white guilt.

these discussions, even if they're harmless and hardly actually "racist", will always be discouraged.

>> No.2722713

actually it was first found in southern poland, from the funnel beaker culture

>> No.2722715

...to be continued on stormfront.com

This thread is getting a little annoying and gay. Off /sci/.

>> No.2722716

Even if the studies are true, it doesn't actually say who is smarter than who on an individual level. Whites are more prone to getting skin cancer, so should we assume that all whites will inevitably contract skin cancer? You are a racist piece of shit, please die for the betterment of all mankind.

>> No.2722717

I can't believe people take the Guns Germs and Steel book seriously. In a non-marxist society it would surely be laughed at, as it should.

>> No.2722718

It's really kind of funny that all the races with low low IQs ended up with dark skin. Don't bring up temperature, central and south american natives lived in climates just as hot, were never that dumb and were never that dark

>> No.2722727

It's a shame people tend to have a negative connotation towards discrimination. To tell apart physical traits of a certain race from another is what Racism is, but it does not bring with it feelings of superiority or other nationalistic, pseudo-scientific claims.

>> No.2722729

having read the book, there were numerous accounts of ancients "attempting" to domesticate elephants, lions, et al

hannibal rode into persia on an elephant, that's the closest we got, for they don't submit to selective breeding

if you are refuting the fact that lions and horses are equally domesticable, then i suggest you undergo thoughtful and sensible deliberation on the matter

>> No.2722735

There were a few non-dickheads replying...
But, yeah. I don't get why the fuck everyone is so offended or whatever.
I told my mexican friends this theory, including the part (which I didn't mention here) that american indians are also less intelligent, and they weren't offended. That is partly because both of them are smarter than me, but still their asses were not pained at all (that I could see). and my white friends who I have told about this who are all smart (i.e 99th percentile on standardized tests) also were not butthurt.

>> No.2722740


It's full of logical fallacies and garbage.

In fact, I can use his own arguments in favor of the biological differences in races.

See, when different populations evolve in areas with different selection criteria, they start to become genetically distinct. Sub-Saharan Africans, Indo-Europeans, and East Asians ALL developed mostly isolated from each other for THOUSANDS of years. We have developed hundreds (more probably) of different breeds of dogs within a much lower period of time. No one argues that these breeds don't have different temperaments and mental characteristics. But

>> No.2722741

>obvious difference between white and black societies
>OP wants to discuss these differences and potential reasons for why


if anyone should be leaving /sci/ it is you.

>> No.2722747

>AREN'T equally domesticable

another err, apologies

>> No.2722749

Indigenous South Americans definitely had/have lower IQs than Whites and East Asians.

>> No.2722756

No, but we can say whites are more likely to develop skin cancer. We can also say blacks are more likely to lack intelligence.

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.2722759

You are a quite dense, aren't you? You, not black people, are the weak link here; that is what you have proven to me with your inability to understand how what I have said applies to your idiotic theory/argument.

Lesson over. I'm going to retire to do something more fruitful like watch paint dry. Toodles, weak link.

>> No.2722760

As far as I;m concerned, it is a historical theory, not a scientific one.

>> No.2722762

of course they are genetically distinct, they should be, its called evolution

but to think a better intelligence mutation happened to arise only in whites is absurd and misguided

>> No.2722766

Don't be a dense cunt, what I'm saying is that there is no evidence (that I've seen) to believe that ancient Eurasian horses, bovine, wild hogs, wolves, etc. were any more domesticable than African analogues.

>> No.2722768


Get the fuck off of /sci/.

>> No.2722770


>> No.2722773

>I am either too lazy or too stupid or too butthurt to argue against OP in detail, so I will say he's an idiot and pretend to leave the thread, whilst f5ing

>> No.2722775

a Pomeranian and a German Shepherd are less genetically varied than a Korean and a Congolese, fwiw

>> No.2722780

Higher levels of melanin in of itself has found to contribute to more aggressive and impulsive behaviors in animals.

Blacks by virtue of their large amounts of melanin alone are shown to be intellectually inferior. Even discounting the millennia of evolution that forced whites to develop high levels of intellect (ice age).

>> No.2722782


im with you treats.
good job saying all the stuff i would have said.

>> No.2722786
File: 53 KB, 393x398, 1300070946621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peer-reviewed paper
Don't you mean, CIRCLEJERK

>> No.2722787

>dense cunt

picks or GTFO

Is evidence gathering data and assessing probability? If its not then what form of evidence would suffice?

>> No.2722793



You can stick up your ass about 'mental temperaments' because NO BREED in the world can profess to breeding the "smartest" dog, Einstein. NONE

Why? Because that cannot be measured by genes, you moron.

Your argument is dog shit. Pun fully intended.

>> No.2722789

>better intelligence mutation
That's not what I meant. I don't know the details of evolutionary biology, but I think that in general, you can breed a trait. It works with skin/hair colors of animals, and I think it would work for intelligence. So, a population being naturally selected to have a higher concentration of a certain trait (i.e intelligence) is possible. I'm not saying that 'herp whites got a super intelligence mutation randomly' or something.

>> No.2722791

The Indian civilizations managed to domesticate the Indian Elephant, and in the wild their demeanor is not significantly different from African Elephants.

Jared Diamond's assertion that there were no easily domesticated plants or animals in sub saharan africa IS BULLLLLSSSHHHHIIITTTT.

Because the thing is, ancient Africans DID farm and domesticate plant and animal life. But they never went beyond very small towns.

>> No.2722792

You share over 60% of your DNA with the common fruit fly.


>> No.2722794
File: 16 KB, 300x238, aa-white-pride-world-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck niggers!!

>> No.2722796


>> No.2722800

to assume that every people group has the same distribution of alleles pertaining to intelligence is equally absurd

>> No.2722804

I'm sure there was positive selection for what is now measured by higher IQ throughout history in almost every human group, however there is no disputing that today, East Asians and White Europeans are the groups which selected most dramatically in this direction, and thus, today, stand as the most suited for intellectual tasks

>> No.2722807

breeding can only generate what's already there unless there is a mutation

so how else would whites have exclusive access to the intelligence mutation?

>> No.2722811
File: 55 KB, 399x599, 399px-Captain_Morgan,_2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw Border Collie

>> No.2722812

You get the fuck off /sci/ you ignorant piece of shit. Some of us like to learn about science so we can better understand the world, not justify our petty prejudices. Even if their was an intelligence difference between races, it would mean nothing on an individual level and your discrimination would be just as unfounded. You are worse than scum. Leave now, and suck every dick on your way to the door.

No, I am not mad. I am enraged that you are allowed to think without retribution. The very idea of you repulses me and if you died tomorrow, I genuinely believe that the world would be a better place.

Good day, sir.

>> No.2722818

>picks out a single argument in my post
>fails anyway

NOW you're just arguing semantics. "Hurrr temperments aren't intelligence durrrr".
You're wrong about not being able to measure breed intelligence as well. It's well established that dogs like German Shepherds are smarter than say, Bulldogs. This is evidenced by how quickly they can learn various commands/tricks and the complexity by which they can execute them.

>> No.2722819

ITT: Few people are trying to argue with facts and science about the validity of racial differences, while others are either unreasonably hostile to the topic, or stormfront kiddies.

>> No.2722820

stated better than I put it, probably.
Do you agree with the reason I gave for selection to take place that way? (technology/developed culture) It seems like the most obvious one, but I don't know much about evolution/culture/other shit so I'm curious about other theories.

>> No.2722821

obviously true, and for you to make such a leap based on my statement is childish

but to assume whites somehow unconsciously breed for intelligence while others breed for airheads is even more absurd

people breed if they live long enough to fight off parasites, intelligence rarely enters into the equation

>> No.2722827
File: 13 KB, 350x270, aryanfest2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers are scum of earth, they smell like shit and have low inteligent scores. white power! white pride worldwide. listen to don black, be enlightened you blind libtards!

>> No.2722831


Actually it's YOU justifying YOUR prejudices. YOU haven't posted ANY fucking counterevidence to the differences in intelligence of races.

All you've done is personally insult us and whine like an entitled, prissy, liberal piece of shit.

>> No.2722833

I knew a collie that chased it's tail all the time and that's pretty much all the damn dog did all day.

Yeah, those collies are geniuses.

>> No.2722836

>This is evidenced by how quickly they can learn various commands/tricks and the complexity by which they can execute them.

yes because circus tricks is an awesome measure of dog intelligence

>> No.2722837

Randroid spotted. Get the fuck out.

>> No.2722841


This is the mind of a creationist. Look upon this pathetic faggot and see what the majority of leftists actually believe.You can feel the hatred and self righteous anger emanate from his posts. You are a social and intellectual disease.

>> No.2722845

You are a very stupid man and have dumbed down our species just by your existence.

>> No.2722847
File: 131 KB, 310x451, idiocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless if we can agree intellectual differences between the races exist (they most certainly do), it doesn't change the fact that modern Western society is having a net dysgenic effect on its population.

Pic related, it's where we are all gonna end up thanks to not having to struggle everyday of our lives for food.

That and the fact that it seems that high iq individuals refuse to breed/are faggots/have aspergers and are incapable of breeding, while the average podunk moron (black or white) has 10 kids.

>> No.2722850

Yes actually it is. Are you trying to imply that it isn't? Any animal psychologist would fucking laugh at you.

>> No.2722857

black people aren't retarded, black popular culture is

>> No.2722860

I'm not saying whites have exclusive access to "the intelligence mutation". I don't even think there is an "intelligence mutation". I'm saying that intelligence is partly genetic, and that whites generally express it more strongly. I think you misunderstood what I was saying...

>> No.2722863


Leftism is a mental disorder.

>> No.2722865

Like I said, please show me a paper on the relative domesticability of early African and Eurasian fauna, I've never seen one, but everyone spouts off like Jared Diamond about how Eurasians were so lucky to have the modern horse and cow in their environment.

They didn't have the horse and cow, they fucking made them and it took a lot of work. Africans, it would appear to me, never did put in the work and that's why they don't have domesticated Zebras and Water Buffalo (or whatever they would have domesticated)

>> No.2722867

Genetic Similarity of a Northern European subject (i.e. my older brother) to people groups around the globe.

>> No.2722869

what survival value can be garnered from canine circus tricks?

you are in way over your head, might i suggest leaving /sci/ until you learn2/sci/

>> No.2722877 [DELETED] 

your theory is flawed

African Civilizations: Egypt, Mali, Songhai, Kongo, Ashanti, Great Zimbabwe, Swahili, etc. etc.
They did have a number of civilizations. the problem is a bunch of them collapsed. most due to outside influence. but, also...

Africa: Dangerous fucking animals, lots of fucking diseases, lots of potential for disaster (plagues, flooding, etc.)

Europe: tame (wolves and bears? LOL)
Asia: tame (pandas)

Europe and Asia just happen to be easier places to live. More farmland, less dangerous animals. It's just easier.

The current disparity in IQ scores can be explain by socio-economic factors. Take two lawyers, from upper class backgrounds, one black one white. Do you think there will be a meaningful difference in IQ scores?

> u mad?

>> No.2722872

I'll laugh at anybody who calls themselves an animal psychologist, so I suppose we're even.
Are you implying it's the left that is predominantly creationist?

>> No.2722874

Isn't it funny how Treats has been a gentleman this whole thread with an actual desire to discuss theories on differences in race and all the liberals can do is make death threats and scream stormfront?

>> No.2722875

People develop skill sets that best fit the environment in which they live, while adapting to this they also are affected by what benefits them best socially, financially, and mentally if possible. These factors have the power to negatively or positively affect the growth of any human society.

>> No.2722878

If you're denying the german shepherds are easily one of the most intelligent dog breeds, then you might as well be a creationist.

They're not used by the police and bomb squads just because they look nice you know.

>> No.2722879

All you have 'proven' is that black Africans tend to score less than whites on certain tests. This evidence is purely descriptive and not predictive at all. Scientists don't even agree on what the fuck intelligence even is.


Am I high, or is a racist trying to claim to have the moral high ground?

>> No.2722882

Who is Ops girl?

>> No.2722884
File: 38 KB, 375x410, blonde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at this aryan beauty. she is superior to nigger female with huge ugly lips and inferior nose. niggers have descent from gorilas, while whites have descent from human beings. niggers and the jews who support them are destroying our country and our white way of life. the jewish agenda supports the mixing of races, and we now have higher white women marrying nigger inferiors. Wake up you blind guilty white libtards! the jews are taking america away from you and giving it to the niggers and mexicans.

>> No.2722886

What made their culture that way?

>> No.2722891

Some animals are impossible to domesticate. Modern scientists are still trying to breed tame zebras, shit don't work. It's a genetic thing.

>> No.2722894

Black popular culture is retarded because of black people.

>> No.2722895


/libtard reply

>> No.2722901

You don't even know what a racist is. That's a word that has officially lost all meaning.

>> No.2722902

Google smartest dog in the world and see what comes up. But I'm sure you're right and the whole rest of the internet is wrong. There's not definite way to measure intelligence, so it's done indirectly. You can't give a dog an IQ test dumbass.

>> No.2722899
File: 427 KB, 698x341, Genes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry, here's the pic

among the genes tested, similarity ranges from 70% to 60%

>> No.2722908

Well, actually, a dog that can learn circus tricks is likely to survive and get to fuck lots of bitches to provide more circus dogs.

But, anyway, that's beside the point. Intelligence doesn't always help with survival. In fact, my OP stated that in some societies/situations, intelligence is not very useful to survival.

>> No.2722907 [DELETED] 

You sure, bro?

you race denying libtards really are in the same boat as evolution denying creationists

>> No.2722910

Mostly Hollywood stereotypes and predominantly white record company owners.

>> No.2722912

just saying, doesn't imply anything about intelligence just saying "race" isn't total bullshit

>> No.2722916


No I'm pretty sure it still has a meaning

>> No.2722919
File: 70 KB, 800x426, WalterRothschildWithZebras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure, bro?

you race denying libtards really are in the same boat as evolution denying creationists

>> No.2722925

Yes, I'm sure. You know scientists are actually researching shit like this, right?

>> No.2722931

I'm sure ancient horses were no peach either. Anyway, we could both speculate 'till our fingers turn black and fall off, but like I said,
Otherwise you can't claim that Eurasian species were easier to domesticate

>> No.2722935
File: 85 KB, 400x834, whiterace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i commend you, treats. you are doing good job for advancing the white race and helping to kill the jewish propoganda in the liberal media. the white race is superior and is better than dirty niggers who are uninteligent and trash.

>> No.2722936

ITT: people don't realize the two kind of racism.

1. Scientific facts about the physical differences between human races. Valid and worth debating.
2. A pseudo-scientific sense of superiority based on no real evidence (most of stormfront.) About as worth debating as astrology.

>> No.2722940

Someone used her to troll r9k1 a while ago. I usually use hot girls for OPs of pretty much any type of thread.

>> No.2722943

>Otherwise you can't claim that Eurasian species were easier to domesticate
I'm not saying they were.
All I'm saying is that not all species are possible to domesticate.

>> No.2722944

We're alive today solely based on intelligence, but it is true we didn't need intelligence to survive. We gained intelligence in a kind of arms race against other similar species to us, though that intelligence wasn't necessary to our survival.

>> No.2722946

Wait, scientific facts about the physical differences between human races which are valid and worth debating are racism? Science is racism?

>> No.2722947

I also sort of wish to be a jew so I could have money and be responsible and motivated, and also be smarter. Not even joking.

>> No.2722955

forget my compliment, you are an uninteligent homosexual. no better than the niggers. jews are the worst animals on the planet, how could you wish to be like them.

>> No.2722957

1. technically isn't racism, because it's about investigating differences between populations based on empirical evidence. What people fail to realize is that these populations can interbreed, making the conclusive data hazy at best, irrelevant at worst. The study of black Africans in America is almost useless because of socio-economic and cultural factors, and centuries of interbreeding.

>> No.2722958

your theory is flawed

African Civilizations: Egypt, Mali, Songhai, Kongo, Ashanti, Great Zimbabwe, Swahili, etc. etc.
They did have a number of civilizations. the problem is a bunch of them collapsed. most due to outside influence. but, also...

Africa: Dangerous fucking animals, lots of fucking diseases, lots of potential for disaster (plagues, flooding, etc.)

Europe: tame (wolves and bears? LOL)
Asia: tame (pandas)

Europe and Asia just happen to be easier places to live. More farmland, less dangerous animals. It's just easier.

The current disparity in IQ scores can be explain by socio-economic factors. Take two lawyers, from upper class backgrounds, one black one white. Do you think there will be a meaningful difference in IQ scores?

> u mad?

>> No.2722960

Yes. Racism is to discriminate between different races, not treating all humans as one race alone. Similar to specieism. Only because of media does it have a bad connotation assigned to it.

>> No.2722965

Do you consider this thread to be the first or second? I expect that you define it as the second since intelligence isn't strictly "physical", but I think it should count as legitimate inquiry. I have no problem saying "this race is physically better in this area", and I don't see the problem with saying "this race is mentally better".

>> No.2722967

euro jews may have high IQs but are also 10x more likely than anyone else to develop TSD in their young.

(which is funny since some dumbass said earlier races aren't genetically predisposed to disease).

>> No.2722970

ITT: posts attacking OP are refuted, posts supporting OP are either ignored or labeled stormfaggotry, racist, etc

Thus, /sci/ cannot disprove OPs theory

>> No.2722976

OP does have a point. It's though woman are attracted to rich men, because money normally signifies intelligence in a man. The richer, the smarter. Early Europeans were very rich, and this convention is continued today. This is also why their are far more rich white guys than black guys. That's slowly changing though.

>> No.2722981

jews and niggers are infected with diseases because they are lower animals. many libtards will say different, but they have been indoctrinated by the zionist agenda in the media and in the current political administration.

>> No.2722985

From a genetics point of view, there is no gene for intelligence, and even if it was, it would be very improbably for the skin color gene and intelligence gene to be linked.
Also: Egyptians were black. I'm just saying...

>> No.2722989

Still with this? Now human intelligence and dog intelligence are measured using the same performance metrics?

what are you getting at exactly? That whites have selectively bred for intelligence over the last 10,000 years?

must be a christfag

>> No.2722990

Yes, current IQ disparity can be explained by current socioeconomic stuff. That's obvious.
I was giving another possible theory.

>> No.2722991

Except melanin itself has been proven to increase aggression and lower impulse control in animals.

>> No.2722997

The main difference between the two is scientific validity. Thus, yours is a more cohesive theory than just yelling out WHITE PRIDE WORLD WIDE, and thus the former of the two.

>> No.2722998

it's actually really pathetic. you can tell some of the really butthurt people are purposely posting blatant stormfront/white supremacist posts just to invalidate the points OP is trying to make.


>> No.2722999

So many things wrong with this you must be trolling..

>> No.2723000


based on about 540000 gene sequences

>> No.2723010

>what are you getting at exactly? That whites have selectively bred for intelligence over the last 10,000 years?
>must be a christfag

>> No.2723013

the reason they suffer TSD is the same reason amish suffer EVC or whatever it is. jews are true racists and won't mix, so they have a limited gene pool (so more likely to get TSD).

>advocate race mixing for everyone else
>breed only with your own
>baby skulls are collapsing in
>but hey at least we make intel chips

>> No.2723023

>>selectively bred

Yes, we select our own mates based on their intelligence and appearance. dumbshit.

>> No.2723025

That is incredibly silly. Why would only whites breed selectively for intelligence? I'm quite sure societies that only allowed intelligent people to breed with other intelligent people were pretty rare.

>> No.2723026

intelligence is a function of developmental flexibility

of course people have different congenital aptitudes and appetites for certain things, but intelligence is an abstract, and a child borne to a learned environment will have a high iq regardless if he has the "good" intelligence gene rather than the "mediocre" allele

>> No.2723034

I'm sorry, I think I misused a term. I'm going to look it up before I embarrass myself further.

>> No.2723046

your theory makes assumptions that european society was somehow naturally more complex than african ones. if anything, the more intelligent african individuals would thrive; the first person to throw a javelin or use a bow would do far better than the "athletic" individual who chased down their prey.

your assumption that african cultures were primarily hunter-gatherer is also unfounded: Egypt, Ethiopia, Axum, Mali, Songhai... should I go on?

your main mistake here was an oversimplification that resounded with young men on the internet frustrated with their lack of ability to conform to social norms. you failed to look at complex social, environmental, and historical factors before claiming that africans were hunter-gatherers.

what's wrong?

>> No.2723059

Yeah, it's not that simple.
You're partially correct, of course. It's just that physical attractiveness is a lot more important.

>> No.2723061

Intelligence is an inherited trait. The adult child's IQ correlates with parent's IQ somewhere around 0.8. You don't have to find the gene responsible to make this claim.

Intelligence and melanin have nothing to do with each other inherently, however there were groups of people throughout history who lived in similar environments thus faced similar environmental pressures, interbred and today we colloquially call "races". As it turns out, these different races which evolved in different areas of the globe have different traits, which have been inherited generation to generation. One of these traits is intelligence.

>> No.2723065

>intelligence and appearance
>intelligence = appearance

if a girl is hot and disease free, i'm likely to want to fuck her and maybe pass on some genes in the process

explain to how there are controlled mating habits from the population level

variation in reproductive success has a correlation with variation in parasite resistance, and little else

the "un" intelligence breed regardless of what you think

an atheist wouldn't think in such a miscalculated manner

>> No.2723066
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>> No.2723070

Yeah, I'm an idiot. I meant something other than what selectively breed means when I used it.

What I meant: Yes, the gene(s) for intelligence have been selected more within white populations.

My biology classes were all shit so I don't know correct terms. :(

>> No.2723075
File: 74 KB, 848x848, you-need-any-drugs-i-own-a-chain-of-pharmaceutical-outlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2723078

>Yes, current IQ disparity can be explained by current socioeconomic stuff.

No it cannot. IQ is not based on environment. It's completely inherited.

>> No.2723080

>> No.2723082

>Yes, the gene(s) for intelligence have been selected more within white populations.

HOW?! By what mechanism? Assortative breeding by intelligence has been a reality for maybe the past 50 years.

>> No.2723084

ITT: People don't understand shit bout IQ.

>> No.2723089

[citation needed]

>> No.2723091

Which is still silly. Why would this be the case in 'whites' but not in 'blacks'?
Oh wait you're serious
Let me laugh even harder

>> No.2723093

Yes, but in European and Asian societies you'd only get the chance to fuck her after you proved to her father that you could provide. Productivity is linked with intelligence.

>> No.2723094

>still thinks IQ is an indicator of jack shit other than how high your IQ is

>> No.2723095

>intelligence is an inherited trait

great argument, i'm sold

>water contains matter

>> No.2723101

lol think before you right guy

>> No.2723103


It is the single greatest predictor of social success.

>> No.2723106

OP is bullshit, but only because his theory is fucking sweeping Amerifag bullshit.

For one thing, the first few centuries of CE featured Arabic and Egyptian centers of learning.

For another thing, a few thousand years isn't enough for genetics to matter and isn't important for social bullshit.

If anything, I would say that modern africian americans don't value education and focus on the shitty gigs of sportin' and drug dealing, for social something or shit.

>> No.2723110
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>> No.2723114
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>> No.2723122

Yeah because it took millions of years for new dog breeds to develop HERPDERP.

Read the thread dicksuck.

>> No.2723132


um... nope, it just shows that you can take tests and shit.

which shows at least some form of integellence, but isn't an end all.

>> No.2723127


meant "write" obv

>> No.2723130

We breed dogs. We don't breed humans.

>> No.2723145
File: 72 KB, 640x640, successful_negro-640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2723147

Retard trolls have inhabited the thread, the day was won by the hereditarians

>> No.2723149

1:I think more often european societies were more complex. However I don't have any hard evidence on this.

>if anything, the more intelligent african individuals would thrive; the first person to throw a javelin or use a bow would do far better than the "athletic" individual who chased down their prey

2:Innovations like that happened less often in african societies (as evidenced by the smaller total amount of technology created in african societies). As a result, fewer occasions for innovators to do really well and get lots of pussy would have occurred.

3:even though there were some innovations in africa, (assuming my earlier point that european societies were more complex is correct, which I can't prove), a more complex society with more complex technologies allows more opportunities for intelligence to help people.
I guess my third point is just a different wording of my second point but I'm going to leave both

>> No.2723150

First off, I can barely understand what the fuck your saying because you can't seem to use proper grammar. Secondly, studies show attractiveness does correlate with intelligence. Once again, google is your friend. Let me give an example.
Around this time period in lets say Mexico
Some smart guy comes along, just by chance mixing of genes, call him Bob.
Bob uses his above average intelligence to get a good job, and move to the states, and gets paid a good amount.
More money=better living conditions
Better living conditions= better standards of health.
Equally attractive and intelligent girl meets Bob, attracted to his intelligence. Good genes mix you have healthier, smarter children. As far as resistance to parasites through genes, that's something that comes from natural selection. That gives you people like Bob.

>> No.2723155

To whoever is posting successful negro:

You are the only thing of value in this entire thread, and I respect you.

>> No.2723160


>implying Rome/Byzantium weren't the centers of learning until the sevent century

>> No.2723163

>why would this be the case for whites but not blacks
read the op, it explains why.

>> No.2723168

I hope you're trolling. That, or you know absolutely nothing about history, which is kind of sad.

>> No.2723169

>your saying
>lets call him Bob
>a Bob in MEXICO

Opinion invalidated.

>> No.2723171

I have never been to stormfront am not a conservative or a jesus freak and I honestly believe that Africans are different than other groups and tow of these differences there temperament and intelligence. I feel that much of this is caused by them not having Neanderthal dna. This discussion has way too much shit in it. People who think everyone is equal are ignorant. Personally I believe in tolerance but I'm not a humanitarian, if someone is to stupid to put on a free condom or buy a fucking mosquito net for his hids than he deserves to die of aids and his children of malaria. I am a strong propionate of prison labor, put all those car thief's to work and give cheap Chinese labor a run for its money. I'm not too big into eugenics but if someones behind bars its harder for them to spawn more defective children.

>> No.2723178
File: 80 KB, 360x360, youre-gonna-die-when-you-read-this-issue-of-gentlemens-quarterly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2723182

No, it does not. It assumes an initial intellectual superiority, and extrapolates from that.
What caused whites to be smarter in the first place?

>> No.2723185
File: 73 KB, 541x410, 1285569380935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw successful negro buys stock in Watermelon

>> No.2723190

Studies have also shown black is perceived as a more aggressive color than others. For example football teams in black jerseys get called on for fouls more times than when they play in a different colored jersey.

>> No.2723191

How do you feel about Affirmative Action

>> No.2723196


the Arab civilization didn't rise from obscurity until the Seventh century.
Also prior to Roman hegemony, Athens was the cultural powerhouse of the Mediterranean, before that Egypt.

Are we reading the same history books?

>> No.2723197

No, it doesn't assume initial intellectual superiority.
I said, basically,
"somehow white societies get technology and shit"
"i don't claim to explain how"
"once they have it, they evolve moar better because of it"
>a few thousand years isn't enough for genetics to matter
I don't have hard evidence to the contrary, but do you want to give any evidence to support that?

>> No.2723198

a lot of our technology came from africa

things invented in egypt and mesopotamia (not african, but not european) were taken up by the phoenicians, and later exposed to ancient agean civilization, the greeks, who would give birth to europe and by extension the modern world.

early technology came from africa.
how the hell did they build the pyramids if they didn't invent shit. or ziggurats.
and how did mayans and aztecs build their pyramids if they never benefitted from european technology?

>> No.2723203

>Your face when Bob=robert. One of the most common names in Mexico

>> No.2723204
File: 82 KB, 360x360, I-beat-my-children-some-eggs-for-their-omelettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2723206

His friend bought some shares for him as a joke for his college graduation. He's held on to them because of sentimental value and they've proven to be lucrative until recently.

>> No.2723219

The thread is autosaging by the way. You are literally playing violin on the deck of the Titanic. Racialists made a much better case in this thread. Start a new thread if you want to continue the discussion

>> No.2723221

Oh, and don't get me wrong, the Arab Civilization was the shining gem of the world for at least 500 years. ( and the crusades were fucking retarded ) I just don't get how you think you know anything more about history than I do. ( oh and you don't, belieeeve me, you don't )

>> No.2723222

and only until graduating from grad school at MIT did he begin watching his stock portfolio again, as he was busy with intensive studies in theoretical mathematics.

>> No.2723227

Whites being somehow technologically more developed implies intellectual superiority, unless you assume aliens gave them technology or something.

>> No.2723228

>a lot of our technology came from africa
I still think that much less of it came from africa, but I have no evidence on this. I don't think I'll ever have the patience to make a huge list of technologies and their origins and sort them by continent :(

Thanks for disagreeing with me without being a faggot.

>> No.2723230

I lol'd at "a few thousand years isn't enough for genetics to matter." Learn about the spread of information and exponential functions, then come back.

>> No.2723244

>Racialists made a much better case in this thread.

I agree only in the sense that there are differences between populations. What the racialists fail to realize is that there is still no basis for discrimination. In that regard they are wrong as they have always been.

>> No.2723246

Egyptians were Hamito-Semitic people

>> No.2723252
File: 80 KB, 360x360, Kill-white-spotted-fishes-so-we-can-have-enough-to-give-to-the-homeless-shelter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2723255

None of us (at least not most us) ever said that is reason to discriminate against black people, or that it is fair they are treated inhumanely. Simply that they might be less intelligent for scientifically explainable reasons.

>> No.2723254

They might have just gotten lucky when they created the first few technologies.
Or else the climate or some shit made technologies easier to develop.
In any case, I don't claim that the initial reason that white cultures had better technologies (if they did) was superior white intelligence. If you think that superior white intelligence is the only possible explanation for the initial superior technology in white cultures, then whatever, I'm not trying to argue that.

>> No.2723264

My problem is that you're trying to argue for white superiority by first assuming white superiority. I don't care where you think that initial superiority came from, it's just bad reasoning.

>> No.2723266
File: 84 KB, 360x360, im-on-the-welfare-task-force-in-the-state-senate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2723272

Do you support affirmative action?

>> No.2723273

I don't wish to discriminate. Pointing out/talking about differences between races is different from saying "lol niggers cant vote"

>> No.2723277

Also dude I love those images. 3rd favorite meme, probably.

>> No.2723282

No. It had it's place decades ago when racism was far more blatantly prevalent, but now it causes more grief than good.

>> No.2723283

It appears that whites faced harsher environmental pressures that pushed them to higher intelligence. Likewise with Asians

>> No.2723287

i just made the welfare one right now actually lol

>> No.2723290

Harsher than living in the jungle? You mean because it was colder or what?

>> No.2723297


>> No.2723298

I'm not saying whites were initially superior though. I'm just saying they had better stuff.
Let's say my dad gives me a gun and I shoot my brother with it. That doesn't mean that I am superior, I just got a better toy. If I was stronger, faster, or smarter, I would be inherently superior to my brother.

>> No.2723299
File: 81 KB, 360x360, I-hate-crackers-when-the-waiter-smashes-them-into-my-gourmet-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2723304

I have to go to bed soon, though :(
I thought about making another tomorrow, though, with a better version of my argument as OP, explaining in more detail and also requesting retards not to respond

>> No.2723309

You're assuming somebody gave whites superior technology?

>> No.2723310

I hate using the term 'higher intelligence'. I prefer different intelligence. Surviving on the Serengeti requires a completely different set of skills than surviving in a temperate forest. Civilization arose in its various forms due to a response to whatever environment it's people had to deal with. Successful civilizations are regarded as 'more intelligent' because they are judging intelligence by the criteria that made the society successful.

>> No.2723312

East Africa is a pretty fucking easy place to get by.

>> No.2723313

I'd say it might come down to luck. Someone in a white civilization came up with some good shit for no particular reason.
But I don't claim to know.

>> No.2723318

So is the Mediterranean.

>> No.2723325

Then your argument rests on white people being intrinsically luckier than black people.
That's not very /sci/ of you.

>> No.2723331
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>> No.2723346

No, it doesn't. It rests on the assumption that whites had better tech then blacks at a certain point in time.
I don't claim to be able to explain why whites happened to have better technology then. Luck is a possible explanation, but not part of my argument.

Of course, someone else (maybe it was you, can't remember) said that blacks actually had better technology early on, which I haven't disproven.

Sorry if I'm being confusing/incorrect. I am tired as FUCK.

>> No.2723350

That's cool and all, but if whites wanted to, they could make the Serengeti their bitch. European whites, having an ecological streak apparently greater than others, decided to leave it as a nature preserve.

Modern europeans and asians have higher intelligences than modern africans. There is no honest discussion about that.

>> No.2723353
File: 86 KB, 360x360, I-smoked-crack-Because-I-had-to-as-an-undercover-officer-infiltrating-a-drug-gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2724645


People get masters in social work, not PhDs.

>> No.2725337

Firstly, evolution does not occur that rapidly over time, all humans were black until as recent as 8,000BC. Secondly, Intelligence would benefit any animal in any environment, it's rather ironic how idiotic that statement was. The most successful person to survive in a jungle environment and the most successful person to survive in a modern environment would both be smart in their own merit.

Fuck your theory. The Facts are we are genetically similar, with no defining characteristics that legitimately segregate us. We're a spectrum of melanin pigments displayed across the earth, with various civilizations varying from each region. Its that simple, research the data, theres actually a very elaborate and accurate exhibition at the museum of science in boston.