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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2721218 No.2721218 [Reply] [Original]

>PhD in mathematics
>any job I want
>$300k starting

>> No.2721251

>implying you can get a job in mathematics

>> No.2721260

Do professors get paid $300k?

Math is just as bad as the liberal arts in terms of job opportunities (unless you're really fucking brilliant).

>> No.2721261

>implying you can't

>> No.2721264

you must be new here

>> No.2721266

>implying you're not a nigger

>> No.2721275

I'm bumping this thread because I love /sci/

>> No.2721278

>PhD in Women's Studies
>any job I want
>You want fries with that?

>> No.2721281

>math is just as bad as the liberal arts in terms of job opportunities

"Liberal Arts" has more job opportunities related to its subject matter than science and engineering courses.

Regardless, if you want to make money go get an apprenticeship or build houses.

>> No.2721283

>PhD in Religion
>any job I want
>15 altar boys starting

>> No.2721284

omfg no no no no no
not again!!

>> No.2721286

>PhD in Engineering
>any maths teaching job I want
>do you want a blowjob with that

>> No.2721296

>PhD in Economics
>as much cocaine i want
>5 grams starting

>> No.2721301
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>he sages threads on 4chan's science board

>> No.2721302

follow my teacher:

>PhD in Math
>lrn2Derivatives&OptionsModelling with stochastic calculus in continuous time
>Teach retard level Options Modelling (ie Hull) to MBAs
>200bucks and hour

>> No.2721303
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>build houses
>make money

>> No.2721315


Builders make more money and they make it from an earlier age than most graduates.

In the UK a builder makes more aged 21 than a Nuclear Engineering graduate from ICL makes aged 28. And the builder has earned since he was 16.

>> No.2721320

>PhD in philosophy
>any job I want
>no job starting

>> No.2721326

you mean a construction worker? they get paid $7/hr where i live, what i did last summer

>> No.2721325

>PhD in engineering
>as much cock as I want
>300 cocks starting

>> No.2721329

>win lottery
>continue to troll /sci/

>> No.2721330

>PhD in science
>any job i want
>nowhere will hire me because i'm devoid of personality

>> No.2721340

>PhD in Philosophy
>any starbucks i want
>$20k starting

>> No.2721343


I earned £9 an hour lifting bricks around before I started university. Earned me about 20k a year. The guys who were actually training to be proper builders were looking at about £30,000 in their mid 20s.

>> No.2721356

>PhD in mathematics
>any job I want
>Have to deal with kids interrupting my research to say they thought the proof that the square root of 2 was "cool".

>> No.2721363

Liberal arts major here. See, this thread details the difference between someone involved in a social science or art degree. We don't do it for the pay, but instead for a genuine love of what we are doing.

Math/Engineering/what-have-you majors however only do it for a paycheck, and you know what? You'll hear it here first, it's just downright pathetic.

>> No.2721371

>any degree i want
>any job i want
problem, goyim?

in during ban

>> No.2721376


>implying i you cant study a subject you enjoy while pursuing a career that makes you money.

Dont need to be an English major to enjoy reading a good book

>> No.2721378



you definitely are a liberal arts major

>> No.2721383

congratz, you paid thousands (possibly hundreds of) for an education you could have gotten for $1.20 in late charges at the local library
- will hunting

>> No.2721385

>PhD in PhDs
>any Phd I want
>Phd Phd

>> No.2721387
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>PhD in Philosophy
>Any lectureship I want
>Hot undergrads starting

It's awesome being female.

>> No.2721388

>Masters in Business Administration.
>Any job I want.
>Working for myself starting.
>Tens of millions finishing

>> No.2721392
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>> No.2721397


>> No.2721396


>implying they're not.

>> No.2721393

And by the looks of your post you're a high school student who still thinks meaningless file extensions and green text are funny.

>> No.2721395

People major in a subject they enjoy (usually).

The only difference is I have employment opportunities after graduating.

>> No.2721402

>PhD in mathematics
>no jobs I want in academia
>any job i want teaching highschoolers

>> No.2721403

I can't believe I'm saying this but I was actually starting to miss this troll

>> No.2721406
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Jelly of my Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy?

>> No.2721408

Know what I love doing?
Advancing the knowledge of humanity, and making fat stacks doing it.

>> No.2721409

ITT people who think money will make them happy

i have money, i know people with a LOT (>7 digits) of money, and neither i nor they are happy.

>> No.2721410

Engineering major here:

Everybody that was in engineering for the money dropped out the first year. We all do it because we love it. Being employable is an added bonus.

>> No.2721411

I feel the same way..

>> No.2721416

You're not doing it right.

>> No.2721419

>PhD in computer science theory
>getting lost in that wonderful world of complexity and computation
>starting from doing something I love and not giving a fuck about pay, if I have enough money to eat and sleep properly

fuck you capitalists

>> No.2721421

>i'm going to advance knowledge by making schematics of some fat nerds graphics card

Yep, what would humanity do without you?

>> No.2721422

I'm not sure you would have a hard time getting a job regardless.

>> No.2721445

I know, but it doesn't matter. You have to understand guys. Do something that you are passionate about. Even if you don't make truckloads of money, you will be happy for a lifetime.

>> No.2721467

>computer science

That's about as stupid as a PhD in engineering. Unless you're planning on teaching, there's absolutely no point to getting a doctorate in that field.

>> No.2721474

>PhD in mathematics
>any job I want
>$300k starting

For having a doctarate in Math, you sure seem retarded when you add an extra dollar sign to that number

>> No.2721496

>PhD in marine biology
>little to no jobs
>sucking NOAA's underfunded dick to try get one

>> No.2721515

you wanna be called Doc

>> No.2721524
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You'll never know when your skills are needed.

>> No.2721533

You do know that some of us enjoy what we are going to school for?

If I did not owe tons of money, I would go to grad school and get a post-doc job. They pay around 50k a year(poor for an engineering job), but you get to work on a research project that you are interested in. After 5 years or so of post-doc most people can move into an academic position.

However I owe money. Thankfully the oil industry pays very well(85k+ starting for a BS)

>> No.2721557
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>Thankfully the oil industry pays very well

>> No.2721569

>PhD in Biology
>Any fast food job I want
>Minimum wage starting

>> No.2721570

>PhD in PhDs
>any PhD I want
>PhD starting

>> No.2721571
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>> No.2721576

Is it really hard to find a non-academia gig as a Biology Ph.D.?

>> No.2721578

>PhD in biology
People actually get doctorates in biology?
Oh wait, it's a dumbass undergrad that doesn't realize anybody entering a doctorate program would have specialized in some form of life science if they had a bio undergrad.

>> No.2721591

>PhD in trolling
>any board I want
>300 replies starting

>> No.2721641
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>GED; Vocational School
>I gotted a job
>First paycheck withheld two weeks

>> No.2721698

Believe it or not, there are people who enjoy doing graduate level research in their field. Research options in industry are extremely limited compared to what you can do at a decent state school, for example.

Also, believe it or not, there exist engineering positions outside of academia that require a PhD.

>> No.2721732

>PhD in marine biology
>research at university
>play with jellyfish all day

>> No.2721797

u jelly

>> No.2721801

>Drop out of high school
>Sell crack
>Millions and starting
>Better get some friction skin implants so you never drop the soap.

>> No.2721898

you best be trollin because im getting jelly

>> No.2721913

>Chemistry Ph.D.
>Can't find good research job in toiletbowl economy
>Cook LSD and MDMA
>Make millions

>> No.2722601
File: 31 KB, 483x297, 675461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay in a Holiday Inn Express
>any job I want
>clean sheets starting