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2720363 No.2720363 [Reply] [Original]

Hey bro's,
Just wondering but has anyone of you found love in your sciences?
This is my first year at college, so I'm not certain whose staying in the same classes as me but god damn, there are some fine women in chemistry and biology.
Also, in terms of dating a girl, what degree can she not by affiliated in?
Befriended a very nice psychology major and I think she maybe interested.
Love general? (also, any females in here, just apply the opposite)

>> No.2720378

love is over-rated

>> No.2720412

Physics undergrad. Considering shes the only female of 8 physicists in her year at her college the odds are probably astounding.
As a neuroscience student, a psych student would *probably* annoy me as they come out with comments such as "what is the point in learning this" in neuroanatomy 101.

>> No.2720415

mathfag here

math courses smell like body odor and asian food, no love here

forever awrone

>> No.2720428
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either women can't experience love like men can, or you just haven't.

>> No.2720484

Oh right, OP here, I'm a genetics major so.... yeah I can see how that may apply to my situation as well. The annoying bit I mean to say.

>> No.2720486

I so far have not found any woman in my math or physics classes that I would date.

other places...not school

>> No.2720488

how the fuck is that full retard?

dumass, you have no idea how to properly use reaction pics

>> No.2720495

rot in hell trip faggot

>> No.2720502

Wowaweewowa, don't be mad now bro. What do you not see about love general. But yeah, I'm trying to weed out all other majors. I'm lab partners with a education major and... I can't handle it. She's hot but she can't think. So I think my only hope left is to find love in one of my science courses.

>> No.2720516
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fuck you, double-nigger.

>> No.2720521

you will learn

>> No.2720526

What enlightenment good sir?

>> No.2720530

why is love over-rated

>> No.2720558

sometimes its not about what they know, its how they make you feel.
So what if she cant think, if she isnt conditioned to logic, does she have a good heart and ideals you can agree on?
other things matter
or you could just need a girl who is adept with science and math
then i dont know what to tell you

>> No.2720581

because then your emotions control you rather than the other way around, as it should be.
and then if the love is lost, it is unbearably heart-rending.

you can get along just fine without it, and be free.

>> No.2720603

i think there is a difference between love and obsession

i can fall in love and let my logic instead of my emotions control me

>> No.2720609

Math/Physics fag here.

Found love in a finance major. But it was more the shared experience of a upper-lower-middle class upbringing in the Western US, and a general detachment from 'normal' people, and similar love of nationalism, and our shared self-reliance that brought us together.

I probably won't find another one of those though. Women are rare in the sciences, and white/asian people don't date negros (according to OkC data regressions, anyways.).

>> No.2720665

D'awww, good job bro.
And no I completely agree, it's something to keep in mind for sure.

>> No.2720677
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I've kind of just to accept the fact that I am unlovable

It's said that people learn through their mistakes, but I've found that this can be taken to a much larger extent. You can learn not only through your failures, but through your very existence
Unfortunately, this can lead to the idea that your life itself is just one big mistake, but that's wrong. It's just a huge set of tiny mistakes that add up to about the equivalence of a large one
It's best to learn from OTHER people's mistakes, so as to not have to make them yourself. By seeing how others have failed, you can learn to overcome those same problems without ever having to fail through them yourselves
Also, this argument isn't flawed because of some idea that they have to be 'your' mistakes, and not someone else's. A mistake is a mistake, a lesson a lesson, and a life not fucked ever more better than one that is
If able to relive my life, I would definitely take more of an approach that involves observing how others have failed so as to better myself
From what I've seen, my life is chock full of mistakes that I can't undo, and learning my lesson from them won't get rid of them either? What good is learning to look both ways before crossing a street if getting hit by a car can put you into a coma?
Overall, I've come to recognize the failures of my life, ways to learn from them, and have begun watching others fail instead of myself. This may be seen as a sort of hermit approach to life but, fuck it, mistakes will be made and why not at least get a few laughs out of life before I die alone?
I am just a set of mistakes, and the fact that I can recognize that means that anyone I could possibly be interested in (with at least a minor case of having a fucking brain) should also be able to see these flaws and avoid me like the plague
Come at me bro, or at least whatever's left

>> No.2720682

Engineering is full of men, not women o.O.

After, I found my love who was doing molecular and cellular biology, I switched from engineering to molecular and cellular biology. Bahahaha!

Stay away from psychology and sociology girls unless you just want a ride on a dumb bimbo. Chemistry girls are a little odd. I might have a bias, but biology girls on the other hand...

>> No.2720689

Have you ever though that not being loveable could be seen as being loveable by some?

>> No.2720712

I have to agree, biology majors are just... <3. I'm doing a transfer program so hopefully there are more of them in my next school
And well this girl seems alright... definitely not a bimbo but I can see where she might be ignorant and just... as you said dumb.

>> No.2720766

Similar to someone having a gaping maw with teeth instead of a vagina or a jagged dagger instead of a dick could be found attractive by anyone other than a schizophrenic suicidal person?

Not really

>> No.2720853

this thread is filled with fuck so far but I'm going to reply anyways

Ever since I started college and started getting in to science classes, I have hoped to bump in to a girl, in my science classes, that appreciates the natural world and the pursuit of truth like I do; so I'm sort of expecting to find a much lower incidence of women that hold crazy beliefs about the world and a higher incidence of women that are more grounded and mature.

Recently I think I found that girl - I've run in to girls before that I thought had potential but not like this one. We have been attending study groups together and even had one with just the two of us... I'm working on making my intentions clear but trying not to creep her out. I think she's single but I'm not 100% sure yet, she's one of those girls where you know you are lucky if you catch them while they are single; she's just that much of a catch.

Anyways, I'm an O-Chem major and she's working on prerequisites for pharma school. If this doesn't pan-out, and with my record with attracting women I think the odds are stacked against me, it's back to foreveralone mode.

>> No.2720865

I'm a political science major, but I want to find a girl in math or science. I have trouble respecting women sometimes, both because of past failures and past successes with them. I think if I found a woman who really had a passion for knowledge I would fall in love instantly. I would love to spend a night with her even if she was just working the whole time. Is that possible even if I do a minor in mathematics as I've been considering (foremost for the love of the ideas, rather than for the love of the people who learn them)?

>> No.2720888

>Just wondering but has anyone of you found love in your sciences?

I fucking love Biochemistry. Found it. Girls? Right Click + Save. Problem solved.

>Also, in terms of dating a girl, what degree can she not by affiliated in?

Feminist studies
Government / Politics / Law

>Befriended a very nice psychology major and I think she maybe interested.

At my school, Psychology classes have the hot girls too.

>> No.2720891

Not in my sciences.
I got a gf from the other side of town during my last year of highschool who I still date. She went on to study social assistance in the university that is 10 blocks away from mine.
She gets mad when I say social sciences are useless because they cannot predict events accurately, and we should give them a few more hundred years of development before taking them seriously.

>> No.2720898


>I'm working on making my intentions clear but trying not to creep her out

You know, most girls don't get creeped out by the slightest hint of attraction. And if they do, they're not really worth knowing anyway. Just say something.

>> No.2720905

I haven't met a halfway attractive smart chick since sixth grade. I haven't met a halfway smart chick since high school.

>> No.2720911

people like us do, though, so we tend to think that
other people will react like we do to something like

>> No.2720943


So, you get creeped out by the slightest hint of attraction. I think that says something about you.

>> No.2720950

>mentions "class"
Wannabe richfag detected
>detachment from 'normal' people
I outgrew my hot topic phase before dating
>love of nationalism
redneck as fuck!

So much faggotry in this post...10/10

>> No.2720956


I've kind of reached a point where I just don't care about that anymore and feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.2720974

might as well go where this thread was headed anyways

20/m/ontario guies l00kin 4 luv!

>> No.2720979

>need to get over your shit and man the fuck up and talk to a girl

>> No.2720992

>implying past the point of just desire and reaching into needs
>implying you haven't gone mad

>> No.2721005


>> No.2721023

I've dated 3 girls in undergrad through phd (aerospace engineering), all awesome and very attractive, all architecture students. Don't know if that's coincidence or not, but it helps that they have lots of respect for math and physics, but also have idea for aesthetics. All any man wants is a sexy librarian: smart and sweet, but with an edge.

>> No.2721029

>Wannabe richfag detected
lol, no. half of that was a simpsons reference. Anyways, do you presume to say class distinctions don't exist?
>I outgrew my hot topic phase before dating
yeah, ok. Frankly I don't see a problem with exclusively dating people who aren't afraid of linear algebra.
>redneck as fuck!
>implying jingoism = nationalism
hell, half of our comments were sardonic (Taiwan is the legal successor to the Chinese mainland!). Most of the humor is in being needlessly antiquated in ideology.
>So much faggotry in this post...10/10
yes, but we could be fags... /together/. That's the point of love.

>> No.2721032

you kind of just said that I have issues I haven't gotten over yet (true probably) and that sex is necessary (false)
An argument based off of a person having a need for sex rather than a desire for sex is insane

>> No.2721043

There's a pretty indian girl, smarter than me, in biochemistry that I really like. Fantasize about her almost every day (being with her, etc). But she's essentially way out my league. Maybe sometime before we graduate I'll try something. To my detriment though, probably

>> No.2721048

>Just wondering but has anyone of you found love in your sciences?

Didn't do science at University but I went out with a girl who did. She was pretty boring and didn't talk about anything other than biology.

>Also, in terms of dating a girl, what degree can she not by affiliated in?

What the fuck am I reading? Go out with someone because you like them and find them attractive. What they study or do shouldn't come into it.

>> No.2721060

sorry, i wasnt saying you need to have sex, i was just saying that you are a depressed coward

people dont like your flaws, fuck em, let them judge. They are just as batshit as you are. Someone will though

>> No.2721063


If she's Indian then she will appreciate being traditional. Bide your time and ask her to do something. Go out drinking with her. Great way to get to know someone and you'll probably end up doing something funny.

Oh, and bully her a bit. Give her a bit of stick. If she knows she's fit then she'll be used to "oh you're so beautiful" Appear that you are half serious.

>> No.2721067
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All the hot bitches at my college are in Philosophy class

Feels batman

>> No.2721078


Philosophy (if you're at a decent university) is closely related to sciences.

All the attractive girls at my university avoided sciences, science students and engineers particularly like the plague. It became farcial to a point, they would keep tabs on who studied what and they went after the Law/Economics/sport lot.

>> No.2721079

Yeah, I do have problems, but I know that I'll get over those eventually. Have been kind of gloomy lately thought

All I'm saying is I've got the sex part quite in hand

>> No.2721090

I also have considered the possibility that I'll be alone for my entire life other than friends and family.

It's not a scenario that I enjoy thinking about but it's one that I'm willing to accept; I'm prepared to survive through it if I have to. In my view, the alternative of shacking up with a warm body that I neither enjoy being around or respect is just about the perfect way to ensure that a significant chunk of my life will be spent in misery.

There exists this "logic" in our society that if you're too picky then you'll be alone forever so the "logical" or "smart" thing to do is to shack up with someone you don't particularly like and tolerate them for as long as you can or until your kids leave the house. It shouldn't take much observation of the countless people living unhappily ever after to see the flaw in this logic. And then she takes all your money with her when it's over. You can count me out of this "logic".

>> No.2721103

in the future you live longer and have sex robots
i could do that

>> No.2721108


Find someone you like and establish yourself as the leading partner in the relationship. Me and my wife get on great and she knows what the limit is. She has no idea what I earn or how much I spend. She has no access to my finances and I have no access to hers. I keep records of everything and if she wants something then it better be for both of us and if not she can ask her dad.

Not "Hur dur alpha hurr gotta beat dem wimmin" but as long as you go out with someone level headed and reliable then you will love it.

>take much observation of the countless people living unhappily ever after to see the flaw in this logic.

There are lots of unhappy single people too.

>> No.2721121

you are a psycho jew

>> No.2721127




Mail order bride ;-)?

>> No.2721156

you deserve the death penalty for using that emote

>> No.2721161


You two would make a great couple.

>> No.2721165


Monophobes, monophobes every where.

>> No.2721178


I'm not a Jew but I'm cunning.

Someone once called me "Don Draper without the dress sense". I'm inclined to agree with them.

>> No.2721185

My boyfriend is way into the sciences, and he got me to be more interested too. Always have hope!

>> No.2721188
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>Always have hope!

>> No.2721209

yeah my barber is "interested" in science also, she reads deepak chopra books all the time

>> No.2721227



It's ok to say you go to a stylist, anon.

No one will think you're gayer then you are.

>> No.2721294

Found my wife in Engineering. When women are surrounded by men who believe they will be "forever alone" they become pretty lonely. They also haven't been fucked over 9000 times so the pussy is pretty cash. It's nice to come home to someone who understands neutron flux density, semiconductor theory and has a healthy c-cup and narrow waist.

>> No.2721309

>What good is learning to look both ways before crossing a street if getting hit by a car can put you into a coma?

you're fucking retarded. if you cross the street without looking both ways and get hit by a car but just break your leg, when you recover you're going to look both ways every fucking time you cross the street.

true some mistakes are fatal. but not all of them are. you are just justifying a life of being the pathetic loser that you are. "o noez i failed a test" "o gawd i said the wrong thing to a gurl!!" those aren't fatal mistakes, those are minor mistakes you are able to learn from.

but you are probably 14, so fuck right off.

>> No.2721418
File: 44 KB, 576x320, bicentennial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a certain movie...