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2719658 No.2719658 [Reply] [Original]

Men are better than women. Deal with it it. If you don't agree with these then I dare you to name a single woman who is even remotely comparable to any of these guys i listed.
Best Physicist: Isaac Newton
>Best Mathematician: Carl Friedrich Gauss
Best President: George Washington
>Best Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven
Best Economist: Adam Smith
>Best Philosopher: Friedrich Nietzsche
Best Chemist: Robert Boyle
>Best Inventor: Johannes Gutenberg
Best Fantasy Author: J. R. R. Tolkien
>Best Science Fiction Author: H. G. Wells
Best Renaissance Man: Leonardo da Vinci
>Best Explorer: Leif Ericson
Best General: Napoleon
>Best Monarch: Charlemagne
Best Artist: Vincent van Gogh

>> No.2719667


>> No.2719672

>Best Fantasy Author: J. R. R. Tolkien
Shit tier taste detected.

>> No.2719681




many of these are opinions...for example you can't just state tht Van Gough was the best artist as if it were fact.

>> No.2719695

With that said, it's still undeniable that the contributions men have made to civilization far outweigh what women can ever hope to accomplish with their inferior minds and bodies.

>> No.2719716


Oh yeah for sure, I'm not arguing that I totally agree lol, sexist as it may appear (to women anyway), it's fact. They can't deny but they will .

>> No.2719729

>>a single woman who is even remotely comparable to any of these guys i listed.
>>Best Renaissance Man


>> No.2719733
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> Best Philosopher: Friedrich Nietzsche

Dohoho, I sure see a troll thread when I see it.

>> No.2719740

Rotten feminist and white knighting liberals would have you believe that history is wrong and that women are equal to men despite overwhelming evidence that men are clearly superior. The fact that women bitched and demanded equality shows that they are not equal and are undeserving of rights.

>> No.2719747

Hey guys, let's all post our OPINIONS

Best Physicist: Richard Feynman
>Best Mathematician: Grigori Perelman
Best President: FDR
>Best Composer: Erik Satie
Best Economist: Who gives a fuck about economics?
>Best Philosopher: Voltaire
Best Chemist: Ernest Rutherford
>Best Inventor: Archimedes
Best Fantasy Author: I'm not a faggot.
>Best Science Fiction Author: Arthur C. Clarke
Best Renaissance Man: I'll just leave this blank.
>Best Explorer: Explorer 1
Best General: Eisenhower (Hitler wasn't bas either)
>Best Monarch: Richard the Lionhearted
Best Artist: >implying I'm a hipster

>> No.2719750
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> mfw you can pretty much say Aristotle to most of them

>> No.2719755

Best cook in the world: Certainly not a woman

>> No.2719767

Even though one of the few things women aren't deplorable at is cooking, the best chefs in the world are all men.

>> No.2719772
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pic related

>> No.2719770

Most of this shit is based on opinions, therefore you are shit.

>> No.2719785

Best Physicist: Isaac Nigger
>Best Mathematician: Carl Friedrich Nigger
Best President: George Nigger
>Best Composer: Ludwig van Niggerhoven
Best Economist: Adam "The Nigger" Smith
>Best Philosopher: Friedrich "I hate Niggers" Nietzsche
Best Chemist: Robert Nigger
>Best Inventor: Johannes Gutennigger
Best Fantasy Author: N. I. G. Tolkien
>Best Science Fiction Author: H. G. Doublenigger
Best Renaissance Man: Leonardo da Nigger
>Best Explorer: Leif Niggerson
Best General: Naponigger
>Best Monarch: Niggerlemagne
Best Artist: Vincent van Nigger

>> No.2719787

By the way, maybe you guys should take a trip over to the literature board and learn some reading comprehension skills because this thread was really a challenge to anyone to try and prove me wrong about male superiority.

>> No.2719791


So. True.

>> No.2719792

read the curriculum of famous female scientists or other great females in old times and you will know why there arent a whole lot.

Meitner studied physics and became the second woman to obtain a doctoral degree in physics at the University of Vienna in 1905 ("Wärmeleitung im inhomogenen Körper").[4] Women were not allowed to attend institutions of higher education in those days, but thanks to support from her parents, she was able to obtain private higher education.
Following the doctoral degree, she rejected an offer to work in a gas lamp factory. Encouraged by her father and backed by his financial support, she went to Berlin. Max Planck allowed her to attend his lectures, an unusual gesture by Planck, who until then had rejected any women wanting to attend his lectures. After one year, Meitner became Planck's assistant. During the first years she worked together with chemist Otto Hahn and discovered with him several new isotopes. In 1909 she presented two papers on beta-radiation.
Meitner was part of the team that discovered nuclear fission, an achievement for which her colleague Otto Hahn was awarded the Nobel Prize. Meitner is often mentioned as one of the most glaring examples of women's scientific achievement overlooked by the Nobel committee

>> No.2719807

I feel sad about my gender.

>> No.2719818

A couple extreme outliers hardly make the norm at all. The point I always try to get across is that the most exceptional males will always completely outshine the most exceptional females in any area.

>> No.2719821

A few points to make. I'm male by the way.

1) None of your examples are slaves. Yeah, women tend to not have the opportunity to become cool things when they are just told to get back in the kitchen and make sandwiches.
2) What women was responsible for a horrific tragedy? Yeah, they haven't fucked the world up. Men have.
3) People stole Rosalind Franklin's research.
4) Marilyn vos Savant is the smartest person alive bitches!

>> No.2719841

Typical white knight who has been brain washed by radical feminist. Have modern males become so demasculinized that they have fallen to the level of making up excuses for the incompetence of women? It is no surprise that the most revered humans of all time are males who lived before the onset of radical western feminism.

>> No.2719855

Oh cmon OP, give women a bit of time to catch up. It's only been 50 years since we even let them leave the kitchen for christs sake.

>> No.2719856
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Wat are you?
Fucking 10 years old?

>> No.2719863

>isaac newton
You spelt Albert Einstein wrong.

>> No.2719868

>4) Marilyn vos Savant is the smartest person alive bitches!

Funny, seeing as she's accomplished jack shit.

>> No.2719877 [DELETED] 


Let's just take a look at a simple color survey to see the difference between men and women.


"Here are the color names most disproportionately popular among women:

Dusty Teal
Blush Pink
Dusty Lavender
Butter Yellow
Dusky Rose
Okay, pretty flowery, certainly. Kind of an incense-bomb-set-off-in-a-Bed-Bath-&-Beyond vibe. Well, let’s take a look at the other list.

Here are the color names most disproportionately popular among men:


Just because you like to wear a wife beater and bitch slap your wife into doing nothing with her life doesn't mean that she isn't smarter than you.

>> No.2719883

If we gave them 5000 years they wouldn't be able to catch up. The simple fact is that women are mentally and physically inferior to men. Our society has foolishly and ignorantly lead everyone to believe that we are all equal and all have the same potential for greatness when this is definitely not true.

>> No.2719896

50 years is a lot, it's almost two generations. Not much you see around is 50 years (technology, textbooks used in schools, mentality, media). So, nope, women are actually priviledged now in some areas. No one tells women that they should be women, but everyone including women tells men that they should be men, while at the same time do all the awesome stuff men have been doing for thousands of years.

>> No.2719912


You know how I know your 12? You ended your first sentence with "lol" - that's how kids talk in middle school. Why are you on here?

>> No.2719917

OP, only a feeble mind takes pride in belonging to the same category as some other people who have achieved great things.

Take pride in your own achievements. That is, of course, assuming you have any.

>> No.2719936

>OP, only a feeble mind takes pride in belonging to the same category as some other people who have achieved great things.

I like the idea of trying to combat observations from the whole of human history with a cheap ad hominem.

>> No.2719945


Please, if you would be so kind as to allow an inferior creature to have a word or two. If you are so superior, as you seem to think you are, why must you point this out here? In my opinion, it appears to be quite the dishonorable action for such a glorious and might being to subject the weaker ones to such debasement good sirs.



>> No.2719967

A person making 400k a year isn't going to buy a modestly used Honda.

>> No.2719968

If the weak go too long without being reminded of how inferior they are, they will only end up disappointing and embarrassing themselves when they fail.

>> No.2720004

What I'm hearing is "I'm a woman, pay attention to me".

>> No.2720020

This list is inaccurate not because of missing women but because it's too fucking Eurocentric.

>> No.2720042
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More like the greatest people in history just happen to be European.

You seem upset my American friend, are you upset?

>> No.2720045
File: 13 KB, 337x253, 1292260599068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop right the fuck there.