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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 185 KB, 679x1072, neger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2718373 No.2718373 [Reply] [Original]

Why do black people have more gorilla/monkey-like features than white people/azns etc? Big, flat noses.. Heavy foreheads.. Huge mouths. No one has ever answered this for me. Tell me anon.

>> No.2718378

Because they are untermensch.

>> No.2718380

This is not /new/

Why are you here ?

>> No.2718384

because africa, i would go into more details but im 90% sure you are just trolling

>> No.2718390
File: 818 KB, 1057x1529, germany fuck yeah!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a scientific fact

>> No.2718394

Because blunt weapons.

>> No.2718395

Because they're adapted for life in hot climates.

>> No.2718396

Just Africa?

Then how do you explain the ape-like faces of abos?

>> No.2718400

big lips and fat noses are hot climate adaptations how exactly?

>> No.2718407

weird that SE asians and south american jungle peoples don't have ANY of the supposed nigger adaptations to hot climate

>> No.2718420

Because they are asians who arrived there just 15000 years ago as much.

They ARE adapting to the clime. For instance you can match the skin tone of a guarani and an aleuthian

>> No.2718427

They didn't need phenotypic selection to survive.

If you go to New Guinea, they look like blacks with slight variations. They are the most distantly related to blacks, part of the first wave that left.

Caucasians developed larger and broader noses in order to manage the colder climate present during their migration. Skin gradience is also a result of this. Asians developed eyes for the same reason.

Jaw shapes, not quite sure but likely because they didn't need the necessary jaw size and biting ability.

>> No.2718428

>implying apes have big lips
also, a lot of azns have really broad noses and big lips too. they don't all look like fucking anime characters.

>> No.2718429
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>SE asians

lrn2 melanesians

>> No.2718433

They had already evolved to have other features before moving to those places.

>> No.2718443


Read this. Melanesians were part of the first wave that migrated. They stayed in hot climates and moved relatively quickly, leaving very little populations behind.

Practically all non-Africans were part of a single wave afterwards. That in turn split up 40-50k years ago.


>> No.2718444

>jew shape


Semithic. Not all semithic peoples are/were jews...
I even doubt if there is any actually semithic jew remain after the ashkenazi invasion

>> No.2718446

You know what. I'm tired of trying to convince idiots. You're going to be a dumbass either way.

So have your way. You're completely right. Niggers have ape-like features because they are less evolved, meaning they are horrible animals and you should disrespect them at every opportunity. Never treat them as equals because they obviously aren't.

K, topic is done. All OP wanted was someone to pat his racist, white middle classes suburban ass so that he feels justified in his racist ideologies. Thread is over now. Everyone go home.

>> No.2718454

I said jaw size. Not Jew size.

>> No.2718458


I have no idea why you started talking with him in the first place. It's just /new/ trash trying to pick a fight. His mind has already been convinced. Nothing you say or do will change that

>> No.2718460

That was my first post in the thread.

>> No.2718466

<span class="math">y(u_{mad})^{though}?[/spoiler]

>> No.2718477
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>Black people have ape-like features, therefore it's okay to treat them like animals

Flawless logic OP.

>> No.2718496

because he has a sense of decency and racism is disgusting

>> No.2718519


>> No.2718522


I don't recall OP saying that. Can you tell me where he said it?

>> No.2718525


>> No.2718526

>First homo sapiens in Africa
>Later ones became more advanced and migrated north
>Inferior ones stayed back
>Africa is the least advanced continent in the world
>Half of Africans are in the US
>Slavery fucked evolution and natural selection in the ass by mixing less advanced Africans with more advanced caucasians

>> No.2718553

>Africa isn't developed

And I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that the climate is shitty for growing fuck-all, right? And I'm sure it helped when imperialists from the temperate climates raped everything in Africa. Trying to attribute lack of African development to a difference in race is fucking retarded.

>> No.2718558

That was the purpose of this thread and you know it.

>> No.2718559



all of those are adaptations for africa's climate

>> No.2718567

Well, then it makes sense that smarter humans left that shithole for a climate with better opportunities

>> No.2718571


[Citation needed]

I'm sorry, but you'll have to offer some better proof than that. You have no way of knowing and no reason for believing that that was the purpose of the thread.

>> No.2718573

French people have them beat:

>> No.2718605


Im not the guy you are arguing with - but i'll say that he is right. It may not be said directly but it is implied that because they look like our distant relatives they should be treated as such.

>> No.2718616


Where is it implied? I have been given claims but no evidence to back them up.

And saying "it's implied" is very subjective. There's no way of verifying it.

>> No.2718630


have you even looked at the image provided? it clearly indicates that. Stop being a pretentious douche.

>> No.2718648

ITT: People implying that asking any scientific question about race means you're a racist.

>> No.2718660


I'm just arguing the same way that PCfags do. Why is it that you people see fit to ask for unreasonable amounts or kinds of proof for things that are obvious, but get butthurt when the same demands are made of you?

And the image doesn't "clearly indicate" that at all. that's just your interpretation. Maybe it was the only image he could find which illustrated the point that he explicitly made about common facial features? You need to give more evidence than "clearly". this is /sci/, not /b/. We use the scientific method.

>> No.2718676

because they live on the same continent as the monkeys

>> No.2718683

Bigger surface area for heat loss.

>> No.2718712

technically it does, but scientifically, any distinction between races = racism.

racism is science, but its different then what most people (stormfags and libtards alike) think.

>> No.2718727


larger nostrils also assist in obtaining more inhale-able oxygen in the typical hot and humid climate

>> No.2718769

jesus shit christ go back to your fucking community college and take anthro 101 you retards

all these questions and more will be answered by taking human evobio if you have a half-decent textbook/professor

it's not like genetic variation in the human species is a big fucking scientific mystery that no one has studied for fear of being called racist

if you think that you don't know SHIT about biology

yes I mad

>> No.2718878

If you are unable to recognise a troll when you see it...


>> No.2718962
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>> No.2718993
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>> No.2719004

Only Whites and Asians have superior Neanderthal genes. Umad untermensch?

>> No.2719007

SE Asian is from SE Asia

>> No.2719010



>> No.2719011

I was under the impression that the black races of Africa were the only races of humans who lacked any kind of Neanderthal DNA.

>> No.2719023
File: 13 KB, 230x309, mao-tse-tung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comrade Mao says hi.

>> No.2719028

give me any evidence that Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis were in any way intellectually inferior to the people groups who migrated out of africa later

>> No.2719036

Neanderthal is just the regional adaptation of Homo Heidelbergensis, wich originated in Africa and lived there up until 250K years.

>> No.2719039
File: 22 KB, 300x381, neanderthal2_43183t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white pride

>> No.2719050

They never developed Artistic thought

>> No.2719051

The Neanderthal thing is pretty contentious. They didn't even sample enough people to determine anything yet.

And even if the relatedness was the case. Now they think is it more likely that the Neanderthals are just descended from the a group of Homo sapiens idaltu that happen to be the ones that contributed most to the northern population of Homo sapiens sapiens that became Eurasians.

Which is fucking disturbing, because that means that a race of nearly modern humans managed to degrade and adapt to its environment, rather than crush it beneath their heel.

The scum couldn't throw spears like us, they had less muscle even though they had denser bone, they were not as vicious, and they didn't withstand changes in climate(both hot and cold) as well as us. Fucking weaklings deserved the genocide they got.

He who lives in balance with nature does not deserve to call himself human.

>> No.2719052

He was born in Hunan, a region inhabited by Miao-Yao people before the Han ethnicity took over, also look at a picture of him when he's in his twenties his nose is so much smaller

>> No.2719053
File: 10 KB, 285x214, 12148_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somalian negro says hi

>> No.2719060

world wide

>> No.2719070


semithic people =/= niggers.

>> No.2719074

Neanderthal most certainly had bigger muscles than Cro Magnon, and they were hypercarnivorous.
Saying that they were in any way inferior to Cro Magnon is the same as saying Africans are inferior to whites.

>> No.2719075

somalian =/= semetic

>> No.2719078

if whites descended from neanderthals and blacks from homo sapiens, then why do blacks have bigger muscles?

>> No.2719080

Afro-Asiatic, Berber Arab Egyptian Somali. With varying degrees of Sub-Saharan admixture.

>> No.2719086

African Americans have bigger muscles because they were selectively bred for generations. They were livestock for crying out loud.

>> No.2719093
File: 84 KB, 697x409, 1270666515776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly?

>> No.2719098

it's not a black and white issue ( no pun intended )
As far as we even know right now Neanderthals would be best described as a subspecies of Homo Sapiens: Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis, or maybe not, we don't have enough data.

>> No.2719102
File: 15 KB, 620x604, 1295895943073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brain of nigger
>brain of human

>> No.2719103

lol this is wrong on so many levels

>> No.2719109

>>source: Coon,...


>> No.2719115
File: 735 KB, 932x651, 1280580183499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just leave this here

>> No.2719121
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>> No.2719123

NO they had denser bone, but their muscle scars, the area of the bone where the muscles attached, were smaller and a few cm further from the end of the bone. This adaptation confers increased resistance to muscle strain, meaning they were less likely to sprain themselves, at the cost of slightly decreased strength for the same volume of muscle. The entire neanderthal body plane trades resiliance and robustness for a lack of endurance and raw strength.

Also because of their shoulder was put together they did not throw spears nearly was well, in exchange for a shoulder that was hard to separate and dislocate.

And they had a higher skull volume, despite not even having the technology that the idaltu had in Africa before them. And they displayed no change in their tool making for their entire existence. They were stupid, and unable to even grasp the concept of the bow, which sapiens invented long before they went extinct.

And no it looks unlikely that Neanderthals interbred, instead the genetic markers come from the idaltu groups that had split to form Neanderthal and the North African sapiens.

All the shit people say when talking about "niggers this and niggers that" actually applies to Neanderthals. They didn't deserve to exist in our world.

>> No.2719125

whites aren't "desceded" from Neanderthals, the neanderthal ancestry present in Whites and Asians is as much Native American ancestry as I have. The only thing this does is make me look like I've been out in the sun once in a while when in fact I rarely go outside.

>> No.2719129

it should show a pic of lagos city for the niggers....i mean niggers are stupid and violent but you should at least give them a fair shake.

>> No.2719133
File: 31 KB, 329x348, August_von_Mackensen_sguardo_virile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shown uncut

>> No.2719134

If two groups members can interbreed to make viable fertile offspring that can interbreed with the members of the original populations for 5 generations then they are the same species.

If the Neanderthals were actually able to interbreed, then they are Homo sapiens neanderthalus, and are a subspecies of Homo sapiens.

Being members of the same species however does not mean that Neanderthals deserved to exist. They were a stupid, weak people that died by the hands of their betters.

>> No.2719142
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>> No.2719148

Homo Sapiens Groups who don't have new ideas introduced to them also rarely make any technological advancement. They were bred out as a new group came in and took their land.
How many distinct Native American groups do you think there would be right now if it weren't for extensive government protection?

>> No.2719157
File: 74 KB, 848x848, you-need-any-drugs-i-own-a-chain-of-pharmaceutical-outlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2719160
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>> No.2719183
File: 76 KB, 848x848, Successful-Negro-These-streets-are-mine-Investing-in-residential-development-was-a-great-idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2719203

here let me solve the debate once and for all, because it's obvious to those who are not super-tards:
all people look like monkeys.
different monkeys from different parts of the earth.
but we're closer related monkeys, but still with different roots that have converged.
because we can't stop hitting that hot, hairy monkey tang.

the only people who can't figure this out are aspies, and niggers.
good day /new/.

>> No.2719207

>> No.2719219
File: 75 KB, 848x848, Successful-Negro-my-son-is-a-dealer-of-fine-antiquities-you-should-visit-his-gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2719224 [DELETED] 

Good luck finding any respectable anthropologist who will say that Neanderthals were weak.
It's been a consensus for decades that their

>> No.2719239

just fucking watch this

no respectable scientist will say Neandethals were weak

>> No.2719257

Uh, buddy the natives genocided the fuck out of each other before the colonials ever fucked with them. They had constantly shifting alliances and weapons fell in and out of favor. The Iroquois Confederation smashed the Algonquins and pushed them west of the Mississippi, then they attacked and exterminated Susquehanna and the Erie and took huge swaths of Pennsylvania from them. These were the same tribes that had been their allies against the Algonquins and had similar cultures. Plenty of other Indian nations did the exact same thing, but the Iroquois had writing and left a record of it. They were proud or their imperialism, and they had a right to be so, they were strong. Then they allied with the British against the French and the Algonquins, and then split in support of the British and Americans.

Sapiens sapiens as a species continuously fights and alters its tools in response to its competitors. Nothing so fancy as making guns, but making arrow heads thinner or broader for different animal hides they need to penetrate. Making the arrows and spears thinner or thicker for different sizes of game as they migrate into ranges with different prey. The Neanderthals did nothing, their tools remained the same across an entire continent and didn't change at all. And they had to migrate north and south to follow the band of boreal forest they liked to live in, compared to us who just live everywhere from tundra to desert. And until we came they didn't even exhibit a lot of knocks in their ribs or smashed in skulls, they weren't murders like us. The weakness they displayed makes me want to spit in contempt.Even in the shit hole tropics where people are relative failures as civilizations they still go on night raids and wipe out entire villages while abducting or enslaving the women and children.

>> No.2719262

>implying anyone deserves to exist.

Neanderthals had all of the genes necessary to form and interpret speech. They spoke just like you and I. They just spoke different languages.
As far as we know some words in modern european/asian languages share a common origin with Neanderthal words.

>> No.2719271
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>> No.2719276
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mfw when this is bullshit.
People became more advanced because the new situation involved more agriculture and less hunting or herding.

>> No.2719282

Posts BBC.

I'll stick with what I've read in the Journal anthropology thank you very much, popular science faggot.

>> No.2719290
File: 285 KB, 848x848, Im-always-taking-coke-away-from-my-children-as-it-is-high-in-sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2719299
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>> No.2719306

lol u guys hate black people. i'm one step ahead of you, i hate ALL people.

>> No.2719321
File: 119 KB, 1122x842, Comedy-Central-Wallpaper-the-colbert-report-397546_1122_842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its evolution dumbshit, they have more gorilla/monkey-like features, cause they are more related to them then the Whites.

Black people were the first humans, and therefore the closests to apes.


>> No.2719324

Limp wristed researchers try to make themselves to anybody that does exercise and they will look weak.

They need to get some field geologists in there.

Also the bowing of bones can be caused just by repetitive impact of strain. You want to look at the actual sites where the muscles attach on the ends of the bone.

Neanderthals are built to be tough, not strong. More muscles means more food is needed in a fairly meager environment. We get past that by just killing the shit out of everything and enslaving species as fodder. Neanderthals didn't work that way.

>> No.2719339
File: 45 KB, 455x455, successful-negro-crack-problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2719340

>implying any of that conflicts with my point

>> No.2719343

>more related to them then the Whites.
>to them then the

I smell black people...

>> No.2719348

I don't think they would say blacks are closer to apes.

>> No.2719359

I was quoting
>>2719321's grammar error.

>> No.2719369

Indo-Aryan Languages came from India genius. Neanderthals died out before the Indus civilization was born. Also genetics, doesn't tell you what language capabilities they had.

But they did have a voice box. I was quite crude and limited in comparision to ours but they could speak.

I don't know why you think that is important. I don't care if the Neanderthals could feel, speak, or think. They were still stupid in comparison to us.

There can be no equality when men are so completely unequal. I Neanderthals existed today they would be a permanent underclass of congenital morons or chattel slaves.

>> No.2719389

>>Neanderthals existed today they would be a permanent underclass of congenital morons or chattel slaves.

o rly? i thought they would be master race?

>> No.2719399
File: 31 KB, 600x450, grammar-nazi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, you are fucking retarded!

>> No.2719413

Actually the Indo-European languages are much more likely to have come from farther west than India. Anyone who says otherwise is a butthurt Indian who is butthurt about the ancestors of the Slavs conquering his people.

>> No.2719426

If I'm retarded, and you're the one making the
spelling errors...aren't you worse than retarded?

>> No.2719447

You don't seem to know shit about historical linguistics. Languages don't just spontaneously pop up somewhere.

>> No.2719482

No, but they can be traced. The European languages picked up things from all over, but the route grammar sources are greece and indus.

>> No.2719503

>implying we know diddly fucking squat about the indus valley language

>> No.2719542

all we really know is that the indus civilization was most likely Dravidian. And that the Aryan invaders from the northwest fucking pwned them.

>> No.2719566
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shitty thread is shitty, sage please

>> No.2719612

Race is the final taboo for science. Most scientists wont touch the subject with a ten foot pole because any results will be ignored by people who refuse to believe race exists. That or they will be labeled as racist which in our society is like being excommunicated. The reason race is so poorly understood is because people are afraid to study it.

>> No.2719636


That's because of past instances where science was abused in order to oppress various races. People are afraid that that might happen again.

>> No.2719885

the cool thing about sage is that it doesn't do shit