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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2718361 No.2718361 [Reply] [Original]

Sociology IS a science. Just look at the fucking name. SociOLOGY. OLOGY is Greek and it means SCIENCE.

>my face when you still try to disagree

>> No.2718370

Sociology is a shit tier science

therefore it shouldn't even be called science

>> No.2718367

*study of


>> No.2718372

Astrology IS a science. Just look at the fucking name. AstrOLOGY. OLOGY is Greek and it means SCIENCE.

>> No.2718388

A koala bear IS a bear. Just look at the fucking name. Koala BEAR. BEAR is English and it means shut the fuck up nigger.

>> No.2718389
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>> No.2718397

So my first day of Sociology my professor spent the whole hour talking about how sociology is a true science.

Near the end I raised my hand and asked

"If sociology is truly a real science, then why are you in the liberal arts building and not over in one of the science buildings?"

>> No.2718399
File: 32 KB, 400x406, l-ron-hubbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientology IS a science. Just look at the fucking name. ScientOLOGY. OLOGY is Greek and it means SCIENCE.

>> No.2718403

Science IS a science. Just look at the fucking name. SCIENCE. SCIENCE is English and it means SCIENCE.

>my face when you still try to disagree

>> No.2718411

Well yeah, the word "Scientology" is a mix of English and Greek roots and means the study of science, right?

>> No.2718415

sociologists themselves agree that their not science

>> No.2718418
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Ever heard of social science?

>> No.2718426


what sort of repeatable empirical experiments do sociologists run?

what are some of their fundamental theories? what laws have they discovered?


>> No.2718434

since when does something have to be a "science" to be worthwhile?

pretty sad how all these pseudo-sciences try to pretend they are doing what physics is doing...just play your own game and be proud of what it can do

>> No.2718467

>You will never be a sadomachist philosopher who liked to whip other guys in a gay bathhouse. Eventually dying of aids from being promiscuous.

Fuck year Foucault.

>> No.2718471


>> No.2718482
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 2dc41bc39bcafc388129539d2f8ac745494b89ca_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dicknology IS a science. Just look at the fucking name. DickNOLOGY. OLOGY is Greek and it means SCIENCE.

>my face when I have an advanced degree in dicknology

>> No.2718494

basically these guys are butthurt because sociology is a "hipster" "2 easy 4 u " subject. and they still get paid a shit load. its easy, more interesting, and more fun.
they are just butthurt. it is a science.

>> No.2718506
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Anyone care to explain why the butthurt about sociology not being science (which it is).

>> No.2718539

It is empirical it just uses qualitative methods (most of the time). There's nothing wrong with that. Society is too complex to be described with just statistics or something.

>> No.2718545
File: 9 KB, 279x100, LogoUMAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is physics a science? You don't measure forces or particles directly, only their effects and the disturbances they cause using indirect methods. And when you get down to subatomic physics you're dealing with imprecise potentials, shit that behaves in different ways at the same fucking time, motherfucking entanglement, et cetera. Physicists need to resort to the same shit-tier math like statistics that Sociologists use just to make some special-case correlations.

Physics is just another liberal art. Deal with it

>> No.2718554

It's overworked students who think social sciences is easy mode, which is bullshit and just an excuse to write off your own shortcomings.

>> No.2718561

Why do sociology classes suck so much? It's the only class I've taken that I haven't enjoyed at least one thing about it.

>> No.2718568


Haha, played. I would have done the same

>> No.2718579

>what sort of repeatable empirical experiments do sociologists run?

Opinion polls. Hurr.

>> No.2718590

The word -ology is a back-formation from the names of certain disciplines. The -logy element basically means "the study of ____". Such words are formed from Greek or Latin roots with the terminal -logy derived from the Greek suffix -λογια (-logia), speaking, from λεγειν (legein), "to speak".
The suffix -ology is considered to be misleading sometimes as when the "o" is actually part of the word stem that receives the -logy ending; such as, bio + logy.
Through the years -ology and -logy have come to mean, "study of" or "science of" and either of these suffixes often utilize the form of -ologist, "one who (whatever the preceding element refers to)".
The examples shown in this unit represent just a small fraction of the many words that exist in various dictionaries.

>> No.2718629

Sociology's problem is that they have been completely hijacked by marxists. Same thing happened to psych, but they've largely managed to work their way back into the empirical fold in the past couple of decades and modern psych is now a cornerstone of cognitive science, producing lots of fascinating new research every year. Until sociologists ditch their outdated and utterly wrong notions of cultural determinism, the discipline will remain a laughingstock, and quite rightly.

>> No.2718652


> Sociology's problem is that they have been completely hijacked by marxists

What shit tier university do you go to?

>> No.2718663

social sciences shouldn't be classified as a science because they lack the math

>> No.2718668


Learn 2 culture wars. SPOILER: We lost.

>> No.2718679


Science =/= math. Besides, barring physics which has a huge boner for math, social sciences use as much math as any other science.

>> No.2718722


I can two "laws" within sociology from the top of my head and I don't even study sociology.

- A groups an be formed only in relationship with another group or object, and if said group or object disappear and/or it's power vanish, so will the group.

- As soon as a society is formed, deonotlogical powers will emerge.

Also, Anthony Giddens and his theory of the risk society seems to have worked out pretty well; after he wrote about it, it certainly went to that direction.

>> No.2718775

Sociology major here. I love the subject, but I don't delude myself into thinking it is a science in the sense that chemistry or biology are sciences.

>> No.2718783

>>2718775 here

Also, I wish we had a soft/social science/philosophy board. I'd be on that shit all day erry day.

>> No.2718795

-logia pronounced Loiya in Greek translates as Words.

Social studies.. Otherwise anything could be called a science. Sports science.. borderline

>> No.2718856


those are really common sense things, thats the thing with sociology and a lot of psychology and human based fields, it's all common sense

and you can't really test those theories anyway, you can only look at history and just make educated guesses (gausses)...

I took a sociology class it was pretty bad. It was a mixture of bad anthropology, bad economics, bad evolutionary biology and bad moral philosophy...it didn't seem to offer anything of it's own, it just mixed together a bunch of other fields inappropriately.

We also watched a video about a feminist anthropologist who thought economics was inherently evil and degraded women because GDP didn't reflect the contribution of work made by housewives...apparently watching sitcoms and eating bon bons all day has a positive economic effect

>> No.2718860

Those are for autistic retards that can't deal with variables

>> No.2718881

I took a sociology class in highschool and we just played Monopoly while the teacher made up rules in the middle of the game like you must pay the guy with blue eyes more taxes, and all girls get $175 when they pass go.

I took it again in college and expected better, but it was just what you described.

>> No.2718889

It's somewhat scientific. But it's not a natural science. It doesn't study nature or its laws, it studies humans and the behavior of humans. It's a decent field, but I find it incredibly boring.

>> No.2718988

Science: A particular discipline or branch of learning.

Now fuck off

>> No.2719351

>He thinks theology is a science

>> No.2719386

Science is Jewish Mysticism.

>> No.2719391


Jewish Mysticism is Science

>> No.2719407


Theology deals with the next world. Science deals with this world. Two rather different things.

>> No.2719417


And yet by your own definition, they are the same! Why, its almost as if you have no clue what you're flapping your gums about!

>> No.2719418
File: 92 KB, 427x320, op-loves-cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cockology IS a science. Just look at the fucking name. CockOLOGY. OLOGY is Greek and it means SCIENCE.

>ops face when op studies cockology

>> No.2719466

Not what I expected :(

>> No.2719476
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