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2716419 No.2716419 [Reply] [Original]

>Localized nuclear incident more than 5000 miles across the ocean
>anti-radiation medication FLYING off the shelves on the west coast

And here, we observe the typical American faggot in their natural environment.

Explain this shit /sci/

How does it make you feel that natural selection has now been broken down as a result of pharmaceutical corporations prolonging the lives of unfit individuals?

>> No.2716426

I'm disgusted - we should all form the technocracy and eliminate the stupid or educate the masses on a massive scale or form a revolutionary cyborg hivemind and share all of our information unanimously.


>> No.2716424

they only live until 70 or so

>> No.2716433
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>massive run on anti-rad med in Finland, over 7500km from japan

>> No.2716439

finland has more radiation than the japs outside of the evac zone now, so maybe they are justified

>> No.2716446

>finland has more retardation than the japs outside of the evac zone

fixed for accuracy

>> No.2716454

>implying natural selection requires death
>implying natural selection is good
>implying you know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.2716458

OP, there are no unfit individuals. They are fit because as a species we have evolved to create medicines that benefit everyone.

>> No.2716464

Though I agree with your greentext, I do think having less ignorant dumb people would be beneficial for a democracy.

>> No.2716472
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Yeah, let's solve this by killing all the dumb people off.


>> No.2716480

We are doing it in Africa already.

>> No.2716490

"Everyone" is not befitting if we die from famine as a result of overpopulation.

>> No.2716504

Those people you claim to be are unfit individuals have done more for the world than your generation has ever done in their entire lives.
They are older and wiser than anyone else living today and we owe everything to them.

>> No.2716505
File: 859 B, 153x71, 1300014416016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/3 of Americans do not believe in evolution
>1/3 of Americans think sun revolve around earth


>> No.2716509

Keeping everyone alive IS our evolved survival tactic, dumbass. The more people survive, the more genetic variation we have as a species, and variation is good. With seven billion people, we have evolved a genetic stockpile of mutations and variations that will allow us to survive almost anything that doesn't kill all life on the planet.

>> No.2716513

Right, so the solution is socialized education, not eugenics.

>> No.2716527

>1/3 of Americans think sun revolve around earth


[citation needed]

>> No.2716535

No, the solution is to execute anyone who falls into long-term unemployment. We should implant a tracking chip to everyone and make every action require a functioning chip.

>> No.2716548

Please. We don't even execute murderers anymore. The US states that still do it are moving away from it.

>> No.2716553

Yeah, we don't execute them, we just turn them into human waste by locking them up for decades.

>> No.2716569 [DELETED] 

Nobody really cares about variation. Children are products of their environment. A proper environment for our youth will ensure the survival of our species into the future more than any "magic" genes passed down by their parents. Let me give you this hypothetical. A kid is burn to Ivy League parents and given to a family living in the ghetto, and vice-versa. They are raised in these environments. These 2 kids never meet their birth parents. Who do you think will have a higher chance of succeeding and contributing to our society?

>> No.2716566

I'm just telling you to face facts, man. If you can't argue the death penalty for murderers (public opinion is moving against it and has for decades), then you'll never get it for people who are simply unemployed.

Pick battles that you can win.

>> No.2716574

Nobody really cares about variation. Children are products of their environment. A proper environment for our youth will ensure the survival of our species into the future more than any "magic" genes passed down by their parents. Let me give you this hypothetical. A kid is born to Ivy League parents and given to a family living in the ghetto, and vice-versa. They are raised in these environments. These 2 kids never meet their birth parents. Who do you think will have a higher chance of succeeding and contributing to our society?

>> No.2716586

You're not a very clever person.

>> No.2716602

I deleted my post because I had a type

>> No.2716607


capitalism depends on a certain level of unemployment... right, econfags?

gotta have that NAIRU! (assuming you believe in some variant of the philips curve)?

note: poster is a layperson who may well know little about that of which he speaks

>> No.2716609

I'm not talking about the typo, but it's nice that you're smart enough to spot one.

>> No.2716611


Yeah, I just woke up

>> No.2716619

Well, he DID say long-term unemployment. 5% unemployment with high turnover could mean no one is unemployed for more than 6 months.

But seriously guys, vocational training is a better idea than fucking execution. Really?

>> No.2716637

Nope. Capitalism is going to be a different game if the losers get executed. Stability will skyrocket.

>> No.2716643


it could, but it never has yet, amirite?

>> No.2716652

>buy shares in anti-radiation gear

Enjoy your money.

>> No.2716679
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Pharmacy's faces when

>> No.2716704

Do this for the whole world.

Don't kill off the stupid people though. Simply make it so they cannot have kids(think genophage from mass effect) Those who prove themselves to be worth more that totally useless can getgene therapy to reverse the effects.

I caught a few seconds of some gossip show last night(where I work it is on all the time) in between the sheen meltdown they talked about how scared Anderson Cooper is of radiation. I lol'ed

>> No.2716738

What looks sillier;

The man with an umbrella when it isn't raining, or the man without an umbrella when it is raining?

>> No.2716744

One thing I'd recommend is that mass killing is NEVER a viable strategy.
Even if hitler looked back he'd say that. The problem with mass killing is that you'll always have to sort people into 'will you be killed, or will you live?'. This puts undue stress on the population, and for something like intelligence, the people on the borderline will be very very desperate, which is an incredibly bad thing for political stability.

A better plan is just to remove the safety labels from things, and let the problem solve itself.

>> No.2716751

What looks sillier:
A man with a metal umbrella, to prevent against turtle-sized hail when it's not hailing
or a man without one when it is raining turtles

>> No.2716753

If the umbrella is open and he's looking at the one cloud in the clear blue sky with abject horror? The first one.

>> No.2716767



>> No.2716798

>huge natural disaster off the coast of Japan, killing at least 4,000 people
>nuclear power plants start to fail, crisis continues to get steadily worse

>Americans living on the West coast start thinking about the fact they live on a major fault line
>epic destruction is a real possibility
>buy survival gear

what's so unreasonable about these actions?

>create strawman argument about corporations and claim these people are unfit


>> No.2716810

>what's so unreasonable about these actions?
They aren't buying stuff to prepare for an earthquake. But even if they were, only doing it NOW when you live in fucking CALIFORNIA is a sure sign of panic and retardation.

>> No.2716827

Not so much retardation but human nature.
Human nature isn't actually perfect. It's pretty shit. Hence religion, war, and generally everything else that's shitty.

>> No.2716836


Of course it's a result of fear and panic. Did any of these major natural disasters make you think about your own survival? If not, then you're a dumbass.

So you're saying living in an area that has the possibility of mass natural destruction is retarded?
I got news for ya, kid: nowhere is safe.

>> No.2716853

Please. As though my meaning weren't clear from the post.

If you live in California, you should have already prepared for earthquakes.

>> No.2716887

I agree: you should be prepared already.

If not, then prepare now. So, by your argument, if people are preparing now, then... what?

>> No.2716897

> if people are preparing now, then... what?
They are both short-sighted and easily influenced by groupthink and panic.

>> No.2716918

the americans did the same during 911, just encase a plane landed on their house... and also i bet they did the say for Y2K. morons, to anyone who panic from events outside there local environment.

>> No.2716966

There are places that have such a low level of natural hazards that preparing for a major disaster is retarded.

You can reduce hazards, but you cannot eliminate them. There is a point where doing more to reduce hazards makes a person appear to be pants on head retarded.

Living near a fault line and reinforcing your building to protect you from earthquakes: good idea

Living 1000 miles from the nearest fault and reinforcing your building to protect you from earthquakes: pants on head retarded.

>A better plan is just to remove the safety labels from things, and let the problem solve itself.

I find safety labels funny. Removing them would give me one less thing to laugh at. Now printing obviously incorrect safety labels would be fun. Having a warning that a coffee cup may contain a cryogenic fluid would give some lulz.

>> No.2717089

>unfit individuals
Not everybody is interested in scientific knowledge.
Many people have significant others, children, etc whom they feel responsible for, and wish to protect them as much as possible.
Personally, I would much rather have the emotional skills to find a mate, produce offspring, and live a full and satisfying life, than be a maladjusted bookworm who uses intellectual knowledge as a crutch for his miserable existence.

>> No.2717120

>Not everybody is interested in scientific knowledge.

>implying that scientific knowledge is not the reason why the word has advanced a ridiculous amount in the last 400 years.

>Personally, I would much rather have the emotional skills to find a mate, produce offspring, and live a full and satisfying life, than be a maladjusted bookworm who uses intellectual knowledge as a crutch for his miserable existence.

Having scientific knowledge and knowing how to deal with people are not polar opposites.

>> No.2717127

Cool story, bro.

Get the fuck out of here, then.

>> No.2717136

>Live in Australia
Wtf m8?

>> No.2717202

While true, how many people frequenting /sci/ believe/live that?

>> No.2717221

more like Natural Selection is stronger than ever thanks to pharmaceutical companies fucking up everybody stupid enough to buy their products.

>> No.2717230


And think about how many people will fuck up their thyroids with Lugol's iodine. It's win, win situation for farmaceutical companies.

>> No.2717629

Have fun surviving without pharmaceuticals.