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File: 34 KB, 386x532, 1300274061-dd21cf1a23e55e522c9de30d18b91060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2716164 No.2716164 [Reply] [Original]

nuclear power is safe they said

>> No.2716170

oh wait, they took it down because of trolls like you

>> No.2716201

But it is safe. 9.0 Earthquake, hundreds of aftershocks, another 6.0 Earthquake and a tsunami and that plant still hasn't melted down.

>> No.2716206

If anything the last few days showed us how FUCKING SAFE nuclear power is. Fucking sheeps

>> No.2716224

Stop samefagging.

>> No.2716227

it's the JEWS!

they want MONEY!

>> No.2716229

The benefits outweigh the dangers


>> No.2716231
File: 88 KB, 400x398, republicans-hate-science-oppose-nuclear-power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberal detected

>> No.2716243


it apparently takes an 8.5 magnitude earthquake to fuck one up, and even then it's only a maybe that anything catastrophic will happen

nuclear power isn't so much a left vs right thing as a retard vs not-retard thing

>> No.2716246

The Left isn't retarded, liberals are retarded.

>> No.2716248
File: 176 KB, 452x577, mfw_amazingly_stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nukular is evulz they said
>we're making technocratic republic NAO, we said
>electricity is too expensive they said
>can we has electricity, they said
>no, piss off, technocratic republic said
>bawwwwwwwwwwww, they said

>> No.2716253


This is what America actually believes.

>> No.2716254

>it apparently takes an 8.5 magnitude earthquake to fuck one up,
and that's something totally unexpected in japan.

>> No.2716257

Liberals say they voted for Obama because he supports science and space exploration, and yet the first thing he does is cancel Constellation because Bush supported it.

>> No.2716256

have a country with the 3rd largest GDP in an area with the most volcanic and tectonic activity they sad

>> No.2716260

No one sees all those CanDU reactors blowing up, do they?

They're sorta like the WTC. The towers were built to "survive" impacts from planes, but not full-size jumbo jets. The plants were built to survive earthquakes, but not one like that.

>> No.2716262

If anything, this is showing what a stupid idea it is to have nuclear plants run by private companies who only care about turning a profit, instead of state run and with swathes of funds for maintenance and replacing old reactors.

>> No.2716263

>implying I'm American or even in that country
And since when would an American defend the left? Socialism can work, but it must be meritocratic. The prevailing flaw of liberalism is the idea of equality. Equality ensures that even the individuals that drag down society get on welfare programs for instance and becomes a burden rather than a benefit to society.

>> No.2716267

can't wait for the ghoulification.

>> No.2716271
File: 59 KB, 288x396, oscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Liberals" are not one homogeneous group of people, and the definition of that word varies from place to place because the Liberal Party (or its equivalent) stands for different thing in different states

Their politics also rarely have anything to do with nuclear power because that's not a political issue, it's an ignorant hick vs faggot technophile issue

>> No.2716279

>Equality ensures bullshit
[citation needed]

>> No.2716287

Ah, I see you haven't become aware of the little things we like to call "facts". These "facts" demonstrate that, unlike other venues, this plant actually performed very well considering the circumstances, and government ownership probably wouldn't have mattered a flying fuck.

>> No.2716298

>major fuckup
>it's okay considering the circonstances, guys

>> No.2716302 [DELETED] 

But to be a liberal you need to have certain things in common, while not all liberals do NOT subscribe to the anti-nuclear dumbassery some do. However the unifying ideal of liberalism was for-mentioned. And it has nothing to do with the tendency of most of them currently being left leaning.

>> No.2716306

>Replying to a post with "Circumstances in"
>Still can't spell it.

>> No.2716316




>> No.2716312

But to be a liberal you need to have certain things in common, while not all liberals subscribe to the anti-nuclear dumbassery some do. However the unifying ideal of liberalism was for-mentioned. And it has nothing to do with the tendency of most of them currently being left leaning.

>> No.2716318

ITT: /new/ lives on

>> No.2716320

If it were state run, it would have been replaced years ago, instead of trying to get the most out of it.

>> No.2716321


True liberals believe in equal opportunity. Unfortunately too many people, supportive or not of liberalism, get this mixed up with equality or making everyone identical.

>> No.2716324

Of course it's not okay, but it was unavoidable in this case.
If it had been a huge fossil-burning plant, it would have still caused a whole lot of pollution, probably a LOT more death, but people everywhere wouldn't have even NOTICED it.

It's called hypocrisy and it's a little childish.

>> No.2716326

because uranium mining is so safe and radon has never given anybody cancer

>> No.2716330

Are you a fucking idiot? We are arguing about private companies owning crap and maintaining it as little as possible, as opposed to state ownership and proper care.

Fucking capitalist retards.

>> No.2716336

They don't know what happened or what will happen.
The earthquake and the tsunami were taken pretty well, the loss of electricity, which can happen anywhere, however was not.

>> No.2716339

That's a slip and the right spelling in my language.

Oh. So, since oil burns and water spills, whatever material they use in that plant does not decay ?

>> No.2716350

Well, huge fossil-burning plants are not the only alternative.

>> No.2716354

Equal opportunity has its flaws. For instance notice how scientific programs are expensive. The more we waste our funding on "equal opportunity" welfare programs or even worse this liberal affirmative action nonsense the less of our resources can we alocated to our highest pursuit. The problem with modern liberlas, let alone John Locke and his retardation, is the the fact that these systems obviously don't accurately gauge who will be a contributing member to society and who will drag down society. The utter stupidity of equality is the idea of a focus on bullshit quotas that are NOT completely dedicated to SAT scores, grades, and even IQ or heritable g. All these presented measures have been shown to accurately predict individuals that are predisposed to being intelligent contributing members of society unlike sponges that leech of our systems.

>> No.2716374

In Japan, where living space is at a premium and storms relatively frequent, and which doesn't exactly abound with rivers to be dammed?

Sure, geothermal might come into question.

>> No.2716381

The beaches are ugly anyway, flood them with wind generators. Wave and tide generators should also be possible.
Fusion power also has potential.

>> No.2716386

> he thinks equal opportunity doesn't mean just that

>> No.2716389


>wave and tide

>fusion now
sorry, they need to PRODUCE power, not CONSUME MORE

>> No.2716402 [DELETED] 

>implying the post didn't point out how it's being miss-used.

>> No.2716403

They already do on a brighter day.

>> No.2716406

What's with the storms?

>> No.2716408

>implying the post didn't point out how it is being misused

>> No.2716650


Most of those things you discriminate are positive discrimination, which is just as bad. I, as a liberal, think they are terrible things.

A liberal should not support quotas. Demographies are usually not relevant to the situation. The problem is that certain cultures are less disposed towards learning than others. In addition, it can hardly be argued that a ghetto inner-city school is on a par with the top private institutions.

>> No.2716663


Those problems are NOT equal opportunity. They are done by people getting equality mixed up with equal opportunity.

People who do not try and are less talented deserve to be rewarded less. Quotas are against equal opportunity.