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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 202x163, cosmicBraneNew574px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2713517 No.2713517 [Reply] [Original]

whelp they've finally did it.


>> No.2713550


>> No.2713549

Did what? It's a theory that they admit themselves is a long shot.

>> No.2713559

If this works,
your gonna see some serious shit

>> No.2713593

Use that fucker to send back lottery numbers in Higgs particle binary.

>> No.2713607

> "One of the attractive things about this approach to time travel is that it avoids all the big paradoxes," Weiler said. "Because time travel is limited to these special particles, it is not possible for a man to travel back in time and murder one of his parents before he himself is born, for example. However, if scientists could control the production of Higgs singlets, they might be able to send messages to the past or future."


If you were to send information back into the past, it would make sense to send information that the past didn't have (otherwise it would be pointless). But then the past does have that information, so it wouldn't be information one would send into the past. There's your grandfather paradox.

>> No.2713622

Exactly. What would happen if we sent back a warning about the tsunami? What the fuck would happen to world markets?

>> No.2713637

man its 5 in the morning around here and i'm the happiest, most satisfied person in the world at this moment. I just want to SCREAM out loud so i can wake up everyone.

>> No.2713639
File: 54 KB, 700x400, Baby-finn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futureguy was telling the truth!!!

>> No.2713661

when do we sacrifice virgins to the time-gods?

>> No.2713752

What if someone sent a message into the past to a hit-man and paid him with lottery ticket numbers to kill my grandfather?

>> No.2713804
File: 362 KB, 476x359, 1267246818970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I went back in time, killed my father and then fucked my own mother?

>> No.2713825

You would know whether it worked as soon as you turned the fucker on.

>> No.2713828




>> No.2713847



>> No.2713872

It won't work.

No such thing as time.

It might seem like it's traveling trough time, but it isn't.

>> No.2713874

lol it's just a theory
and you all know about the c limit
and causality.. it's probably wrong...

>> No.2713922

That's it, we're fucked...

If we can sent and receive data from the past/future, doesn't that mean all we have to do to test the theory is build a machine that can receive data from the future?

If we immediately begin getting data, that would prove that it's possible.

There are still a lot of flaws with this right? If data comes from the future it would change the future's past... which would fuck shit up right /sci/? Someone please explain how this isn't a bad idea.

Also if time traveling data is possible couldn't you send people to the past as data?

>> No.2713946

Hasn't anyone seen Paycheck? Ben Affleck will have to save us all!

>> No.2713958

ITT: people who think a paradox is possible even with time travel.

its a cool idea, but does hold when viewed through the cold lens of logic.

>> No.2713966
File: 54 KB, 263x232, 1298427903620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg we are all going to DIE!!

>> No.2713999

I it is possible to create a paradox; then It should be safe since civilizations on other planets will most likely have tried to create a paradox them self by now.

>> No.2714003
File: 92 KB, 359x600, at-first-but-then.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i see what you mean
this implies that time can flow in 2 dimensions and what seems to be a time loop is really just a time spiral

>> No.2714017

w/e it is shut down for good now so no more time travel for the hard on collider

>> No.2714258

someone should make a gay porno called "hard on collider"
the dude would be like "oh... your particles are going soooo fast"

>> No.2714721


I mean if it works, then we would start getting messages from the future right off.

>> No.2714776

ITT: Future guy was right....

Prepare for the Chridom...or maybe we can stop it before it happens.

>> No.2714797

no its not, wtf you talking about

>> No.2714812

The fuck is future guy?

>> No.2714867

Okay, point A is when time-data is able to be received, after point A, well, no one knows for sure. We can send and receive data from the future and send it back to when it was first able to be received.

At this point...well...I would think either a paradox occurs, or we realize time is a figment of imagination and we're moving on a constant.

Only way to know for sure is to turn the fucker on.

>> No.2714897

r9k tripfag

captcha: robot udersvic

>> No.2714926

Elaborate, please. What were his predictions or what not?

>> No.2714961


He claimed to be posting on something called ETP that allowed him to post from the future to the past. He came to /v/ late 07 and pretty much told everyone that Obama was going to win the election. From there he started telling shit that people asked. He also spoke of a 2016 American Civil war. The Christian South rises again for like 8months or so, and gets stomped down by the US Military...however, the Christian groups kill a lot of people through executions and mass burnings

>> No.2714969

>whelp they've finally did it.
when i saw this,clicked on the link and saw "Higgs",i was enthralled to think they had actually found it, but alas OP, being a fag, posted an article that doesn't confirm its finding in any way that i noticed, just a stupid synopsis.

>> No.2715065

Same here, I was thinking how the fuck did I not hear about this until just now, until I realized that OP is simply a faggot

>> No.2715074


is this in the archives ? screenshots ?

>> No.2715112

futureguy is the one thing i miss about /r9k/. his threads were fun.

>> No.2715211

If we send it through the 5th dimension, then we ourselves won't see any change because the message we send back will be sent into a different reality

>> No.2715216

In other news, John Titor predictions didn't come true.
He had the whole alternate universes thing going on though.

>> No.2715340
File: 17 KB, 268x218, lhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2715388
File: 59 KB, 510x755, primer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt; people who haven't seen this movie

>> No.2716158


.implying time is just a fallacy of the mind.