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2712834 No.2712834 [Reply] [Original]

What are the pre-reqs for Quantum Mechanics at your school?

Where I go to school, it's Calculus I and II. Some multivariable calculus, operator algebra, and linear algebra is covered as need in the course itself.

However, someone on here yesterday said that their school required functional analysis, differential equations, and differential geometry for the Quantum Mechanics course.

I can see this for graduate level course, but he said this was for the undergrad course.

This concerns me because I'm planning on going to grad school for Quantum mechanics, and I want to know if I got a half-assed experience.

>> No.2712866


You getting trolled. Why the fuck would you need to know differential geometry to do QM or any applied QM.

At Manchester uni where I go I don't touch functional analysis until the third year. Also, before people try to troll me, QM was basically invented here I.e. Bohr and Rutherford.

You're being trolled. Maybe, you need functional analysis and PDE theories for some advanced QM course.

>> No.2712864

Single variate calc
Multi variate calc
Diff EQ
Linear Algebra
Physics 101,2,3 (newtonian mechanics, electromagnetism, waves/thermo)
Classical Mechanics
Modern Physics (intro to QM and relativity)

>> No.2712883


Sorry, I was just talking about math courses

The full list is

Calc I
Calc II
Physics I
Physics II
Modern Physics

we take linear algebra before the class, but it isn't a requirement, and anything used from it is covered in the course.

Interesting that you guys diff eq. Did you actually solve differential equations in the course. The way we did it was we were always given the solutions, but we expected to derive everthing else (the hamiltonian for the system, boundary conditions, etc...)

>> No.2712903

OP's image is a shoop. I can tell from common sense, and from having seen quite a few diagrams in my time.

Anyway, only req at my college is multivariable, and a bunch of intro to physics classes. At least for first semester QM

>> No.2712904


Fag can't solve DEs. What the fuck do they teach you in America fat?

How you fags solve Schroedinger equations?

>> No.2712976

Guys they didn't teach you fags how to read, did they?

>> No.2713003
File: 40 KB, 440x500, 1298271828667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to grad school for Quantum mechanics

WTF am I reading?
You don't go to grad school for Quantum Mech! Quantum Mech isn't a fucking "field of research dumbshit". Quantum Mech is a methodology. It is somthing you apply, not a mean within itself.

Its like you are saying you are going to grad school to study calculus...LMFAO. Like Calculus, QM is a completed methodology.

1) Pick your area of research
2) Pick your method of study
1 and 2 will decide what kinda physics methodlogy you will be using.

Experimental partcile physics
Theortical condensed matter physics
Theortical Molecular Physics

Those are field of physics!
Don't worry. I didnt relize that shit until late in my undergrad too.

>> No.2713019


Good luck doing legitimate research without taking graduate level courses in physics.

>> No.2713037
File: 50 KB, 600x640, 1262722429367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, that image is from a movie
I forget what it is called.
If I can remeber I will post.
It called "A _______ man"
I think?

>> No.2713054
File: 70 KB, 750x600, facepalm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF? I never said you didnt have to take courses. I was talking about research dumbfuck.

>> No.2713063

OP's Image is from the Coen brother's movie A Serious Man

>> No.2713099

From a movie bro.

A Serious Man.

>> No.2713147

Physics I
Physics II
Modern Physics I
Modern Physics II
DE (though you can take QM concurrently or in some circumstances before DE. I'm sure you're used to learning a lot of math methods in solving problems before you formally learn the methods in a math class, being a physics major).

>> No.2713207
File: 17 KB, 256x256, 1299717950890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when every single top tier university has a graduate program for Quantum Mechanics


>> No.2713216
File: 153 KB, 500x375, 1299680432551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't think you can go to graduate school to study calculus

Pic related, it's you

>> No.2713239

That or the fact that the entire blackboard is covered, the blackboard is about 5 or 6 times larger than him, and there isn't a ladder in sight.

>> No.2713320
File: 45 KB, 593x581, 1277339339798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to link
>"physics ranking methodology"

Not areas of research dipshit!
That ranking just says who teacher QM better.

You will still need to pick a area of research, and a way to study it.

Show me some recent publications involving "calculus research"? LMFAO

>> No.2713351

1)Calc (same time as Physics I & II)
2)linear+diffEQs (one class, 2 if you're math major also same time as Modern Physics I & II)
3)multivariate with Mod Phys II