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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 450x298, haiti-earthquake-pic-reuters-581841911..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2705892 No.2705892 [Reply] [Original]

>Worst crisis since World War 2, danger and health concerns continue to rise, media going nuts, more disasters imminent
>Traffic is steady, people are calm, everyone minds their business, everything organized, looks like nothing happened at all in many areas

>Earthquake topples buildings and kills some people
>People going crazy, attacking health volunteers and doctors, disease spreading, looting, burning, killing, foreign militaries dispatched to help bring stability, celebrities trying to make you feel guilty for it, 24/7 campaign to "help" them


>> No.2705915

Your /new/ is showing.

>> No.2705916

Slightly related: for the Haitian quake the death toll varies widely, from 90k to (from mostly Haitian sources apparently) 316k. Just seems strange to me.

>> No.2705917

Mass media.

>> No.2705944



which one has a higher quality of life?

>> No.2705960

mass media? what do you mean?

>> No.2705985

Japan is a civilized first world country. Haiti is a backwards, unstable third world country. 'Nuff said.

>> No.2705995

are you saying quality of life makes people murder, loot, attack doctors? why wouldnt you consider the fact that they do these things is a reason for their low quality life? why is that so impossible for you?

>> No.2706016

Way, way, way more people died during the Haiti Earthquake. Plus, Japan is very collectivist.

>> No.2706020

>meltdown worse than chernobyl

>> No.2706021

Income and collectivist culture vs materialist culture.

>> No.2706037

>No one panicking
>Streets are spotlessly clean
>Everyone waiting patiently and cooperating

>All in the midst of chaos, nuclear fallout, tens of thousands dead

Why can't Haiti?

>> No.2706040


Small, ethnically homogeneous countries like Japan and Sweden tend to have that collective herd mentality. Big, diverse countries like the United States value individuality much more.

>> No.2706050

n*ggers are going to n*gger

>> No.2706061
File: 16 KB, 335x333, danny-glover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm now going to ask a random question that is not, I assure you, a roundabout attempt to comment on this Haiti vs. Japan conundrum. I am simply curious...

Are there any 1st world countries with a majority black population?

>> No.2706062

Implying New Orleans and Haiti are diverse

>> No.2706078


Only Barbados.

>> No.2706081

How come Japan is a first world country and Haiti is a third world country?

>> No.2706083
File: 32 KB, 255x254, 1295552093197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ol' /sci/, instead of baseless bouts of racism like on /b/ or any other boards, here we at least try to provide evidence for our racism. Never change.

>> No.2706089

yes, america

>> No.2706091

japs have figured out the need for building codes and don't drink the same water that they shit in

niggers, not so much

>> No.2706093

Because the Haitians want it to be that way.

>> No.2706099
File: 2 KB, 200x133, 200px-Flag_of_Barbados.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



-- Population: 284,589
-- 80% black
-- Listed as 'Very High' (the highest) rating on the Human Development Index.

That's it. That's the only one.

>> No.2706100

>not inhabited by Niggers

>Niggers everywhere

>> No.2706109



Captcha: Science useedi

>> No.2706127

Well, aside from the obvious technological and societal advantages that already get more than their share of credit...

>Earthquake - admittedly a significantly bigger one - hits miles off coast
>A large tsunami hits
>Only one region (the fifteenth out of fourty-seven in terms of population) of the country suffers really significant damage
>The relatively unharmed rest of the country bands together to fix things

>Earthquake hits in the middle of largest population centers
>Everybody's dead, Dave

Haiti is twelve times smaller than Japan and got a direct hit.

>> No.2706141

>Average IQ in Japan: 105
>Average IQ in Haiti: 67


>> No.2706150


Because they're niggers. Did you wanted to hear that? Now get the fuck out.

>> No.2706161

"Haiti is twelve times smaller than Japan and got a direct hit."

You could have killled 70% of Japan and the survivors would still be politely building a new world out of the wreckage.

Culture trumps everything.

>> No.2706162


>> No.2706171

How is that even possible? Below 70 is drooling, pants-shitting retarded. And 67, you purport, is the average? Meaning half of Haitians are less than 67 and uber mentally deficient?? Yet the Haitians don't seem to demonstrate such behavior. This is one aspect of "scientific" stormfaggoty that has always puzzled me.

>> No.2706173

Why is this shit always on /sci/ now...

>> No.2706177


sorry i said "you"--that was a mistake, directed at whoever said that first

>> No.2706180

because there is no /new/ to contain it now

>> No.2706184

its actually true. studies show that, while equally as dumb, blacks can function at retarded levels of IQ. this is why there was debate about changing the IQ level of retardation because most blacks fell into that level of retardation.

>> No.2706193


nice try

>> No.2706194


[citation needed]

>> No.2706201

everyone on the new /new/ is a stormfag. it's like "hey we all hate niggers. okay cool. umm what else is there to talk about? fuck." so they have to troll somewhere. why /sci/? fuck if i know.

>> No.2706212

interesting. the more you know...

>> No.2706215

Why is it a troll just because it hurts your feelings? Are you going to cry and flood the board with porn like the liberals on /new/ did instead of having a civilized discussion?

>> No.2706217

>>blacks can function at retarded levels of IQ

What? Do they have some "nigger pixie dust" that gives them a special ability to function at the low IQ's you claim them to have?

>> No.2706219

Possibly, but destroy a part of Haiti the same size and importance (proportionally) as what got destroyed in Japan, and they'd most likely take it relatively well.

>> No.2706228

dolphins and gorillas can have equal or higher IQs than blacks, its just their normal level of intelligence. but if you have a gorilla or dolphin with an IQ half that, something is clearly defective about it. this is true of whites and asians, if you have whites or asians with an IQ equal to the average black, there is something defective and they cannot function.

>> No.2706233

>>dolphins and gorillas can have equal or higher IQs than blacks

this made me lol so hard

>> No.2706241


[Citation needed]

>> No.2706245


enjoy, Koko the Gorilla has IQ higher than most blacks

>> No.2706252


[Citation needed]

>> No.2706260

i guess black worshipping liberals cant read, its right on that page

>> No.2706261


define IQ

>> No.2706270


>> No.2706273

obvious troll is obvious, but your logic astounds me. niggers fall into a separate category of organisms, inferior to the dolphins and gorillas...And, you say, therefore (?) they are able to perform cognitive functions (speech, counting, language, creativity, deduction) with a low IQ that would make these abilities impossible in humans of other races.

just think about that for a moment. i hope i don't have to explain why that sounds so retarded.

>> No.2706284

it sounds retarded to you because you likely have the same intelligence as an average negro. even Koko the gorilla could probably grasp why this is true

>> No.2706290
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>> No.2706294


Leftists post [Citation needed] as an automatic reflex when they read something that disagrees with what they believe. The thinking part of the brain doesn't come into play at all. As such, they will sometimes post it even when a citation is given.

>> No.2706297


[citation needed]

>> No.2706299



>> No.2706302

why do you assume everyone who disagrees with you are "lefties"? i disagree with you and am rather conservative.

>> No.2706306

I love how the Japan nuclear explosion threads died out.

it turned out IT WAS ALL JUST A DREAM

>> No.2706312

>say niggers act like niggers because they're poor
>give examples of normal people (non-blacks) behaving like civilized human being under similar conditions

>hurp derp culture
>no explanation as to why the same stereotypes pop up wherever blacks live, in different countries with different cultures and how poor people of other races have lower crime rates, except "oppression" and "racis" and right back to "culture"

There's no arguing with libtards because they're trapped in circular logic. Cultures don't just come out of fucking nowhere. Groups of people create/embrace them, and people have tendencies. A group with a higher overall intelligence will produce cultures that value learning and look down on crime. Blacks, obviously, are not one of these groups.

>> No.2706319




Prove me wrong, stormfags.

>> No.2706322
File: 17 KB, 304x450, yeehaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dividing factor between both countries isn't race, it's poverty.

It is this same dividing line that both the left and right try to plant as an issue, along with race, to divide the people they are suffocating on the bottom.

We should not raise our fists in anger at our black and yellow brothers, but raise them in solidarity against the tyranny of the true evil set upon us in Washington.

>> No.2706324


like white creationists who want to teach intelligent design?

>> No.2706330


There's no arguing with libtards because they're trapped in circular logic. Cultures don't just come out of fucking nowhere. Groups of people create/embrace them, and people have tendencies. A group with a higher overall intelligence will produce cultures that value learning and look down on crime. the poor, obviously, are not one of these groups.

>> No.2706333


AFAIK Haitians are big on voodoo.

>> No.2706344


Roman Catholic 80%, Protestant 16% (Baptist 10%, Pentecostal 4%, Adventist 1%, other 1%), none 1%, other 3%.

>> No.2706346


>uhrp durp stromfags


>> No.2706347

don't want to debate me, eh? on the obvious inconsistency regarding the IQ "results."

>> No.2706348

haiti is 80% christian and 100% voodoo, i learned it on globetrekker, that one girl is so fucking my waifu

>> No.2706350


In the same way Europeans are big on Paganism.

Some 80% of Haiti are Catholic, and 16% Protestant.

>> No.2706352

Ok then
>Worst crisis since World War 2, danger and health concerns continue to rise, media going nuts, more disasters imminent
>Traffic is steady, people are calm, everyone minds their business, everything organized, looks like nothing happened at all in many areas

>New Orlenes
>Hurricane destroys buildings, floods everything and kills some people
>People going crazy, attacking health volunteers and doctors, disease spreading, looting, burning, killing

Whats the difference now?

>> No.2706354



>> No.2706357

Yeah, way to assume that everyone in a third world country taking an IQ test is educated and literate, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.2706363


Has an iq lower than a dog, cant count to three or spell his name. Seems to function despite having no brain. Strange adaptation.

>> No.2706370


Americans are dumbasses.

>> No.2706371

">hurp derp culture
>no explanation as to why the same stereotypes pop up wherever blacks live, in different countries with different cultures and how poor people of other races have lower crime rates, except "oppression" and "racis" and right back to "culture""

Get some time perspective. Modern humans emerged 40,000 years ago. For most of that time we were all filthy savages living in tribes.

Civilization started about 5000 years ago with agriculture in a few areas (read Guns Germs and Steel for a decent explanation of the local variations). It has been progressing unevenly through human populations since.

10,000 years from now minor differences in when various groups picked up advanced culture will be ancient and irrelevant history. We're just in the transition zone right now.

>> No.2706372

>dolphins and gorillas taking IQ tests

Seriously, /sci/...?

>> No.2706381


There are a lot of self-professed Christians in Africa too, but it's a very impure form of Christianity mixed with traditional beliefs. Like they'll practice witchcraft and shamanism, while also identifying Jesus as an incarnation of some indigenous African deity or something to that effect.

>> No.2706387


Congratulations, you have a sample size of one. Maybe you could take that one sample, get a sample mean, get the SD, get a t-statistic, and apply that to get the rough estimation of the entire populations IQ score.

>> No.2706389


[citation needed]

>> No.2706391


As I said, it's awfully similar to the ludicrous notions whiteys have that Jesus was born on the winter solstice.

Funny that.

>> No.2706399
File: 96 KB, 343x500, Raid cans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just the racists playing around on other boards after the dismantling of /new/.

Let's not let them gain a foothold here.

>> No.2706403


>> No.2706408

liberals really think IQ tests have anything to do with literacy or knowledge? wow, its no wonder they rally against them. they dont even know what they are.

>> No.2706417



Reported for racism garbage

>> No.2706427


Newshits have left 3 months ago or so, there's no newstation Boogeyman around

What you're currently seeing, always existed in this board

>> No.2706440

how come black supporters can only cry racism or troll troll troll but cant ever really disprove the facts presented?

>> No.2706443


You need to cite your sources first.

>> No.2706451

even christ-fags put up a better argument than those ass-hats, right?

>> No.2706459


And thus our Nordic Übermensch, fighting away tears, calls in the mods to protect his delicate feelings.

Truly, Apollo in flesh.

>> No.2706466



- Japan 1st World, Haiti one of the most miserable countries
- education
- development
- functional government...


>> No.2706486


Shut the fuck up stormfag

I can easily tear down your fantasy world with reason and facts.

For instance, if you take a African-American man from Congo and paint him white, you won't be able to differentiate him from a 100% Scandinavian person

And to add another nail to your asspained coffin:

African-Americans bleed red
We white people bleed red too

Stormfag status:

[X] TOLD, no other alternative

Now go ahead and follow the example of your leader Hitler, by taking a cyanide pill and bullet to your brain

>> No.2706505
File: 7 KB, 226x170, collagen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you people have to be so disrespectful to black people?

>> No.2706526

yea, i mean blacks are stupid and violent and haiti got that way because blacks fucked their own country up the same way they fuck errybody elses country up. but yea, you are totally right.

>> No.2706533
File: 15 KB, 350x437, 10_Albino_africans-s350x437-1380-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For instance, if you take a African-American man from Congo and paint him white, you won't be able to differentiate him from a 100% Scandinavian person

Yeah, this looks 100% Scandinavian. Couldn't still a difference.

>> No.2706536

>implying everyone in this thread doesn't already know the real answer

It's all very simple,


>> No.2706538

reported for being a twelve year old girl.

this is weaker arguments than christ fags saying they hear jesus in their prayers

>> No.2706550

People who think that Haiti's problems stem from its black population know absolutely nothing about Haitian history. They've been fucked since the very beginning, by the world, by their own leaders, etc. It's EXTREMELY easy and simple to say that "they're just all inherently stupid", that answer doesn't require much thinking or consideration of the factors involved.

>> No.2706553

Whoa, is that a Norwegian man? He is the pinnacle of North European manliness!

>> No.2706560

lol are you kidding me? haiti was rich until liberals and negroes decided to kick out whites. same thing happened in africa. its not the land, its not the history, its the people. specifically, the race.

>> No.2706561

is there any black population ANYWHERE that those statements don't apply too, in your opinion? or does the whole world just owe endless handouts to niggers everywhere?

>> No.2706565

Those eyes noes and mouth, total uncanny situation here. This image looks half animal to me, I never noticed with black blacks but dam i just cant get it out of my head.

>> No.2706570 [DELETED] 


Watch this OP and stop taking Fox news dick out of your mouth.

>> No.2706567


Funny how stormfags keep saying that blacks are stupid and yet they make retarded posts like these.

>> No.2706569


[citation needed]

>> No.2706571


Because they are not mentally "retarded" mental retardation as we see it is not only a function of low intelligence, but of other neurological problems that are also a result of the underlying factor/s that caused the lower intelligence.

Low intelligent normal people, such as blacks with a 70 IQ average are better described as having minds,in terms of intelligence, as capable as 11 year olds.

11 year olds of course are not retarded.

>> No.2706574

can someone photoshop him to be black, i want the contrast

>> No.2706579


Watch this OP and take Fox News cock out of your mouth.

Events of "violence" and "rioting" were mostly made up by the media.

>> No.2706586

I say this again to everybody.

genetics influences behavior

which influences culture

which influences environment

which influences genetics

ect ect

>> No.2706594


To be honest, i don't see much of a difference

I've got an female friend who's African-American and albino, and in the 8 years i've known her, i've never noticed she was African-American until she told me so

>> No.2706612

Did you just invent that whole idea right now? An extremely low IQ on its own would severely impair mental function to the point of retardation.

>> No.2706621



Do you realize fox news is more anti-racist than most news stations?
You would know that, if you actually knew jack shit about Fox News

Fox news is mostly owned by a saudi muslim
They have done more against bigotry than you could ever hope to achieve, kid

>> No.2706623

there's actually several "black" albinos in my hometown. they do like to be called black, and some of them you can easily tell, others not so much, the majority you can tell with a second or third glance.

>> No.2706640


Go back to /new/.

Oh wait. You can't.

>> No.2706649



Cool argument, bro

>> No.2706650


no retardation, in the clinical sense is an impairment in functioning, not just intellectually, but in terms of socialization and general survival.

All human groups can and do function within the limits of their cognitive ability, hence why human groups with lower intelligence exist.

You're confusing abstract reasoning ability with overall ability to function in one environment.

Once again if you normalize an average 11 year old,that is an 11 year old with an IQ of 100, to the adult score then his IQ would be 70(IQ is measured relative to age as you may or may not know, hence a 7 year old with an IQ of 120 is not more intelligent than an adult with an IQ of 100), but is an 11 year old retarded?

>> No.2706665

>Fox News against Bigotry.
>Fox News owned by Muslim.


Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, and Australian Jew.
His inherited the Fox/Newscorp empire from Keith Murdoch his father, a very well known and respected journalist who uncovered British negligence in Gallipoli during World War 1, during the 90s. For most of it's life Rupert didn't really have interest in Fox News, until the late 80s when he decided to turn it into a Neo-Con, bigoted mouthpiece for ultra-right wing conservatism and Zionism.


Enjoy what really happens behind the scenes at Fox News bro.

>> No.2706667


And you watch Fox.

>> No.2706675

So you think niggers are dumber than an 11 year old?!

Oh, stormfags, never change...

>> No.2706678

>haiti was rich until liberals and negroes decided to kick out whites

Yes, stupid slaves trying to break free of oppression and abuse, stupid slaves not realizing that they would be shunned by every other nation for doing so, and so having no chance to trade and prosper.

>is there any black population ANYWHERE that those statements don't apply too

Considering how Africa was treated, and that most black migration outside of Africa was due to slavery, probably not. Plenty are making strides, to be sure.

>does the whole world just owe endless handouts to niggers everywhere?

We don't "owe" them anything, we didn't cause their situation, it was our ancestors. However, acknowledging history, and morality, we should help out those in need, Haiti especially, being our neighbor of sorts. But, it should not be done by just throwing money around and letting NPOs scamper about aimlessly, we have to focus on the core of Haiti, its infrastructure, its economy, its politics, and so on.

>> No.2706699


No I said an individual can have an IQ of 70 (the African IQ)and still not be retarded.

Intelligence(as in g) is only one component of functioning.

>> No.2706709

>Live in Australia.
>Most blacks I know are uni-students studying chemistry, math, engineering and stuff like that.
>90% of whites I meet are rat bogan fucks who couldn't even point to NZ on a map.

Alos most blacks who emigrate to the US hold degrees and shit, it's pretty funny actually.

I am pretty sure social/caste means more in the long-run than race. Remember, for most of history up until the renaissance White people were the "niggas" of the world.

>> No.2706722

Japan is like 80% secular
Religion In Japan is more of a valued and cherished tradition/ or superstition.

>> No.2706736

funny how the countries that werent colonized or had the least contact with colonizers are the ones with the lowest IQs and the worst living conditions

>> No.2706745


stormfags care nothing about history beyond what they can use as evidence to justify their views

>> No.2706758


Mostly owned, read again

Saudi prince al-Waleed bin Talal is a big investor

>Neo-Con, bigoted mouthpiece for ultra-right wing conservatism and Zionism.

Do you realize those claims are baseless, don't you?


Nope, i was merely debunking your uneducated claim that Fox News

>> No.2706759


Correct. Japan is like ancient Greece and Rome. Not religious, but very superstitious.

>> No.2706766


Selection bias smartest blacks compared to general population.


Stormfags are ore historically aware than most people.

At any rate stormfags need no justification, or rather the same type of justification is not asked of other groups with similar views.

>> No.2706811

Niggers gona nig

>> No.2706827


Could you cite specific examples?

There is no hard and fast rule for any of this, different factors give different outcomes. You can't generalize.

>> No.2706837


Are you implying that Fox News is not extremely biased towards the right, and not significantly more biased than every other large news source in America?

>> No.2706844

A Homo sapien brain from a Caucasian is anatomically identical to that of another H. sapien from any other race.


problem, stormfags?

>> No.2706865

except that niggers have fewer folds and involutions in the neocortex

problem libtards?

>> No.2706871

not to be cliched, but [citation needed]; google, google scholar, elsevier brought up no such results. try again.

>> No.2706875

>Saudi prince al-Waleed bin Talal is a big investor

Because he makes a lot of money in return and Fox News' message ultimately helps him and the Saudis. You seem to be under the assumption that because he's Muslim, he would want Fox to be tolerant of Islam. That is extremely naive.

>> No.2706890

why do liberals invent lies out of thin air? the smaller brains and lower number of folds in the negro brain is a well documented fact

>> No.2706898

still waiting on the documentation for the "well-documented" fact

>> No.2706899

not to be cliched, but [citation needed], google, google scholar, elsevier brought up no such results. try again.

>> No.2706911

wtf who copied my post to give the impression of butthurt fastposting?

>stormfag thinks i'm stupid

>> No.2706919


You retards need to learn what 1st world means.

>> No.2706923

I don't get what stormfront's goal is in trying to prove that blacks are retarded. Retards are given a lot of special treatment in the first world. If blacks were considered retarded they'd get the same benefits. They would be even further focused on, and pitied.

>> No.2706930

>Remember, for most of history up until the renaissance White people were the "niggas" of the world.

You wouldn't ascribe Greek and Roman culture to the "white" race?

>> No.2706933

oh holy fuck at first i thought you were trolling but after a while i realized you were serious
you don't know much about life, do you

>> No.2706939

You retards need to learn what 1st world means

>> No.2706959

but we don't give recognized retards a percentage of college scholarships irrespective of performance, which blacks do get

i'm not against helping mentally handicapped people, but we need to treat everybody fairly

>> No.2706960
File: 1 KB, 432x216, bs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stormfags cannot into counting.

>> No.2706965


Please do enlighten us.

>> No.2706972

hint: they already get those benefits, because their general failure to thrive is ascribed to white racism. Enter affirmative action, disparate impact, taxpayer funded black only (or black intended) scholarships, let alone the annual white to black welfare transfer (in the tens of billions)

>> No.2706980

so you stormfag(s) are really going to pussy out when I call you guys out to show evidence for your "well-documented fact"?

>> No.2706984
File: 45 KB, 539x356, 539w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Haitian woman making clay "bread" to eat during the food crisis. "Two-thirds of all Haitians depend on the agriculture sector, mainly small-scale subsistence farming". (wiki) Japan's economy was only recently surpassed by China. Japan has a reliable responsible government.

You should read his book: The Buccaneers of America

>> No.2706997

so you libtards are really going to pussy out when I call you guys out to show evidence for your "well-documented fact"?

>> No.2707004

Haiti is mainly Christian, while Japan is very secular.

Why wouldn't a religion invented by sand-niggers make them act like sand-niggers?

>> No.2707055


Because stormfags don't like acknowledging that they betrayed their ancestry for a Jewish prophet.

>> No.2707062

>Fox news is mostly owned by a saudi muslim
[citation needed]
>Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, through his Kingdom Holding Company, owns 7% of News Corp.'s shares, making Kingdom Holdings the second largest shareholder.
>mostly owned

I'm sorry, but you need to understand basic math to participate in /sci/.

>> No.2707098

Blow it out your ass

>> No.2707103

Not a stormfag, and I certainly don't think that it's "well documented fact" but any intellectually honest person must admit that the incentives in the academic profession are such that to publish a paper like that would have an incineratory effect on one's career, even if the science is done well.

>> No.2707151

Yes, I'm aware of the stigma that would prevent a researcher from even entering this territory. Nevertheless, the stormfag was making a specific medical claim for which he was unable to provide evidence. The absence of evidence, for whatever reason, does not offer carte blanche to conjure up any half-baked conclusion. This is what separates science from religion.

>> No.2707171

Japan is filled with Asians.

Haiti is filled with Africans.

end of story.

>> No.2707179
File: 127 KB, 1024x768, 1282421002453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone who dose not think we need to abandon earth along with its problems and start life on mars is a terrorist against humanity... jk trying out the fox news tactic

>> No.2707185

Here's your evidence: Blacks generally don't perform well academically compared to other races.

>> No.2707197
File: 16 KB, 300x309, 1267993867533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How stupid can you fucks be...?
There are 3 likely explanations that are all playing a role in the behavior we are observing. 2 of these have been mentioned, I can't believe the 3rd hasn't.

1. Culture: Japan is known for their homogeneous and isolationist culture. It helps in situations like this
2. Poverty: obviously this is going to contribute to the behavior we are observing. More affluence = more to loose from hasty, foolish action. Also, overall education levels.
3. GOVERNMENT: What kind of government did Hati have before the quake? Tenuous at best. Japan? Strong, respected, responsive and effective. Plus they drill for stuff like this.

>> No.2707214

It doesn't. It's just annoying as hell.

>> No.2707233

lol nice trying to dodge the argument. i know i'm feeding the troll, but this is funny. You, or possibly some other anon, said: "niggers have fewer folds and involutions in the neocortex." Upon request for any evidence of this, you responded that it was a "well-documented fact." I asked you for the documentation, and we're back to where we are now, where you said: "Blacks generally don't perform well academically compared to other races."

I'll ask you again, where's the evidence that niggers have fewer folds and involutions in the neocortex?

If you refuse to operate on evidence, I cannot continue this argument in a scientific context.

>> No.2707250

The Haitians' choice of poverty and government was their own.

>> No.2707254

enplane new orleans
Strong respected government. Free education for all children (unlike haiti) Hardly anyone starving or poverty remotely similar to haitian level and still nigger gonna nigg

>> No.2707265


1. Culture: America doesn't have any worth mentioning.
2. Poverty: highest income inequality in the developed world
3. GOVERNMENT: George Bush

>> No.2707266

I'm actually another anon. As for refusing to operate on evidence, you're ignoring evidence yourself. Anything that doesn't conform to your view will be tossed out. There's nothing more to be said.

>> No.2707283
File: 59 KB, 649x516, monksweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding? America has got... like... you know? All that shit and what not...

>I suppose that show Monk was pretty good.

>> No.2707285

>1. Culture: America doesn't have any worth mentioning.
You can blame the n*gger rappers for that
>2. Poverty: highest income inequality in the developed world
Better than living in places like Chad
>3. GOVERNMENT: George Bush
Can't always blame other people for your own problems

>> No.2707291
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I fail to see how that bears on what I've proposed.

Strong and respected? What are you smoking? If anything Katrina proved just how feeble and ineffective the government was. Just look at the response time for the national guard. Heck of a job. Also, you cannot ignore the fact that there were always are pre-existing disparities amongst the poor and minorities.

This not a matter of *justification* it is a matter of *explanation*. Trollharder.

>> No.2707301

ah, why am I wasting my time? of course they can't substantiate their claims that the negro brain is deficient! their approach falls more in line with that of religion than that of science.

>> No.2707303

>You can blame the n*gger rappers for that
>Can't always blame other people for your own problems


>> No.2707306

>"Blacks generally don't perform well academically compared to other races."



I'm not the storm front fag but that one is just too dam easy its just a generally accepted fact. Libtards try to say its caused by racism if not overt than subconscious and caused by sociality. I do conceded that tere argument has some merit I do not understand why it would continue to work in a predominantly black schools where there are few white men to oppress them.

>> No.2707325

Societal problems != personal problems

>> No.2707343


>Someone makes music I don't like = societal problem

>Corrupt, kleptocratic government = personal problem

>> No.2707353

So apparently everyone who isn't a racist scumbag is a liberal.

>> No.2707358
File: 22 KB, 268x267, 1284098766908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, it's not a matter of blame. Who gives a fuck about that? That was never part of the question. It's about the explanation of the phenomenon.


CanIGetSomeMoreStats? Seriously though, what are the statistics for any race below the poverty line. 3rd variable/mediation

>> No.2707363


An unindoctrinated person will look at that and wonder what the meaning is. !=... must be extra equal Although I do like the simplicity of ! as not around non programmers I tend to use =/= or ≠ as it is harder to misinterpret. In some places you can do alt 8800 to get ≠ if I want to use it I put it in the address bar and copy it down.

>> No.2707368

>implying that the violent, illiterate gangsta culture promoted by rappers isn't a societal problem
>implying that crimes, personal incompetence, and laziness are caused by the government

>> No.2707375

Looks like the person who will finally solve crime has been found
I look forward to the good work you will do for future community

>> No.2707381

>all evidence points towards some conclusion
>try to find as many excuses to avoid that conclusion as possible due to personal, emotional belief system

Liberals are essentially no different from creationists.
Get off /sci/.

>> No.2707384


Oh lol, please do keep using this word as if it's something negative.

>> No.2707390
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All humans are equally inferior in my eyes.

Also, just because I acknowledge disparity doesn't mean I make any normative judgments based on it. It's a matter of statistics. As far as what to do about it? Liberal hand holding and coddling doesn't do a ghatdmaned thing. I've been told my views most closely resemble those of a fascist. Mind you, mine is a non racially based fascism, but a fascism none the less.

>> No.2707391

Anyone who ignores facts and evidence in favour of some dogmatic personal belief is libtard.

You're basically trying to argue the world is flat here.

>> No.2707393

Can we just agree not to use the word liberal anymore? It's unfortunate that it's been so sullied by the US Democratic party. Liberal used to mean something. It used to mean "liberty". Now it's just... meh.

>> No.2707395


I wasn't aware that young earth creationists and holocaust deniers were considered liberal now.

>> No.2707398

No, the evidence is very unclear. You simply choose to ignore many confounding variables to support your bigotry.

>> No.2707404

>ignore post
>continue espousing unfounded personal beliefs
Libtards gonna lib.

>> No.2707405


This stormfag shit isn't science.

Science isn't a bunch of stats that are unrepeatable or looking at vastly different societies.

Also, the original premises are flawed. That never really happen in Haiti but the media showed it because it made a good story. Japan isn't going to have a nuclear fallout, however all news now is saying it is.

This isn't fucking sciences. This at best is scientific racism.

>> No.2707417

Confounding variables like what? poverty? then how come impoverished asians and hispanic people living in america commit far less crime than impverished black people?

>> No.2707419

If you give someone anything they did not earn they will use it to destroy themselves. Government handouts are killing our lower classes. Just look at the wealthiest of the native american tribes. They pay tribal members each month, give them free housing, and we give them free healthcare. They use it to drink there asses off and nothing else. I worked with the ute mountain ute tribe in Colorado they would have to hire 4x the number of people to do any job because they know that three fourths of the workforce would be too dam lazy to show up for work. It got so bad that even though there where plenty of able bodied utes around they would hire white people to come to the rez and work just so things would function.

Yes buy supporting peoples laziness governments can make people lazy.

>> No.2707446


This is not fucking sci/ get this news/ shit of this board.

Please sci/ please any mods out their. Save this board from news/ shit.

>> No.2707461

ask the oracle yourself you lazy ass
google is my oracle but there are others, you could try ask yahoo bing or webcrawler (they are proud of there hiybbpraqag skills)

>> No.2707464
File: 14 KB, 126x121, 1295666058869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is "that conclusion" that you are referring to?

Why can't we just attribute it to the moral and and intellectual inferiority of ALL poor people, regardless of race? Surely the "black people have lower IQ" and "gangsta culture" explanation won't cover *all* lower-class tomfoolery. How do you account for the behavior of those that isn't covered by your (implied?) proposal? One explanation is better than two...

>> No.2707475

>Anyone who ignores facts and evidence in favour of some dogmatic personal belief is libtard.

WOW foxnews is the most libtarded organisation in the universe

>> No.2707492

I am not and have never been from new.
My logic is so pure that you cannot argue with it so you try to sensor me.

>> No.2707511

Protip: it's called "censor".

Second: offtopic. You're welcome to spout whatever non-scientific bullshit you want elsewhere.

Third: "Oh noes someone said they disagree with me, so they're censoring me!" That's not censoring. Censoring would be the government giving you a fine or jail sentence for saying such stupidity.

>> No.2707514

reporting observations is not /sci/?

>> No.2707518

That there is something inherent to the negroid ethnic group that leads to them not forming properly-functioning societies.

>> No.2707520

Or simply by removing what you say from view because you disagree with it. Which is what you requested.

>> No.2707524

Banning someone is the same as throwing them in jail around here.

>> No.2707528

But there aren't many banned black people, so this analogy doesn't make sense.

>> No.2707537

Impoverish asian people living in America have crime rates that are something like a tenth of those of black people.

Your hypothesis simply does not fit the data.
Though I'm sure that won't lead to you ever questioning or re-examining your hypothesis that all ethnic groups are mentally the same in every regard.
Oh no that would be far too sensible and scientific.

>> No.2707549

it was analogous to his statement
>Censoring would be the government giving you a fine or jail sentence for saying such stupidity.
where he was appealing to the mods (government) to remove my posts because you didst agree with my point of view but could not ague against it.

>> No.2707558

You seem to have a rather perverted worldview. Let me fix that up for you. This is a private web site. You being allowed to participate is entirely to the discretion of the owners. If you do not like it, you're welcome to start up your own web site. Kicking you off is no more censoring that deciding who your friends are. Get a grip. Oh wait, I'm arguing with a troll or a /new/ retard, so nevermind.

>> No.2707561

There are few banned black people because black people cant figure out how to steal internet to be here in the first place.

>> No.2707565
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Done and done. Ball is in your court.


I'll just granting you that the purportedly race-based trends you've alluded actually exist. I'm not so sure they actually do once you control for poverty and such.

But since you asked... Confounding variables? Poverty, yes. Also: racial/ethnic heterogeneity, culturally based competitiveness, historical/self-perpetuating inequality, family structure, parenting techniques, religion, access to weaponry etc... I can give more, but I should think your correlation/multiple regression model has enough to contend with at this point.

Wow... arguing is fun. Why don't I come here more often? I'll have to make a habit of it... How does I acquire tripcode?

>> No.2707577
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>> No.2707578

One of the biggest reasons is cultural. Do not gloss over that.

When they bring up studies of black kids raised by affluent white parents, that entirely ignores that they will be treated badly by their peers in school simply because they are black. It's almost impossible to control for something like that.

>> No.2707582


That reasoning is flawed.

You have a country like America that has a shit ton of school shootings. But, then you might argue it's guns, however other countries that have lax gun laws don't have school shootings.

>> No.2707589

what i mean to say is
what im sayin

>> No.2707593

>no school shootings
And the gun laws aren't even that lax

where you have guns and crazy kids you're going to get school shootings.
America is just a little common because of spoiled-middle class idiorts with easy access to guns and difficult access to mental health support.

>> No.2707596

>> USA
Hurrican Katrina, about 2000 dead
Looting and murdering, even some police don't obey law any more.

Fucking masterrace

>> No.2707601

Nice use of fawx tactics sir

>> No.2707609

The biggest problem with racism is that it's impossible to do real experiment.

Looking at say American blacks is stupid as it's like looking at American school shootings.

Why has America have such a high rate of school shooting compared to other country? is it gun laws? is it social? is it media?

It's impossible to fucking tell. You can't do experiment on society to find out because this isn't science.

>> No.2707614


A close friend of mine has frequented a number of mental institutions in America and elsewhere, and based on her anecdotal evidence I must disagree.

In America, all sorts of people were getting treatment. Depressed, bipolar, what have you. Overseas they had actual mental illnesses.

>> No.2707624

I haz tripcode for you sir
simply put this in past this to name field and your all tripped out

>> No.2707625

I agree with this man.

>> No.2707627

The quality of the societies of the Japanese and Haitians is clearly quantifiable by how they riot. Since the Japanese aren't rioting and looting, its clear that they're superior.

>> No.2707629

The problem isn't the people in, it's the people out. Most families don't want to sign their kids up to be committed. Not to mention deinstitutionalisation which has cut many psychiatric wards out.

>> No.2707638
File: 29 KB, 300x391, Jonathan_Krohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: libturds getting FUCKING TOLD.

You say Rachel Maddow-I say Rush Limbaugh
You say Keith Olbermann-I say Glenn Beck
You say Jon Stewart-I say Stephen Colbert
You say Al Gore-I say Ron Paul
You say FDR-I say Ronald Reagan
You say Socialism-i scream FUCK YOU!!
You say MSNBC-I scream Fox News!!
You say George Soros-i fucking punch you in the face
92% of teenagers have turned to Liberalism and Communism.If you are part of the 8% that still believe in freedom,copy and paste this message to another thread. CONSERVATIVE 4 LIFE!

>> No.2707649

You are a liberal.

Stop trolling and go to sleep.

>> No.2707655

I propose an experiment, Australian aborigines are supposed to be the second stupidest (just smarter than pygmies) so bring them to the us ghetto as infants swap them with usa nigger kids in hospitals at birth and see if they are categorically stupider than our native breed of nigger.

>> No.2707670
File: 6 KB, 306x245, Ihateyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW libfags will all be crying when white people will be the minority in the US in 2020.
>MFW when libtards voted in a black man as President
>MFW when libtards killed out Economy and country and decided to let illegals overrun the country and steal all the jobs
>MFW the libfaggots tried to give us expensive, shitty socialized Healthcare that is shittier and more expensive than private healthcare

If you don't vote Republican next election you are literally pants on head retarded.

>> No.2707678

hello beckhead

>> No.2707679

No, trust me, they are. Aborigines are a form of super nigger that make American negroes look like decent people in comparison.

There are a few successful american niggers that the Jews like to sprinkle all over the media. There are literally no aborigines that are well adjusted.

>> No.2707682
File: 214 KB, 1200x1500, palin25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes.... Sunder souls unto me...

>> No.2707685
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Now wait a second you two. What >>2707419 said isn't inherently racist, it applies to all relevant cases. So, obviously poor people in general, but also the case of the papered, trust-fund kids. Condition-free handouts turn them into useless fucks too.

Yeah... I'm pretty sure I can come up with a dozen alternative hypotheses/explanations that fit your (or "their", perhaps you're just quoting) "observations". Here's one to try on for size:
(it's not actually racist, I don't know why the reporter frames it like that)

You're attempting a joke here?

Until you can be reasonably sure that you've factored out all relevant confounding variables, I can't see what would *justifiably* motivate you to select one plausible hypothesis/explanation over another.

As for "my hypothesis" about equal racial inferiority... I'm not really attached to it in any way. It could be true or false for all I care. No, my "sense[less]" and "[un]sientific" disposition here is merely the result of of my adoption of the so-called Null Hypothesis... you know, the initial assumption grounding all analyses.

Also, if it WERE the case that the races were inherently unequal, what would the implications be? Surely you wouldn't be content with leaving this as a descriptive/observational matter. What would you have us do in that case?

>> No.2707687

>He still votes for a major party!

>> No.2707690

only a couple of halfies

>> No.2707691
File: 531 KB, 2000x3008, 1294898736826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when

>> No.2707700
File: 291 KB, 400x300, Viking of Disapproval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You listed all those problems, and then decided to blame Democrats.

Guess what: they're both shit. I am so disappointed in your country and most of its countrymen at the inability to solve even the most basic of problems. Your entire country stays afloat simply because of the top 10% smartest.

>> No.2707702


The point is America has good access to treatment of mental illness. Others in third world have none.

You would expect a ton of school shootings by that logic.


Would assume troll, but stormfags are on this site.

How can you conclude that shit you wrote. Also, that still isn't an experiment.

>> No.2707708

I grew up dirt poor but I always scored exceptionally on standardized tests.

>> No.2707713

>Anecdotal evidence
>Worth anything

>> No.2707718

I know rich people who were fucking stupid

>> No.2707720

The killing of the economy is really a joint effort between the Republicans and Democrats, from all of the various free trade nonsense, and the housing market bubble.

>> No.2707721

I know a green leprechaun who gave me a pot of gold and jumped off his magic rainbow into the sea

>> No.2707722

The notion that intelligence genes are distributed equally among people groups is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.2707723

The killing of the economy and American culture itself started in the 70s and the oil crisis and Watergate. Since then, it's just been a slow, downward slide.

>> No.2707726


monkeys make for better entertainment than robots

>> No.2707729

Why's it matter that he was green? Are you a fucking racist or something?

>> No.2707731

Yes. Problem?

>> No.2707743

Swap out a statistically meaningful number of babies, keep records of who they are and wait twenty years then review there cases, see how many graduated, what there test scores and grades where, see how many have committed serous crimes. It should be relatively easy to filter out social noise and get pure data on the comparison between a baseline and a subset of niggerdome.

>> No.2707753

>It should be relatively easy to filter out social noise and get pure data on the comparison between a baseline and a subset of niggerdome.
But see, it's not. The black kids will be exposed to unmeasurable amounts of racism /because they're black/. The problem is that you cannot account for that in any meaningful way.

>> No.2707760


Create an ENTIRE PLANET WITH NO RACISM as a control group. It's EASY if you're a high schooler who doesn't factor in real life constraints.

>> No.2707769

A black kid from the ghetto and an Australian aborigine should be be exposed to the same amounts of racism /because they're black/.

And thus the experiment filters out the noise, we are studying the difference between two black groups not the difference between whites and blacks.

>> No.2707775

Dude who worked at FaHCSIA.

There are alot of decent Aboriginies who perfectly intergrate with society, but the majority are the bogan shit ones (who are not any worse than any other white-trash bogan though). One must remember that Aboriginals are brought up under the culture that "white man is putting them down" so when they fail at anything, it's the "white mans fault" not them. That being said there is still alot of prejudice against the Aborigines and they do get it harder when looking for Jobs and such.

Desert/Isolated Aboriginal communities are scum and deserved to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Go to these communities and you have little girls line up and present themselves to you for a good old fucking, people eat roadkill and shit and hang dead kangaroos up in their Government houses, thats right, dead rotten, unrefrigerated animal carcasses are hung up in peoples houses in 40-60 degree tempratures and thats what people feed off. (mental image, imagine that "prawn egg" shanti with the dead cow hanging up)

Most people are high off their head on inhalants like petrol or drunk.

Remember at the end of the Liberal Government they were going to take the children out of those remote communities and everyone kicked up a stink about Stolen Gen 2.0? yeah well if anyone actually knew what happened up there, you couldn't have gotten the army in fast enough to take the kids.

Let me repeat that thing I said to you before, little girls come up and present themselves for sex, they are trained this way by their elders.

>> No.2707777

Ok then we'll raise the children with robots. I know this is unethical but it will shut you up when the black children are found to perform on average slightly below their white counterparts.

>> No.2707787

Yes. If you isolate them, raise them with pre-programmed robots, I definitely could not argue that.

>> No.2707788


Yup, keep on sucking that corporate dick.

>> No.2707789
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>you have little girls line up and present themselves to you for a good old fucking

Next vacation destination chosen.

>> No.2707790
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I should think that's covered by historical inequality, but if you want to be explicit about it we can throw it up there with the other confounding variables too.

Don't tell the social sciences. They would be absolutely devastated
to hear this.

That's not how a proper control works. Relevant obstacle to what you've suggested:

WOW! For shame--how I have erred so completely and irrevocably! I stand refuted!

No... wait. What you've given me is an anecdote. A point of data. Doesn't really do anything on its own though... could be signal, could be noise. Perhaps you are the statistical mean or perhaps you are an anomaly, who knows.

Seriously though, pops to you on rising above your circumstances. If everyone were capable of that the world would be a much more productive and efficient (better?) place.

>> No.2707805

The poor guy here, I guess this doesn't say so much about race as it does parenting, my dad was an out of work scientist and seemed to harbor a thirst for knowledge in me

>> No.2707819


You seem to smart for sci/

>> No.2707830

Having a 'proper' control seems rather difficult. I think my experiment would yield good data but if you can design a better experiment (which can be implemented) by all means enlighten me.

>> No.2707851

I'm sure that as soon as evidence surfaces that eliminates a "confounding variable" (read:excuse) you would just pick another more far-fetched less testable one.

In the wisconsin transracial adoption study, a study of 130 children, negroid children, white children and children with one negroid parent and one white parent were raised form birth by affluent white parents who had a mean IQ of 115 across the whole study. In IQ tests taken when the children were 17 years of age, the adopted children with white parents had a mean score of over a standard deviaiton higher than the black children.
A standard deviation. In a study of over a hundred children.

Now people like >>2707578
would have us naturally assume that all the affluent, intelligent parents taking part in this study lived in profoundly, oppressively racist neighbourhoods, and that that somehow lowered the deevelopment of their IQ. Or perhaps that these parents who specifically chose to adopt black children, were really all evil and cruel and kept their black children in boxes without any mental stimulation.
He'll throw out all kinds of implausible "what if" scenarios before ever contemplate that his dogma is unfounded.

>> No.2707895

Look. We have plenty of evidence that IQ is highly subjective based upon how much support they get as children. Even in the nicest of all white neighborhoods, the black kid is going to feel left out. To say otherwise is asinine.

Yes, I know that this makes it almost untestable.

Let me ask you this, does it even fucking matter? Why make threads about it?

>> No.2707897
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Equally? No. Normally? Probably.

Again, see
specifically the DST thing...
Also, you've clearly never tried to conduct sociological research. Ignoring for a moment the ethical issues here (I say fuck the IRB), I seriously doubt you're going to be able to construct/utilize a sufficiently rigorous experimental design to get the conclusions you want.

Also natal environment differences, racially/genetically based differences in metabolic/nutritional processes an so forth. So yea, you're on the right track. That being said, I'm not *completely* certain it is impossible to control for that. At least not logically or logistically impossible.

>>A black kid from the ghetto and an Australian aborigine
>>they're black
>>And thus the experiment filters out the noise, we are studying the difference between two black groups not the difference between whites and blacks.
Oh if only sociological research were that easy...

I'm actually completely for the robot thing... It's part of my fascist utopia. However it's for *all* people who are too poor or incompetent to raise children, not just certain, arbitrary sub-populations.
Also that "difference" you're referring to might just be statistical noise, or maybe even the result of one of the aforementioned confounding variables. I know this may seem nit-picky, but if you're going to try and make your point by relying on the findings of a particular methodology, you're taking on all of its boons and burdens.

Also also, [citation needed]. But I'm pretty sure that even if you did find one to lend you a bit of support, I could probably find one to undermine it. Such is the nature of this pointless and silly (but fun!) debate.

Ah.. yea. He's right. The whole robot thing is going to be a confounding variable in and of itself. And a hell of one at that. Sheesh...

>> No.2707902

> Ah.. yea. He's right. The whole robot thing is going to be a confounding variable in and of itself. And a hell of one at that. Sheesh...

What? I think the robot idea is a wonderful idea to get to the truth, apart from the ethical concerns. It's results would be very hard to dispute.

>> No.2707904

Fuck it's late.

>> No.2707919

Haiti is under developed

More people died in Haiti

>> No.2707930

>/new/ thread
>254 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2707939

Oh please. Academic ability can be affected by school environment. IQ, particularly testing G-factor isn't.

You're assuming that intelligent, affluent people living in probably some of the nicest areas of Minnesota are all RACIST. You're assuming that this racism will be so severe that it actually hinder development during their formative years when the children generally come into very little extended contact with people outside their family. Are you also suggesting that all the parents adopting black children in this study adopted tehm JUST so they could be cruel and racist toward them? This is just so utterly preposterous.

These black adopted children had access to the exact same upbringing as these white children did in all factors taht are relevent to IQ development.
You just can't stand the fact that there is strong evidence that the negroid ethnic groups are not as intelligetn as white-european ones.

>> No.2707953

> ITT people who don't realise that an IQ test only measures one type of reasoning/intelligence

Maybe black people can function at a lower IQ because they're thinking in a way that's different to the type of intelligence an IQ test measures.

>> No.2707956

Japan has a functioning state with a police force.
Haiti is anarchy all the way.

>> No.2707957

Yes, while other ethnic groups use reasoning and deductive logic to solve problem black people solve problem by blaming white people and asking for handouts.

>> No.2707996
File: 21 KB, 461x307, 1292753808786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I'm of the opinion that a lot of the behavioral/dispositional trends that relate to the current subject can be attributed to differences in parenting styles and techniques. Stephen Pinker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blank_Slate)) would disagree, but fuck him.

I don't come here often, but from what I've seen, I think I'd like this place.
I'm actually (subconsciously?) using this thread to avoid working on my final (psychology oriented) inferential statistics project... which is due in 3 hours... which is 40% of my final grade... which will obviously determine whether or not I fail this class... at the graduate level.

Proper *set* of controls, you mean. And yea, it is difficult, hence the 4 years or more to get a phd in the field and the fucking gauntlet you have to go through to conduct research or get published in anything half decent.
Maybe you're experiment would yield good data... who knows? I certainly think it would be open to critiques regarding design and methodology, and probably implications as well. Can I design a better experiment? Maybe, Insomuch as my current experience/familiarity with this sort of thing would allow. First I'd have to know what question we're trying to answer. That's really key. The more refined and specific the question you ask, the more likely it is that you will be able to successfully design and conduct an experiment that answers it. I should think this is true for all sciences, not just the "social sciences".

End part one of response.

>> No.2708009

Is there any point in donating our monies (foreign aid) to black countries any more??
I mean for years and years we've been giving millions and millions of pounds that must by now total billions... and yet whats changed??
Niggers still Nigging, if anything they're worse than ever.

>> No.2708011
File: 255 KB, 2315x1840, 1287945895347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a /new/ thread on /sci/

suck it libfags its a legitimate question in the OP

>> No.2708013


>> No.2708019

exactly. We should leave the hungry, black, and poor to die. This whole stigma with eugenics is completely ridiculous. Why should we interfere with natural selection by helping those who don't deserve to be in the gene pool?

>> No.2708020

Why is there a thread about this? What recommendations would you make about any conclusions made here?

>> No.2708022

Is natural selection the same thing as eugenics?

>> No.2708026
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Several things to say here:
It's not me that's coming up with these "excuses", it is what is demanded by any self respecting empirical mode of inquiry. You seem to want to appeal to certain studies to back up your claims, but at the same time, not be held accountable to the disciplinary strictures of those fields. You can't have it both ways. If you want to be able to justifiably use this sort of data, you've to to make sure it's beyond reproach.
As for the study you're appealing to, most people in the field(s) snicker when IQ is brought into play. Nobody takes it seriously any more. I'm probably in the minority, in that I think it genuinely measures something meaningful and important, but even I'd be hesitant to use it as part of the foundation of any argument I'd make. Furthermore, if this study is from before, oh I'd say 1975 or so, no one is even going to give it a second glance. It's generally accepted that methodological guidelines have improved *significantly* since that time, and that the results obtained by these sorts of sociological studies (during that time) are dubious at best.

As for >>2707578, I'd be pretty quick to dismiss his claims *if* those were the sorts of explanations he would appeal to. Keeping that in mind, I'd more than likely be willing to accept your assertion(s) *if* you could sufficiently assuage my worries about confounding variables. Maybe we just need to wait until our methodological tools become precise enough to reveal the hidden trends you sense.

I'm going to go ahead and treat your proposition as though it were genuine, like a good interlocutor. In which case: That explanation can not even account for a fraction of the "behavioral variation" that you're referring to. It would have to be applicable across time periods, populations, environments, situations so on and so forth... And it's not. So no, try again smart ass.

>> No.2708030

>As for >>2707578, I'd be pretty quick to dismiss his claims *if* those were the sorts of explanations he would appeal to.
Hmm? You doubt that the inherent racial bias will significantly affect the outcome? How do you propose to measure or otherwise account for this "bias"?

>> No.2708032

In Europe

>> No.2708058

I'm off to bed. Just thought I'd mention that was a bad choice of words.
Should have said "The bias inherent in the culture"

>> No.2708085
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Did someone say /new/?

>> No.2708096
File: 25 KB, 350x243, Skates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete your posts. Mods are coming to claim your IPs.

You are all clearly dangerous and are in the way of Moots plan to make this site more friendly.


>> No.2708114
File: 395 KB, 586x720, tik tok..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit is that Tik Tok?

>> No.2708119
File: 13 KB, 388x400, Fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are here....

Stay perfectly still. I'll pretend to be asleep.

>> No.2708123
File: 26 KB, 765x459, Wtf dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sshhhhh... must be quiet. Mods are on the hunt for controversial free thinkers.

>> No.2708125

>It would have to be applicable across time periods, populations, environments, situations so on and so forth... And it's not.

Haitians: It's the voodoo spirits. There's bad mojo. Can't do anything about it.
African Americans: whitey's keeping me down. Who's gonna pay for all my kids? I deserve extra help.
Africans: where's our foreign aid?
Other Africans:de witches be spreadin de aides. you need to have sex with 5 virgins to cure yourself
Other Africans: bribery is part of our official business plan

you don't know anything about niggers.

>> No.2708132
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>> No.2708134
File: 28 KB, 500x270, angry gnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you think freely? In MY domain.

>> No.2708139
File: 33 KB, 741x440, Gnome2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will ALL be PUNISHED!

>> No.2708147
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Non-controversial topics are BANNED! YOU WILL ALL BE BANNED!




>> No.2708152
File: 29 KB, 757x451, Gnome4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the ALMIGHTY powerful Mod!

Whites are bad
Whites must be stopped
Canv.as must have a clean 4chan to work


>> No.2708157
File: 32 KB, 762x462, Gnome5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2708159
File: 42 KB, 759x461, Gnome6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2708163
File: 60 KB, 360x194, Like A Boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2709112
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>>MFW I discover that there was a sequel to The Wizard of Oz. Also, since when did Disney own the rights to that shit?