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File: 23 KB, 512x288, Explosion-at-Japan-nuclear-plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2704494 No.2704494 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or are all the "Nuclear Physicists" that these news networks are bring in to comment on the reactor situation are trying to get the scientists to state that the reactors will explode?
The reporters are constantly describing it as a "partial meltdown" as if these reactions are going to explode like another Hiroshima, but all the scientists and physicists are just trying to emphasize that a sea water flush will just cause the loss of the generator with no loss of containment.

>> No.2704516

One word. Sensationalism.

Well, also the fact that reporters no longer report anything of value and seek only stories that will draw in the most viewers (controversies, shit happening elsewhere, etc.). The truth rarely overlaps with this, sadly.

>> No.2704559

I was just listening to KGO, and most of their reporters are actually going over in detail how a true meltdown is impossible.

>> No.2704562



Back when the Deepwater Horizon sank, several professors in my department got invitations to do interviews on all the major news networks. One turned down the 6 interview requests he got. He knew the news agencies would try and twist his words.

The same professor got burned badly when he did an interview about clean coal technology once. The media turned his words into "clean coal will never ever work"

As much as some of would like to see S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Japan to happen, it won't. The worst thing that will happen is another 3 mile island.

>> No.2704642

The owner of the plant just made a statement on the incident.

The owner calls it "an explosive impact"

The liberal media is calling it an "Explosion"

>> No.2704659

Its just im watching popular news! pictures of an OIL fire while talking about nuclear reactors

>> No.2704678

All the experts i've seen so far have tried to calm viewers by stating the unlikelyhood of meltdown

>lol american media

>> No.2704722


>liberal media

>> No.2704734
File: 199 KB, 640x480, 1288869563235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2704749

Turn on Fox News, they just brought on an expert explaining how a meltdown is physically impossible.

>> No.2704790
File: 86 KB, 462x600, 1299457201348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Fox News
>explaining why a meltdown is impossible

This can't go right. Luddites vs. liberal luddites? Oh dear.

>> No.2704800

The reporters want a BIG SCOOP, but the scientists and engineers constantly disappoint them with reality. You can't hear it, but I'm playing a sad song on the worlds smallest violin for those poor reporters.

>> No.2704806

I've been watching on Ustream and the conspiracy fags are out in full force on the channel chat. The TEPCO reps come out and talk about reactor 2 soon after this latest event happened, so naturally they don't have all the facts at hand. Conspiracy nuts immediately scream coverup and that they're lying.

You know that saying "There are no Atheists in a foxhole"? I think that should be "No atheists around idiots" because I want to scream JEEESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU MORONS.

>> No.2704801

I've been rather proud of fox news in the past day, granted, nobody's perfect, and they had no idea what they were talking about 2 or 3 days ago.

>> No.2704834

What were they saying 3 days ago?
From what I'm hearing, they're apologizing for nuclear power like crazy and demonizing wind and solar.

>> No.2704867

Same thing all the other news media outlets were - half truths and misleading information.

Today "Some experts would consider the apparent melting of the fuel rods to be a partial meltdown. Others, though, reserve that term for times when nuclear fuel melts through a reactor's innermost chamber but not through the outer containment shell."

/golfclap fair and balanced, they are actually doing it.

>> No.2704928

Was that a reporter, or an expert?

>> No.2704977

reporter i'd assume, just cut and paste the paragraph from foxnews.com

>> No.2705018

I thought that the press and scientists were supposed to be on the same page.

>> No.2705028

it makes me pretty queasy to see a piece of human history used in such a way

why do I still come to this website

>> No.2705049


Wait until I get my parahuman claws into your Greek mythology.

>> No.2705487

bump for people with sense.