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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 124 KB, 347x346, brain-763982-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2704133 No.2704133 [Reply] [Original]

Are you /sci/encefags ready for an afterlife theory?

>> No.2704171
File: 119 KB, 1618x913, 1295756854683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 heaven ir hell or any place where a "soul" goes for infinity.

Pic related, its mathematical proof that the above is impossible.

>> No.2704203

Well here goes. We only use about 10% of our brainpower, right? What if the extra 90%, supposedly unused, is spent gathering information, knowledge, and energy reserves. Then, as you are about to die, your brain launches you into a mental heaven, or whatever has been created by your unconscious. In this place time moves extremely slow, almost lasting an infinite amount of time. This shit came to me today, thoughts?

>> No.2704216

Non-religious fag here, this is flawed because all 'souls' must go through a state of not-being in heaven before they can be in heaven.

>Troll Math

>> No.2704230
File: 376 KB, 381x485, rage4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We only use about 10% of our brainpower, right?
Stopped reading right there.
I don't care if you are a troll.
You are so goddamn stupid.
Please, don't have children.

>> No.2704234

1. Not a theory.
2. Not even a hypothesis
3. Sage'd and reported
4. You are gay.

>> No.2704252

Fine, scientific speculation, happy nao?

>> No.2704256

Maybe he's only using 10% of his brain

>> No.2704260

I would love this to be true.

>> No.2704263

That is not scientific speculation, its just speculation

>> No.2704273

how much of the human brain is in use at any given time?

>> No.2704290
File: 64 KB, 450x665, Limitless-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


100% but in your case it's probably less

>> No.2704329

i meant the ratio of conscious to sub-conscious

>> No.2704363


Ratio? Depends on what you're doing. On average i don't know, but then, i'm no neuroscientist.

>> No.2704375

Deistfag here. Interesting theory.

>> No.2704396

>gathering energy reserves

>> No.2704400

I don't get why people are so concerned about this.

If, by some hidden mode of the universe, there is an afterlife that is undetectable by beings in our universe, why are you worried about it now? You're alive, fucking live.

>> No.2704390

Op here, if it makes you feel better change the 10% and 90% to conscious and unconscious

>> No.2704388


Any graph made using a 4chan meme automatically loses the right to be taken seriously.

>> No.2704408

Not worried, just thinking.

>> No.2704412


Assuming everyone goes to this same afterlife, it's not anything to be concerned about. Usually the people who worry about it believe there's a god and that they might be judged when they get there.

But religion is a topic for /b, not /sci.

>> No.2704482

Consequences. Either you believe or not. There will be consequences.

>> No.2704531


It works like this:

If you're an atheist and it turns out you're correct, there's no god or heaven and you just spend eternity propped up against a lamppost smoking a cigarette.

If you're an atheist and it turns out you're wrong, you'll be punished by God in some form or another.

If you're a Christian and it turns out you're wrong, there's no god or heaven and you just spend eternity propped up against a lamppost smoking a cigarette.

If you're a Christian and it turns out you're right, you go to heaven.

The atheist would lose in either case.

>> No.2704557



>> No.2704572
File: 31 KB, 775x682, hurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

datsum Pascal's Wager?

>> No.2704577

its even said in the bible and quran to not believe just cause you fear judgement

>> No.2704582

More like "afterlife hypothesis."

>> No.2704594


Not really. PW is the idea that no harm can be done in believing in God because you can't prove or disprove his existence anyway.

>> No.2704601


say god in fact wants you to be moral. Say if god is not an evil douche. Say if he actually rewards free thought. Then:

>If you're an atheist and it turns out you're correct, there's no god or heaven and you just spend eternity propped up against a lamppost smoking a cigarette.

>If you're an atheist and it turns out you're wrong, you'll be rewarded by god for being moral and couragous.

>If you're a Christian and it turns out you're wrong, there's no god or heaven and you just spend eternity propped up against a lamppost smoking a cigarette.

>If you're a Christian and it turns out you're right, you are punished for selfishly siding with evil in the hope that you will be spared. Instead of being strong in your conviction that if there is a god and he is good then he won't punish you for not being sure about the afterlife, and if god is evil then you don't want to go to his bully heaven because you are moral and not an evil douche and will glady accept hell if that is where you must go rather than give in to evil.

Either way, the atheist wins!

>> No.2704639
File: 82 KB, 450x268, jackie-chan-MY-BRAIN-IS-FULL-OF-FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I couldn't even begin to explain what's wrong with this.

>> No.2704646

Except any sort of higher being ("god") would very likely be able to see through why you'd believe in the first place (for the purported "reward"). Partaking in Pascal's Wager makes you into a jewbag by default.

Nevermind the thousands of other confident belief systems on the planet. But for those systems that do speak of there being some end-reward, their followers are precisely the sort of fore-mentioned jewbags, as are you.

>> No.2704662

It's all moot point anyway as neither "heaven" nor "hell" are explicitly brought up in the Bible. The concepts were formed by the Vatican to encourage the Romans to join the religion, and they've stuck ever since.

>> No.2704688


>Except any sort of higher being ("god") would very likely be able to see through why you'd believe in the first place (for the purported "reward").

Exactly. One of the principles of Christianity is that you're rewarded for sincerely trying to be a good guy and make others' lives better, not being good for the sole purpose of being rewarded or escaping punishment.