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2702893 No.2702893 [Reply] [Original]

Can you explain scientifically this, /sci/?


>> No.2702907

thats sort of funny

>> No.2702924

people get pissed if you mess with them

>> No.2702930
File: 7 KB, 301x270, Fuck Yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit OP now I'm pumped.

>> No.2702932

"+10 points for gryffindor"

youtube is great

>> No.2702933

Natural selection at work

>> No.2702952

glad to see there's still justice in this world

>> No.2702968

id call it darwin doing his job. thats just me.

Little shit had it coming either way.

Friend of mine was like the big kid who brought the smackdown, big, kinda quiet, looks like hes more fat than muscle when in reality the bulk just conceals it.
Some dumbass jocks (who were on the football team i might add) decide that they were going to start some shit with him, doing some slaps n shit that would naturally provoke a fight. He tells them nicely to back off, and they refuse. So when one of them tries to slap him again, he grabs his hand and crushes it. Im not talking about both hands either. Just caught the fuckers hand, and destroyed it. I didnt catch the rest of the brawl, but by the time it was over and security showed up, all 4 of them were on the ground with various moderate injuries, the worst being one of them with a partially crushed rib cage. Apparently he had given one of the jocks a bear hug and broke most of the jock's ribs.

No one ever fucked with him or me for that matter ever again.


>> No.2702974

The little rat was so thin and our hero Casey was so strong that he couldn't even feel the punches. Then he went to hulk-mode and SMASHED him into the next day. lmao when the fag rat couldnt walk.

You dont fight vs someone who's 2/3x your wight.

>> No.2702994

>dat limping bitch
Was it his leg or his brain that was fucked?

>> No.2702997

Brain, he didn't land on his legs.

>> No.2703002
File: 31 KB, 300x400, RICH-TARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of them I hope.

Just look at the fucking wigger...

>> No.2703003


My older brother is like this. Was a neckbeard growing up, magic cards, star wars cards..etc. He could destroy anyone at our school though and everyone knew it.

>> No.2703015

What's the story behind this?

>> No.2703018

The worst part?

He's like that because he's abused by his father. Guarantee it.

>> No.2703024

hell if i know. All i know is the little shit tried to start a fight with the big dude and promptly got his ass handed to him on a silver platter.

>> No.2703027

Sounds like me. One kid kept messing with me (the 'tough guy'), one day got fed up with the official routes of reporting bullying and punched him in the back of the head after he stole something from me and walked off with it. Wasn't even that hard either, but he just sat there in shock and no one said jack. After that there was this, like, respect for me. Was weird.

>> No.2703041

Actually, it looks like his right ankle nailed the low concrete wall, and the side of he left ankle hit the ground directly. Didn't look hard, but we WAS limping.

Either way, fuck that kid.

>> No.2703045

If the piledriver had been slightly more direct, the kid's neck would have snapped like a twig.

>> No.2703059


Speak softly, carry a big stick.

>> No.2703061

i took a closer look at the throwdown, either the head or upper torso hit first and then what you said. He come down pretty hard.

>> No.2703066


All we know ATM is what we can see in the video.

I'm sure /b/ will find out these kids' names and histories in due time. That, or someone else will do it and /b/ will take credit.

>> No.2703072


Dislocated his knee. Was retarded beforehand.

>> No.2703078

>justice in the world

I have heard that the big kid got suspended for defending himself so no, no there is not justice in the world.

>> No.2703080

I'm of the opinion that if it was his ankle or leg in pain he would have simply not put weight on it. Stumbling around like that is classic blow to the head behaviour; trying to stand but being unable to happens all the time to boxers. Check out the guy at 3.20 in this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDWnMXzgeZo

>> No.2703087

>Dislocated his knee.

>I have heard that the big kid got suspended for defending himself so no, no there is not justice in the world.
He wasn't arrested, and they probably didn't bother him after that. So it's not all bad.

But if the rat-kid WASN'T suspended, then I agree with you.

>> No.2703101

>The Rat has been suspended for twenty two days, during which time he will dig himself underground to avoid the Beast's wrath in future.
>The Beast got suspended for four days, according to his sister.
This sounds OK to me. As much as we all hate the fucking rat, the Beast could easily have killed him with that piledriver.

>> No.2703102

>But if the rat-kid WASN'T suspended, then I agree with you.

If the ED article is accurate the rat got suspended for half as long and his parents are suing the big guy.

>> No.2703107

Says rat got two days, big guy got four. This vid is evidence enough to show he was acting in self defence though, so if anything it will be worse for the rat than him.

>> No.2703114

When he looked back, Zangief should scream to the audience "Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?"

>> No.2703117

>easily killed him
And the beast showed mercy.
Not often that happens.
We should be thankful of his gracious and generous nature.

>> No.2703123

Not just him, everyone involved apparently (school, admin, etc). Won't go far though, video evidence is a clear matter of self defense. And if it does...well, their personal info is available on the web now, so Rat's parents will rue the day.

>> No.2703124
File: 15 KB, 620x604, 1295895943073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Rat's parents are suing anyone and everyone, including The Beast and the school. However, The Beast trades not in currency, but in human souls, so this will prove pointless for The Rat's swarm.

>> No.2703131

rat got 22 days. Beast only got 4.

And supposedly the Rat's parents are all sue happy and are trying to get as much money as possible out of this. Not gonna happen, especially when we got clear evidence the little shit started it first.

>> No.2703134

Really? When I read it, it was four days for the Beast and twenty-two for the Rat.

>> No.2703140

lawsuit hivemind

never thought it would happen to me.

>> No.2703141

Read it again. 22 for the rat, not 2.

>> No.2703142

The Rat has been suspended for twenty two days
twenty two days

4/2 =/=22

>> No.2703147

The ED article is win.

They've got some decently dramatic writers contributing.

>> No.2703152


Why yes it seems to be 22 now... I wonder if someone's been making edits or if I'm just getting old.

>> No.2703153


Twenty-two days. Not two.

>> No.2703165

I imagine the two not twenty two was a misread.

Either way, HELLS YA, Casey'da man.

>> No.2703170

I know, i got a good lol out of it. And probably because of them Casey will be forever known as the Beast.

>> No.2703174

This is much more unambiguously an act of supreme justice than the Vietnam Tom incident.

>> No.2703178

Depends. Do kids at that school read ED?

>> No.2703180

He did walk the dinosaur.

>> No.2703187

Zangief, indeed.

>> No.2703194

It just went up today and there's already a number of videos of it, an ED page, and 2 news stories on google news. It'll build, because people (rightly) love it when the asshole gets what he deserves. And with all the attention bullying has been getting, it will be headline news once the Japan thing blows over.

>> No.2703203

when all the retards in my computer class are spouting memes all class period, i can say yes to that question.

>> No.2703209


This is in Australia, where there is no legal concept of self-defence. The skinny kid's parents will probably win their lawsuit.

>> No.2703218


>> No.2703227

well fuck australia then

>> No.2703245

what a little cocksucker

>> No.2703258

>Australia, where there is no legal concept of self-defence

>In the criminal law of Australia, self-defence may be a complete defence to criminal liability for causing injury or death in defence of the person or, to a limited extent, property, or a partial defence to murder if the degree of force used was excessive.

>> No.2703454

You're probably right, but he ALSO had a dislocated knee. It's probably both effects. Adrenaline could have diminished his pain response.

>> No.2703490

likely he is :

>> No.2703538

Fuck, it's been removed before I could comment on it. I did manage to download it though.

>> No.2703551

>The ED article is win.
Back to /b/, fucktard.

>> No.2703578

>This video has been removed because its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service.
Sorry about that.

>> No.2703583

I was implying physical abuse, but sure, why not?

>> No.2703591
File: 27 KB, 250x244, 1274424875401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did not deserve suspension. Noone deserves to be sued.

Firstly, yes, the piledriver was a little extreme - but when you throw away basic human civility and begin physically striking someone then you open yourself up to retaliation. The fat kid ended it quickly, and showed mercy by not obliterating his skull afterwards.

And suing is obviously going to go nowhere.

If there parents defend the kids actions as a bully by telling him someone else was wrong in this instance he is only going to get worse. Make HIM take responsibility for his action. Tell him the knee is his own fault, and fuck, make him pay for some of the hospitable bills out of his own allowance.

>MFW people getting what they deserve

Of course, this is all based on the assumption that the act of bullying was completely unprovoked. There could always be more to this story which I think is important to keep in mind.

>> No.2703596

that little kid is lucky that is where the attack finished.. he has no idea how fucking lucky he is

i can't tell you how many fights ive seen finishing after several kicks to the head while they're on the ground. that little kid could be fucking retarded if that huge kid decided to give him a couple good stomps to the skull.

>> No.2703601
File: 3 KB, 493x402, 1279778962127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is kinda cute. I would molest him

>> No.2703608

The Beast's posture and initial behavior was far too passive and unthreatening to suggest prior aggression on his part. He was corned, back against a wall, surrounded by the rat and his posse while being filmed. He didn't even react to the first punch, not even with an aggressive stance or an angry expression.

>> No.2703614

I uploaded it to mediafire, in case anyone cares.


>> No.2703629

>If there parents defend the kids actions as a bully by telling him someone else was wrong in this instance he is only going to get worse.
You're absolutely right.

>> No.2703632

It frustrates me to think that the bullying victim has been punished in the slightest, or may be facing criminal charges. Even if the odds of them being dropped are high, just the thought of it being a possibility is absolutely disgusting. What he do except defend himself?

It's just going to make the smug little bully faggot think he ultimately got the better making his public embarrassment (probably the best way to put down a bully) completely null. Punish the bullying victim and you encourage more bullying.

>> No.2703633

here is a link that will be not deleted

>> No.2703648

The Rat got 22 days, while the Beast got 4.

The only reason I don't think the 4 days is completely unjustified is because he might have seriously hurt the kid for life. Like a broken spine at the base of the skull.

Still, I can't blame the kid for fighting back.

>> No.2703678

The kid had it coming.

>> No.2703693

Humiliation and beating, yes, but not serious risk of becoming a quadriplegic. The piledriver move was awesome, but it was just slightly on the excessive side, given the risk of spinal injury.

>> No.2703732


Zangief should deal with it american style.
Carry daddy's gun the next day, become death and choose the ones who live and die.

>> No.2703755

that move would be more typical for the Rat. Why would the Beast need anything more?

>> No.2703806

/b/ owns all other boards. Bow down before your masters.

>> No.2703819

Since when has anyone bowed down to a classroom full of 'gifted children' at a 'special school'?

>> No.2703825




>> No.2703834

redirecting force using inertia for massive damage.

I like this kid's style

>> No.2703842

I thought body slam was when you slam people with your body by laying on them and a piledriver is when you plow through people with your shoulder.

this looks more like a throw than either

>> No.2703845

Ritchard Gale - The Rat

(02) 9625 8913 (intl +61296258913) - (Ring and congratulate on surviving the Beast's wrath)

18 Varian St Mt Druitt NSW 2770 - (The Rat's current hole)

> Mt Druit
Why does this shit not surprise me

>> No.2703856

Criminal charges should go to the scrawny little cunt obviously.

The pile driver was not excessive force.

>> No.2703861

Isn't the body on the receiving end horizontal for that, while a piledriver is vertical and inverted?

>> No.2703864


you're right, it was, EXTREME JUSTICE

>> No.2703879

Wasn't even that extreme.
Throwing someone to the ground when they attacked you unprovoked is not extreme.

>> No.2703889

It looked like the beast started to throw him on his head, but the rat squirmed sideways thus saving his life.

>> No.2703900

Because you are a wanker.

>> No.2703907


> Mt Druit
> Why does this shit not surprise me

Because you seem to know something about Mt Druit that people not from the general region do not know. Tell us some interesting stories about people from Mt Druit.

>> No.2703909

i thought the little asshole kid was black, then i saw that he wasn't and was disappoint

>> No.2703912

I like how you can hear the bones of the rat break and the little wimp squirm in fear while he pissed himself. Also great how the beast didnt say much. I'd love to see him wrecking that other dipshit that was like "wat the fuck did you do there?" in a provoking matter.

Seriously, you see your lad getting mashed into the last century and you're asking for the same service? Just how retarded are yoU?

>> No.2703916

You do not want to know any stories from Mt Druit.

>> No.2703931

And you know the australian justice system is going to go after the beastly ginger kid instead of the deserving little rat.

This is why Australia is the worst English speaking country by far.

>> No.2703932


Now I want to know even more. Is it the Australian equivalent of Glasgow or Detroit?

>> No.2703934

Can't be worse than the stereotypical legends about the hillbillies (I live in Tennessee).

>> No.2703935


>> No.2703945

It was only one leg, that's what I thought originally too but he would be stumbling with both legs if that were the case. Dislocated join sounds right.

>> No.2703952

The lawsuit won't get anywhere, and those aren't criminal charges anyway.

>> No.2703959

He hasn't been charged yet, but someone still might be charged. I don't trust australia to make the right call here.

>> No.2703967



>> No.2703977

I really, really adore this fight. I mean, seriously.

A guy slamming another into the motherfucking ground like an angry god is one thing. But what I really loved about this are the two guys involved. Skinny kid is a prick but he's like an evil villain archetype. He was annihilated but at the end of the video, he was laughing. Laughing like a crazed evil super villain type character. Meanwhile, the gentle giant was being badass and just walked right outta there like he's all:"Fuck this. I'm done."

>> No.2703982

This video has been removed because its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service.


>> No.2703990


now with guile theme.

I wish my bullies had been that small back in jr. high. Fucking kid couldn't even have weighed 80 lbs.

>> No.2703998

I don't think I would have walked away from the tall skinny guy.

the beast did everything right though. I mean I don't see how anyone could have been more lenient. I mean he let the rat hit him in the face with no defense. the beast obviously outmatched the little squad of rejects.

>> No.2704000

ahh that was beautiful, seeing that little kid get smashed was a great moment of justice.

>> No.2704015

I want to send the beast money

Someone should get him on blog tv so we can donate him/ his parents money for being awesome and for a legal fund and all that. I'd do it.

>> No.2704019

I hope he can never walk again, LOL

> the Beast could easily have killed him with that piledriver.

I wouldn't even be mad

>> No.2704038

A cop told me this one time:
Dead people don't sue.

And a cop really did tell me that too.

>> No.2704046

Yes but their parents can.

>> No.2704051

"You haven't won, Beast! Finish me! FINISH ME!"

"You're smalltime, Rat. I don't have time for this."

>> No.2704054
File: 117 KB, 440x604, 1300071996682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.2704060


I never found the story to this one.

>> No.2704069

yes you have, it's in OP. the time-traveling-self-glorifying prophet has arrived!!

>> No.2704099

Anyone have a different link to it? Jewtube took it down.

>> No.2704132



>> No.2704134

ED apparently doesn't know either.

>> No.2704259


Jewtube and the governement don't want you to know you can strike back and avoid the injustice


>> No.2704322

These kids are in high school? What the fuck I thought they were like 8

Kids these days are young as shit

>> No.2704488

Quick, let's make this /sci/ related and calculate the amount of force the little bitch suffered on impact.

Rat-kid can't be more than 60 pounds. The boss-kid looks to be more around 100 or so.

>> No.2705486

Well he pushed him, so I doubt mgh+1/2mv1^2=1/2mv2^2

h is 1 meter?


What was the question?