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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 254 KB, 500x405, Screen shot 2011-03-10 at 12.28.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2701297 No.2701297 [Reply] [Original]

You rage you lose, /sci/ edition.

Give me your best shot!

>> No.2701305

Okay. You post something first.

>> No.2701308

oh those right-wingers, all thinking the same evil things. damn them!

>> No.2701310
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>> No.2701318
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Commence dump y/n?

>> No.2701323



>> No.2701326
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>> No.2701328
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>> No.2701329


Oh come on. You vote for a political base because you agree with them on certain policies but know that ALL of their policies (even the ones you don't agree with) will probably be implemented. And it's not like Right Wing ideology isn't intertwined. Lower taxes? Fewer social services. "Starve the beast"

>> No.2701330
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>> No.2701332

>I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.


George Bush Sr

>> No.2701333
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>> No.2701338
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>> No.2701340
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>> No.2701337
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>> No.2701336

>implying I vote or support any particular political party

>> No.2701334


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2qTdFX6thg

> durr we can't adopt the swedish system because everyone in sweden is just the same

>> No.2701342

/sci/ will like this assuming you misanthropes have facebooks:


>> No.2701343
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>> No.2701344
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>> No.2701347
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>> No.2701348
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>> No.2701349
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>> No.2701352
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>> No.2701353

I visit this site whenever I want to feel rage

>> No.2701355
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>> No.2701361
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>> No.2701359
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>> No.2701362
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>> No.2701365


I am taking it - reading the link - that loads of people comment on like "lolxD so true im so smart xyxDD"?

In that case I am disgusted already

>> No.2701368
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>> No.2701369


I lost.

>> No.2701370

this in particular

>> No.2701371
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>> No.2701374
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Not necessarily.

Pic related, latest post.

>> No.2701376
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>> No.2701379


Oh, sorry. Thought this site would be an accumulation of bullshit

>> No.2701380
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>> No.2701382
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>> No.2701384

>implying either party isn't a emotionally charged, irrational hate machine.

>> No.2701386
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>> No.2701388


This is retarded. If you're one of those smart people, you wouldn't be a fan of shit that buggs you.

>> No.2701396
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>> No.2701398


Wrong hyperlink. But anyways, it's a place to sort of collectively vent.

>> No.2701399

I agree with the second picture; don't have kids if you can't afford them.

That is all

>> No.2701401
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>> No.2701408
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>> No.2701406

>heath care
Fucking heath, he gets enough fucking care

>> No.2701407


This is true but it doesn't always work out that way.

Ironically, it's the Christian principles against abortion that probably put them in that position in the first place.

At other times, shit just happens. Medical bills, accident, lay-off, economy, troubled births, that put people in ruins.

So stop being an asshole towards shit you don't completely understand.


>> No.2701414
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>> No.2701416
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>> No.2701418

Okay I've got fresh material from /v/, I guess it's related because science goes for humanity.

Not sure if linking like this works, but whatever.


>> No.2701422

lol Darwinism is only scientific when applied to animals who can't or won't adapt. when people can't or won't adapt it's society's fault, or the systems fault, etc etc and then prop them up. It is also pretty stupid to say that ethnic groups' common genetics only affect their physical appearance and none of their intellectual abilities. Clearly Border Collies, and Beagles are both dogs, but one is generally smarter than the other.

>> No.2701424
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>> No.2701431

yeah but in a closed system like your suggesting negative feedback from kids dying off from families too stupid to abort them would eventually balance out...however retarded Christians have the kids, and retarded liberals put them on welfare and make sure they have a fighting chance to have more retarded children.

>> No.2701435


Well, I don't live in Murka, so I don't have to worry about medical bills. But I can see how the rest would affect someone

>> No.2701444

It does if you do it without the res.

>> No.2701450

They're half right, there is no proof god does not exist

>> No.2701454

Why do people hate liberals so much? I know people have differing opinions on politics, but over in the UK there's nowhere near as much hatred (unless you openly support the BNP)

>> No.2701467


burden of proof is on the positive. Without any proof (be it empirical, deductive and/or sustainable to critique) it cannot be considered in any way factual or of equal consideration.

>> No.2701466

Inurdaes, will you please stop posting those things? Frankly, I don't even think that they are amusing.

>> No.2701470

It helps that in the US, the liberals (in America they're called conservatives, and the progressives are called liberals for some reason) are utterly intertwined with the religious right.

>> No.2701473


But its wrong to assume god exists just because its non existance cant be proven (prove there isnt an invisible, untouchable being who knows it all behind you)

>> No.2701489

The burden of proof is on any party that makes a claim. Theists claim there are gods then the burden of proof is on them, atheists claim there are no gods and the burden of proof is on them. Fermat claimed that no three positive integers a, b, and c can satisfy the equation an + bn = cn for any integer value of n greater than two, the burden of proof was on him

>> No.2701492

May look small on that map but those are huge areas of land and there is no fucking way to produce such huge solar panels.

American's believe that Liberals are against "small Government" American values, despite it has always historically been the Republicans that abuse Government power.

>> No.2701494


>> No.2701501

It's basically impossible to prove a negative though

>> No.2701504

Whoever made that assumption? There is no data for or against gods existence so the only logical courses of action are to ignore it completely until someone stumbles across some evidence or to only look into it after we run out of other things to research

>> No.2701508

No it isn't, mathematicians do it quite often

>> No.2701509



>> No.2701511

Yes, I saw that after the fact, sorry. You haven't posted any more in twenty minutes anyway.

>> No.2701514


But if there is no proof, it's neither rational nor justified to believing in him.

>> No.2701519

In maths maybe

But how would you go about proving there are no white crows?

>> No.2701527

by finding all the cows, and determining that all cows are not white

>> No.2701530


The difference being that maths are based on axioms one can rely on, in reality you can't just "check" for a god if you define it to be unreachable untill death

>> No.2701538


You might have missed a crow

>> No.2701546


But that's wrong you retard.

Atheists are not making a claim that there is no God. They simply do not believe in one because there is no proof for one. There's a reason the saying is "burden of proof is on the positive." In law, you have to PROVE your claim, even if it may be true in reality, if you can't prove it, you lose your case.

>> No.2701568

How would you know you have found all cows in the universe?

>> No.2701576
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>> No.2701601

Why does existence occur? You think mathematics and logic are innate only because you exist in this universe and take it for granted, but if you actually think about it the universe could just as well have completely different laws beyond our comprehension. Why specifically is shit the way it is? It's not innate.

The world may not be 6000 years old and god may not be a zeus figure sitting in the clouds but science is only going to explain part of the universe. It's not really a question of whether god exists or not but what god is exactly, this is speculation but it is speculation based on scarce facts and on par with string theorists and historians. If you were logical, objective and impartial you would not partake in the hysteria that surrounded religion and look at different beliefs philosophically. That's all I'm saying, you guys need to chillax more.

>> No.2701626


Stupid Argument #2: Most Dictionaries Define "Atheism" as a "Lack of Belief".
I see this lie quite often on the internet. The truth of the matter is that no reputable dictionary has a "lack of belief" definition. See page 3 for more on this subject.

>> No.2701660


I guess muscle atrophy isn't just a lack of trophic muscles.

>> No.2701714
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it appears i am banned from there Trolololol

also this

>> No.2701734

>this is speculation but it is speculation based on scarce facts and on par with string theorists and historians.
>on par with string theorists and historians.
you do not compare string theorists with historians and religious lunatics.

>> No.2701741
File: 126 KB, 850x1076, Aircraft carriers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would we do without are floating airports??

>> No.2701752


You see that isn't deep. That's just gay. I hate things "art" like that which feigns depth. It sucks, and is anything but deep or meaningful.

>> No.2701754
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I agree with what you're saying in general, what with the little knowledge we have, though greater than our ancestors, we cannot venture to guess what else may be out there. And the possible under-pinnings of the universe as a whole are still being sot out.

However, there are several arguments to be made about "other universes" if they were to exist. Slight changes in things like radioactive power and gravitational pull would make a universe which is theoretically uninhabitable for life. Some scientists go as far as to state that the universe exists to be observed by an intelligent observer, this is obviously a bit conceited, and it poses the classic question of purpose. I can't remember what the word for all this shit is, I'm pretty sure it is the anthropic principle. All these /sci/entists probably got inb4 me though so I'm prolly just saging... shit.

>> No.2701773


Hey man, don't diss art. The culture surrounding art has more to do with the culture of a country or group than art itself. Art is a form of language. We can both agree that verbal language isn't perfect, efficient even (depending on the language) or even complete.

What is the middleground between, saying what we say and telepathy where we can just instantly convey our most complex thoughts to other individuals? Art.

>> No.2701774
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>> No.2701777
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>> No.2701810

they have a blanket ban on any ip address from outside the US, find a us proxy

>> No.2701811

isn't it strange how people become more liberal the more intelligent they are.

>> No.2701820

hahaha saved.

>> No.2701869

No they don't, I'm not from the US and my IP address is not banned.

>> No.2701876

mine is (britfag btw) and i'm banned, but not with a us proxy. go figure.

>> No.2701880
File: 29 KB, 360x410, JohnVonNeumann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throughout his life von Neumann had a respect and admiration for business and government leaders; something which was often at variance with the inclinations of his scientific colleagues.[40] Von Neumann entered government service (Manhattan Project) primarily because he felt that, if freedom and civilization were to survive, it would have to be because the U.S. would triumph over totalitarianism from the right (Naziism and Fascism) and totalitarianism from the left (Soviet Communism).[35]

>As President of the Von Neumann Committee for Missiles, and later as a member of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, from 1953 until his death in 1957, he was influential in setting U.S. scientific and military policy. Through his committee, he developed various scenarios of nuclear proliferation, the development of intercontinental and submarine missiles with atomic warheads, and the controversial strategic equilibrium called mutual assured destruction. During a Senate committee hearing he described his political ideology as "violently anti-communist, and much more militaristic than the norm".

>Von Neumann's interest in meteorological prediction led him to propose manipulating the environment by spreading colorants on the polar ice caps to enhance absorption of solar radiation (by reducing the albedo), thereby raising global temperatures. He also favored a preemptive nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, believing that doing so could prevent it from obtaining the atomic bomb.[41]
