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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2700762 No.2700762 [Reply] [Original]

>TEPCO and JSDF being exposed to unsafe amounts of radiation in order to completely cool reactors

>Media focuses on itself and fanciful stories of how radiation and cessium can reach Mainland Asia or North America.

>Completely ignore the facts of the matter in order to hype the story
>Completely ignore the engineers who are actually @ risk.

>> No.2700770

>Turn on Sky News
>They're reporting the deaths of the earthqueake


Enjoy your shitty news channels, America.

>> No.2700769
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>Completely ignore the facts of the matter in order to hype the story

Welcome to the age of FAUX NEWS

>> No.2700775



>> No.2700803
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American News isn't that bad. The problem is too many people mistake talk shows for news.

>> No.2700813

Ask yourself the question:

Do you think it's possible to live in this modern world without nuclear power plants?

If you say no, you are a fag.

>> No.2700825

Using renewables for 100% of our power seems a bit extreme.

>> No.2700829


>hippie faggot
Though, saying that, there are more efficient ways of supplying power that haven't been fully utilised yet.
Japan's getting there, but the economy is very stagnant, so there's no impetus or incentive. The best thing out of this earthquake and consecutive problems could possibly an economic boon.

>> No.2700869

>implying it couldn't be done if governments were willing to spend a little money and also contribute towards scientists making improvements in those areas

>> No.2700879

3 reactors are in danger of turning into another Chernobyl, yet a week ago just about all of you would have screamed about how "nuclear power is completely safe" and "modern enhancements would prevent any serious incident", etc, etc.
Science is a brainwashing cult and a corrupt sham.

>> No.2700880


>implying I give in to all that oil lobbyist bullshit

>> No.2700882

The question is which is cheaper.

You know.. since global warming caused by us is bullshit thus there's no real need to use renewable energy untill it becomes cheaper and easier to mantain.

>> No.2700883


>implying implications
Funny guy, you funny

>> No.2700886


Is this what passes for trolling around here? Really?

>> No.2700901

>humans aren't contributing to climate change
You're fucking stupid

>> No.2700908

I said we're not the cause of global warming you dense bastard.

>> No.2700909

but we are you fuck

>> No.2700922

>That's what retarded Americunts actually believe.

Cry more.

>> No.2700926


Just out of curiosity, know anything about landfills?

>> No.2700929


>All reputable scientists believe anthropogenic global warming is real
Cry more.

>> No.2700933

>Believing in things blindly.

You're a true American for a reason.

Cry more.

>> No.2700961


Eurofag here.

All I can say is that you are fucking huge piece of retarded shit if you are trying to imply that climate isn't changing. Whenever it is totally, mostly or partly by human actions, denying it all makes you just another stupid idiot who doesn't have ability to think beyond your own surroundings. Note that the extra CO2 we take in to the air shouldn't be there at all.

If you stupid fuck try to point "Where's the results, faggot?" it only makes you bit more stupid, if that's even possible, because you think the effect are fucking instant. They are online in 50-100 years, not in next summer.

>> No.2700962


Whoa, replying to wrong dude, sorry mate.

>> No.2700965

>implying I'm American
There is plenty of evidence that the releasing of CO2 and other gases into the atmosphere by humans is causing the planet to warm in an undesirable way. In fact that evidence has been there for close to 40 years and is accepted by the vast majority of respectable scientists.

"Climate Skeptics" are as fucking stupid as creationists by denying this evidence, and only concerned with money and their own short term future

>> No.2700967

>This is what retarded Americunts actually believe.

>> No.2700972





>> No.2700973

It's not too unbelievable.

>> No.2701042


>> No.2701046

100sv isn't unsafe, though I demand seal pay to go in it. Its more like living in say Denver for a year which has more radiation due to being very high up

>> No.2701064


It's not like this hasn't happened before.


>> No.2701087

That logic can be used for anything.

>> No.2701094

they are just now admitting that the fuel rods are exposed. lying sacks of shit.

this _is_ japan's chernobyl.

>> No.2701097
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>> No.2701101

links nigga.

>> No.2701103

tinytrip escaped from /fit/?

>> No.2701107
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>> No.2701109

The problem with nuclear reactors is that they are not failsafe. By this I mean in the way that when a fridge door hinges fails it is designed not to fall off and kill the owner.

The mushheads on TV are already defending how great nuclear power is, and how necessary. It just shows how incapable humans are in terms of problem solving; coming up with alternative solutions. It seems as if the easiest way is always the 'best' for the broad mass of --fill-in-the-blank.

>> No.2701112
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look who's here!

>> No.2701115
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Your post makes you 100% worth of the name faggot-tron

>> No.2701133

Why haven't the japs drained off the water yet? It was my understanding they were using light water reactors with the coolant and the moderator both being water. Remove water and shit gets hot but the reaction stops... Better to melt the damn core like three mile island than risk a breach of the containment structure... Anyone capable of explaining what's going on?

>> No.2701142

escaped from his cage you mean?

>> No.2701144


posting in every single fukushima thread i see
this is the best writeup i've seen so far of the situation

>> No.2701152
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And I want you, to stop ripping off our posters

>> No.2701156


the tokyo electric suits doing conferences that im seeing on tv every couple of hours don't look as confident as you seem

>> No.2701163
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You are a faggot aether

>> No.2701168
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>> No.2701180

because they're losing billions every second in lost revenue and costs of restarting those reactors down the road.

they're worried because they're going fucking broke, not because people are in danger

>> No.2701224

>use non-renewable energy,
>we run out eventually, spill on ourselves
> use biofuel
>we run out of phosphorous in 2035 not 2050

>use solar

>> No.2701239
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I think you meant geothermal.