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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 360x282, if evolution were true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2699167 No.2699167 [Reply] [Original]

Unfortunately, the ID people are reproducing at a faster rate than the Evolution people. From and evolutionary perspective, we are being selected against.

What are your thoughts fellow /Sci/entists. I want to win this battle because ultimately... we live in a "free" world where people have the right to be ignorant if they choose.

Please lets maintain this as civil as possible. I would also like to refrain from making religious contention - This is to solve the problem not bring the problems associated with it. I think we all can acknowledge that it is a serious problem compounded daily until action is set in place.

>> No.2699189
File: 33 KB, 300x433, 1273630792361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From and evolutionary perspective, we are being selected against.
>Implying ID or Evolution are genetic.
>Implying this isn't one of the most inane threads ever posted on this board.
>Implying you aren't a complete moron.
>Implying implications.
>Implying you should incinerate yourself.

>> No.2699188

Stop nitpicking over who is religious and who isn't.

Try and increase interest in academic pursuits but don't be too concerned if it unfortunately doesn't happen. Just let (or aide) 'science' keep pumping out its medicines and useful technologies and do its best.

The more immediate issue is getting rid of criminal religious activities and criminal non-religious activities. We'll never be a perfect world, so our efforts are best placed there.

>> No.2699210

>From and evolutionary perspective, we are being selected against.
>Implying ID or Evolution are genetic.
>Implying this isn't one of the most inane threads ever posted on this board.
>Implying you aren't a complete moron.
>Implying implications.
>Implying you should incinerate yourself.

glad you deleted that horseshit. it was embarassing and you know it.

>> No.2699228
File: 9 KB, 242x208, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory evolution classes and a final exam for everyone before they can receive medicine or technology.

>> No.2699240

Become trans-human fascists.
Problem solved.

>> No.2699247

>The more immediate issue is getting rid of criminal religious activities and criminal non-religious activities. We'll never be a perfect world, so our efforts are best placed there.

if you want to eradicate crimes, promote a socialist society. However socialist societies have been ineffective in executing forward progress.
Religious crimes are just terrible because they only seek ideological circumstances to be met and destroy the society they live in. In the other facet most criminals want to get ahead in order to fit into society.

>> No.2699257

Two classes need to be included in the educational curriculum:

-Scientific principles/The philsophy of science. Mandatory, perhaps year 9 and 10 classes.
-Evolution has a half year subject at year 10. Also mandatory.

Even if all your other subjects are arts subjects, these two should at least be included somewhere. Math is mandatory. English is mandatory. Why not science?

Ausfag here, do any other countries already have these?

Also, is it true that the states has Creationism as one of its public school subjects? Is this for real?

>> No.2699258
File: 57 KB, 223x325, Huxed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darwin's Bulldog disagrees with you.

>> No.2699265

Fortunately, ID believers are more likely to believe in prayer rather than medicine, and thus their genes are selected against quite heavily.

>> No.2699290

> Even if all your other subjects are arts subjects, these two should at least be included somewhere. Math is mandatory. English is mandatory. Why not science?
In Canada, we start doing science in grade 1, and it's mandatory up to grade 11 (where you have to pick one of chem/bio/physics). I remember learning about controlling variables/experimental design in grade 2.

> Also, is it true that the states has Creationism as one of its public school subjects?
No, except possibly for some religious studies classes somewhere. See http://www.pamd.uscourts.gov/kitzmiller/kitzmiller_342.pdf

>> No.2699298


To my knowledge they teach ID in classrooms and refuse to teach Evolution in midwest and southern states. I dont think they teach creationism however.

I do like your idea... Teaching evolution and the basic principles of the scientific method should be done repetitiously through out our educations, it seems counter-intuitive to not include it in a comprehensive model.

But the looming problem still remains we have ignorant people voting against the interests of humanity. They only see the hazards this causes for their precious way of life and not the implications it carries.

>> No.2699317

>No, except possibly for some religious studies classes somewhere.

Thanks. I can't remember where I recall hearing it, but I thought it was simply too ludicrous to be true.

Science is actually mandatory here in Australia until year 10 (then only English is mandatory in year 11/12, and only in some states. After y10 you can pick any subjects you want). It's good to see science has a good holding in some educational systems rather then just letting students pick the easy subjects and fuck around for their final two years.

However, the only biology that is really covered in our curriculum is genetics and basic human biology. It should really go into depth about evolution due to how large a part it has in our understanding of the world and how misunderstood it is.

I swear I've seen some pro-creation videos that think evolution is like Pokemon (one particular one just had ordinary fish jumping out of the sea onto land and portrayed that as evolution. That a fish would just jump out and develop gills by evolutionist belief).

>> No.2699327

UK fag reporting. Maths, English, Science, One modern european foreign language (ie french/german/spanish or equivalent) and one "vocational or technical" subject (ie resistant materials [aka woodwork] or graphic design or textiles)

is compulsory up to the age of 15 with a minimum time studying these is between the ages of 12-15 (in the case of textiles etc of course eng/math/sci complusory from 4-15)

very often almost all schools also force student to take selective courses such as either IT or business studies, Religious education, critical thinking, either history or geography.

note all these and more can be taking optionally of course.

>> No.2699331

I think you meant develop lungs not gills.

I've seen that video I think. The twist was that there were other dead fish up there. It was actually sort of funny in a sad kind of way.

What is "ID"?

>> No.2699355

This model would work well in giving the fundamentals of scientific thinking.

A lot of the curriculum is just focused on what we know and not how we know it, which is good and should make up the majority of it, but laying down the basis is a fantastic approach.

>> No.2699366

This wouldn't sway ignorant religious people from their opinions but it would still educate the general public I suppose.

I don't think we can really do much about religion except to slowly dissuade the youth of each generation. The number will slowly decline.

Unfortunately though, as belief in strict religions goes down, belief in New Age nonsense goes up. At least according to a few polls I have seen (in a scientific journal mind you.

>> No.2699365

ID = Creationism

But it wasn't taught in my high school biology class. Granted, evolution wasn't taught. Our entire evolution lesson was the teacher saying, "Evolution occurs, AND GOD DID IT!" but not ID Creationism. This was in Oklahoma.

As a biologist now, I think the best way to teach biology is to teach people the principles of evolution first and then apply them throughout their education.

>> No.2699364

ID or creationism can only exist in a mythology class in the UK. it is the equivalent to learning about thor or zeus. even then almost all attention is on ancient roman, greek, egyptian and viking gods. This is usually taught to children between the ages of 5-8. yay romans

>> No.2699374

What does ID stand for though?

>> No.2699387

Intelligent Design. The "theory" that an intelligent "supernatural agent" "designed" the universe and all life.

>> No.2699395

Meant to link to this post, not my own.

>> No.2699396

Ah, so obvious. Excuse the ignorance.

>> No.2699412


Whats the new age nonsense? can you give specifics?

>> No.2699443


Basically any non-specific spirituality.

>> No.2699471

Pushing evolution hard, and directly, in the United States would cause a major backlash at a very bad time. The best way to curb religious fanaticism is to start educating children in comparative religion, critical thought, and the scientific method from an early age.

Astrology, Feng Shui, myriad varieties of non-scientific medicine, and a sort of nebulous supernatural belief referred to as "spiritualism". Ironically, "New Age" beliefs tend to embody the idea that ancient civilizations had all the answers already.

>> No.2699478

I hear that kids take a mandatory Comparative Religions class when they're young, and they have a population that's 85% atheist according to the census.

I suspect that better education = tendency to be less religious, possibly atheistic

>> No.2699481

In Sweden. I accidentally the country.

>> No.2699519


Looks like some religious folk dont realize they are wrong and wont to evolve the story so it fits multiple platitudes.

>> No.2699542


I agree with this notion completely. However we face a serious educational dilemma in the U.S. - I think the main reason why we under perform in schools in todays world is because of the influence religion has on our society.

>> No.2699755

There are many factors for this, and to risk sounding like a unreasonable single mother, one of them is television.

Look how reality television is glorifying:
1) Stupidity
2) Selfish attitudes
3) Ignorance
4) Attention whoring

>> No.2699767

what in the fuck is /Sci/?

>> No.2699801

Answer is simple: atheists need to have alot more sex...
Hey! I'm an atheist!!! All right!!!
But then again I'm a glass half full kinda guy...