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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 902 KB, 1920x1080, 01659_theearth_1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2698585 No.2698585 [Reply] [Original]

Curious as to what kind of people browse /sci/

5th Year Astrophysics Undergrad here.

>> No.2698601

2nd year Electrical Engineer undergrad

well aware of the 'engineers are gay' joke
so I guess me acknowledging the joke means you can't make fun of me
(go ahead take your best shot)

>> No.2698606

Final semester physics undergrad who applied to one aerospace engineering school. I might have to take a semester or two and start applying to more grad schools.

>> No.2698617

Highschool senior going into aerospace engineering this fall.

>> No.2698623

Amateur who is just interested in the sorts of things discussed here.

I usually don't interject with my own opinions due to my lack of experience.

>> No.2698624

I personally hate that joke. It was originally raid spam, but some newfags picked it up thinking it was a meme.

>> No.2698636

Totally unschooled 40yo finfag here.
Own a small business.
Been here since the beginning.

>> No.2698638

1st year Mechanical Engineering undergrad here.

I think I'm still adjusting to the whole college thing. I can do the work/material, it's not an intelligence problem by any means, but I have a lot of ground to cover in terms of time management and work ethic.

>> No.2698639


i just ignore it, I mean theres nothing we can do about it

>> No.2698641

2nd semester Computer Science + Math(maybe)

>> No.2698650

senior in high school looking at chem, biochem, or chemE

>> No.2698654

biology student here

>> No.2698658

1st year Mathematics

>> No.2698659

first year biomech undergrad

>> No.2698678

MSc in CS

I work in do a lot of industry work in high performance computing, parallel/concurrent programming, systems optimization, and intelligent systems (image analysis, object recognition, etc.)

>> No.2698688

5th semester International Relations major


>> No.2698693

Highschool senior.
Undecided engineering major next fall.

>> No.2698696


>> No.2698702

I smoke pot all day.

Oh and I watched Carl Sagan's the cosmos and Through the wormhole with Morgan Freeman.

>> No.2698707

>what kind of people
>everyone lists degrees
Sad, sad people...

>> No.2698710

Unemployed biology graduate.

>> No.2698716

OP set the precedent, which kinda made me laugh.

>> No.2698736


OP here, it's because i posed the question with an example of the kind of answer I was looking for:
>5th Year Astrophysics Undergrad here.

>> No.2698743

university research. you get a shitty stipend but hey you get to do what you love

>> No.2698759

OP here, I could have phrased the question to more accurately represent what I was looking for I supposed.... don't think into it too much.

Thats why I gave the example.

>> No.2698764

The deal's really not that bad. I get about 25k stipend plus ~15k tuition paid for, so all in all it's easily 40k. Granted that'd be the lowest wage from my graduating class, but still not bad.

>> No.2698774

you're beyond qualified to speak here

>> No.2698791

1st year computer science undergrad, planning to minor in physics and math.

>> No.2698795

do they make you pay for campus housing or anything?

>> No.2698796

Lazy 5th year Electrical Engineering undergrad here.

>> No.2698801

I... don't know what you mean. What else is there to say? I'm a physics major. I do physics. That about sums everything up.

>> No.2698812

chemistry doctor

>> No.2698813

2nd semester Chemical engineer, Planning to transfer to university for a masters... possibly a PHD if I have the time.

>> No.2698817

It's pretty obvious he's a complete failure and jealous to the nth degree.

I'm not even joking.

>> No.2698827

The finfag here. I let other people do the easy jobs, do the jobs that need my hand in a few hours and spend the rest of the day on /sci/ and fapping.

>> No.2698837

He's trying to justify his failure by saying that degrees are useless. I used to do it when I was doing badly in highschool.

>> No.2698853

Ukrainian-Russian harsh engineer in civil-electricity
drink a lot, also lot of fucking
incomplete higher education degrees
Work in the design of objects in the Sochi Olympics-2014 (so corrupted lol)

picrelated to my nationality

>> No.2698865
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This pic

>> No.2698866

Exactly. People think they can make asinine comments on the internet without revealing their subconscious incentive, but it doesn't take a college degree to see right through it.

>> No.2698873

gap yearing future film student with an interest in math and physics. I would get a degree in math if I could get into a decent school.

>> No.2698879


damn,you guys are really tearing that guy apart

>> No.2698882
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To be honest, I'm a Criminology undergraduate, but I've been interested to learn more about Physics, specifically astrophysics. Truth be told, I don't really know that much about astrophysics.

OP, does astrophysics utilise a lot of Calculus. I ask because some other undergrads who need it say they don't use it that often.

>> No.2698896


It's interesting though, the question 'what are you?'.

You could answer in so many ways, your personality, your current emotional state, your nationality, even your relationship status. Yet some many people choose to define what they are by their profession.

Well I find it interesting...

>> No.2698897

I was originally going to laugh at him, but he has a pretty badass look. I definitely would not fuck with him on the street, sword or not.

>> No.2698902

I pay for my own housing, that's pretty standard part of the deal. Otherwise that would be an awesome stipend. As is it's just kinda meh.

>> No.2698907


yeah it definitely uses a lot of calculus, specifically vector calculus.

physics in general is very heavily based on math.

>> No.2698935

It's because profession is the biggest factor in the forming of one's self identity, and it's usually the main/most positive profession they use.

For instance, I'm a college student, but I also work a part time retail job (I'm first year and haven't been able to get internships yet).

I don't go around calling myself a retail employee, I call myself and recognize myself as a college student.

>> No.2698944
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Community college student that fucked around in highschool. Getting general ed out of the way with Electrical/electronic focus to transfer for computer engineering degree.

>> No.2698954

I'm in the same boat, except I fucked around my first semester and now I have a shitty gpa and 3 semesters to fix it.

>> No.2698978

3rd year computer engineering tech

i'm also gonna turn 24 next month.

i'd like to pursue this stuff at the graduate level right after i finish my undergrad, but i'm starting to feel really old...failure old.

idk what to do.

>> No.2698990

Just do it faggot.

>> No.2699020

I don't come here frequently. I'm a high school senior who is interested in science but doesn't understand much about it.

>> No.2699028

Really? Computer engineering? And nearly 24?

That's fine. There's no need to worry about it, but never, ever go around thinking you're better than other people.

>> No.2699032

Highschool dropout.

>> No.2699038

9th year Civil Engineering undergrad here.

>> No.2699046


stay in college. that is where all the 18 and 19 y.o. girls are.

26 y.o. 2nd year CS student here. this is not the first post-secondary education ive had, but i was getting bored with my job.

im far from bored now :)

>> No.2699049

i don't.

but i'm kind of torn between getting a job asap or continuing on to graduate level course work.

>> No.2699074

Highschool senior who stopped taking science courses once he hit grade 11 because he's a fucking retard and thought social "sciences" were the way to go. But now he's no longer interested in such things and realizes how much he'll be missing if he doesn't pursue a science-related education or career. Then he'll teach English or some bullshit, justifying to himself that his life isn't so bad, all while trying to ignore what could and probably should have been.

I just needed to get that off my chest.

>> No.2699080

What did you do before?

>> No.2699100


This is by far 4chan's most civilized board. Boring as fuck too.

That's why I always go to /b/ instead.

>> No.2699122

1 yr. technical school, 2 years CC
been working in IT ever since (desktop support, network support, application support, blah blah blah).

>> No.2699125

Biochem. undergrad, 4th year.

>> No.2699126

Most college girls are ugly, and the ones who aren't are out of your league.

Also, suggesting remaining in college for the purpose of getting pussy? No wonder you're still being educated.

>> No.2699129


I'm in a somewhat similar situation except I did not take any math and now I'm fucked since all the worthwhile majors require several years of Calculus and beyond.


>> No.2699137

1st year Philosophy major.

I come here to make fun of you all for trying to understand the world with useless principals that are purely subjected by your limited perceptions.

>> No.2699147

Are my french fries done yet though?

>> No.2699151

Second year Electronics Engineering major (4 year)

>> No.2699165

You devalue my occupation in the fast food industry without entertaining the thought that all occupations are equally meaningless. You just insulted yourself.

Keep making your narrow minded jokes and studying your worthless 'theories', I'll be cramming my head full of useful knowledge and deep understanding of the world.

The next lecture is on dualism. I already know all about it. I bet you don't even know how to spell it unaided.

>> No.2699170

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.2699180

Eh well I know what dualism is so I'll skip class that day to go do some science.

>> No.2699182


You'll understand one day, son.

>> No.2699186

if it wasn't for electrical engineers, CE's, CS's, etc, you wouldn't have any of the hundreds of thousands of things you're using right now to waste the time in between your useless profession

>> No.2699197

French fries don't always equate fast food, nice logical fallacy you made there.

>> No.2699198

Highschool junior, currently failing chemistry.

fuck yeah

>> No.2699200


Ignorant buffoons.

>> No.2699206

No, but fast food is my occupation.

>> No.2699215

>ignorant buffoons
>first year philosophy major
you were saying....

>> No.2699222

Seems more like he is trolling philosophers to me. First year philosophy (followed closely by arts) students have the biggest superiority complex ever. I'm not saying science students don't, but nothing like some of the pseudo-intellectuals I have dealt with in the past two years.

Fun story, I actually had a philosophy major pull the "science is always changing" argument on me. That argument goes AGAINST most of the philosophical principles he has been taught. He couldn't even get his easy peasy subject down.

>> No.2699245

Why do philosophy students have such a complex?

>> No.2699254
File: 46 KB, 360x480, down_syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Curious as to what kind of people browse /sci/

I am tha downz

>> No.2699293

I am generalising based on the ones I know, so maybe it isn't that prevelant, but my guess would be simply because they are in an academic setting.

They think themselves as smart because they are in a place of learning, where 'smart' people go to prove how much they know. However, unlike people with scientific knowledge and the knowledge of scientific principles, they don't actually have any specialised knowledge themselves.

They might actually be smart, but they've never applied it. Or maybe they aren't smart but just think they are. At any rate, the best they can do is grasp onto the broader subjects like philosophy and sociology and wank with their teacher.

The philosophy teacher at my Uni is a bit of a fucktard, making claims like Philosophers do more then scientists because they came up with the ideas first and science just 'takes them' and finds the evidence that philosophers already knew would exist. I guess it just rubs off on the students.

>> No.2699311

professional drummer ftw

>> No.2699325

Almost 4th year undergrad in Mathematics.

I still feel the need to go over my books a million times though.

>> No.2699381

How much do you earn?

I play the keyboard and guitar and always wanted to form a band, but I wouldn't want to throw away my education for it.

Also OP, 3rd year Environmental Scientist doing math electives. Unrelated, but that's what I'm doing.

>> No.2699403

Second year of undergraduate work in International Security and Intelligence and History.

>> No.2699442

Not what I'm saying at all. What I meant to point out is that your degree shouldn't define you.
But thanks for being a dick.

>> No.2699458

Senior in high school, AP chem student.
I don't contribute much, I just use this place as a place to soak up info.

>> No.2699465

4nd semester law school (university)

>> No.2699475
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I'm a line cook currently. Waiting for acceptance in the Canadian Armed Forces as Infantry.

I have an interest in Space, but I do not have to ambition or intelligence to make a career out of it. I seriously fucking suck at math.

>> No.2699479

4th year medical biotechnology undergrad

landed an internship in a molecular biology lab in a cancer research center already

>> No.2699494

pick one

>> No.2699496

I don't find it hard to imagine one defining themselves by the task they do every day of every week. Being a science major, math major, or engineering major is a full time commitment (if you are doing it right).

>> No.2699498

3rd year economics and mathematics major. minor in classical studies.

weird dude.

>> No.2699521

1st year undergrad in Marine Science

>> No.2699533

thick as a brick factory drone here. I come for the space exploration and astronomy threads. but stay for the troll threads.

>> No.2699546

3rd year undergrad chemistry master race reporting in (although I plan on spending another 3 years getting a Chem-E degree given the fact that my graduate school plans got raped by classes known as Linear algebra and Modern Physics).

>> No.2699570

Guy who runs a camera store/photo lab. My dad & brother are PHD's in Evolutionary Biology. I try to keep sharp on sci shit just because I was raised into it probably.

>> No.2699583

4th year Biochem undergrad.

my plan is to do ChemE or Genetics Masters. i'm a smart chap, i think i can do either.

>> No.2699690

take it from a guy who knows, son. no one will hire someone with a BS in marine sciences. also you'll have no other options. switch to a more general major like bio or chem, then go for the marine in grad school

>> No.2699712

4.5th year biochem here. Thinking about moving in the biophysics direction for graduate school. I like the idea of the quantitative approach, imo that's where the real advances are going to take place. thoughts?

>> No.2699717

History student from Belgium here. 2nd year. Feels good, but I always feel bad that I didni't get into science as a kid.

>> No.2699732

get into science now? It's never too late, if it interests you, do it. You only live one time, help us with science, maybe you'll live longer.

>> No.2699799

2nd year geologist/mathematician here.

>> No.2699803
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3rd year electrical engineering student. just got an internship at HP, woot.

>> No.2699806

2nd year Nuclear Engineer.

>> No.2699811

4th year Urban and Regional Planning + GIS undergrad here. Not really a /sci/ degree but meh, I like science too.

>> No.2699838

2nd year Mythological Studies

>> No.2699843


Anybody else have this pet peeve? "I'm an engineer/scientist. In my 2nd year of undergrad"

No. You're a 20 year old. lrn2humility

>> No.2699845
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Has any one ever noticed a lot of computer engineering students are pretentious assholes who think they're the next bill gates?

>> No.2699853

Former naval nuclear reactor operator

Current history graduate student

English major as well

>> No.2699860


I would love to, but I don't want to drop out and risk getting no degree at all.

>> No.2699865
File: 27 KB, 512x384, homer suave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BA philosophy: done

BSc economics: almost done

aiming for: MS STATS or ECON

>> No.2699867

You made me poast.
5th yar IT und

>> No.2699886
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Here you go, friend. Looks like you might need some.

>> No.2699891

Doing a BA in industrial sociology atm. derp.

>> No.2700056

I study Theology. You mad? You are indeed mad.

>> No.2700099

1st year Science Undergrad. Hoping to Major in Mathematical Physcis then do postgrad Physics.

>> No.2700102

3rd year physics undergrad.

>> No.2700104

3 month night shift cleaner here, should probably an hero. Pretty certain I will never be a cyborg ;_;

>> No.2700137

2 biology degrees, hoping to start PhD this fall.

Start next week as a research assistant in a very prestigious marine ecology lab - our PI is one of the most preeminent marine scientists in the world. I'm super lucky to be getting this job.

>> No.2700147

3rd year of highschool... ;_;

>> No.2700172

Master's student in Mechanical Engineering

hopefully getting out this semester, but we'll see.

>> No.2700181

1st year physics here.

>> No.2700194

2nd Year Electronics Engineering student

>> No.2700214

2nd/3rd year computer engineer.

I only came here for the tsunami though.

>> No.2700226

How can you be a 5th year undergrad?

>> No.2700234

Undergraduate degrees take between 4 and 5 years.

>> No.2700239

2nd year DMD reporting in

>> No.2700248

3rd year civil engineering undergrad

>> No.2700263

aerospace engineer, 1st year in grad school

>> No.2700271

2nd year physics grad student.

>> No.2700279

Yay! Never thought I would see a dental student here. People I'm in school with are too fucking bleh to ever be on 4chan. I'm a 4th year dental student. Taking the boards in 3 days, and I'm lurking in different boards instead of studying!

>> No.2700280

Weird, all 3 years here.

>> No.2700304

Chemistry, 1st year grad student

>> No.2700315

You should visit /n/.

>> No.2700349

Not much, but I'm not that interested in money and my life as it is now is pretty much perfect for me. Not American, by the way.
Also, don't throw away your education, but if you have any opportunity for touring with a band, jump on it. Shit is awesome, bro.

>> No.2700355

2nd year pharamacy

>> No.2700356


Nice! Indeed we are rare.

Eurofag here though so no idea about what your board cert exam is gonna be like.

>> No.2700427

I'm in the States. We take regional exams that allow us to work in certain states, and tests our hand skills. Then there's two national exams that cover the coursework. I don't know what your peers are like, but in the States, the dental community is extremely conservative. So I haven't made friends in school. Oh well, their loss!

>> No.2700433

3 year Norwegian army sniper here..

>> No.2700443
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International relations/Russian language student here.

>> No.2700450

It's because Americans are dumb as shit and take an extra two years at the start just to learn to read and write.

General ed requirements? What the fuck? Didn't you do enough of that in HS? Enjoy getting fucked up the ass by universities charging you for pointless tuition.

>> No.2700456
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You've obviously been educated well...

>> No.2700461

you've obviously been mad

>> No.2700468
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Nope, just love laughing at eurotrash making fools of themselves.

>> No.2701208

15 year old high school bro, u jelly old fags?

>> No.2701218

1st year math student here
Switching to engineering next year

>> No.2701243

High school grad here, soon to be 1st year math, computer science double major

>> No.2701260

25 year old college dropout working in a hotel.
what can i say? science gives me a mental hard-on

>> No.2701276

First year physics undergrad.

>> No.2701287

second year physics undergrad

>> No.2701302

2nd year pharmacology undergrad

>> No.2701311


How long do you masters and PhDs take then?

>> No.2701316

Weird. Who made the philosophy threads then? Guests from Shadow Ball City?

>> No.2701322

1st year, 20 year old politics and international relations student in the UK here

inb4 not a real degree

>> No.2701346

Kinesiology major here.

>> No.2701375

International Relations undergrad getting ready to start an environmental policy masters in the fall.
Fuck all your hard sciences.

>> No.2701391

explain what your field does

>> No.2701417

High School Graduate with no plans for achieving anything in life. Feels great, bros.

>> No.2701423
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Finfag gaduating from high school in a couple of months. Going to law school. Lurking here 6 hours a day because I'm a science fan. I can't obviously take part in complex discussions (like non-homework math threads) but let's face it, /sci/ isn't very complex..

Not sure if being female is very meaningful. Minorities usually have some sort of need for everyone to know they're different (and then they pull out the racism/sexism/fagism card) unless they're jews in Germany around the 1940's.. Getting a bit off-topic here.. But I don't know. Considering that hormones do, unfortunately, have an effect when it comes to behavior, it does define me in some way and thus, is worth mentioning.

Also I'm a cynical, anti-social, heterosexual, non-ugly person with superior aryan genes. I have dogs and fucking love them. Oh and just so I don't raise suspicion, the dogs are female. Also, I have a tendency to write overly long posts such as this.

Pic related, it's how finns react to disasters that have nothing to do with them.

>> No.2701438
File: 426 KB, 640x1566, s_fiksua-kansaa-ja-silleen_701791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one. Pic related.

>> No.2701452

Head accountant in some municipality of south america.

>> No.2701476

39 year old renaissance man with disciplines in physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, computers and electronics, poetry, music and literature.

I just came here out of curiosity after seeing \moot\ at TED.

Still not quite sure what to make of it yet.

>> No.2701503

You're not allowed to call yourself a renaissance man for the same reason no one should call themselves geniuses.

By the way, I'm 23 and know each of those well enough to teach them, and I don't consider myself special. Therefore, neither are you. Get in line with all the other bros.

>> No.2701580
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I work at the LHC doing groundbreaking fundemental research, and have advanced degrees in mathematics and physics.

For masters, I was in condensed matter, working on ferrofluids/magnetic systems, for cancer treatment delivery.

During undergrad, I worked improving on battery technology, and energy alternatives (biofuel).

I graduatd from a top 10 university (in the US), and make a shit-ton of money, only wokring maybe 4 hours a week.

I am special.....ha ha ha ha ha

>> No.2701591
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I fucked a girl.

Yeah you all just got owned.

>> No.2701592

It's so I can go be a physical therapist.

>> No.2701593


Pig-digusting touchy feely human stuff.

Go get your degree in Aerospace and then we can talk.

>> No.2701594

Rape doesn't count.

>> No.2701599

3rd year biochem undergrad, I usually come here for homework help or when Im bored and want to see cool shit...

But honestly, reading through these replies, I didnt think it would be all young people... I was expecting a few professors or teachers or professionals but everyone in this thread is still in school

>> No.2701603
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I've fucked plenty of girls in my time.
It isn't hard to get laid. Why would you imply it is?

>> No.2701604
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2nd year physics

>> No.2701610

Your mom doesn't count, faggot.

>> No.2701612

Britfag who attempted a Physics degree and failed. Currently working, but still have an interest in science (just not enough to try uni again).

>> No.2701614

Mech E with Nuclear focus here, defending your freedoms and democracy through naval action

>> No.2701617

3rd year Electronics E

>> No.2701620
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5th year stuctural engineering/quantitative finance double degree

come at me bro

>> No.2701627
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>the military

>> No.2701634

middle school drop out

>> No.2701635
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Were you too stupid to go to college on your own? or too poor?

>> No.2701640

inb4 engineering (homosex) thread

>> No.2701649
File: 97 KB, 418x384, 1277360528723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proud to be in the navy?

>> No.2701654

Infrastructure engineer in a nordic company

>> No.2701661

I'm poor, and they will pay for a masters degree, so at least I'll be able to have no debt in 2 years, and a clearance so I can get even more money. I'm shocked though, is /sci/ not willing to join the military/industrial complex, we do do the most research and development via our funding of projects.

>> No.2701669


what advice can you give to a 2nd year structural undergrad?

currently doing linear and vector calc, mechanics of solids, surveying and construction and materials science

>> No.2701686
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>we do the most research

LMFAO, no, no you don't. Military research is shit-teir compared to the private sector and acedemia.

>pay for a masters degree

WTF? Why would you have to pay for your masters? you fucked up somewhere. Scienstist don't have to pay for higher education. Only engineers have to do that shit......LMFAO

>> No.2701689

2nd Year Physics Undergrad

>> No.2701692

Learn to swallow

>> No.2701706

your particle reactors are funded by us, the nice think about your Z machines is they can work on nuclear weapons, same as your supercomputers, same as your GPS, your space research (NASA is pretty much hand me down air force stuff, space shuttle is a slightly shitter Dynostar, Russia's space systems are blatantly missiles with people instead of ICBMs, etc).

Some of us though had issues paying for an undergrad degree, because we didn't have rich parents/refused to take the usery that is college loans, working nights and eating ramen sucks, and i don't want to do it again..

>> No.2701726
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5th out of 6 year chemistry major. Fuck professors. They won't teach you shit. You'll be left teaching yourself everything. If you're interested in science, go pick up a fucking textbook and get to work. That's what you'll end up doing even if you're enrolled in classes.

Professors become professors because they think they are smarter than everyone else and they want recognition for it. In addition to stroking their own egos, they like pushing their weight around. They love weeding kids out, taking up as much of their time as possible, and making the subjects seem intellectually out of reach.

If you want to get into grad school:

2) LOTS of Hard Work
3) Kiss professor ass

Keep in mind, you're not there to learn. Math Tutor DVD and Khan Academy are 10 times as helpful as your professors will be. You're there for that piece of paper and letters of recommendation.

>> No.2701728
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>goes off on tanget
>makes up bullshit

Confuses the DOD with the DOE

You are confirmed for a fucking retard.

>> No.2701739
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You had to pay for undergrad too? Too dumb to get scholarships?

Kinda makes sense you ended up in the military.

>> No.2701784
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Ignore this faggot troll. Almost everyone pays for undergrad unless their parents are. Military is not a bad bet. They pay for education, pay for healthcare and dental, provide a decent salary and housing. Plus, you can retire after 20 years of service.

>> No.2701825

1st year mathematician here

>> No.2701838


With scholarship. problem?

>> No.2701847

1st year engineer, undergrad.
Will most likely major in Electronic engineering.

>> No.2701855

I got 2 years free by going to community college and getting financial aid.

For some reason I kind of feel bad for doing it since it wasn't really my money that I deserved or anything, and I plan on leaving the US so I won't be putting much money back in anyway.

>> No.2702122


OLOL wannabe Pykälisti

>> No.2702417

Fake !
If you are doing research in Europe you can't be earning money !

>> No.2702426

3rd year of biology bachelors

>> No.2702432

Failure at Life Master here.

>> No.2702554

I have an associate's in CS engineering.

I am almost finished with a bachelors in MCB (pre-med).

I am 23. I want an easy, interesting job that pays at least $100k in sunny California.

I'm thinking about bioinformatics for grad school and then computational neurology if I enjoy getting the masters in bioinformatics.

We'll see though....

Piece of advice for others who post their profession and major.

1) Do what you like (considering avg salary, respect, interest, etc.), not necessarily what looks cool.
2) Don't give a shit about other people. Everyone tends to have a nasty superiority complex in "elite" schools and "hard" degrees.

>> No.2702564

Bsc in Neuroscienc completed
MD with residence in psychiatry soon.

>> No.2702582

Fine Arts undergrad here. (2nd semester)
I enjoy science and /ic/ sucks and is full of digital/tablet "artists." Oh well, at least I'm squeezing in ochem next semester! Art and science...mmmmm.

>> No.2702585

1st year chemistry undergrad

>> No.2702586

2nd year Geological Engineering

>> No.2702590

first year in computer science here

>> No.2702596

1st year aerospace engineer, might change to electrical

>> No.2702609

master student cs here. next semester is master's thesis.

>> No.2702617



I never knew /sci/ had so many homosexuals

>> No.2702619

BS in Physics. Work as a programmer. Older than any two of you put together. Possibly older than any three of you put together.

>> No.2702656

1st year International Business Administration,
Basically management and economics

>> No.2702672


I have come to the conclusion that all the engineering = gay stuff comes from one faggot who thinks he is funny. Clearly no one else does, so he samefags in any thread that mentions engineering. If it wasn't already implied, he is a faggot.

>> No.2702691

insecure pure science major detected

>> No.2702701

1th year machine engineer undergrad.

>> No.2702707

second year undergrad phiscsfag, going for fluid dynamics and turbulence in the future (that is, next year)

>> No.2702729


same. where do you go?

>> No.2702744

2nd Year Financial Mathematics

>> No.2702749

Why the fuck are you CERN guys so fucking full of yourself. We could have a glorious new equipment and be doing FUNDAMENTAL and also GROUNDBREAKING research as well but nooo, all the fucking money have to go to CERN to a fucking project where all they do is glorified NMR.
Fuck this shit.
I feel better now

>> No.2702750

Dropout songwriterfag here.

Did 2 years of biology and chem (mostly bio). Then in 3rd year they make you specialise for the last 2 years. My interest/dedication did not go that deep. I went to college because i wanted to increase my understanding of the world, not for any sort of job or degree, and also partly because everyone else was going to college and i didn't wanna miss out. Was technically a student for 3rd year but did nothing and dropped out before the summer exams.

Working since november and saving like mad for music/recording equipment.

>> No.2702775

>At Caltech
>more chinks than good superior white people around
>chinks achieve nothing of value as usual and can't do shit except study and memorize
>at least there are only like 3 niggers out of maybe over 900 undergrads

>> No.2702777

I am a researcher. I sometimes give lectures on Magnetoplasmodynamics, sometimes called MHD (H for Hydro, or MGD, with G for gasous due to Soviet influence) at major Universities and international conferences.

I have 2 Ph.Ds in physics from the best institutions offering those.

I occasionally troll at conferences. My best target is the ITER project in France. Worthless pile of shit they are.

I am arguably the most skilled physicist alive in my department of physics. Also, I troll Christians whenever I can (Muslims can kill me, so I avoid doing so).

>> No.2702795

Going for Genetic Engineering

>> No.2702797

>(Muslims can kill me, so I avoid doing so).

pussy, ive made the muslims on my campus complain about me repeatedly. university does nothing. muslims are all talk. its easy to fix the ones that arent by being just as obtuse back to them.

>> No.2702867

6th year med student here. kinda anxious about being done soon, then don't know wat do

also, sometimes wish i had studied a natural science... till i see the fucktards of /sci/ and their anal retentiveness, that is.

>> No.2702884


why'd you dropout?
if i wanna write awesome music isn't what you did just rite?

>> No.2702891

Dropout turned casual turned backtoschoolfag.

>> No.2702894

2nd year science pre-u here (qc, canada) going into honors math & physics next year.

>> No.2703057

>why'd you dropout?

Aswell as the explaination given in my post, I didn't want to put my life and my ambitions on hold for another two years, i've waited long enough. There's no way i could have done a proper degree all the time wishing i was doing something else. It would just be an insult to myself to waste 2 years and then come out with a shitty degree.

I'm only 21, so if in a few years time i'm going nowhere then i can always go back and study something properly (probably something more job-orientated).

>if i wanna write awesome music isn't what you did just rite?


I got/get a lot of hassle from judgemental people irl for my decision. Mostly from people who've never even heard my music (almost as if they just assume i'm shit), which is rage inducing. I was also surprised at the people who were most supportive, proving many of the personality stereotypes i had given people completely wrong :|.

>> No.2703090
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illustrator who likes math

>> No.2703271


no you dont.

>> No.2703356

15 year old high school freshman.

>> No.2703379

1st year Statistics undergrad here, looking into getting a masters in Biostatistics possibly.

I know very little about science and math.