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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 300x300, Wonders of the Universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2696900 No.2696900 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you guys watch this?
It was awesome, the BBC are fucking god-tier.

>> No.2696914

I saw the first episode. It was pretty good, but it had a few minor inaccuracies. The host reminds me of Sagan in a way.

>> No.2696931

Just finished watching the second and much approved

For the rather depressing story of how super dead and black the universe will be at the end he still had that smile going on a lot

>> No.2696964

I think that was just to mak it simpler for the viewers.
But that's fine really, as long as it gets people intrested in science, and wanting to learn more, I'm happy.

>> No.2696994

Its because the hero of the Brian Cox is actually Carl Sagan.

>> No.2697011

I fucking hate Brian Cox and I wish he would get the fuck off my TV.

>> No.2697017

Sigh... go on then, tell us why he's upset you

>> No.2697026

he stole my girlfriend when he was a pop star

>> No.2697037

wannabe Sagan. he even imitated Sagan's hairstyle.

no one can beat Sagan.

>> No.2697039
File: 18 KB, 395x315, Brian_Cox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i loved him in x-men

>> No.2697040

So he's a player as well as a man of science?

Guy just went up a rank on my bromonitor

>> No.2697051


Hes a player, a man of science, a man of the poeple and an accomplished musician.

He owns this shit right here.

>> No.2697057

Oh fuck, sorry but I lol'd

>> No.2697063

1. He used to be in some faggy 80s band.
2. He never takes that stupid grin off his face.

>> No.2697075

ITT: Butthurt fags who dont let shit go.

>> No.2697116

>the BBC are fucking god-tier
Fucking this, the BBC are bros.
Horizon, Wonders of the Solar System/Universe, Chemistry; A Volatile history, Walking with Dinosaurs, Bang goes the theory (Ok, not great, but good for getting the public intrested), and of course, David motherfucking Attenborough. It's a shame only brits can use Iplayer.

What really annoys me is you turn on Discovery, or NatGeo, and it's just "When buildings collaspe", "Air crash investigation" or Bear Grylls on repeat.

>> No.2697125
File: 43 KB, 500x375, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2697119

Ok, I admit I giggled.
I liked the show though, very much.

>> No.2697129
File: 323 KB, 2126x1594, 1295854993814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck the guy's beautiful...

>> No.2697143

Yeah I watched it today but there was one thing that riled my jimmies. Early on he said that the Andromeda Galaxy was the nearest galaxy to the milky way and then later on in the show he started talking about the Large Magellanic Cloud- one of the milky way's satellite galaxies, which also happens to be much closer to us than Andromeda. There are about 35 or 34 galaxies nearer to us than Andromeda.

>> No.2697145

Don't forget MythBusters.
It's alright once or twice, but not 10 episodes shown back to back, that's just unacceptable.

>> No.2697159

Andromeda Galaxy is the nearest spiral galaxy I believe.
But yeah, there are closer ones.

>> No.2697170


Yeah it is but I'm pretty sure he didn't specify in the show.
I can forgive him though because those 34 galaxies are just shit and small.

>> No.2697182
File: 16 KB, 330x220, blair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is prof.cox in his long-haired popstar days, with tony blair. unfortunately he didn't stab tony blair in the face.

>> No.2697188

...that hair man

>> No.2697201

Anybody see him on SFTW this morning on the BBC.

He was baking cakes and explaining Quantum Physics in a way that even retards like Tim Lovejoy can understand.

The guy is a legend, hes so watchable, and face it, he is bringing science to the masses in a deliverable format, that is for many, easy enough to understand.

His comparison to the friction generated by the moon Io near Saturn, or Jupiter or whatever planet to standing on a squashball to generate heat was just immense

>> No.2697237

>2. He never takes that stupid grin off his face.
Yeah, makes me uneasy, too. And I wish he wouldn't leave his shirts unbuttoned all the time. Guess they want to attract the ladies or sth.

Not unusual. In most newer documentaries the presenter acts as some sort of placeholder or avatar for the viewer. I'm willing to bet that he is in every single shot that isn't CG or would be otherwise implausible for him to be in.
Also has its advantages: this way you know that they didn't just use archive footage.

>> No.2697276

My mother adores Brian Cox. She's always telling me to listen to his radio show, on BBC radio 4 I think.

>> No.2697404
File: 5 KB, 233x267, 1290992177108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch episode 1
>date is september 15th
>mfw its my birthday
feels good man (I dont know why)

>> No.2697430


>> No.2697459

>the BBC are fucking god-tier.


BBC are god tier government propagandists

>> No.2697472

torrent, can not find

>> No.2697481

episode 1, I think

>> No.2697498


>government propagandists

How so?

>> No.2697507

you think the government wants to make cannabis legal?

>> No.2697518

They always make certain never to tread on the government's feet. The student protests are a good example. The BBC did nothing to bring attention to the cause, they just played footage of some old woman having her car attacked.

Goodness no. The government has good friends in the alcohol industry.

>> No.2697536 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 800x581, Cox-Fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cox the Fox?

>> No.2697544


The video you linked, however, describes precisely how marijuana works. No bullshit propaganda included. I've watched it myself.

You think that can be considered propaganda? Spend a day in America, then you'll understand propaganda.

>> No.2697545

>rebel teen detected

>> No.2697549

>did nothing

don't be retarded you sad student

i watched programs all about the protests with both sympathetic and hostile perspectives aired

>> No.2697569

fag detected.

>> No.2697588

I didn't see many sympathetic views. I did see wheelchair guy get accused of aggression though.

>> No.2697612 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 893x478, afddafdfsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2697631

i'm disabled and i get pretty aggressive sometimes

>> No.2697635 [DELETED] 


>> No.2697664

Take 1 finger of drink when Prof Cox says:

“1st law of thermodynamics“
“Chandrasekhar limit“
When ever Brian shouts at us from a moving vehicle. (Double for a flying vehicle)
Whenever you see time lapse footage of the sky or clouds
Take 2 fingers of drink for:

“2nd law of thermodynamics“
Any use of props (like salt and pepper shakers) or drawing in the sand with a stick
Take 3 fingers of drink for:

“3rd law of thermodynamics“
Half-a-pint for:

“Scientific explanation”
Finish your drink whenever you see Brian in silhouette up a mountain somewhere.

>> No.2697688

He's not a physicist he's a cunt.

>> No.2697700


>> No.2697725

The dude is beautiful. Haters just be jelly

>> No.2697743

So there is a cunt position at the LHC?

These guys really have thought of everything!

>> No.2697764 [DELETED] 

But does he have his own radio chat show at 4:30 AM on Radio Norwich?

>> No.2697879

My Physics teacher asked the question "Why does he need to go to Namibia to build sand castles and to South America to explain time?" I guess he was write. That aside, it is pretty darn good.

>> No.2697951

It would be a let down if he went to Blackpool beach right?

>> No.2698012

>"Why does he need to go to Namibia to build sand castles and to South America to explain time?"

Because thats how understanding/learning works? Why do textbooks about, say, genetics have to have all the nice photographs of interesting animals and weird phenotypes and all that shit?

Science can seem irrelevant when its constrained to a lab or just some CG with voice overs.
Put it in perspective! Connect your material with whatever people find interesting or are already familiar with and they will understand. Or care. At least they won't fall asleep.

Its the same approach they took in the first season: describe other planets/moons etc. by going to places on earth that seem similar. Its not surprising they're doing it again.

...or he just really wanted to go to Namibia, I dunno.

>> No.2698033 [DELETED] 

>Why do textbooks about, say, genetics have to have all the nice photographs of interesting animals and weird phenotypes and all that shit?

To make the $150 price tag on it seem just that tiny bit less fucktarded to the freshman Political Science major who's being forced to take the class.

>> No.2698063

>Political Science major who's being forced to take the class
>buying $150 Textbooks for one class

Whoa, things really are different in the US. Can't he just get it from the University Library?

>> No.2698071

>He can't spell lieberry

>> No.2700066

Add on a drink for everytime he says "uz" instead of "us".

>> No.2700092

oh god just like an okie

>> No.2700113

Brian Cox constantly smiles, anyone else noticed this?
Maybe its because he knows he has a great life.