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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 259x195, haarp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2696654 No.2696654 [Reply] [Original]

Other thread got deleted.

Please show me one scientific piece of paper that proves HAARP can not be involved in the controlling of the weather. Until you can do that, I think it's safe to throw out the possibility that HAARP may be controlling the weather and might have had a part to play in the japan earthquake. Anyone?

>> No.2696665


>> No.2696659

jesus says so stupid fuck

>> No.2696672

HAARP is just a cover. It's actually DAARP that's controlling the weather.

>> No.2696670

god says in the bible that only he can control the weather

>> No.2696675

Our predictions about the weather are imperfect. You actually think that the weather is controllable?

The most we can do is seed clouds to rain.


"...proves that HAARP can not be involved..."

"...think it's safe to throw out the possibility that HAARP may be controlling the weather..."

What side of this argument are you taking, OP? That HAARP can or cannot control weather?

>> No.2696679

Well then you have to given me evidence that God is exists. And that's a whole nother can of worms. Prove that HAARP can't also do it.

>> No.2696680

They use it for imaging purposes and to study the response of the ionosphere, as the plasma that is the ionosphere gives of E&M radiation in the form of radio waves, microwaves, milimeter waves, ...etc. From these E&M emissions, you can measure different things. My professor does plasma imaging in fusion reactors using microwaves.


The E&M radiation the HAARP produces is at maximum 3.6MW/(pi*9000^2) = 14.15mW/m^2. The earth receives 120 W/m^2 from the sun!

>> No.2696682

harp durp

>> No.2696687


You deleted the other thread because of trolls...but all the trolls made the exact same lapse in logic you just made AGAIN.

You do not prove a negative. If you want to prove something is true, you go out and find proof of it. This is called the Burden of Proof. I also don't need to prove to you that a baseball is not a dinosaur; you would want to begin by telling me exactly how a baseball is a dinosaur, not saying "So, you can't prove that a baseball is NOT a dinosaur, so I would say it's reasonable to assume that baseballs are dangerous."

Furthermore, three people in the last thread actually took the time to tell you why it would not really make sense for HAARP to be able to control weather, earthquakes, or any other phenomena but auroras.

>> No.2696689

Can you not understand English? I'm asking for a scientific paper that proves HAARP can not be involved in controlling the weather. Until you can provide such evidence, the possibility must be asserted that HAARP may be controlling the weather. Get it?

>> No.2696691

ha! is that what the politicians tell you? it is neither HAARP nor DAARP controlling the weather, but rather the top-secret DUURP whom is pulling the strings

>> No.2696695


>> No.2696693

because HAARP doesn't exist
it's just the government trying to scare us into believing that they have power
but only god has powers like that

>> No.2696696

Listen, all I'm saying is that until you can prove that HAARP wasn't involved, it's POSSIBLE that they may be involved. Get it? I'm not asserting a positive, you're possitively asserting a negative. Prove they can't do it.

>> No.2696713

I'm with you, OP.

>> No.2696718
File: 52 KB, 390x356, 1292890143497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Basketball has petrol synthetic material.
Petrol is a fossil substance
Therefore a Baskteball is a Dinosaur

>> No.2696748

ITT: Smug faggots who think they're the shit because they can lecture about burden of proof.

>> No.2696780

I think it's pretty obvious that the government is involved in all these disasters.

>> No.2696806

OP here: It was the Jews.

>> No.2696820

Until you can PROVE op isn't a faggot, I don't have to take your shit. This isn't G. I. Joe and you aren't playing laser hockey with pieces of the Weather Dominator. Back to >>>/x/ with you.

>> No.2696821


Which is just as likely as any number of crazy ass things that are possible whose probability is vanishingly small. Saying something is merely possible is very uninformative. Just because something is possible doesn't mean its probable.

It is for this reason that reputable scientists demand positive evidence, or they won't give it the time of day to even entertain the thought.

>> No.2696828
File: 620 KB, 1728x1728, 172394_186841851346749_100000628053164_540320_7795377_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is true, I stole it from someone elses mind.

>> No.2696841

THIS is the response I was looking for. Now I can stop trolling.

>> No.2696852
File: 9 KB, 188x268, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's possible that HAARP controls the weather.
It's also possible that you're actually a carrot, that Jesus returned from he dead, that 9/11 was an inside job, and that George Bush is smarter than Stephen Hawking.
But none of those things actually happened.

>CAPTCHA: δx wilystate

>> No.2696871

>/sci/: "It's possible that HAARP controls the weather"

That's all I wanted from you faggots. Thanks.

>> No.2696884

I know this haarp shit is outrageous retardation, but i think OP is just looking for a respectable source or reasoning which can conclusively shut up these dicktards

>> No.2696895

>get it?

No, that isn't how "proving things" works. In fact, it is impossible to prove a negative statement. What you would be required to do is prove that HAARP is, in fact, manipulating the weather. Until you do that, the assumption is that they are not.

That's how science works. How the fuck are you on this board without knowing that?

>> No.2696888

I want to punch you with the fury of 9000 suns right now. go fuck yourself, /x/.

>> No.2696902

"It's possible that HAARP controls the weather." ~ /sci/


~ /x/

>> No.2696910

Earthquakes aren't weather.

>> No.2696917

Weather != earthquakes you dumb cunt.

>> No.2696920

Fuck yeah Cognitive Transformation?

I have a wallpaper of it from months ago, but did you find this from Mind Hacks?

>> No.2696947
File: 13 KB, 300x168, otacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

during the 2008 presidental elections. The government hired me to become a member of HAARP. I hate to say it but I became a member of HAARP and helped create the earthquake that caused the nuclear disaster in Japan. We did it so Obama would look like a caring leader with helping with global diasters and help him get his re-election during 2012. It really sucked feeling that I played a part in the destruction of california, oregon, washington, and western canada.

>> No.2697038

I can't find a single scientific study on using ELF waves to manipulate weather. Just crackpot theory sites.

>> No.2698080

OP did 9/11

>> No.2698107
File: 72 KB, 800x567, Dubyarape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the same