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File: 25 KB, 400x300, capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2692751 No.2692751 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that capitalism is the best system for everyone?

>> No.2692764


>> No.2692852

Please explain? It's currently the best system thus far.

>> No.2692862

Yes it is, this is why communism failed.

>> No.2692880

Democratic socialism is the best way to go. Too bad our government is owned by corporations.

>> No.2692883

unfortunately yes.

but what that doesn't mean is:
-we should stop trying to think of something better
- it isn't grossly unfair
- the vast majority of the population get fucked in the ass by it, and so will their children

>> No.2692887

its the best system for a society who's resources are scarce

>> No.2692889

I would say that it's the least worst.

>> No.2692891

>it isn't grossly unfair

Life isn't fair, deal with it.

>> No.2692893

Or maybe it failed for the menace of an inminent war from the capitalist world, which forced it to work on a war economy and have a heavy control of the discidents.

>> No.2692894

"power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"

>> No.2692901

How is it unfair and have you ever heard of the expression, "Life isn't fair"?

>> No.2692905

>start thread with vague question
>chew out anyone who responds negatively

Either way, to answer your question, capitalism is the best system to maximise profit, nothing else. And it will maximise profit at the expense of health, happiness, and general standard of living. A true capitalist system would quickly turn into the US circa 1880 - children and women working at the mill for 12 hours a day for pennies, men working more dangerous jobs for slightly more pay, no health coverage for injuries sustained on the job, no standards for food, medicine, and a huge pool of the unemployed to replace injured workers.

>> No.2692906

Of course it is. Capitalism is essentially leaving people alone, this leads to the greatest ex ante social utility and tends to lead to the greatest ex post social utility.

Democracy is mob rule and violence. Taxation is theft.

>> No.2692908

/new/ says it is and they're usually experts on politics, so...

>> No.2692914

It's not fair because we haven't made it fair yet.

>> No.2692915

Define "best system".

>> No.2692917

Social democracy FTW. Capitalist economy, with progressive taxes to support infrastructure that isn't crushingly inhuman.

>> No.2692920

>implying I was the op.
>And it will maximise profit at the expense of health, happiness, and general standard of living. A true capitalist system would quickly turn into the US circa 1880 - children and women working at the mill for 12 hours a day for pennies, men working more dangerous jobs for slightly more pay, no health coverage for injuries sustained on the job, no standards for food, medicine, and a huge pool of the unemployed to replace injured workers.
This is what liberals actually believe.

>> No.2692921
File: 44 KB, 521x341, income gains of american upper class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism, Anarcho-Syndicalism...


>> No.2692927

>Is it true that capitalism is the best system for everyone?
Out of all other systems used? Yeah probably.

But the problem with capitalism, in my opinion is that it forces greedy upon people (the complete opposite of communism which pretty much disregards greed).

A better system, in my personal opinion, would be one where robots do 90% of the labor and everything is free, but also takes into account human greed and allows them to some how fulfill that endeavor.

>> No.2692929

I'm a poor man and I support capitalism because I have morals and realize there is more to life than free hand outs.

>> No.2692939
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>> No.2692937 [DELETED] 

Someone is a fucking faggot who has never worked a day in their life. You deserve to die from starvation, nigger.

>> No.2692941

>how is it unfair

...are you serious?

>> No.2692948

You work, make money, buy new things.
If you don't work, you don't get money, you don't get nice things.

How is that not fair? You honestly want a bum to live luxurious like you?

>> No.2692954
File: 18 KB, 280x392, fascist uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a fascist

>> No.2692955

I am the second type and I agree with you.

>> No.2692959

>this is what liberals actually believe
pick up a history book. Read about workers' conditions before the progressive movement. Explain to me how that was not capitalism's fault, considering that the US was almost a completely free market state at the time.

>> No.2692964

Go ask /new/ and they're explain to you why you're wrong.

>> No.2692966

As far as I know, the people who get the most money don't work the most (bankers, CEOs, inheritancefags).

Meanwhile, the folks at walmart work pretty hard and get shit pay.

Seems like your premises are incorrect.

>> No.2692967

>You honestly want a bum to live luxurious like you?
*looks around at shitty little studio apartment"
Yeah, fuck the poor.

>> No.2692968

Of course, parents with money have absolutely nothing to do with it.

>> No.2692975

a wonderful rebuttal. Now honestly, since you're so certain of your position, I'm sure you can back it up with something more than "fuck off"

>> No.2692977

Sorry if I wish for a system that didn't label humans as livestock, something to be managed and maintained based on physical performance.

>> No.2692978

If you're working at Wal-Mart, you really fucked up your life.

It's still not too late to go to college and get a real career.

It's too late for me. ;;_;;

>> No.2692980

Says the fat neckbeard sitting in his basement.
Just do it, faggot, unless you're too afraid of being told.

>> No.2692985

Someone actually posted this thread on /new/.

>> No.2692986

>Big, powerful, greedy corporation fails in capitalism - it goes under and nobody cares.
>Big, powerful, greedy corporation fails in socialism - ZOMG GOT TO SAVE THEM WITH TAXPAYER MONEY

But capitalism is worse because it's so unfair and has so much disparity.

>> No.2692989

I don't personally work at wal-mart, but I pity the folks who do.

Also keep in mind, it's not *you* that fucked up. The universe functions on causality; your environment caused you to fuck up.

>> No.2692990

Just because 'life isn't fair' doesn't mean humans can't try to make it 'fairer'. Of course though, middle-class white boys wouldn't understand how being born into a family that's not poor makes it so much easier to succeed then being born into poverty.

>> No.2692991

that second part should say fascism, not socialism. the gov't doesn't give a shit about corps in socialism.

>> No.2692993

In case you haven't noticed, /new/ has been gone for about 3 months.
And I'm not sure how asking for a rebuttal translates into "afraid of being told"

>> No.2692995 [DELETED] 

>big corporation
nigga you best be trollin

>> No.2692997


>> No.2693000

>He thinks I'm a suburban white boy.
Bitch, I'm poor too and black.
Nah, you practically fucked your life up something fierce if you're working at fucking Wal-Mart. I used to work there. Now I'm leeching off of my parents. I'm such a disgrace.

>> No.2693007
File: 117 KB, 1150x800, new - News.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it kill you to use Google?

>> No.2693008

Agreed comrade! We must plunder the productive to make life more fair!

>> No.2693021

you mean 4chon, the 1 post a day alternative to 4chan?
yes, I'm sure I'll get told sometime in April

>> No.2693022

How is it not me that fucked up? I could've gone to college yet I remained a lazy fucker for the majority of my life. Now I'm a worthless parasite on the face of society.

>> No.2693025

You missed the point. Thing is, you don't have free will. Nobody does. It's physically impossible.

So you fucking up is just the inevitable result of the interactions of an uncountable number of atoms over the course of the universe's existence. It's nothing for you to feel bad about, and it's nothing that you should suffer for, either. Which is why socialism makes sense.

>> No.2693026


Yes. Socialism doesn't work, because it creates a system where people aren't motivated at all to work harder. It also steals from people, violating their rights.

Empathetic capitalism is superior to randian bullshit though; you shouldn't withhold your inventions from society just because you think you're better than everyone else. You should be able to make bank off of them, though.

>> No.2693029
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I find it hilarious how the capitalists have been able to turn the working class against itself, by somehow making workers jealous of unemployed and hobos.

This shit needs to stop. The worlds' industrial might could give everyone a middle class, first world living standard if most of the profit wasn't salted into the bank accounts of the super-rich.

Do you really think you will break into the ranks of the worlds' owners? By working hard?

The worlds' hardest workers, in east-asian sweatshops, have a miserable, squalid existence to show for it.

However, if you are born rich you will never have to do a day's work in your life.

>> No.2693030

The rich aren't productive.

>> No.2693031

So you think that people like Paris Hilton should be filthy rich and be able to buy just about anything she wants because she was born into a rich family? While there are people working on farms their entire lives every day getting paid pennies?

>> No.2693037

She's privileged. There's nothing I can do.

>> No.2693042

life is unfair so we take steps to correct it. otherwise slavery would not have been abolished, the civil rights act would not have passed, and you do not live the life of oliver twist.

>> No.2693043

Define productive. Is the blue collar guy who works three jobs without benefits to support his family somehow less productive than the corporate executive that only puts in a fraction of a workday and gets several times the average vacation time?

>> No.2693044

OP's trolling the opposite direction on /new/.

>> No.2693045

You can vote to raise her taxes, and the taxes of people like her.

>> No.2693047
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>> No.2693050

Why? What purpose would that solves?

>> No.2693052


Yugoslavia and Anarchist Catalonia both used forms of market socialism. You have a market for selling goods and services, but each business is worker-run and worker-owned, which a) makes them far more motivated and productive, and b) means that more people get a decent standard of living

>> No.2693054
File: 76 KB, 1181x897, 1296160870498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2693059

More progressive taxes limit wealth disparity and stabilize the economy.

The middle class in the US is shrinking, and that's not good.

>> No.2693064

>So you think that people like Paris Hilton should be filthy rich and be able to buy just about anything she wants because she was born into a rich family?
It would make her a bit less rich, and everyone else would be a little better off for it.

>> No.2693067

Go to China now, see for yourself.

>> No.2693072

That's fine. Now I except an answer: will 'traditionally' run businesses be allowed by the local mob to operate alongside these so called worker cooperatives (so called because all businesses are worker cooperatives) and out compete them?

>> No.2693073

>Is it true that capitalism is the best system for everyone?

I don't think you get the point of capitalism or you're being intentionally dense.

>> No.2693075

And ruin her family who worked so hard to EARN their wealth? No thanks. I may never reach their level, but at least I have the respect for another being who earned their keep. Also, OP is using these comments to troll /new/.

>> No.2693078

It clearly is but empathic capitalism is better than randian shit.

>> No.2693084

>implying it's possible for progressive income taxes to "ruin" someone
We're not doing forced redistribution of property here. It's income taxes. And in the 50s it was a hell of a lot more progressive than it is now.

>> No.2693086

You were not born with a guarantee that you were going to be satisfied or your life or money back

>> No.2693087

They didn't earn it, they got lucky. Just like poor folks got unlucky. Sure, they may have been more motivated than some person who didn't end up rich, but what *made* them motivated to begin with?

Their environment, of course, just like the poor man's environment made him unmotivated, which made him poor. Nobody should profit from, or be punished for, the luck of their environment.

>> No.2693088

I'm poor and I'd be disgusted if I were to live in a socialist environment where the government steals my hard earn money that I worked for. Capitalism really is the best system that benefits people even if they don't know it.

>> No.2693091

I don't think you understand just how rich they are.

You could tax them 50% of their income and they would still be considered filthy fucking rich compared to the middle class.

>> No.2693094

Are you high? Also, Mr. Hilton owns hotels. He does work for his money.

>> No.2693098

In a socialist environment you'd be paid, you dumb shit. Redistribution goes from rich to poor, not the other way around (except in capitalism, where that *is* what happens).

>> No.2693100
File: 112 KB, 1105x631, ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


inb4 somebody says china is socialist

>> No.2693105

>implying owning = working

>> No.2693106

That's fine. Now I except an answer: will 'traditionally' run businesses be allowed by the local mob to operate alongside these so called worker cooperatives (so called because all businesses are actually worker cooperatives) and out compete them? Anarchist socialism is a fucking a joke and a contradiction in terms.

>> No.2693115

On top of that, they will get back their 50% after a year.

>> No.2693117

>Are you high?

>Also, Mr. Hilton owns hotels. He does work for his money.
The second sentence doesn't follow the first. You don't have to work to *own* things. What work does he actually do? And if he earns 1000x the wages of his hotel employees, does that mean he works 1000x as hard as they do? I don't see how that's possible.

>> No.2693119

ITT: Idealists with fool's dreams.

The government would own your work, not you.

>> No.2693123

Capitalism is good.
Central banks with fractional reserve lending and fiat money is not.
The stock market is not, its like a carnival game, based on confidence.

>> No.2693127

This, these neckbeards live in a fantasy world.

>> No.2693134

If I ever get to afford to stay in one of his fancy hotels. Does he serve me morning coffee, a cream pie and a bowl of mushroom soup?

>> No.2693137


I'm not the person you're responding to, but seeing as they'd probably out-compete the worker-run businesses, no they shouldn't be allowed. It's sort of like how we don't allow slave labor anymore; yeah it's more efficient, but it's not something we want to have around.

>> No.2693139

fuck intellectual property protections. the drive for profit does not encourage innovation, for humans innovate as of course. think free hip hop mixtapes. or the dada movement. or (ugh) banksy. none of the above came to being for a profit motive.

>> No.2693141

Outsider mentality like that is what holds humanity back.

People thinking about ways they could potentially help humanity is not a bad thing, why shun people for it?

>> No.2693145

What's the difference? What's the point in ownership, if all your needs and wants are satisfied?

>> No.2693148


Idealy, no, it's not the best system.

Realistically though, it's the only system that will properly work because humans are inherently greedy.

>> No.2693149

...hmm, which side to believe, the ones that suggest different degrees of sensible compromise or the ones that want everything to be their way or the world economy will collapse right now and everything will be bad and nasty...

>> No.2693151

I've suspected it's good for starting a society in a technological revolution.
But once you've got it going, it's outdated. Don't know what to replace it with though

>> No.2693152


This. All you need to do is invest a large sum of money in a stable company to get enough to live on. Of course, that sum of money is out of reach of workers, keeping them trapped.

>> No.2693153

Ask a guy living in China anything.

>> No.2693157

Any overt racism/nationalism in employment? Social circles?

>> No.2693158

Ideally yes, retard; how does it feel being homeless?

>> No.2693159

>It's sort of like how we don't allow slave labor anymore; yeah it's more efficient, but it's not something we want to have around.

Wrong slave labor is cheaper yes but not nearly as efficient as paying somebody to do a job.

>> No.2693168

What was the difference for living standards of workers before and after Deng Xiaoping's liberalization?

>> No.2693178

Ideally no, and realistically no. We're in the middle of another economic crisis, and we have these things every fucking decade. Capitalism is nice in theory, except not, because even the theory is ass-backwards.

Fuck you.

>> No.2693181

yugoslavia was a poverty ridden shithole and anarchist spain was tyrannical hell

you want to be socialists fine just go do it somewhere else

>> No.2693185

I'll take it over Soviet Russia.

>> No.2693188


Our ideals do not match, how appropriate.

>> No.2693192

I'd take Soviet Russia over it.

>> No.2693194

With slavery you have to worry about housing and feeding your slaves. Also keeping them from escaping. Too much work.

>> No.2693197

what you smoking? capitalism thrives off of wanton consumerism. the gdp goes up when people buy useless shit, ever consuming more of the world's scarce resources.

>> No.2693199


>>slave labour
>>not efficient


>> No.2693202

Enjoy not having food.

>> No.2693204

It was just an example, guys; the point still stands.

>> No.2693206

Not to mention slaves feel trapped (because they are) and therefore hold a constant grudge against their owner and therefore are not nearly as productive as they could be.

But that's just high school business management.

>> No.2693210

you live in your fantasy life. Learning about basic economics might help you understand about the big boy world.

>> No.2693217


>>Argentinian recovered factories
>>Anarchist Catalonia

Worker's control, bro. Not state control.

>> No.2693218

No racism here. Chinese love foreigners. Everyday in the street, someone try to practice a little English with me. Kids are smiling and say "Hello!"
Chinese are also quite proud of their country, though.

>> No.2693221


>basic economics
>built from capitalist ideals
>will not be appropriate for his new system

>> No.2693224

if you want total security, go to prison. there you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. the only thing lacking…is freedom.

>> No.2693225

Enjoy hating your neighbor, or more realistically, not even knowing who they are. Soviet Russia may have had infrastructure problems, but at least they had a sense of community.

>> No.2693234

No, it is not true. Society is always evolving and changing. It won't be around forever.

>> No.2693238

>implying community over food.

Food is the most basic necessity to life you ignorant fool.

>> No.2693240

Are you fucking KIDDING me? Do you have any idea what it was like for them to live in a state where the secret police will disappear you if you say something that doesn't toe the party line?

Not to mention the purges of Stalin...

>> No.2693244



I'd feel safer in somalia.

In addition to this, prisons do NOT fulfill all of human needs. Otherwise they wouldn't be used as a punishment.

>> No.2693260


Did any of you actually live in Soviet Russia?

I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say no, you did not live in Soviet Russia.

>> No.2693266

Yeah, and a sense of community is essential to a fulfilled life. Plus, it's not like the Russians just sat there and starved (okay, some did); due to poor infrastructure they often grew their own food, and knew how to repair the tools and vehicles that they depended upon. They were probably more self-reliant than you or I.

>> No.2693269

Someone never been to prison.

>> No.2693273

I've read enough first-hand accounts. And I never implied firsthand knowledge.

I've never been to London either. But I know they have a fuckton of cameras on the streets.

>> No.2693276

I live in China. Ask me anything.

>> No.2693279

No they don't. Proof number one you're full of shit.

>> No.2693280

Because it was either that or death.

>> No.2693284

>No they don't. Proof number one you're full of shit.
no u.

>> No.2693288


>> No.2693289


What are your labour rights like?

>> No.2693296

You seem to act like you actually would have preferred living in Soviet Russia. I'm suggesting you're being naive.

>> No.2693299

I'm on the verge of being homeless. I work hard for 6 days a week and just cannot keep up with rent. I have a brother and mother to support. Moving into a new place next month, a shitty little dump. Yet in my old age I find myself thankful for a capitalist system. Maybe I am just now realizing that I'd never be rich or have any fancy shit. But that's just who I am. Plus I never directly went to college after high school so I probably fucked my life up somehow.

>> No.2693302

ITT: Retards that aren't reading the question properly

>Is it true that capitalism is the best system for everyone?
>capitalism, best system, EVERYONE: truth?

No, it is not the best system for everyone. It is only best for those that lack empathy.

>> No.2693309

Because empathic capitalism doesn't exist, amiright?

Also, there'll always been poverty.

>> No.2693311

>No, it is not the best system for everyone. It is only best for those that lack empathy.
Yeah, no. Unless you're talking about full-on Ayn Rand capitalism, which no one uses.

>> No.2693313


This. the soviet bloc's governments made a buck off their workers the same way that western corporations do. Either you're a Party Member or a poorfag.

>> No.2693319

Learn to blow job, it helps with money.

>> No.2693323


No, it doesn't exist. Money detracts the human element from any transaction.


Give an example of capitalism that is not "full-on Ayn Rand capitalism"

>> No.2693327

Nah, I don't need to. I found a place for $500 rent. This gives me the chance to have some nice things like Internet and Netflix. But I may need to cancel cable.

>> No.2693332

You're a fucking retard.

Emapthic capitalism is the best capitalism.

>> No.2693333

Apparently leaving people alone to make their own decisions and not taking half their shit at gunpoint is immoral.

>> No.2693337

>Give an example of capitalism that is not "full-on Ayn Rand capitalism"
Public education and unemployment benefits are socialist, from a Randian perspective. Not to mention subsidized health care.

>> No.2693338

Mostly I have none. But finding a job is easy. So if I'm not happy with what I have, I just look for something else.
A lot of people belong to the administration/public service here, so I guess it's a lot more stable for them. No unemployement I've heard of.

>> No.2693341


I'll reiterate my original statement, because it is still valid.

ITT: Retards that aren't reading the question properly

Emphasis on the retard.

>> No.2693345

Still it's always handy to know.
If you need to practise, you can always call me up.

>> No.2693347
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>> No.2693354

Quad truth: it is immoral.

>> No.2693371


>> No.2693377

Wtf is this blaming the environment crap for the failures of a person? I'm borderline homeless and you're telling me it's not my fault? You're fucking idiots and probably losers needing something to cling onto as an excuse for why you fucked up your own lives.

>> No.2693390


Ok, so a capitalist society that employs some socialist legislation is empathic capitalism?

Seems more like capitalism with a dash of socialist tendencys.

It is like having a red ball with a little blue ball taped to the side rather than a purple ball.

Capitalism is the strive for profit. It is about money. People are equated their value in money. Like I said before, money detracts the human element from any transaction.

>> No.2693400

Implying the rich and land owner population are "productive." Middle class property owning americans are trash and utter shit. Upper middle class are wrong. The super rich are even worse. Pirvate property.

>> No.2693404

You shouldn't be here little boy.

>> No.2693414

You say that, but I don't really know what you're talking about specifically, and I don't think you do either.
I'm not the "empathic capitalism" guy - I favor social democracy personally. Mainly capitalist economy, progressive taxes to support social infrastructure (free public education, universal health care, etc), and a representative democratic political system.

>> No.2693416


>mfw you can't dispute anything if your life depended on it

>> No.2693419

>Middle class property owning americans are trash and utter shit.
You just lost my support for your post. The middle class is where as many people should be as possible.

>> No.2693427

be a real man and squat you yuppie piece of shit.

>> No.2693453

Was seeing some discussion about "Soviet Russia".

I was born in USSR at 1976. I remember things and I have learned more from older people and by reading.

If somebody wants to ask things about "Soviet Russia", I'll answer.

>> No.2693461

Is Obama a socialist? Fox news says so and Id like to believe them.

>> No.2693462

>implying you deserve to be educated.

Go to bed.

>> No.2693477

That is not about "Soviet Russia". I didn't write ask me anything (white plastic things on shoe laces are called aglets).

>> No.2693481

Yo, bro. I'm the guy living in China. Also born in 1976. Lot of Mao nostalgia, here. Is it the same with Stalin in ex-USSR?

>> No.2693506

How about your opinion on OP's question?

>> No.2693509

How similar to pre-1990 east germany was the rest of soviet russia?

>> No.2693516
File: 192 KB, 464x629, better2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hilarious how the communists (you heard me, communists) have been able to turn manual laborers against intellectual laborers, by somehow making workers jealous of the middle class who succeed by working smart while kneeling down and worshipping statist crony-socialist corporatists like George Soros who succeed through corruption opened up by state interventionism.

This shit needs to stop. The worlds' industrial might could give everyone a middle class, first world living standard if most of the profit wasn't taxed and regulated into the bank accounts of the super-rich.

Do you really think you will break into the ranks of the worlds' statists? By helping to persecute the middle class?

The worlds' most oppressed workers, in socialist planned economies, have a miserable, squalid existence to show for it, even when they have the vote.

However, in a free market you have the most direct system of representation on economic matters, individual freedom, this way everyone can own a piece of the pie, true "collective ownership of the means of production", not some corrupt bureaucracy calling itself a "people's republic". Instead of everyone being impoverished proletariats serving the politburo as the communists dream, everyone can be petite bourgeois, both owning and working as free individuals making their own decisions.

>> No.2693555

What you want is not a society, it's more like a free for all survival of the fittest fuck fest.
Communists care about their country as a whole, and if you care as well, you can just join the "corrupt bureaucracy".

>> No.2693570

And communism isn't a society either. Life isn't some turkey shoot.

>> No.2693588

I live in Estonia. We have always hated Stalin. There is very little Soviet nostalgia around.

I believe free market capitalism is the best system there is right now. I am not big on welfare state. I think this is something for the countries rich with resources (or in lesser degree generally rich countries). Socialism was just horrible. It was very inefficient system and very restrictive system on people's choices. If you take so many freedoms from people, then secret police, etc... are unintended consequences. You can't have one without the other.

East-Germany was much richer, than rest of Eastern Block. East-German goods were available very rarely, but these were the best ones available.

I have a feeling their brainwashing and soul crushing machine worked with good old German efficiency though.

>> No.2693598

WTF turkey shoot? Is that supposed to make sense?

>> No.2693609

Yes, because it doesn't use coercion and force.

>> No.2693635

All governments do.

>> No.2693692

This fella never watched Hey Arnold! before.

>That's the trouble with society, we have no work ethic. Life's not some turkey shoot.

>> No.2693712

Democratic socialism sounds pretty good. Pure capitalism is asinine. sociopaths succeed in such a system and the rich get richer. Letting people do whatever they want without checks and balances is always a stupid thing to do. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

>> No.2693731

>Democratic socialism

What does it mean for you? Wikipedia is not very decided on that, but mostly leans toward some shitty utopia.

>> No.2693726 [DELETED] 

Sounds like a lazy fuck who is using excuse for why they are in the dumps. Just like me except I know the value of capitalism. It means freedom, now fuck off nigger. :D

>> No.2693732

absolutely! hopefully not THE best system, but the best one so far.

>> No.2693754

You are an idiot. Lets not rely on law. Whoever works harder and succeeds deserved to succeed. (gets out a bat to kick your ass and steal your money)

>> No.2693758
File: 92 KB, 500x375, IAPxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capitalism looks good on paper but doesn't work in reality

>> No.2693765

Don't take it personally I am just working harder than you. (whack!)

>> No.2693848

mfw people think capitalism is a pretty good idea while their bosses earn 20x their pay for half the work

>> No.2693881

What would you think is a good idea?

>> No.2693885

Bullshit, I work the whole day while you sit at home eating you fat fuck.
Except most bosses work their way up to earn that paycheck. Something none of us lazy buggers will ever know.
That's socialism that looks good on paper, but in reality falls apart.

>> No.2693886

ITT: a guy from ex-Soviet Union, and a guy living in China: notasinglefuckwasgiventhatday.jpg
People prefer to keep talking from their asses.

>> No.2693887

No. Soon I'll be living in the woods, far away from here.

>> No.2693899
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Bourgeois has to be the pretentious word you can use in a discussion of economics.

>> No.2693909

how about a system where people are paid for exactly how much they put in, and where workers collectively make the decisions usually reserved to the board of directors

>> No.2693926


But what if the workers aren't trained in management? Being able to tighten bolts on an assembly line doesn't give you the ability to run anything.

>> No.2693930

Makes sense.

>> No.2693947

Someone attempted this "trap" before by asking would the anarchocommiethingy allow private enterprise.

The catch, I believe, would have been, that free market capitalism allows for worker co-operatives. You can find like-minded people start your co-operative and run it democratically. The system does not prevent that so assuming you live in a western country you already live in such a system.

Have you explored this option? What is stopping you from joining or starting a worker co-operative?

>> No.2693963

i'm talking about the board of directors, not mid-level management. the workers would decide the what, how, and when of production. managers would still exist, but would be held directly accountable to the workers.

it's an interesting idea, that socialists like richard wolff have suggested (albeit to a more extreme extent), but i personally think that it doesn't make any sense from a class-based point of view (if the working class has the ability to improve its conditions by force, why shouldn't they?)

>> No.2693974


That system has already been tried. It's called organized labor, and it sucked our auto industry dry like a vampire.

>> No.2693991

So by yearning for fair system you are not actually talking about worker owned factories and democratic decision making in the workplace.

Your wish is to use force to take something away from other people.

>> No.2694000
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53% of Americans believe they are in the top 1%.

The American dream never existed. The wealthiest people are the ones who control the laws of the country and the media to propagate them, so you THINK that capitalism is a system that is benefiting you. In reality, it is a system that is causing you to work more hours for less pay. It is not in the interest of corporations to stop producing goods because then they will get less profit. So, they convince you to buy goods you don't need with money you don't have. So you work longer hours at reduced wages striving to buy something you will throw away in a year's time or less. The extra profit goes directly to them and their friends in public relations so they can continue to deceive the public as a whole.

>> No.2694005

Capitalism promotes taking the 'safe bet' because it is centered around creating a profit margin. This safe bet leads to the overall degradation of art, slows the progress of industry and invention, and leads to wasted resources being used in competition.

Capitalism, at least in current form, favors the rich and expands the gap between the classes. If you are a worker in the modern capitalist environment, you are kept from being treated like a serf, only because of government and union intervention.

Socialism is the answer. At least you can use the government as a tool to uphold civil rights; corporations can only be trusted to want to make money off of you.

>> No.2694007


>> No.2694034

>Capitalism promotes taking the 'safe bet'

But it is exactly the opposite. If you take a risk and it works out you get the reward. This pushes people to take risks and drives innovation.

Socialism is the one, that discourages risk taking and promotes taking a "safe bet". The innovations of modern world have came from capitalist systems. Socialism was the one, that proved to be inefficient and stagnant.

Did you think today is the Opposite Day and write it backwards?

>> No.2694043

because there is no competition in socialism

>> No.2694048
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Currently, a social democracy with a relatively unhindered free market is the best way.

Unfortunately it's still not what I would consider 'good.'


>> No.2694053
File: 29 KB, 468x478, property.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing is owned
Either explain this bullshit in a concise logical manner or you're a hippy.

>> No.2694060

This >>2694005
And this >>2694000

>> No.2694065

Are you influenced by facts? Every socialist country was backwards and stagnant. Socialism has failed spectacularly everywhere while capitalism was the system, that allowed high living standard to people.

People are not machines or ants. They need to have motivation to innovate and take risks.

>> No.2694068

on the whole, people are far too stupid to be able to handle true freedom. that's why everyone is dependent upon society in the first place. nobody runs through the motions as everyone else has before because of some distorted view of freedom; it is simply the path of least resistance. we accept certain limitations in our lives, in exchange for a promise to subvert many of the most repugnant aspects inherent to living wild in a natural world. my question is just how bad do things have to get before this trade off becomes generally intolerable? any system is accomplishing the same fundamentals, a better question is:

Is it true that having a system is best for everyone?

who knows, OP.

>> No.2694074

Socialist is for pussies.

>> No.2694085


>But it is exactly the opposite. If you take a risk and it works out you get the reward. This pushes people to take risks and drives innovation.

Except that this is only what happens in the pipe dream that capitalists imagine for themselves. In reality, corporations take the safe bet because they want a guaranteed profit margin, not one that MIGHT pay off and give a reward. If you take that risk and it doesn't pay off, all you have is your dick in your hand and your competitors are now ahead. This attitude encourages conservatism and resulting stagnation.

>Socialism is the one, that discourages risk taking and promotes taking a "safe bet". The innovations of modern world have came from capitalist systems. Socialism was the one, that proved to be inefficient and stagnant.

A facsimile of socialism is what is being practiced in the happiest nations on Earth, including places like The Netherlands and Switzerland. I am sure, given that you have the above opinion, that you don't really know anything about it. You probably think that it is analogous to Communism. That being said, I admit a system that is too government centric has issues responding to societal cues. Some amount of private industry must be sustained if a healthy socialist society wants to stay afloat.

>Did you think today is the Opposite Day and write it backwards?

No, I just did this thing called 'thinking for myself.' I know it's difficult when every pundit and rich, powerful, man in any given first world country is fellating the system that made him that way to you. You probably think you can actually be in the top 1% of wage earners. The reality is, you can't, you won't, and no one can that has any conscience. Unrestrained capitalism rewards psychopaths and sociopaths.

>> No.2694086


in the sense of "everyone" to mean society as a whole. it is hard for me to answer as i have not known and experienced any other method of economic perpetuation.

in the sense of "everyone" to mean people as individuals, no, i don't believe it is the best system for everyone. this is because the capitalist system is fundamentally discriminatory. as people are discriminated against; some are favoured, some are disfavoured (i'm not arguing people's motivation/ambition here). for those that are favoured, the system is best as it provides them with the means for a better life. for those that are disfavoured it is not the best system as it does not provide them with the means for a better life.

>> No.2694093

If Estonians don't prefer a welfare state, why are there so many working here in Sweden. Because of cheap alcohol?

>> No.2694117

Sweden would be richer without the welfare state, not to mention all the immigrants from countries on the other end of the human development index. Why do Somali refugees specifically need to go to Sweden? If they were really running for their lives they'd have stopped at the first place where no one is trying to murder them.

>> No.2694126

>Sweden would have a higher income inequality without the welfare state

>> No.2694145

The same reason why many Swedes are working in Norway - it is a richer neighboring country.

Estonian people showed their will in elections a week ago. Center-right coalition got 56 seats out of 101. Out of the available parties Estonians elected the ones, whose ideology is keeping the flat income tax and small government.

I believe Swedish voters have also turned towards reducing taxes and welfare state with lefties being in opposition since last elections.

>> No.2694157

Capitalism depends on the free market, which is basically a system that is dependent on the survival of the fittest. Capitalism is perfectly in like with Darwin's theories.

>> No.2694158

Why do you need a welfare state to keep people out of poverty? Other systems are far more efficient than centralized state planning, for instance direct democratic local government services. Income inequality would decrease due to the laying off of 10000s of unnecessary bureaucrats, like social workers, who could become unskilled laborers in the jobs the evicted immigrants leave behind.

>> No.2694162

No it's absolutely not.
I've written enough miniature essays on 4chan about this that I can't be bothered to anymore at this point.
But suffice it to say that capitalism is harmful to humanity and to the natural world and everything else you could think of.
It is basically a system whereby those that are selfish and powerful profit further, and others struggle to get by. Creativity and advancement of knowledge etc. are not valued as they should be at all, and the rich get richer without contributing anything to the world except massive amounts of chemicals, arms, weapons, consumer garbage etc.

>> No.2694178
File: 18 KB, 338x450, cigar-smoking-gentleman-in-a-black-tail-coat-and-trousers-white-waistcoat-bowtie-and-gloves-top-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sweden currently a hybrid between capitalism and social democracy, but in the 70s it was pure social democracy. But after the 70:s Swedish government made huge capitalistic reforms. One of the reason was that all organizations were moving where you did not tax more than you earned. This is true. Astrid Lindgren (creator of Pippi Longstocking etc) payed 105kr tax on every 100kr earned. That is, she paid more than she earned. This is very hard to get your head around, but this is true. Socialosm, h-ho? No, sir!

>> No.2694186

But sweden still has the most taxes in the world. That is why IKEA and more have moved, causing Sweden to loose a lot of tax money they could have had of we had lower taxes. My mother and father each tax about 70% in their income.

>> No.2694187

>I've written enough miniature essays on 4chan about this
Has been brow beaten by goatee'd coffee house types for over a century, most people have already seen everything you have to say about capitalism. Try coming up with something fresh and original, for instance accepting the virtues of individual freedom that capitalism utilizes which are absent in fruity little leftist socialist utopias.

>> No.2694189

> hybrid between capitalism and social democracy

>> No.2694192

what freedoms
straw man much?

>> No.2694193

If you care to come with a more mature argument, i would be pleased.

>> No.2694198

How can you have a hybrid of social democracy and capitalism, when social democracy already is capitalist

>> No.2694206

Because social democracy involves the capitalist mode of procution, and not real capitalism.

>> No.2694214
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>> No.2694215


maybe for the first week.

Darwin's theories describe the system of our natural world. The natural system is and will always be completely autonomous.

You do realize that by the act alone of creating a simulation of our natural order, it is immediately flawed. Without pure autonomy, all that you have left is a God machine for anyone with the correct access. How can any one, or even worse a large group, ever be trusted not to tamper with such all-encompassing power?

>> No.2694216

I just said, "individual freedom", looks like it's high time to freshen up on reading comprehension.

>> No.2694224 [DELETED] 

Capitalism is a system open for exploitation, it's that simple. The "economic freedom" bullshit you get shoved down your throat is a lie. If anything, capitalism is economic slavery. Slavery for the super-rich and slavery for your masters. The system allows for classes to be developed, highlighting that these human beings are superior, these humans are better than these other humans.
Capitalism is not the best system we've got, it's the system that was best put into execution. All socialist leaders were authoritarian faggots who fucked life up for their people, ignoring the principles they supposedly believed in.
Socialists are saying those that work hard to get rich shouldn't be rich, we're not saying that those who do no work deserve the same luxuries as the aforementioned hard workers, we're saying those classes should be reduced. Of course those who work harder should have more, but do you really need the 5th television and do corporations really need the extra billion dollars while other human beings die of disease and starvation. An very minimal infringement on abuse of the free market to better serve mankind.
Capitalism is not the best system for everyone.

>> No.2694228

>Socialists aren't saying

>> No.2694235
File: 44 KB, 640x199, economist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where shit becomes a monopoly/cartel in a free market = run it democratically

where shit works fine in a free market = don't fuck with it

grey area between cartels and polyopoly = anti-trust laws

This should be pretty straightforward. What's so difficult?

>> No.2694245


What happens when the free market becomes the monopoly?

>> No.2694246

Capitalism = Freedom, so yes.

>> No.2694254

That's like dividing by 0, it won't happen.

>> No.2694258

How do you divide by zero?

>> No.2694259

Not necessarily.

>> No.2694260

It's the application that's the hard part. For one, how are you going to assess that something works fine and will continue to work as well in the future?

And to give company economists their due, they're not always so ambiguous in their predictions.

>> No.2694274


I will make a bet and wager we wouldn't even know it if it already were.

>> No.2694280
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>> No.2694291
File: 177 KB, 1294x1651, evdo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Federal reserve (key word: federal) and government (key word: government) sponsored enterprises fredmac and fanmay caused the financial crisis.

Thanks a lot for creating a bloated plutocracy socialists, the complete opposite of what you set out to do.

>> No.2694314

No, they didn't cause it, but some of their actions exacerbated the recession's effects. And how the hell did the GSEs create a "bloated plutocracy" when they were giving people to purchase properties beyond their means?

>> No.2694318

State interventionism in general created the bloated plutocracy by granting corporations special privileges and opening up loopholes for corruption. Read more books.

>> No.2694320

Yes, you just mad because you take it for granted.

>> No.2694324


Hahahaha, oh it's this old trope.

Step 1) Capitalists fuck everything up by being so greedy that they undermine their own market
Step 2) Government comes in and attempts to fix the problem with new regulation
Step 3) The corporations continue with their own corruption and, in fact, abuse the new rules and the trust of all of their consumers
Step 4) The whole charade falls apart due to their greed
Step 5) Capitalists claim that the government programs that were instituted were what caused the problem

>> No.2694330


they were not performing acts of kindness, is that a troll? are you bat shit insane? i doubt very many of those people would be home if you knocked on their doors today.

>> No.2694340

Give me some examples of state interventionism that did such things.

>> No.2694345


inb4 capitalists are poor hard working men trying to stop the international jewish banking conspiracy from impurifying our precious bodily fluids.

You and alex jones can GTFO

>> No.2694362

I think both wealth and income on this kinds of graphs are a bit misleading.

For example social welfare benefits are not counted within income. To get an accurate comparison they should be counted in both income and wealth.

In wealth, because the wealth of rich people is in stocks. Value of company is much more, than just value of companies assets. Companies predicted receivables over some years are added to the value.

For example shareholder equity of Apple is 54 billion, but market capitalization of Apple is 324 billion.

If you were to use similar formulas to calculate the value of benefits guaranteed to bottom 90% of people, you'd get a different wealth numbers.

I wonder if anyone has done (or could do) graphs with counting these things in?

>> No.2694364

If you mean best to the top 1% then yes it is.
Otherwise it's actually quite terrible in its purest form.
Capitalism can work but then we need to have strong regulation and taxation systems in place to prevent the condensation of wealth.
Basically if we have strong regulations, heavy and progressive tax system which focuses on income and individual products.
In addition to this really strong inheritance tax. The higher the better preferably close to a 100% from amounts over 100k excluding family home and such important parts of property.

>> No.2694365

Step 1) Socialists turn the lower class against the middle class.
Step 2) Government comes in and places restrictions on small and medium sized businesses in the name of destroying the middle class while granting special privileges to corporations.
Step 3) The corporations continue with their own corruption and, in fact, abuse the new rules and the trust of all of their consumers
Step 4) The whole charade falls apart due to their greed
Step 5) Politicians blame the evil middle class and their free market.

By not giving the state these powers you are only opening up loopholes to be exploited by figures like George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein. Dismiss facts all you want.

>> No.2694370

Solution: Make every person in a country a shareholder of every company.

>> No.2694372

Most people who criticise capitalism are entitled college students with comfortable lives.

>> No.2694377


That's fascism you're thinking of. Socialists don't support corporate welfare.

And its the right wing who turn the middle and working class against each other - or more specifically, unionized and non-unionized workforces.

>> No.2694383
File: 69 KB, 962x1417, moneys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The enormous fucking bailouts I posted in that image.
Some of the things mentioned in this image.
corn and sugar subsides
corporate personhood
absurd monsanto patent laws
a plethora of obscure regulations, taxes, subsides and tariffs in various industries

>> No.2694388
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>> No.2694394

I'm not referring to theoretical socialism, in your imagination, I'm referring to socialism in practice, in the real world, getting people to place their faith in a bureaucracy just because it claims to act in their collective interest.

Also, yes, the right wing are just as guilty, but if it were as simple as left = good, right = bad, then this problem would have been solved by now. So we need to attack marxism/leftism/socialist types as well.

>> No.2694398

What? I don't think you can fault their intent, which was to provide the poor a means of purchasing a home.

>> No.2694410


psst.. you're giving away too much information about yourself when you project so randomly about obvious personal issues you are still clinging to from your past. why is it never obvious to you guys?

>> No.2694414

ITT: jelly poorfags

>> No.2694416


>Step 1) Socialists turn the lower class against the middle class.

Yeah, that's some bullshit right there. The lower class is not typically complaining about the middle class, they are complaining about the middle-upper class and the upper-upper class. In this, the middle class is with them. Of course, this makes sense given that they are lower class because all of the money in their economy being sucked into the top 1% of earners. I am not entirely sure where this perverted capitalist fantasy that the lower class hates the middle class comes from. If anyone seems to despise the middle class it is those who are in the upper class, given that they consume everyone else's wealth.

>Step 2) Government comes in and places restrictions on small and medium sized businesses in the name of destroying the middle class while granting special privileges to corporations.

Hahahaha, WHAT? What are you even talking about? Most regulations are placed upon large industry. Don't get me wrong, many decisions by the US government are in the interests of huge corporations and stifle growth in startup business, but this is definitely not the norm. The norm is that democrats who put in heavy regulation, desire to do it to very large industries.

>Step 3) The corporations continue with their own corruption and, in fact, abuse the new rules and the trust of all of their consumers
>Step 4) The whole charade falls apart due to their greed

Definitely in agreement here.

>Step 5) Politicians blame the evil middle class and their free market.

You're living in a fantasy world. Every politician, left and right, basically uses the middle class as their golden boy, hoping they can catapult them into success and luxury in order to bolster an image of America as free and open to economic progress with them at the helm as the great leader.

>> No.2694428


Yeah good point. It's really important to stereotype your opponents in order to dismiss their positions. It's also really important who they are where they come from, not their arguments. Arguments have everything to do with the person arguing, not logical consistency or adherence to fact. You're a capitalist sympathizer! Don't get bogged down by reality. Your opponents are all mindless hippies and drugged out college students.

>> No.2694443

>corn and sugar subsides

You do know that these benefit people, right?

>corporate personhood

...that still doesn't afford corporations all of the rights as actual people, has been in effect for as long as
corporations themselves, and is of benefit for those working in corporations.

And you might be interested in this article about montesanto:


I don't think you know what state interventionism means. And weren't you talking about GSEs and the Fed?

>> No.2694467

If we were to only have solid arguments based on facts, then it would be really hard for anyone to defend socialism here.

>> No.2694490
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>> No.2694522

This is a picture of (starving?) children. How is this a fact.

It seems more like an appeal to emotions.

>> No.2694525

obvious shop is obvious

>> No.2694575



>> No.2694590

What offended you about this thread? Why do you feel you must shout out and not just close the thread?

>> No.2694609

really really great for a few
pretty nice for some
kinda shitty for most

>> No.2694634

Nah, it's good for everyone. People are just too greedy to realize it. Nigger.

>> No.2694641

No. There need to be some redistributing of money, so that everyone can live a life. Social democracy is the way to go.

>> No.2694658
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>> No.2694664

Well there are taxes. I don't think there is any capitalist state without taxes.

>> No.2694779

Two things are guarantee in life. Death and taxation.

>> No.2694868
File: 210 KB, 480x640, Capitalism_wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Jesus said, don't give anyone anything. Take everything and keep it all to yourself.

>> No.2694983


>Caused income inequality
>People are forced to labor like slaves just so they can survive. Work now has no meaning except selling yourself to have food on the table and roof on your head.
>Caused the financial collapse.
>A mere 5-10% of the world's population controls 90% of the world's resources.
>Environment and health are set aside as long as profit is maximized for the benefits of the few.

And they say capitalism is the best. /sci/ confirmed to be a haven for Fox News, Peter Schiff and Paultard nutjobs

>> No.2695008 [DELETED] 

>53% of Ame>>2692927
ricans believe they are in the top 1%.

Also, this:
>A better system, in my personal opinion, would be one where robots do 90% of the labor and everything is free, but also takes into account human greed and allows them to some how fulfill that endeavor.
There's no reason we can't automate most bullshit work and split the remaining labor amongst the workforce to say, 10 hrs/week.

Even in today's economy, the minimum wage should be raised, and tied to inflation, and the work week lowered to at most 32 hours, forcing employers to pay more and hire more people.

>> No.2695013

>53% of Americans believe they are in the top 1%.
>The American dream never existed.


Also, this:
>A better system, in my personal opinion, would be one where robots do 90% of the labor and everything is free, but also takes into account human greed and allows them to some how fulfill that endeavor.
There's no reason we can't automate most bullshit work and split the remaining labor amongst the workforce to say, 10 hrs/week.

Even in today's economy, the minimum wage should be raised, and tied to inflation, and the work week lowered to at most 32 hours, forcing employers to pay more and hire more people.

>> No.2695027

Remove income tax from people who make less than 500k a year.

>> No.2695029

Before Reagan the top income tax bracket was 70%. Bring that shit back.

The US was its most productive when it had a high income tax.

>> No.2695040

I wonder what a flat tax rate would have to be in order to kick in a flat tax at 500k, or even 100k, and have everyone blow the threshold have no taxes?

How much does the income tax bring in, anyone?

>> No.2695049

Why do you think that would be better? Are you not afraid businesses (and taxpayers) would start to escape USA and you'd end up with less for everything?

Do you think Sweden is happy or better off when it's high taxes caused IKEA to move its headquarters to Netherlands?

>> No.2695068
File: 38 KB, 648x435, top us federal marginal income tax rate 1913 - 2009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I'm concerned, history has proven we do better with a higher top income tax rate. And preceding that (and our current situation,) shows that lower taxes leads to larger wealth inequality, a poorer populace, and a worse society.

>> No.2695084

Then again, to add to: >>2695068
I have no problem with charging tariffs on imported goods that unfairly exploit workers. If a company can't pay $X to employees, raise the tariff marginally in proportion to their pay.

Yes, I'm talking about exporting American law via trade law. It's the best tool we have to shape the world.

>> No.2695150
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Joe the plumber was right, fuck obama and his "alittle socialism would do you good shit." Anyone who believe in the rich paying for everyone else can fuck off. I that makes me a some kind of fool for believing in them in the first place than so be it. Rich people are the alpha males of society, it become an alpha or stay beta fucking socialist!

>> No.2695172
File: 30 KB, 500x350, piratesarecool4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in a same way history has shown, that lack of pirates is proportional with global warming.

Many former socialists have changed their views though as they recognize, that capitalism is surprisingly the system, that brought unprecedented quality of life improvements. If you really get into it, then in modern world it is not, what is drawn in caricatures. Operational margins of companies are really tight so it is not like a fat capitalist is taking a lion share of the money.

It is perhaps slightly ironic, that two companies, that stereotypically enjoy patronage of socialist leaning youth - Starbucks and Apple - enjoy very high operational margins for their sectors.

>> No.2695182

> implying this is not due to unions

>> No.2695192

Um, my post has nothing to do with socialism?

>> No.2695201

Um, my post has nothing to do with socialism? Because, believe it or not, taxes do not equal socialism. I embrace capitalism, but do realize that unchecked it leads to an accumulation of wealth, which is unhealthy for society. And if we want to avoid revolt (which may actually lead to socialism,) then it's best to shear off enough to keep the people on bottom happy. Hence, public programs. There's a difference between "reasonable appeasement of the public" and "socialism." You'd do well to learn it.

>> No.2695204

I don't agree with that, but I hope someone else argues you about American unions. I'd show you the counterexample of Japan, with union activity almost nonexistant compared to USA.

After instituting capitalism Japan quickly changed from backward feudal nation into one of the world's richest countries. All while the tax % of the GDP is one of the lowest among developed nations and union power is almost nonexistant.

>> No.2695215

Wow, that last line came off WAY fucking more assholish than I intended it... Imagine instead it said "The difference is real, and important."

>> No.2695220

Um, my post has nothing to do with socialism? Because, believe it or not, taxes do not equal socialism. I embrace capitalism, but do realize that unchecked it leads to an accumulation of wealth, which is unhealthy for society. And if we want to avoid revolt (which may actually lead to socialism,) then it's best to shear off enough to keep the people on bottom happy. Hence, public programs. There's a difference between "reasonable appeasement of the public" and "socialism." You'd do well to learn it.

Go check out mexico no socialism there and what is the result? Poor mother fuckers, food price is high, unemployment, basically have drug cartels running the place.

Capitalism unchecked leads to revolution and destruction of a society (wider wealth gap) (fact USA has the biggest wealth gap from poor to rich of all modern nations; might explain why we are also the most pervered/violent/ect.).

>> No.2695229

You quoted my paragraph there. I disagree with the characterization of a public wellbeing as "socialism." Aside from that, if you read my earlier posts, we agree.

>> No.2695234

japan doesn't have fuckhuge unions
but there are smaller local organisations that are quick to unite for some bargaining
strikes aren't unheard of

>> No.2695235

No. It leads many to believe that money is everything and that the ultimate goal in life to be happy is money.
Everyday we are plastered with happy rich people, who we believe to hold the essence of human emotion and prosperity.
The only thing we don't have that they do is money. So we all strive for happiness that won't even lead to happy ending. All we get is a bunch of dead bodies lining the street because some drug deal went bad.

Capitalism is sick, and you all know that this is true. I'm not going to say the Soviet Union fixed this, because they didn't, but if Communism had the practice that Capitalism has had it would be a fucking Utopia.

>> No.2695246

Japan has a sense of nationalism that is far stronger than even America's. Their rich don't cross borders due to a sense of national pride and saving public face if it was found out, not because of tax rates.

>> No.2695248

In a smaller community executing egalitarian philosophies becomes much more easier. Living in a society full of strangers spawns distrust, which in turn spawns greed.

Smaller community = Best choice would be anarchism.

Our community = Best choice would be democratic socialism.

>> No.2695257
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>> No.2695259

According to wikipedia days lost to strikes are 9% of that of USA (per capita).

>> No.2695266

Money is happiness if I'm the same as someone I;m not happy and neither is anyone else. It's the same reason people in the military try and make money on the side all the time to get better shit than the other guys around them that make the exact same money and no needs.

>> No.2695272

Income taxes and all social programs need to be abolished then all the problems can work themselves out in a capitalistic way and the system would be self correcting.

>> No.2695300

>Democratic Socialism

I was puzzled what it means. I assume it is the policy of "American Democratic Socialist Party".

Read their wikipedia page and skimmed through their site and leaflet : http://www.dsausa.org/pdf/widemsoc.pdf

I am sorry. It is 'no stuff just fluff'. You can see how much less radical programs have failed in Sweden of all places. This is not serious. It is cafe-philosophy.

>> No.2695302

They usually protest by putting on a shirt of wrong color or something, because they are Japanese.

>> No.2695321


I'll admit I haven't read up on exact definitions of these words.

By democratic socialism I meant what USA has now, with more individual freedom, more taxing of the super rich, more social security. And less $ spent on wars.

>> No.2697025
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Nope, it was just the only thing we bothered to try.
Once some ambitious guys realized that it work thanks to inequality. Meaning that as long as the two "competitor" play along and rules everything they can get paid whatever they want and piss on the poor who believe they are doing their best to "stay in the race"

Capitalism is easier because the lack of order is the natural state of reality, yes that's right, Capitalism is basically a slightly more regulated chaos and it work as well as a king (president) trying to keep in line his vassals when they begin to grow too powerful.

Anyway, with the evolution of technology we will rapidly realize that people can't compete with machines and aren't needed for new job.

After all, people don't run that world, money do.
I think we will have another Revolution someday.

Not that communism is better, too many critical flaw.

>> No.2697049
File: 393 KB, 1280x950, mussolinihitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was right.
This is the case. This exceptional character was absolutely right!
He was right when he brought the Aryan ideal of truth to combat foreign corruption and lies
He was right when he brought back the eternal laws, which the world had forgotten
He was right when he objected to the disease of materialism, found in communism as in capitalism
He was right when he gave the hungry and humiliated people work and bread
He was right when he showed mankind a better way
He was right when he gave the world a vision
He was right when he sought eternal peace in Europe and among the peoples of the world
He was right when he fought against the injustices of the prevailing law and the truth
He was right when he gave his life for a better world
Indeed. Hitler was right!
And not only was he right, but continues to be.
His message of racial idealism is still topical today, and as nutritious as it was the first time it was proclaimed.
If you feel the same way, we invite you to join his side on these timeless issues

>> No.2697131

flawless victory

>> No.2697164

/thread killed

>> No.2697172

Capitalism is the only system that provides freedom to all humanity. Those who do not see are just blinded by poverty.

>> No.2697257

This thread is dildos.

I love how ppl automatically assume it's the rich who supports capitalism when in reality it's a good potion of the poor too.

It's because we poor have morals and know there is more to life than free hand outs.

Liberals are retarded.

>> No.2697265

Hitler was a great man.

>> No.2697937

>Is it true that capitalism is the best system for everyone?

Yes it really is believe it or not.