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2689702 No.2689702 [Reply] [Original]


So religion fags,

are you beginning to question your unshakeable faith?

It's time you realised that fairy tales do not equate to solid facts.

It seems it's only the establishment who is scared of this mans discovery, I for one embrace the fact that even though after I'm gone, life will go on, here, and in the rest of the universe.


The bible is a fairy tale. Life on earth came from outside the solar system, if not the milky way galaxy.

>> No.2689720

>implying God(s) wasn't an alien that used advanced technology to alter Ape DNA to make Humans
Yeah see, aliens actually reinforce the idea of a God.

>> No.2689757
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>alter Ape DNA

Genetical engineering of Neanderthal DNA in our case.

>> No.2689759

>>2689720 >implying God(s) wasn't an alien that used advanced technology to alter Ape DNA to make Humans

Are you retarded? Aliens = Life not on earth. Hence life exists outside of the Earths environs.

This implies that life exists outside the bubble that religious types live in.

And that it is only the fear of the unknown that has the scientific community shouting this guy down.

Go back to your tinhat making.

>> No.2689767

>has never heard of Ancient Astronaut theory
Religion will never die kid, get over it.

>> No.2689779

But OP, Sumerian Texts, from which all religion stems says aliens exist.

>> No.2689804

Bible never says God didn't make aliens
btw this is a troll thread

>> No.2689811

>>2689767 I've read all about sumerian mythology champ.

unfortunately until a verifiable interpretation of the Sumerian language is presented I'll have to pass it off as "mythology".

It is possible that we have been visited in the past by intelligent beings, only a fool would dismiss that possibility.

Religion will die out, it is a method of subjugation that should have disappeared 200 years ago. My point is that people believing a book sprouting nonsense will sooner or later be forced to change their minds.

I can't understand why people are so foolish.

>> No.2689812


Journal of Cosmology is an open access scientific journal established in 2009. While the journal describes itself as peer-reviewed, several people have questioned the integrity of the process. Particularly, the journal is accused of promoting fringe viewpoints on astrobiology, astrophysics, and quantum physics. Blogger and biologist PZ Myers said of the journal "... it isn't a real science journal at all, but is the ginned-up website of a small group of crank academics obsessed with the idea of Hoyle and Wickramasinghe that life originated in outer space and simply rained down on Earth".

In early March 2011, the journal drew widespread criticism for the publication of a paper claiming evidence for panspermia, which proposes that life on Earth began on another planet, which then collided with another astronomical body, and the resulting debris carried life from the original planet to Earth. The journal dismissed the criticism as "a barrage of slanderous attacks" from "crackpots and charlatans".

>> No.2689822

The Earth is 4.5 Billion Years Old didn't change their minds.

Evolution didn't change their minds.

Aliens wont, even the Pope has said they exist and Religion continues to exist.

You're naive as hell.

>> No.2689841

Any smart alien that's done its homework will just claim to be god when they arrive on Earth.

>> No.2689863

induring theists start inserting the extraterrestrial life on god's plan.

It's fucking sad.

>> No.2689873

>>2689812 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journal_of_Cosmology

I wouldn't dismiss Wickramasinghe as a crackpot or crank academist. His pal Joseph is very fringe, but anyone with Wickramasinghe's credibility is worth listening to.

And PZ Myers is not a credible source.

Typical response from someone not willing to keep an open mind.

Go and play with your friends at bible school.

Wikipedia is not a valid source of information.



Please show where i dismissed the idea of a "creator"?

I havn't dismissed the idea at all, I just find it a little hard to stomach the "God" that the "Bible" speaks of.

This is a bible troll thread using SCIENCE as it's base argument.

It's only religious groups and religious leaning types who are dismissing this finding as a load of garbage.

Why would Hoover be receiving death threats from church affiliated groups?

>> No.2689897

There are some way bigger problems with religion than this article confronts.

Take for example that religion is only able to spread within cultural, linguistic, and historical context.

If an almighty cosmic, telepathic alien like God wanted everyone to know of his existence, don't you think he would have been a little more capable or intelligent?

Christians choose religion not because of the logic but because of the emotional support that it gives them.

I think a better way to attack religion is through pathos. Demonstrate to the religious that the hope that they get through religion is their own and the purpose is given through elements or reality (such as friends, family, goals, etc.) instead of some barbaric set of superstitions.

>> No.2689905


Or any smart person who has no shame in deceiving people will call themselves a priest ;-)

>> No.2689911

Eh. The Journal of Cosmology is openly provoking more respected journals like Science and Nature, right there on their website, probably as a response to "widespread criticism."

>> No.2689913
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That's the 'secret' origin of the monotheistic dominator god religions. Looks like it worked.

>> No.2689925

>>2689905 +9000 internetz for you my friend.

>>2689897 My thoughts exactly.

An almighty omnipotent being like the one described by most catholic/christian types would have ensured his validity by now.

If there is such a thing as "God" then it has no interest in us.

Face up to facts religious friends. Your "faith" will not prove the existence of "God". But science sure as hell will.

Keep on praying bitches.

>> No.2689931


Correct, because none of that stuff disproves the existence of God.

>> No.2689950

>>2689931 see >>2689925

stop crying.

>> No.2689969

Wikipedia aside, I don't think this has anything to do with an open mind. A series of studies by one researcher on a certain topic does not establish reliability. The Mozart effect, for example, was demonstrated in a vast number of studies *not* to have anywhere near as robust an effect as suggested by the few papers that initially investigated it or by popular literature. A study like this in a little-known publication like Journal of Cosmology is not grounds to go, "O hey, religiofags. Wat now?"

>> No.2689971


>stop crying.

Crying about what. Atheists are the ones throwing hysterical temper tantrums about Christianity, not me.

>> No.2689974

in celebration of this news when i first heard it, i fapped

>> No.2689983

Here I will put it to you this way.

If Newtons "Principia Mathematica" had been rewritten by numerous unhappy dictatorships over the last 4 centuries would scientific types still claim it to be valid?

The bible has been rewritten and twisted to suit the established doctrine of "Make the people fearful of something or else we have no control".

TL;DR detractors of science and it's ineffable logic are brainwashed fools.

>> No.2689985

Continuing on with this idea, if Science and Nature were to investigate the Journal of Cosmology's claims, and established Hoover's conclusions as valid, I might go along with what OP is saying. There isn't really enough information to go on at the moment.

>> No.2690003

Dude. You're taking OP's trolling too seriously.

>> No.2690006

Oddly, it seems to be the anti-Christian pests like James Randi that are quick to ridicule anyone who claims to have seen a UFO.

>> No.2690014

Science and Nature will never touch this because if they do then they will be dismissed as "Crackpots, Cranks and Stirrers of the Pot"

It's unfortunate, but that is the truth.

>> No.2690029


>If Newtons "Principia Mathematica" had been rewritten by numerous unhappy dictatorships over the last 4 centuries would scientific types still claim it to be valid?

Dictatorships can and have manipulated science for political purposes. Have you ever heard of what went on in Stalin's Russia?

>> No.2690038

Uh. Did you read the frontpage of Journal of Cosmology? It says, "If you don't agree to investigate this, then we're right, and you're crackpots."

>> No.2690064

I don't even know what you're arguing anymore. The Journal is *asking* Science and Nature to investigate, and saying that if they don't investigate, then Hoover's claims are correct by default.

>> No.2690084


A natural reaction to the establishment not being prepared to verify the evidence and perhaps provide irrefutable proof.

I quote John E. Brandenburg Ph.D.
Senior Propulsion Scientist, Orbital Technologies Corporation

We face a Second Copernican Revolution, the demotion of humanity from being the master of the center of the biological universe, to being just one other living speck of dust in a cosmos full of other living specks of dust. The emotional impact of this all is not to be underestimated, and thus it is not surprising that the "bar of evidence" for extraterrestrial life is constantly being raised. Raise it high enough and it becomes a roof, and you can hide under it, but from what? Human survival in the long term requires us to face the truth about the cosmos, that we are not alone. A living cosmos requires things of us, that a dead one does not.

End of story, if you hide in the shade for too long you will lose the ability to see.


This is part troll thread, part legitimate fishing for peoples opinions on Hoovers findings.

I detest the bible and the catholic doctrine. And any other theological literature that seeks to dominate humanities mindset by introducing a method of fear via punishment by hellfire and brimstone if you do not do what we tell you to.

>> No.2690096

Aristoteles was quite the scientist and philosopher. yet he was still a faggot that believed that bees spawned from a dead bull.

>> No.2690143


Yes that is correct. Science and Nature are being asked to verify Hoovers findings.

They will not. Why? Because they think they will lose credibility. And thus, be dismissed as "Crackpots".

All religious trolling aside, is this (Hoovers findings) not something that should change peoples views on the existence of life elsewhere?

I cannot understand why people are so quick to dismiss this issue.

>> No.2690157


I think he did as good as he could for that time.

>> No.2690188


When a little-known scientist publishes a fringe theory in a little-known journal, regardless of whether or not the theory is correct, very few people will take it seriously. It's even harder to take it seriously when the journal in question publishes an open provocation to establishment in absolute certainty that its findings will be found to be correct.

The general attitude that the Journal of Cosmology seems to embody: Claiming that the sky is green, and asking people to prove you wrong.