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2687889 No.2687889 [Reply] [Original]

been gone for 8 hours
anything new happen at fukushima aside from that hydrogen explosion that everyone was freaking out about, yet was actually supposed to happen?
i mean shit, nobody was injured because nobody was nearby, they didn't need to be.

looked cool as fuck though, i bet the plant managers were like "cool fireworks"

what's the status on the core cooling?

>my face all last night when people were freaking out about every little thing and ever.single news agency had no idea what they were talking about

>> No.2687896

shit's under control, nothing cool happened, disappointed

>> No.2687898

7 straight days of nuclear sensationalism in 3...2...

>> No.2687911

if anything it showed how safe modern plants are. the one that was being a whiney little drama queen was from the 60s, and was due to be decomissioned.
i mean shit, they had a total power failure on the coolant pumps, the fuel rods cracked, the outer building had a hydrogen explosion, they had to release excess xenon, and they STILL only had a trickle of radiation get out, while only 4 people got injured. the other reactors shut down just fucking fine.

i say that's a 5 star safety rating and excellent handling by the fukushima reactor staff

>> No.2687921

The news keeps hyping up shit on the west coast... is there anything to worry about?

Will there be, if shit gets worse?

>> No.2687922

Say good bye to new nuclear reactors for the next 30 years.

>> No.2687928

Updates here:


Basically, they are now pumping seawater and boric acid into the blown-up reactor to poison it, which is the mom & dad of all emergency procedures but probably will work. The other six reactors are still kind of fucked but stable and the more time passes the better Tepco will be able to cope with the situation.

Also, nukefags are all on Iraqi minister of information mode.

>> No.2687950

meh, i'm not really concerned, even in the case of a full melt down the rods will be contained in the steel pot, and NOTHING will get out of the concrete dome reactor containment. it'll just be a very sticky political situation. that's all

i'd tell em fuck it, let it melt down, but they're being nice and want to prevent any kind of possible problem

>> No.2687954

from faux news

>190 people reporting radiation sickness
>3 plant workers showing some signs of it

oh fucking wow. and they got this from where?

>> No.2687955

Though you forgot to mention that the whole fucking building surrounding the containment vessel EXPLODED and things still turned out fine, this shows how longe we've gone since chernobyl.

>> No.2687961

really now, isn't fox news supposed to be all pro-nuke and shit?

>> No.2687964


Yeah this is bullshit, as far as we know not even the people working at the nuclear plants have received dangerous radiation doses. Random faggots are just freaking out because nucular = scary.

>> No.2687967

The only thing faux news is truly for is ratings.

>> No.2688000

your not this dumb now are you?

oh wait
>your not this dumb
>your not

your an idiot

>> No.2688114

-8.9 richter earthquake
-10m high tsunami waves
-surrounding building exploded
and the reactor still hasn't turned into a mushroom cloud. What could we throw at it next?

>> No.2688143

>inferring a nuclear reactor meltdown looks like a mushroom cloud

>> No.2688151


>> No.2688209

this is a perfect example of the dangers or nuclear energy, we MUST direct more funding into green energy like solar and wind. theres only 60 years worth of uranium left in the world anyway and we have to be ready

>> No.2688237

breeder reactors, also thorium.