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2682574 No.2682574 [Reply] [Original]

>Physics class
>teacher asks "What is the light"?
>stupid girl raises hand and says "God"

any other stories about classmates/teachers stupidity?

>> No.2682579

Welcome to U.S.A.
Enjoy your stay Mr. Picard.

>> No.2682584

>Implying that's wrong

>> No.2682612

Why can't Canada get religious fundamentalists.

I would love to have one in my classes, but unfortunately all Christians are sane, moderate and scientific that I know.

>> No.2682613

>fluid dynamics class
>do project in groups
>get project back
> 37%
>got -40% for not doing the reverences in Harvard style
>look at references, its just the name of the book, no author, completely wrong format
>person who had to do the references had nothing else to do and still couldn't be bothered to actually do it write (after the professor said to do it in Harvard)
>I hate group projects.

>> No.2682621

>He didn't look over the project before turning it in
If it was that obvious, dude

>> No.2682623


>all Christians are sane, moderate and scientific that I know.

That's right. However, boneheaded atheists will try to tell you that you're a heretic and that only the crazies who think the Earth is 10,000 years old are real Christians.

>> No.2682628

>Speech class
>Need to do a controversial, persuasive speech
>Girl does hers on rape

>> No.2682629

>do it write

>> No.2682631

>do it write

good job you didn't do the copy editing

>> No.2682633

You clearly live in Toronto.

>> No.2682635

The trolling is heavy today.

>> No.2682640
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>professor says that "and there was light" sounds alot like the explosion of the big bang
>mfw when light only came 379,000 years after the big bang

>> No.2682646

GTA is nice imo. Education isnt bad and my teachers were quite educated in terms of the subject they taught. Whats it like in other parts?

>> No.2682659

I know I should have checked everyones work, but I decided to trust other people for once, big mistake.

it is a good thing indeed

>> No.2683044

Its not really stupidity i guess, but i always got irritated in history when people pronounce Hiroshima (Hee-Row-Shee-Ma) wrong (as He-Rosh-ima). I mean, if youre gonna bomb the fuck out of an entire city you could at least remember the name while you're melting the children into little skeleton-puddles.

Also irritating - people who dont even know that Nagasaki was also bombed.

>> No.2683070

Should have STFU and surrendered when we told them to.

>> No.2683077


>> No.2683079

True story. Not trolling.
>9th grade Bio class
>Ask teacher how hemoglobin works.
>Teacher replies "Allah/God made it work."
> Face-palm (in imagination).
> Drop Bio in high-school take Further maths.
> Leave Islam become an Atheist.

>> No.2683081

The military junta of the time was really incredible. A faction even tried to stage a coup against the Emperor when he called for surrender after the bombs were dropped. A COUP against the fucking EMPEROR.

If you know anything about Japanese government and society of the time, that's fucking insane.

>> No.2683087


Depends on whether you're using American or British pronunciation.

>> No.2683089

Apparently some of them are taught that saltwater and freshwater don't mix....

>> No.2683101

All of my sympathy. My peers love projects with me because I don't trust any of them to do the work (with good reason).

>> No.2683121

> Biology class, 9th grade
> "... Reptiles, like lizards and salamanders"
>" But salamanders are batrachian, closer to frogs than lizards"
> "No they aren't"
> Arguing with teacher
> I'm the only one in the classroom who's convinced salamanders ain't reptiles
> Point out it even says so in the fucking book
> Teacher says they're bout
> When I confront others, " I think the teacher knows a little bit more, it's our teacher after all"

Thus I abandoned natural sciences for social sciences and philosophy. The former know they don't have a complete grasp on their shit, and the later is just a priori shit.

>> No.2683126

A few years ago:
>be in grade 12 (graduating year)
>annoying girl who acts like a pseudointellectual while pulling 70% averages gets admitted to a program where students take a university credit on campus
>she chooses year 1 philosophy
>struggles through the entire course
>bombs midterm and exam, yet barely passes
>for the rest of the school year, acts like she earned a masters in philosophy
>quotes Kant, Aquinas, and Ayn Rand for some fucking reason
>everyone avoids her
>I get accepted to the university
>she gets accepted to the same university
>I opt to go to another 200km away
>girl ends up majoring in gender studies
>never talk to her again

>> No.2683133
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>A level physics class
>Photo electric effect
>teacher gives us einstein's photon energy equation, and tells a bit of side trivia, einstein won a nobel prize for his work on this
>girl in front(who is the embodiment of everything i hate) "What's a nobel prize?"
>she's 21 years old

>> No.2683151

21 years old and doing the same course for the fifth time might i add

>> No.2683154

In physics doing trajectory problems
>as you can see the car falls at xm/s and accels at 9.81m/s2 etc etc
some genius raises his hand and asks
>What about wind resistance?
-Oh, we're not involving wind resistance yet
>Oh? So this question is wrong? Why the hell are we even learning this?
-Don't worry, we will get to wind resistance soon enough
>God, this class is so stupid, they don't even teach physics right

This guy is always complaining that we're not taking enough variables into consideration, and it's FUCKING ANNOYING... just stfu and do the work.

>> No.2683163



>> No.2683169

For the fourth time surely.

>> No.2683174

At least she's trying. The rest of her kind will be claiming benefits no doubt.

>> No.2683191


He obviously doesn't understand the use of models. It pisses me off when you get people who are just machines like this.

>> No.2683192

Nope, she failed AS physics every year, £20K in debt from a pink Nissan micra, a boob job, and a rhino-plasty.
I have no idea what became of her, she failed AS that year aswell, i went onto A2, and i never saw her again

>> No.2683196

>General science class in first year of high school
>Teacher asks us where the hottest part of a Bunsen burner is
>student explains that heat rises and that it should be directly above the flame
>Teacher is surprised that heat rises

>> No.2683198


17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Fifth time.

>> No.2683206

I was always taught that it was the tip of the inner flames

>> No.2683207


She got Us every time?!? That's 9 attempts (you don't count the January of her first year).

>> No.2683212

hot air rises. heat does not rise.

>> No.2683215


So was I. Heat itself doesn't rise, only things that are hotter than surroundings of the same material (with most substances). This is not relevant to a bunsen flame.

>> No.2683216

I don't think it was Us every time, the college i went to only let you go on to A2 if you got at least a D overall, so i'm sure there are a few e's in there, and possibly a D or 2

>> No.2683221

That was one of the first science classes I'd ever had
same with the rest of the students

>> No.2683228

>history class in 11th grade, break into groups
>each class has to do a presentation on a decade
>we get 40's (fucking sweet, WWII and atomic age)
>group of girls gets 60's
>one girl shows up with a sign that says "VOTE FOR LBG"

we still laugh about that

>> No.2683230
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>heat rises
hot AIR rises in the presense of colder air, pressure and gravity. Heat doesn't do anything except transfer.

>> No.2683242
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>> No.2683251

I loled .... there is that annoying prick in every class.
Will pretend to know everything.

>> No.2683268

i know everything but i don't point it out every time i can. only when the whole class fucks up during an example on notes and the teacher has no idea b/c she hasn't taught it for a decade

>> No.2683269

She'll go on to marry a League 1 footballer, mother his Neanderthal offspring, shag around, sell her story to the muck papers.

>> No.2683290

>We spend a lecture in PDEs deriving the solution to the 1-d heat equation
>Prof spends 5 minutes deriving λn=(nπ/L)^2 for n=1,2,3...
>kid asks "so why aren't there an uncountable number of eigenvalues?"
>the rest of the lecture gets spent explaining to this kid how to count

>Same day, Group Theory course
>prof defines cyclic group
>same kid as before asks "so what about uncountable cyclic groups?"

>> No.2683303

I wish the professor could've given him fluid mechanics homework problems. That kid would've learned to keep his mouth shut.

>> No.2683322
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This shit happened today.

>Sir, sir, if Nelson Mandela was no longer alive, would white nationalist groups mock or mourn his death?

mfw when Mandela died in 1992

>> No.2683336


>> No.2683339


I think your mistaking Mandela with Mengele.

>> No.2683345
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>> No.2683346


Should've told him to include air resistance and said he had the rest of the lesson to work it out.

>> No.2683347

troll? troll.

>> No.2683352


double troll trolling troll etc

>> No.2683355


triple troll

>> No.2683360


quadruple troll

also, thread successfully derailed

>> No.2683365
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I study at MIT so I've yet to encounter even a single episode of student stupidity.

>> No.2683372

>8th grade earth science
>girl asks "How is the rest of the solar system lite at night?"
>during the answer to the question she exclaims "But I thought the sun and the moon were the same thing!"

>> No.2683373


quintuple troll

>> No.2683374

2 years ago, Biology 11th grade. Girl in class "Are sexually transmitted diseases airborne?"

>> No.2683377


>> No.2683382
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>> No.2683395

well certainly claiming quadruple troll would be lame and tacky

>> No.2683405

Maybe she has some rather kinky notions about sex?

>> No.2683419

>Human Sexuality
>Group debate about mandatory HPV vaccinations.
>Assigned to argue against. One of my points is that it would cost the government money that it just does not have.
>Opponent: Well maybe if we didn't have the war in Iraq we'd be able to pay for it.
>Crowd goes wild. Instant 100% plus bonus points.

Now I understand how American politics works.

>> No.2683420

>>9th grade physics class
>>Talking about the gravity of the planet's in our solar system
>>Teacher makes a remark about growing up on a high gravity planet
>>Says, "If you came back to earth you'd be like a short superman."
>>Girl to the left of me, "YOU MEAN YOU COULD FLY!!!"

>> No.2683456

Yeah, I mean I'm in a group project and I looked over the other stuff, like how a big section was written really informalls. "110 dB is the volume of music played in a club, which gets you really hyper!"

Second year course, by the way.

>> No.2683468

Skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet

>> No.2683568

Um, the cost of not vaccinating against things can and usually does end up costing more.

>> No.2683618

the cost of vaccinating and providing birth control for your mother would cut worldwide childcare and medical expenses by $300Bn

>> No.2683639

> Taking a bio class
>doing an experiment where you supposedly isolate the DNA from bananas.
>Look at it under a light microscope
>Teacher says "I thought you were supposed to see the double helix"
>She's a "coach teacher"

Well shit, Crick and watson wasted their time with all that "x ray crystallography" bullshit, they just needed a light microscope.

>> No.2683635 [DELETED] 
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>10th grade AP world history
>teacher cannot pronounce words like telescope and constantly praises Bush as "phenomenal"
>teacher teaches no original material, literally reads through the book
>teacher reads "Henry V" as HEN-REE VEE, teacher is not sure what Henry's "last name" is (?)
>later find out she is not AP certified and normally teaches dance

>> No.2683650

My high school chemistry teacher didn't know what a hydrogen bond was. I got a B on a test that i should have had an A on because of it. No fucking bullshit.

>> No.2683668

my gosh, I'm hearing all this bad shit about public schooling, but I don't remember mine being that bad. Heck, it was more odd to have a teacher hard to follow (provided you took the highest level courses in high school).

Canada btw, more specifically GTA.

>> No.2683673

Its perfectly acceptable for a government to pay for things via savings. Besides, the only significant parts of the deficit are military spending, social security, and the tax rate.

>> No.2683678

Fucking mechanics prof, doesn't understand how to integrate, and doesn't know how to break a polynomial apart, I lost 8 marks.... because he couldn't understand that i put the equation into its roots, even after i expanded it into the form he wrote on my fucking paper.

>> No.2683681


Coach teacher?

>> No.2683707


In US, can't be a coach unless you're a teacher. Coach teachers usually don't know jack shit about jack shit.

Coach Teacher

>> No.2683735


Isn't that fucking pointless and detrimental to everyone?

>> No.2683741


Most coach teachers end up teaching easy shit like health, physical education, English or Pre-algebra, nothing complex like science.

>> No.2683742

Why didn't you check your teams work idiot?

>> No.2683743

Welcome to America, that's our thing.

>> No.2683761


That seems ridiculous. I do remember at my school that most teachers had to be associated with a sport, but a lot of them did stuff like squash or athletics or something. It was never the case the other way around, though. Britfag here, btw.

>> No.2683787

My AP chem teacher had a master's in chemistry and coached for the golf team and girls' basketball team. Not saying you're not right in general, but he was fucking awesome.

>> No.2683792


What's the joke? None Ameri-fag here.

>> No.2683798

>T.A.ing a discussion section for an animal behavior class
>Girl in the session asks which animals can think and be self aware.
>This is after like the 10th or 11th lecture.
>we all laugh and ask her if she skipped every lecture.
>keeps violently arguing that her cat can think because it it knows when to watch itself, we all laugh and spend a fun hour making fun of her and trying to teach her what everyone else learned on the first day.
>The girl dropped out of the class and none of us ever saw her again.

>> No.2683806


>> No.2683810

>Canada btw, more specifically GTA.

thats why. We were more fortunate than most.

>> No.2683834

LBTG is lesbian Bi gay which as an acronym was only recently invented so they wouldnt have used it in the 60's

>> No.2683853

>Calculus 1 midterm
>Study my ass off
>Excited about related-rate problems, implicit differentiation.. etc
>Midterm is ridiculously easy and I am disappointed
>Prof differentiates for us for some examples because my class is full of retards
>Students still complain about how hard it was

>> No.2683855

Also, it should have been LBJ.

There was a girl in my Spanish class that was trying to talk about the tilde that's over the ñ, except she was calling it a "dildo" instead of a "tilde". The teacher (male) couldn't hide his grin.

>> No.2683865

4/10 - almost raged

>> No.2683876
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In high school I had the coolest motherfucking physics teacher ever! He is actually writing a book of all the stupid things students have said in his class. He calls it his "black book". He never misses a chance to pull out this notebook and read all the stupid shit people say.

One day class was really boring and slow when we were learning about inertia and momentum and shit. So to "liven up" the class, he pulls out this book and reads a few lines of stupid things people have said about objects retaining their state of motion, etc, etc. After reading all this shit, he goes around and asks random people to define stuff.

He gets to this one kid and asks him "What is momentum?".... the kids reply:

>when an object smashes something and gets a happy feeling

Whole class bursts into laughter and teacher has something new to write in his book

>> No.2683879

You guys are either dumb or complete jerks.

>> No.2683884


Wh... how?

>> No.2683903

Sounds like the whole section trolled the fuck out of her.

>> No.2683934

Hot gasses rise, but the hottest part should be the blue area of the flame. Hot gasses rise but heat dissipates.

>> No.2683958

>science and math board
>religion thread
>mfw atheists spend all their time fighting something they supposedly don't even believe exists.
lol gaytheists are so funny

>> No.2683974


>Assumes all teachers/scientists are like that
>Leaves for a degree that won't get him/her anywhere
That, sir/madam, makes you an idiot.

>> No.2683985

>10th grade math
>Teacher explains one of the homework problems
>He finishes explaining
>Black kid asks what the answer is
>it was just explained
>on the board
>right behind the teacher
>FOB Asian teacher has the most disgusted look on his face

Fun class, I tell you what.

>> No.2683992

>In a world history high school course
>It's one of the review classes before the final exam and the teacher is asking people questions as part of a game
>a girl is asked who Gandhi is and freezes
>I whisper "he committed genocide in India" to her
>She repeats what I said
>I get thrown out of class for the day ;)

>> No.2683998

Pretty sure the joke was she meant LBJ who ran for president in the 60s

>> No.2684008


OMFG. I don't know who you are, but I love you. That was fucking hilarious.

>> No.2684012

In year 8 history I said the Brits took Australia because they were smarter and better technologically and structually.

My teacher yelled at me and I got suspended for racist remarks. The shit?

>> No.2684027

i. love. you.

>> No.2684033

If that was America, you could have complained to the ACLU and sued the school.

>> No.2684036


HEY! I loved him/her first! ROFL

>> No.2684113

>>First Year Advanced English at University
>>Causal Essays, go into groups
>>Friend decides to write on the fall of the U.S.S.R.
>>Girl majoring in Fashion Design at our table: 'What's the Soviet Union???'

>> No.2684141


>majoring in Fashion Design

LMMFAO. This is the part that made me laugh most.

>> No.2684142


Why is a girl majoring in Fashion Design allowed to take an advanced english class?

>> No.2684155

>Advanced English

So, you learn to super spell or something?

>> No.2684185
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>implying anyone can write a meaningful and insightful 20 page paper on dostoyevsky

>> No.2684214


Anyone human who can read and has a brain.

>> No.2684216

pseudo-intellectual detected

>> No.2684250
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>be in freshman biology
>evolution lecture
>girl literally says "evolution is bullshit" to the prof
>prof ask how so
>"bible says god did it"
>prof asks for proof
>girl says "it's in the bible. that came before darwin."
>kid throws pencil at girl
>she turns around pissed
>she can't locate the perp
>everyone laughs and makes fun of her
>she says we're all going to hell, storms out


>> No.2684257


go back to /lit/ faggot.

>> No.2684283

christian school. Oh god the 'science' was terrible.

> 9th grade.
>what about microevolution that we see almost everyday?
> goddamnit you all are the retard.

another story

> Moron named madeline. Dumb blonde to the max
> teacher asks if the sun is a star
> did we ever land on the moon?

this is what makes me hate the stupidity of some people who just so happen to be Christian. Like me. who is studying biology in college and doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.2684291

I would have called fake on the second story if it wasn't for a girl from year 4 who couldn't multiply by zero.

She cried in class over it too.

>> No.2684297

>in science
>talking about geography
>girl ask if egypt was part of united states

>in science
>talking about geography
>girl says amsterdam is in norway

>in science
>talking about geography
>girl ask if monaco is in united states
>i say yes
>she says she will ask her mom to go vacationing there over spring

>in science
>talking about geography
>girl thinks Minnesota is in italy

why do i feel like the only smart girl in class

>> No.2684302

you dont even know. She managed to pass everything with flying colors too which made me want to kick small children. She is the dumbest shit in the universe, bar none.

>> No.2684313


Do I win?

>> No.2684328
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Have a mutant duck for making me chuckle.

>> No.2684342


The stupid part of your post, is that you talk about geography in all your classes. Fuck you are stupid.

>> No.2684344

"AFLA--*cough, cough*" CANCER

>> No.2684352

Awesome! Thanks, I'll name him Alfred and we'll have amazing adventures together.

>> No.2684353

Bullshit, I went to christian school for 8 years, never once was I taught creationism, in fact even the religion teacher would condemn the stupidity that is creationism

The priest believed in evolution

>> No.2684370


Well, he was Catholic and the RCC does accept evolution and a non-literal interpretation of the Bible.

>> No.2684372


Nah bro, just means we got higher in our English portion of the SAT. Just mentioned it because I too, wonder why she was there if she didn't even know what the U.S.S.R. was.

'Nother story from the same girl:

>>In class, teacher is being a snarkass and asking us if we're present during roll
>>like, really present, are you here in mind AND body?
>>say 'Cogito ergo sum'.
>>Girl majoring in Fashion Design: 'IS THAT SPANISH???'

>> No.2684375

a group of kids i went to high school with thought the bible was literally true and believed everything this guy said
try make it through all 8 parts without blood shooting out of your eyes

>> No.2684382

Not this fuckmuppet again...

>> No.2684498

Why were you talking about geography in a science class?

>> No.2684509


I raged at the first one. He just... doesn't regard any evidence contrary to that inconsistent with his own thesis...

>> No.2684540


Dont worry he's in jail now.

>> No.2684551
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>Yeah 8 Biology
>Pop Quiz
>What is a Whale Shark, Fish or Whale?
>I call out Whale Shark is the worlds largest fish, that one was easy.
>Nope, Whale Shark is a Whale
>get into argument with teacher.
>Look at his biology book
>Clearly says Whale Shark is a Whale
(This was also 56kbps internet and no mobile devices era so no way to second check it)
>MFW everyone in my class think's i'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.2684648

check out a review of his "thesis"

>> No.2684697


>> No.2684709

>middle school sex ed
>girl asks if you can get pregnant by injecting semen into your arm
>teacher asks if that was really a serious question
>girl says yes

>> No.2684982


you just blew me away

>> No.2685107

can top that
>be 4th or 5th grade (elementary)
>girl looks paranoid the whole time
>she raised her hand
>"Ca... Can it get stuck?!?"
being from a group of little perverts, we laughed our ass off for years about that

>> No.2685128
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This is all I have to say on the subject.

>> No.2685155

>and i never saw her again

>> No.2685160

This one made me lol so hard. For those of you who don't know, x-ray crystallography is a method to see atoms 3-dimensionally.

Also, it was Rosalind Franklin who did the x-ray diffractions, it was Watson and Crick who stole it via Maurice Williams and got everything for it.

Fun fact 1: Whenever they proposed a new model, she always found a flaw with it with knowledge they both knew of.

Fun fact 2: I have a poster in my College dorm that has a picture of Rosalind Franklin and states "She was the first you stupid Crick (and Watson)" I'm not a femanon but still feels she deserved the credit.

>> No.2685177
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>Biology first lecture
>teacher asks what are some well known theories
>christian kid puts hand up says theory of creation
>teacher laughs and says if anyone actually believes in that, then they should leave the class now
>3 people from around the lecture theater get up and leave

>> No.2685191

>First grade teacher tells us the helium is the only way to go up when your in space because there is no gravity. I not believe her.

>Road trip to Canada when i presented my drivers license (before you needed passport from the us) 'you need a passport because your from mexico' from new mexico

>> No.2685200


>> No.2685228

You obviously have yet to learn English. Twenty bucks says youre from mexico and lying to us about new mexico.

>> No.2685272
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mfw 4chan happens

>> No.2685274

They must have been thrown off by how much of a spic you are. Still pretty dumb.

>> No.2685285
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This isn't sci/math related but,

>3 Years ago
>I was really interested in politics at the time
>I say I don't agree with some stuff our president is doing
>Teacher asks "Well what would you do to make it better?"
>"Well I'd stop printing money to pay off our debt, it is effectively driving up inflation. "
>"We don't print money anymore."

Where the fuck does new money come from? Does the motherfucking money fairy make it?

MFW this was a private catholic school with a "much higher education standard."

>> No.2685293

We really only print while destroying older bills. Maybe you're thinking of Brazil?

>> No.2685294

>Renaissance Class (forced elective)
>Girl plays WoW through first 3 lectures on her laptop infront of me.
>Instructor asks a question
>Girl replies "Wasn't it Aristotle who said "All men are created equal"?

>my face

>> No.2685301
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fucking captcha

>> No.2685311

>Harvard style
>Not MLA
Your teacher sounds like a pretentious dick.

>> No.2685323
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>her face

>> No.2685342


What was the question?

>> No.2685343

I've had to resist the urge to ask 'troll' questions like that in class. I just think it would be to hard to sell it, then manage convince people I was just joking.

>> No.2685372

>Community college professor who always brags on her masters degree in psychology and bachelors in biology.
>Likes briefly telling us about events on campus before class begins.
>Talks about the planetarium and confuses astronomy with astrology every fucking time.
>Every day I go to school I hear someone who is supposed to be more educated than I am say something incredibly stupid.
>Community college. What I get for never doing my class assignments in high school and acing the tests just getting the credits and a piss poor gpa

>> No.2685377

In A-Level physics a girl asked "Why don't the planets fall out of the sky?"

I think the teacher almost exploded (we'd been doing gravity all lesson).

>> No.2685390

>PhD course on the anthropology of science.

Yoruba have a different system of counting that is base 20

Therefore, this means that ZFC is wrong and is an imperialistic abomination that is raping the developing world with science based on ethnocentric nothingness.

>mfw cutlural anthropologists don't know anything about higher mathematics.

>> No.2685437

Well how can you expect a humanity to know anything about math?

>> No.2685449


That's just what you get. You'll never get anywhere with on intelligence alone. You need ambition.

If you don't even have the drive to complete simple high school homeworks, then you are fucked for the rest of your life.

>> No.2685455


some of us on science studies track have a background in the hard sciences that allows us to evaluate science as discourse and from within in order to expose what is junk and what is good...most do not even know how to differentiate d/dx 3x+2. It is a sad course.

>> No.2685468

Why DO planets fall out of the sky?

>> No.2685472


they are all the time...always

>> No.2685474


Why is the sky red?

>> No.2685487

You do realize you're saying that if he wants to get anywhere he should waste more time on things he already knows instead of investigating new material? Wasting ambition isn't better than not having it.

>> No.2685488


>implying a person who believes in theology can even reach physics academically.

let alone one who would be dumb enough to say something like that.

>> No.2685492

>A-level politics class
>teacher references the quote "I disagree with what you say but I will die for your right to say it"
>says Cromwell came up with it
>I point out that it was Voltaire, and Cromwell was a military dictator who killed thousands of Irishmen because he didn't like their religion

>> No.2685520


The most interesting thing about King Charles the First
is that he was 5 foot 6 inches tall at the start of his reign,
but only 4 foot 8 inches tall at the end of it.
Because of...

Oliver Cromwell
Lord Protector of England (Puritan)
Born in 1599, Died in 1658 (September)

Was at first (only)
MP for Huntington (but then)
He led the Ironside Calvary at Marston Moor in 1644 and won
Then he founded the new model army
And, praise be, beat the Cavaliers at Naisby
And the King fled up North, like a bat! Toward the Scots...

>> No.2685526

Why does God punish sinners with earthquakes?

>> No.2685535

>In English class
>Begin discussing theme of death.
>Comes around to me.
>"Yeah I'm not a spiritualist. Dead is dead"
>Girl in back of the room: "Well what do you believe happens when you die?"
>Me: "Pretty sure I was pretty clear on my stance, but to clarify, a eternal void of nothingness."
>Girl: "You're wrong there is a heaven and you are obviously not going to it."
>Me "O rly? How do you know that?"
>Girl: "The bible."


Then I asked her, when she dies, can she call me up to confirm that there is in fact a heaven.

>> No.2685541

Well its not that I don't have ambition. I've been moderately successful running my own business the last couple years. I just fucking hated school when I was a kid and taught myself most of everything I know. But I'm paying for it by being 24 years old and starting school again with a bunch of pregnant 19 year olds and 35 year old former cosmetologists with 6 kids, most of whom will probably give up in a few months. I'll have this over with soon and be going to a real university.

>> No.2685543

>10th grade biology
>just barely skim over evolution
>teacher throws up her arms and yells, "AND THIS WAS HOW GOD DECIDED TO DO IT!"
>end of evolution education
>mental face palm

I'm in college studying biology now. Fuck you, teacher whose name I forget. I didn't learn fuck all in your class. I probably learned far more biology in the first week of my botany course than I did in the year I spent in my high school biology class.

>> No.2685549


Tell her to read the Critique of Pure Reason...her line of thought is wrong by over 200 years.

>> No.2685559


I was in a similar situation my friend. But then I wised the fuck up, played their fucking game, increased my GPA in a year, and got the fuck out.

Man I was stupid for thinking I could beat the system.

>> No.2685561


We are printing money but that isn't how money is "created". We create money by taking out a loan from a central bank. Paper is just a representation, not actual money.

Perhaps thats what your teacher meant? Im being optimistic though.

>> No.2685569

>college Federal Government class
>professor laughs off Rush Limbaugh and says Fox News lies out of their ass
>entire class shocked and offended that he would insult their favorite personality and their favorite news station
>i die inside

>> No.2685579

>live in a small, backwoods town in east texas
>not too bad.jpg

>> No.2685590

Well I wasn't trying to beat their game or anything, I just hated school. I'm too ashamed to say what my cumulative gpa was in high school but my senior senior year was good enough to get me into just about any school I would have wanted to go to, cause by that time I had run out of chances to fuck up.

>> No.2685596

>10th grade English class
>teacher uses the word "clever"
>girl raises hand, "What does clever mean?"

>> No.2685597

>10th grade
>in biology doing some sort of lab report
>lab involves modeling change over time
>mfw half the bible thumpers don't know how to make a line graph

10th fucking grade and can't make a line graph.. WTF??

>> No.2685601
File: 12 KB, 281x179, clevergirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2685606


>> No.2685607

Please I need moaaaar stories, they're fucking entertaining (and I believe American-based. I've never heard such bible freak retards in Europe)

>> No.2685608

Slightly unrelated, but completely true story and absolutely hilarious

>Senior year in high school
>One of the girls is a catholic and an astounding idiot
>Reading a book about atheism (I'm agnostic though)
>She walks up
>"Is that one of your ATHEIST books?"
>"You do know you're going to hell right?"
>"I don't believe in hell..."
>"You WHAT?"

Yea, she literally thought up until that point that even atheists believed in hell. I wish I were kidding. I had to contain myself.

>"Well I'm not following a specific religion, so I don't assume there's a specific God or afterlife"
>"But what about what the Bible says?"
>"Why is the Bible trustworthy?"
>"Because it's Gods word..."
>"How do you know it's Gods word?"
>"Because it's the Bible"

The most blatant circular logic even, I know, but wait, it gets better.

>"You do realize that's circular logic right?"
>(I'm not even kidding) "So what?"


>"Sorry, but if you're not going to adhere to logic then I can't continue."
>"Well then fine, enjoy hell"

This story is not fake or exaggerated. It's been a year or two, but this is pretty much what she said, almost word for word.

>> No.2685613


I lol'd

>> No.2685620
File: 15 KB, 553x351, 1269023122052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One day in 11th grade bio class
>group Pair Discuss Habitats, terrains,ect.
>I get Desert Sahara
>Got paired up with a girl, talk to her about habitat
>she looks confused and asks me "Isint like, the desert in iraq?"
>i dont know whether to laugh or cry, i explain iraq is not in northern Africa but actually in western asia.
>she responds "I thought iraq was an island with a desert surrounded by volcanoes. thats why its so hot."
> WAT.
>she was being serious.

This seriously happened. I will always remember her for that. it will always haunt me someone can be that stupid.

>> No.2685622

I had a differential equations teacher who was showing us an example of a physics problem and couldn't figure out what the sign on gravity was. We told him it was negative (down) but I think he thought that gravity was always opposite for some reason. Like down -> gravity is positive, and up -> gravity is negative. I don't know, he's a math teacher so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.2685632

luckily for you guys, your bible idiots keep to themselves in their own communities. Not a day goes by that I don't hear shit like this from public officials, educators, and my family.

>> No.2685634
File: 9 KB, 251x251, 1299920765356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In psych class, topic somehow gets to evolution
>Teacher asks why there are monkeys if we evolved from them...


>> No.2685640


This poster here, here's another hilarious conversation we had.

>I'm trying to explain why cosmology is as beautiful and fantastic as she tries to tell me religion is
>"When you consider the scale of things, the size of things, it's mind-blowing! For example, our sun is tremendous, but even IT is pathetically tiny."
>"Oh, didn't know the sun was big, it seems so small"

I stood agape for a second after that one. That one is actually word for word, a discussion we had recently on facebook.

>> No.2685644


The problem is that in america 30% of the population is actually like this.

>> No.2685652

>just walked into my 12th grade Anatomy & Physiology class and sat down
>girl bursts into the class enraged and flies over to one of her friends
>"OH MY FUCKING GOD! I can't believe what my biology teacher just fucking did! She started talking about evolution! What the fuck! I left and slammed the door behind me. I can't fucking believe this!"
>My thoughts, "Why isn't she my teacher?"

>> No.2685653

That's Captain Picard to you, young man

>> No.2685658

/sci/, I know you'll probably laugh at me for saying this, but look it up.

45% of Americans believe in New-Earth Creationism.


Almost half.

Almost half of Americans believe Terra is less than 10000 years old.

Mind you this was in 2001, so it might be down to 40%, but still.


>> No.2685659

Prove it Eurotrash, or is your worldview as biased and ignorant as the people you're making fun of.

>> No.2685662

Bullshit. I know absolutely no one, not one single person, that is this stupid.

>> No.2685667

As funny as stupid people are that kind of shit really makes me sad how commonplace it seems to be. I have to say I'm lucky that I can't recall having seen or heard anything like that in high school but we did have stickers on our textbooks in Texas saying that evolution is 'only a theory.'

>> No.2685668


I expect them to be careful informed scholars that take their work seriously like I do.

>> No.2685670

Slow down, bro, you're going to have to give me a source of that information. I live in America and the number of New-Earth creationists I know amounts to a whooping 0.
Although, in fairness, I don't live in the south.

>> No.2685676


I havent even met one post-modern new yorker that thinks that way...they may believe in kabala and reflexology but not new earth creationism

>> No.2685682



It's farther down.

>> No.2685687

>implying evolution isn't a widely known theory

>> No.2685688

Do you think the people supposedly more intelligent than you think they are saying stupid things when they say it? A professor with two degrees is probably more intelligent than you.
My point is, chances are you have said very stupid things around people you consider less intelligent without you realizing it. Who knows, maybe they're greentexting their encounter with you on another board.

>> No.2685690


Where do you live. If it is a major metropolitan area or a college town then I have won the argument without even making it.

I live in Columbus, Indiana some shit town you have never heard of and never will ever again. Hell we aren't even that small of a town, Obama came and had a town hall meeting here, Clintons daughter came and had a rally.I dare you to ask anyone on the street in any of these towns like the one I live in what their beliefs are. metropolitan areas may make up about 50% of America but guess what the other 50% are small towns in the middle of nowhere and their opinions might seem like another planet to you understandably.

>> No.2685696

My botany teacher last year thinks the Earth is 10,000 years old "because we don't know how long a year was back then"

>> No.2685698

I don't live in New York either?

>> No.2685702

1 year= 1 year

>> No.2685708

No. There is no reason for people to believe Iraq is a desert island surrounded by volcanoes, no one ever told them that's what it was.

>> No.2685710


Differentiate d/dx(3x + 2)

d/dx(d/dx(3x + 2))



>> No.2685714

I wonder how many Europeans believe in retarded shit like Paganism, astrology or general New Age faggotry? But of course, those are ok, as long as it's not Christianity!

>Fuck religion!
>Oh wait, your Asatru? Go on then, you're just celebrating your pre-Christian heritage, nothing irrational about Thor.
>Paganism: Because Jewish tribes were ignorant sheep-fuckers, but everything the Vikings and Druids believed was gold!

>> No.2685715

I've heard statistics like that before but I really don't think they're very accurate. I would say about 85% of the population where I live is christian, mostly lutheran, babtist and catholic, but I would only guess about 20% really believe in that hardcore creationism shit. I had a roommate a year ago who believed that shit and he was only the 4th or 5th person I've ever met in my life who told me he literally believed the earth was only 6000 years old and believed in noahs ark and all that bullshit. I live in Texas too.

>> No.2685717

I do and I haven't met one but I have met plenty of po-mo faggots that think all explanations (that are non western) are vaild. I recommended you read Higher Superstition. We are being attacked on both sides. One by religion and two by the humanities.

>> No.2685722

why did you take the second derivative? the tangent line to 3x+2 is 3.

>> No.2685724


I was arguing about the fact that most people in small towns were stupid and uninformed not that belief inparticular sorry I didn't make that clear.

>> No.2685729

>>Sophomore world history class
>>teacher is talking about how he will cut a letter grade in half on an assignment if it is turned in late.
>>asks everyone if they knew what half of an A is.
>>Dumb girl replies " 4 "

>> No.2685732


The magic of green-text comes to /sci/.

>> No.2685733



>> No.2685736

What does Obama and Clinton have to do with religion? You realize Obama's really religious, and many democrats are too? Republican's ARE starting to feel uncomfortable about the religious right, if you saw any of the news about CPAC, the gay wing of the republican party was actually welcomed by a lot of people.

>> No.2685743

Yeah, thanks I already saw you post the link and I still don't think its very accurate this time. Gallup polls are notoriously unreliable.

>> No.2685745

I live in Oklahoma. Same guy who mentioned the story about the 10th grade biology teacher skipping evolution and yelling god, and the girl raging over evolution being taught.

Most people here are young earth creationists. My teachers and fellow students all were. I have a lot of them on Facebook now and they're all sheep for Jesus. Not a day goes by when I don't see 3-4 Bible verses praising God for enslaving them. They're all literalists here.

>> No.2685749

I'm pretty sure Obama's agnostic, he just knows you can't get elected president of the US without professing belief in the Christian God.

>> No.2685750


No they are correct, you are just thinking of the most blantantly crazy dinosaurs on the arc people as representative of what creationism actually stands for, in that study, creationism is defined as anyone who doesn't believe in evolution not DO YOU BELIEVE THAT DINOSAUR FOSSILS ARE FAKES PLANTED BY EVIL SCHEMING PEOPLE!??

>> No.2685752

Well the guy said the chick believed in Volcanoraq, and you said 30% of Americans did.

>> No.2685756

It's even better when the fundi students try to discredit evolution by pointing out "holes" in the fossil record. I live in Georgia, by the way...

>> No.2685758

Not believing in evolution != creationism

>> No.2685761


Note what he said. "They wouldn't be able to differentiate d/dx(3x + 2).

That's clearly the second derivative of 3x + 2.

>> No.2685772


No, in the gallup poll the 45% voted for an option defined as God taking direct part in the creation of man within the past 10000 years.

>> No.2685777

I actually drove through Columbus on my way to West-Lafayette. Seems like a nice town....but anyways, back on topic.
>Intro to Political Science
>Discussing the evolution of the Old Left and specifically the New Deal Era Left
>One student, nick named "Rush Jr." by his own party members goes into a fit of rage when teacher mentions FDR
>Calls him a socialist
>Teacher laughs and roundly dismisses his claims
>Rush Jr continues spouting more extreme right rhetoric
>teacher gets serious, and calmly explains the difference between modern liberalism and socialism
>Rush Jr. never comes back.

>> No.2685778


That has nothing to do with anythign I was just saying that he came here to demonstrate that Columbus while not a 100,000 people town (it's actually around 35,000) is not some shithole 1000people population town in the middle of nowhere. I was trying to give credence to the idea that basically any town that isn't a giant big city is probably going to be full of crazy fundamentalists I have visited places all across the southern half of my state where I live, and it is solid religious nutcases, and my town is no exception.

>> No.2685786

what are the alternatives? Being an ignorant fuck?

>> No.2685789

This web page makes me sadder than anything else i've ever seen.

>> No.2685790

Maybe, but if so, he's faking it very well. He's been acting REALLY religious lately. The ash wednesday thing on facebook was kind of funny, so many people got butthurt. But he's been making it a point to mention religion in public speeches lately, if he's faking Christianity, I find that a bit disingenuous.

>> No.2685795

Still I don't think its as high as 45% unless 99% of people in alabama and mississippi and half a dozen other states fall into that category. Never once in the entire time I was in high school did I ever hear anyone say anything to contest or raise a stink about adam and eve or saying that the earth is less than 4 billion years old. The only think I ever saw like that was a sticker on the inside of our science books that nobody ever mentioned. Almost every christian I've ever talked to attributes all the creation stories in the bible strictly to metaphor.

>> No.2685803


I think if even 20% of america believes in creationism we are all doomed and I am moving to europe.

>> No.2685812

Technically, there could be a scientific alternative to evolution, that wouldn't be based on creationism. It's unlikely, and evolution is based on evidence, but to say there's only evolution and creationism is oversimplifying it. The great thing about science is anything can be disproved with counterevidence, so to say evolution is 100% true is bad science. No physicist would say general relativity is 100% true.

>> No.2685817

> A2 Maths
> Guy sleeping in class whilst the rest of us were doing trig functions
> Teacher finishes deriving cosec (A+B) = secAsecB/(tanA+ tanB)
> Guy wakes up, teacher asks what cosec (B+C) equals
> Cannot answer, says that it's not "secAsecB/(tanA+ tanB)"
> Teacher says well done, so what is it?
> Still cannot answer
> Answer is on the board right next to teacher

>> No.2685819

The thing is, in an environment where their opinions clearly aren't the majority, they probably have the good sense to not open their mouths and look like a moron. They also probably console their beliefs by rationalizing that the universe was created in such a way that it appears internally consistent to scientific observation because proof denies faith.

>> No.2685831


Obama visited a 35,000 person town during his campaign?!?

In the UK general election, David Cameron (the eventual winner) visited my city of Newcastle once. It has 1.1 million people in it.

>> No.2685833

Yes, theories can be disproved. But evolution itself, the idea that organisms change and differentiate over time, it a fact. If anything is going to contest "evolution" it'll be contesting the processes by which evolution operates, not evolution itself. There's already debates like this going on, like the debate over how important natural selection or punctuated equilibrium are to evolution or to specific examples of evolution.

>> No.2685834
File: 157 KB, 750x1090, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a laborant at high-school
>11th grade students need to come up with chemistry project and perform an experiment
>An idiot asks to check diffusivity of materials
>Gives list of ingrediants
>Asks for water, oil, bleach, paints, etc...
>Bottom of list says "coffee 1 molar"
>Ask him "You realize coffee is not an element and isn't measured in molars, right?"
>Says, you're right. I'll just use a table spoon
>Performs experiment, asks me why does the coffee dosen't mix with the oil?
>mfw coffee is 99% freaking water

>> No.2685853

>an island with a desert surrounded by volcanoes

>> No.2685869
File: 82 KB, 664x762, agnosticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't believe
>not atheist
pic related

>> No.2685876

agreed but that doesn't mean you can extrapolate everyone who doesn't voice their opinion as such to fall into that category. Based on the number of people who I've seen open their mouths and actually say shit like god 'created it with age' to test us or something like my roommate and the number of people who have expressed they interpret genesis metaphorically I would give a loose estimate in my area that about 25% of people where I live believe the universe is less than 10000 years old. I know in some places it will be much less and if nationwide its 45% there has to be places where just about everyone believes it.

>> No.2685891 [DELETED] 

>implying you can only use mole to measure elements

>> No.2685896

But you can make 1 molar coffee... 1 mol coffee + 1 liter water, or any equivalent ratio.

>> No.2685897

>In a college Public Speaking class
>Our final was to have a 2v2 debate on a controversial subject
>One group chose to debate legalizing marijuana
>One guy in favor of marijuana mentioned how it's working in Europe
>As soon as the opposition got a chance to talk, "Why should we follow Europe? They have legalized murder and rape. Is that what you want in America? Marijuana is a dangerous drug that leads to tens of thousands of deaths per year in America and leads to brain damage!"
>Don't know if troll or retard

>I debated legalizing prostitution
>When my opponent got up, he went on about how if prostitution were legalized, ALL girls would want to be prostitutes and that it's thanks to God that we know prostitution is illegal etc etc
>Mental face palm ad infinitum

>> No.2685898

>implying you can only use molar to measure elements

>> No.2685927

To be honest, I've pointed out errors or inconsistencies in people's behaviors or beliefs and been shrugged off with a "so what?".

So I gotta ask. How do you guys deal with people like that? What the hell do I say to them?

>> No.2685965

if it's a formal setting you then posit that you win, if not you just say "so... you're wrong." and walk away.

>> No.2685982

Yea, I tend to avoid people that I think will just shrug off off the value of truth.

>> No.2685989

It's nice to say that you win and leave it at that, but in reality it's so unfulfilling. I've "won" every debate I've ever been in about science and religion just because I stick to facts, research, and reason. But I never actually win because my opponents are too stupid to know that they lost.

>> No.2686014

you can always lie to yourself and say that on the inside they saw the truth in your words and you have started them down the path towards truth. maybe not that specific person, but if out of the hundreds of ignorant people you deal with, you convince even one of what truth really means, haven't you done the world a great service?

>> No.2686253
File: 483 KB, 1600x1200, ws_Red_Alert_2_-_Yuri's_Revenge_1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>in 9th year
>new really stupid teacher
>get b in winter exams
>look at it; see that the mistake is on the teachers side
>tell it to him several times, and after around 2 weeks, he admits to have done it wrong
>ask if I can see the tablet for points and how many points I'd get if he had checked it right, too see if I should have gotten an A
>"I don't have it here"
>get angry, seeing as I hated him before that and now he's just being a total bitch(I can handle stupid people as long as they're humble, what I don't like is stupid people who won't admit it).
>do some work on my own to get my hands on the same exam from the nations school commision or whatever it's called in english
>find out that I should have gotten an A
>ask the other classes teachers what the point-to-grade ratio was, find out they used the same one
>still haven't got the grade fixed
>hate school system for not having any tactics to make sure that everything is just and allowing teachers to have too much power.
>beginning a new era of my life

>> No.2686834

Oh, I got a ton

>Guy asks if animals can go to jail
>Doing "find the 20 differences" puzzle to test our observational blah blah blah
>Flying penguins
>Go over answers
>Some guy says "penguins cant fly...
>Nothing wrong here
>...because they are mammals"

Biology (I T.A. sometimes)
>Going over first week recap
>Ask a student what the eyepiece of the microscope is called (obviously pointing to it and not saying "eyepiece")
>Student looks me dead in the face and says "mitochondria"
>I facepalm, and tell them that that is totally wrong.

HS Computer apps II
>In the middle of the e-mail unit (who cant use email anyway?) our teacher makes us plan his spring break vacation:
>"I want each of you to find tickets to XYZ basketball game, parking, a flight to the game, and a hotel. Whoever gets it cheapest gets extra credit.
>Then he makes us make powerpoints about our religious stances and criticizes us on them.

>> No.2688036


Umm why were you taking computer apps? isn't that for people who don't know how to use word and shit like that?

>> No.2688067

>>Then he makes us make powerpoints about our religious stances and criticizes us on them.

Sounds like he and I would get along

>> No.2688086


may you burn in hell for rejection the all mighty allah SWT

>> No.2688088

your comp. apps teacher is a boss

>> No.2688123
File: 5 KB, 255x197, facetwilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first week colonial history class in junior college
>still doing review
>prof asks "is england an island or a continent?"
>mfw all hope for an interesting class evaporates

>> No.2688146


fluids, not most substances

>> No.2688173


Was he asking to see if the class knew, like as a joke? or was he asking because he didn't know?

>> No.2688176

>Physics class for 16 yr olds (not sure what grade that would be)
>Whole class has been doing physics for 3 years
>Girl asks: "How do you convert speed into distance?"
>Teacher replies: "What do you mean "convert"? Multiply it by time to get distance"
>Girl says: "No but without time, how do you convert it" (She meant convert as in miles to kilometres)
>3 years of physics, 16 years of common sense
>The face on the teacher was fucking priceless

>> No.2688230

Anti-greentext time

-Tutor for an introductory computer science class in USA, simulating genetics and evolution over time
-Students are a little rusty on the biology, but they can understand the concepts. No blindingly stupid questions
-Nobody has said anything about God yet

There is hope.

>> No.2688709

You have just convinced me to actually put work into schoolwork, if community college is all that awaits me if I do not. Honestly, my dad managed to teach Economics in a nearby community college, and he doesn't know shit about economics. Thank you.
Where did you get that poster?

>> No.2688845

if only i had seen the post before i had only 9 weeks of highschool left

>> No.2689212


I can top that

>year 11 bio
>teacher explains that sperm gets it's energy from fructose in semen
>girl raises her hand
> "why doesn't it taste sweet then?"
> class bursts out laughing girl goes really red
> teacher puts on cool troll face
> "cause you don't have taste receptors in the back of your throat"

fucking best conversation i ever heard from a teacher.

>> No.2689256

my bio teacher was a strong bio teacher and she said she believes god used evolution as a method but being english she is not a retarded ameritard and wasn't being dickish about it so I respected her believes and we all benefited from mutual respect and I got a great Bio education.

>> No.2689295

>oldest copypasta in the universe

>> No.2689376

>Ignorant people trying to learn
>You laugh at them
>And wonder why they remain ignorant.
Oh, /sci/.

>> No.2689487

>first day of chem lab
>obese TA makes introductory statements, etc.
>i space out
>suddenly TA recites a 4chan meme in passing
>no one notices, i try not to be the only person to react

>> No.2689496

do you think we're senile or something?

>> No.2689528

Ah, it's always the strange ones that lurk 4chan.

>Exercises for Digital Electronics
>TA is, well, what you expect for a course of DE: skinny, goatee, Linux all the way, talks fast, but definitely knows his stuff.
>After half an hour, he throws someone out of the class that was working on something else (policy is, when exercises are given in a computer lab, you have to move)
>Notices he's still logged in
>Rubs his hands, proclaims "Ooh, exploitable"

Sage for off-topic

>> No.2689775

>high school european history class
>teacher is talking about how the romans would throw christians into pits with lions and watch them die for the lulz
>stupid kid raises his hand. "why didnt they run away?"
>"you mean the christians? well they were captured then thrown into a pit that they couldnt climb out of."
>"but why didnt they run away?"
>"well its a pit. you cant just jump out."
>"why didnt they ride the lions out of the pit and escape?"
>this goes on for twenty minutes

>> No.2689856


>> No.2689910
File: 173 KB, 576x324, 1296385012880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to academically selective school
>Smart teachers who want to teach smart kids
>Reasonably intelligent people everywhere

>> No.2689922

dont worry muslims are coming. and they are much worst than christians fundamentalists

>> No.2689930

i fucking loled. a girl in my class did hers on the right to wear muslim scarves in public places. fucking terrorist cunt

>> No.2689996
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>> No.2690027


It's neither. Please tell me this is why your hope died.

>> No.2690036

cant tell if this is a troll video or not. i cant imagine anyone saying people who think the earth is round are the antichrist

>> No.2690059


Please tell me it's because it was a retarded question to which the answer was "neither", and not that most people put their hand up to "continent".

>> No.2690196


And the worst thing is, the teacher was almost as stupid as the kid.

It was very rare for Romans to throw Christians to the lions. Most of the stories are bullshit; Christians like to portray themselves as martyrs.

>> No.2690213


cant tell if this is a troll post or not. i cant imagine anyone not reading the video's description

>> No.2690257

>Be in Grade 11 Canadian History
>Topic switches to Bible
>Not listening, reading under desk
>Zone back in just in time to hear teacher
>"But, like, there's no evidence supporting evolution. I mean, if humans 'evolved' from apes, why are there still apes?"
>He's completely serious
>These are the people who are supposed to be educating our youth

>> No.2690285

Helping kids with grade 11 math, trigonometric functions. Explain sin^2 + cos^2 =1.

Dumbass kid who always tries to prove me wrong asks if sin + cos = sqrt of 1.

I raged hard.

>> No.2690295


I just lol'd hard.

>> No.2690403
File: 8 KB, 195x215, 23732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened last week:

>Learning to gram stain bacteria
>I ask about the step that damages the gram negative outer membrane
>professor says gram negative bacteria have no outer membrance
>we show him what the book says and what our lecture notes read
>He tells us that the book and lecture professor are both wrong
>mfw everything on the internet confirms an outer membrane exists on gram negative bacteria

>> No.2690408

usually the kids try to prove 0/0 = 1

>> No.2690435


>> No.2690468

>copy pasta

>> No.2690539

she was seriously asking if the class knew and im not sure if even most of them did

>> No.2690554


Did anyone call out the trick question?

>> No.2690563
File: 85 KB, 500x475, 1299978709400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Way back in Grade 10 chemistry.
>Someone asks a question about what all the elements are
>Retard greasy kid says "Earth, Air, Fire, Water"
>Entire classes face when

>> No.2690574
File: 114 KB, 500x333, 1296027259597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In calc 2 class
>Random korean dude with a horrid thick as fuck accent asked the prof. why there was a restriction on a inverse hyperbolic trig function
>prof. spent 30min to explain it him
>still doesn't understand it

>> No.2690592

>Currently grade 11
>In a biology class for idiots because I didn't do so well in physics because it was full of stupid assignments that I never did
>I am more intelligent than my teacher
>We spend a week learning how to do basic Punit Squares
>A week
>7 days
>7 hours of my life wasted
>It takes 2 weeks for other basic concepts
>feels bad
>Do all of my other homework in that class
>Feels slightly less bad, but still bad

>> No.2690600

>8th grade biology
>science teacher explaining cellular theory and that biogenisis
>ask if all life comes from living things then where did life start
>straitfacedly said that no one knows but the best guess scientists have is that god did it.
>never took that lady sereously again in my life.

>> No.2690611

>Kid tries to convince me 3/3/3=3 because division doesn't follow order of operations
>Same kid tells me that in problems where X^(X^X), you always turn it into X^(X*X) ie. 3^(3^3) is turned into 3^9
>Same kid in my comp sci class doesn't understand proof
>Tries to prove an equation by using an example that works with the equation
>Same kid tries to convince me that
<span class="math">\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{i}\neq \infty[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\lim_{i \to \infty }\frac{1}i =0[/spoiler]

>> No.2690615

If you can't see that character its a sigma

>> No.2690617

>10th grade chem
>Working with .1 molar HCL
>Teacher tries to scare the fuck out of everyone in the class
>I'm not stupid
>Not super careful during the lab because I know my life is not in danger
>Accidentally spill some on myself
>Wash it off
>Continue with my day

>> No.2690622

there are forms of retardation that make you pretend an expert

>> No.2690626


>> No.2690627

>chem lab with high molarity HCL
>teacher wants to highlight that its not like .1 molar, and this stuff will hurt and do some damage
>to emphasize this point, he gets up, takes off his shirt and shows us the acid burns he has on his back from a lab accident years back
>it was pretty effective

>> No.2690636

Are you referring to me?

>> No.2690696
File: 145 KB, 500x754, fc97596_1297980059248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old HS chem teacher spills some HCL
>Majority of the building is evacuated because of "dangerous volatile gases

mfw it was low molarity

>> No.2690714

Went from decent high school to decent community college

>Community College bio
>Girl has a blond moment on test
>Name 4 types of mammals
> Facepalm

She actually is quite smart, but sometimes we all do stupid things (THEN POST IT ON 4chan)

My community college isn't that bad. Just have to surround yourself with smart people. WAY less expensive and the transfer not too bad. i could spend 4k, not including housing, a quarter for a school like UCSD OR spend 800$max (around 600 depending on books) a semester with housing already given to me with parents. 24k vs 3k for classes. It did take 1 year longer but i wasn't rushing myself

>> No.2690720

>people in my chem class think any acid will melt the flesh off their bones
>point out that coca cola is acidic, but it doesnt melt your flesh off
>no one believes me

>> No.2690761

bump for more stories

>> No.2690809

I've got a great story when I was in Germany for a few weeks.

So the family I'm staying with has a laptop, and the girl says that I apparently did something to break it. (I was the last one to use it, and this was after we had gotten into an argument about laptops using too much power when in "sleep mode".) I try to point out that the fucking blue screen says DISK CHECK for a fucking reason. And when I ask her if this has happened before, she tells me it happened about a year ago. Well lo and behold, the default setting for a Windows Disk Check is EVERY TWELVE MONTHS. During this entire time she flips out on me, says I know nothing, and that because I am American (and thus spoiled), I have no idea how the laptop works.

Oh, yes, I raged hard at that bitch. Got along quite well with her parents, and I got to talk to her father quite a bit about Basketball and Baseball. Couldn't stand the class I had with her, but sometimes that can't be helped.

>> No.2691501


>> No.2691904

This thread needs archived.

>> No.2691971

it is already.

sadly i have nothing to contribute to this thread, most people i know did not dwell into any physic related gaffe and/or are not outright retarded.

>> No.2692024

So many hilarious stories!

>> No.2692111
File: 4 KB, 300x57, image..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DRIVERS ED (I suppose this is not too surprising, considering the class.)
>Teacher is total douchebag
>Teacher is explaining relationship between how far you press gas pedal and how fast the car goes
>maybe this guy isn't such a fool, just a total douchebag.
>Discussion moves to math, then to algebra
>"Now when I was in high school, I always thought algebra was the stupidest thing ever. You know why? In one problem, x is 7, and then the next it's 10! It's completely illogical.

Captcha excellently related.