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2681073 No.2681073 [Reply] [Original]

If God forgave you for all of your sins, would you believe?

>> No.2681082

If god gave me irrefutable proof that he was real, I'd still hate him for being an asshole this entire time.

>> No.2681077


>> No.2681083
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>implying that there is a heaven and hell.

I have mathematical proof that no such thing exists. Pic related.

>> No.2681094

Nope. God is unbelievable, unless you're yourself of divine nature. So, I'll only believe in the existence of a divine creature, if I ever prove myself to be one.

Imagine an impostor, who can act almost exactly like God, yet lacks one point perfection. You should be able to test for all point perfections, if you were to test for the divinity of an agent. That in itself is a point perfection. So, since I feel* like I don't have that, I'm not of divine nature, therefore there is no god.


>> No.2681096

i lold

>> No.2681102


>> No.2681107

That reminds me of the simulation argument. It's valid.

>> No.2681109


>> No.2681542

Vicarious redemption is immoral.

You can't be magically absolved of your responsibility. No one can say you didn't do what you did. Human sacrifice can no wash you clean. It is not moral to pretend this is possible, or desirable, and you should not respect, let alone worship anyone who says it is.

>> No.2681552

God sacrifice can wash you clean, though.

>> No.2681572


Me too. No excuse for his shitty behavior. None.

>> No.2681581

If Gaddafi forgave the Libyan of all of their sins, will they stop rebelling?

>> No.2681584

>If God forgave you for all of your sins
This is absurd, going against all logic and all evidence. My first reaction would be thinking I am crazy.

>> No.2681586

I forgive me. That's the most important thing.

>> No.2681589 [DELETED] 

You vain owl-muncher.

>> No.2681588

"And when he has made an end of atoning for the Holy Place, the tabernacle of meeting, and the altar, he shall bring the live goat. Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, confess over it all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions, concerning all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and shall send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man. The goat shall bear on itself all their iniquities to an uninhabited land; and he shall release the goat in the wilderness."
Leviticus 16:20-22

This is called 'scapegoating'. It is the idea that you can cast your misdeeds on something else and be rid of them. It's an obviously immoral bronze age superstition that doesn't suddenly become moral when you exchange the goat for a human being.

>> No.2681590

Good analogy, sir.

>> No.2681599

The whole notion of God forgiving sins is so transparent I cannot understand how everyone doesn't see through it.

It's catering EXACTLY to the same need a child has to be forgiven by his parents after having done a bad thing.

Religious people are naive, childish and gullible. And blind and simple minded.


>> No.2681603

And you're mean!

>> No.2681618

He refuses to appear to me right now, at this moment, even though if he's omniscient he knows his appearance would convince me of his reality.

>> No.2681627

I would belive if God didn't make the world into a insufferable hellhole.
If i wake up tomorrow and the world is not a nazi-forced-labour camp i'll praise god. But given that he don't exist, and the world is and will remain a fuckedup hellhole i won't belive.

>> No.2681630

God cannot forgive my sins. Only I can forgive my sins, and then seek to become a better person. Thank God I'm not an American Christian.

>> No.2681638

1) No. I'd want to be fixed
2) the important thing is not the actions of god, but the evidence for them.

>> No.2681646

if i report this thread will it get deleted?
probably not but i can still try

>> No.2681649

Who forgives God of his sins?
Why do all the Christians sit back and take the shit he gives them. He's YOUR god after all, tell him you want improvements in life or you'll rebel.

>> No.2681650


Just a pretentious douchebag.

>> No.2681651
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we are a dynamo of sociopathic pretense. an elaborate algorithm of judeo-christian sanctification. a soul of a single entity wandering hopelessly through a dark, making a pitter patter, fleeting and obscured along strange, non-linear flattery

>> No.2681658

A leader is only as powerful full as his followers.

>> No.2681683

yeah its about time god was held accountable.
look what he's done to japan... the fucking heartless monster!

>> No.2681688

yeh true, where else am i going to buy my used school girl panties and lolicon comics now.

>> No.2681704

There is no such thing as "sin", just as your so-called "god" is an imaginary construct created in the minds of beings (read as: most humans) that are not sophisticated enough (yet; give evolution another few thousand years, assuming we survive as a race) to cope with the complexities of our Universe.

*pats OP on the head, as one would a pet*
Now run along, OP, and be a good boy.

>> No.2681708

I'll only believe in god when I'm burning in hell for eternity

>> No.2681714

I have never sinned.

I am an Athiest.

>> No.2681725

Tell you what, OP: I'm calling you out, with the ultimate challenge:

If you can tell me where your GOD came from, and make me BELIEVE it, then I'll believe in your GOD.
If you fail to make me believe, or you refuse the challenge, then you LEAVE 4CHAN FOREVER.

What's it going to be?

>> No.2681727

That's how confession works, gimptard.

>> No.2681740

if homosexuality is a sin why did Jesus get nailed by a bunch of Romans?

>> No.2681744

this is the worst board on 4chan, i wish moot would nuke it. at least /new/ was entertaining

>> No.2681756

where is an illusion, the fundamental principles of our cr4eated universe is nothing more than the basis for, say for an example, fish in a fishbowl. As, in fact, you yourself suggest, infinity is a nonsensical and purely theoretical concept.

>> No.2681787

I'll give $5 to the first person who can make any sense out of this gobbledegook this anon just posted, ostensibly in reply to my challenge. Appears to have NOTHING to do with what I'm talking about.

>> No.2681806

i wouldn't care if all the gods in the world forgave me of my sins, i wont follow any 'magic' man in sky like some sheep.

>> No.2681821
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YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A PAINTING TRYING TO UNDERSTAND. WHERE, lol, WHERE indeed, it is so far beyond you as to be completely nonsensical my little PAINTING