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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2678726 No.2678726 [Reply] [Original]

Greentext your stories of academic dishonesty, /sci/.

>AP history exam
>class averages are always ~50%
>me and two friends decide on a system of cheating where we hold up fingers to correspond to the letter answers: 1 for A, two for B, etc.
>since there's three of us, majority rules, if we split three ways we just go with what we want
>since the teacher doesn't pay attention there's room for a little bit of commiserating
>things are fine until I get pissed that they both think Russia never occupied north america
>we basically have a whisper argument and the teacher looks up and sees me making huge motions with my hands and whisper yelling
>she thinks we're just talking and tells us to get back to the test

>> No.2678739
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>cheating in high school

>> No.2678766


>> No.2678768

do you live in dumbfuckistan?

>> No.2678774
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>cheating in college

enjoy ur expulsion

>> No.2678775


In sixth grade I won a geography bee because the runner-up thought that the capital of Brazil was South America.

It was a hollow victory.

>> No.2678780

no lol

>> No.2678784

>he thinks people don't cheat in college

Dude I go to an engineering university and I've seen more cheating here than I ever saw in HS.

>> No.2678788


I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm saying you have to be a fucking moron to do it.

>> No.2678801

how do you even cheat an engineering test?

I'm curious how anyone does it with the prof looming and the non-multiple choiceness. Maybe you're in a shitty uni? idk

>> No.2678802
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>Chem major
>Synthetic organic chemistry lab
>Graded on purity of product
>NMR spectrum of product looks like total shit, riddled with various solvents, starting material, side products, etc.
>End of semester so no time to redo synthesis
>Photoshop NMR spectrum, hand it in
>TA scrutinizes spectrum for 5 minutes, gives 9.5/10

>> No.2678807


were you there as she scrutinized it? What was going through your mind?

>> No.2678811


I wasn't talking about an engineering test. Students still have to take intro level courses like Chem, Bio etc. which usually contain multiple choice.

Though I was referring more to stuff like labs, HW, short quizzes etc.

>> No.2678819

In sixth grade I won a geography bee because bitches didn't know shit 'bout Togo.

>> No.2678824

Yeah I was standing right next to him as he was doing it. I was really nervous but I was pretty confident in my pshop skillz; I also made sure not to make it look *too* perfect, so even though i removed starting material completely I left a bit of a solvent peak since it would be unrealistic otherwise.

>> No.2678845
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>mfw he could totally tell you cheated but didn't want the hassle of reporting you for it

>> No.2678873


My physiology lab is the same way. Half the people don't even do the experiments and just completely fudge the reports. He's aware of it but gives everyone full points anyway.

>> No.2678899

What happens if the teacher gives up multiple forms of the test?

>> No.2678910

I worked as a TA for a professor who that happened to a lot. He was just to lazy to punish the cheaters we caught.

>> No.2678913

In grade five spelling, I would keep the list of words in my desk and refer to it as needed. Which was basically never because I was a boss at spelling, but you gotta get dem 10/10s nigga

>> No.2678937

In any class where you're allowed to bring in a calculator, it makes those equations or rules that you just can't be arsed to memorize a hell of a lot easier to find.

>> No.2678946

English 101. Write generic research paper / report on something in my major. Turn it in with minor modifications 6 different times for 6 different classes.~ An A- each time on something that only took 30ish hours to write the first time and 2 hours to edit subsequent times.

>> No.2678947

lol you were still doing spelling in grade 5?
im pretty sure we didn't do that shit past grade 1

>> No.2678961

I guess this varies, but I've actually talked to various professors about this. The general consensus seems to be that if you wrote it, you should be able to use it in any classes that apply. Basically, it's impossible to plagiarize your own writing, so there's no point in making a rule against it.

>> No.2678969

I remember in 7th grade Pre-Algebra, we only did work from a book.
The back of the book had the answers to every odd numbered problem.
We were only assigned odd numbers.
Never learned anything.
Felt great.
Then next year came Algebra class which was mostly filled with stuff the year before..
Felt retarded

>> No.2678976

>science project
>presenting at college science fair
>fucked up the sampling, bad source data
>no time to redo
>fake sample numbers to get an expected result
>the entire faculty was observing me bullshit my way through this
>pokerface the entire time

>> No.2678978

i remember we didnt stop doing spelling until highschool.
all we did in language arts in junior high was read and spell. i was on the gifted team too.

>> No.2679043

But AP tests have multiple forms each with a different question sequence.