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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2675689 No.2675689 [Reply] [Original]

"We need to make sure that we're really moving electricity in the smartest way and using the most cost-effective electricity at the right time of day. Eventually, we can get to a system where an electric company will be able to hold back some of the power so that maybe your air conditioner won't operate at its peak, you'll still be able to cool your house, but that'll be a savings to the consumer. And so [we will be] giving people and companies a role in the management of how we use electricity."
Carol Browner, Director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy
>mfw the person in charge of energy doesn't know how energy works.

>> No.2675699
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>mfw people are surprised when a woman fails at knowing how things work

>> No.2675703
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>mfw you don't know how the electricity grid works

>> No.2675712

>hold back some power


>> No.2675717

>mfw you don't understand how the electric grid can be optimized, and you think "hold back some power" doesn't make any sense when you consider how power is actually generated

>> No.2675728
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>mfw you have no face

>> No.2675732

better than being a tripfag.

>> No.2675740
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>> No.2675744

doesn't make you less of an engineer, trippy mc faggerson.

>> No.2675747


Why are you so mad?

>> No.2675752

Nice ones, bro.

>> No.2675758
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I can't wait for people to start using up their quota of electricity per month, and then find out their fridge is full of spoiled food.

>> No.2675759

Im the first poster (but not the second), and I really don't want this to devolve into a tripcode argument

The bottom line is: There is no real reason in this thread for you to be using a tripcode, aside from narcissism. You can try to justify it all you want, but, we all know its because you like seeing yourself.

>> No.2675772
File: 11 KB, 270x270, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


perhaps there isnt a point for the trip in this thread. But there is legitimate reasons for tripcodes. If you just want to pretend you know better for the sake of being pretentious by all means. But they were developed for a very worthwhile cause and thats the cause I use it for. Not to circle jerk myself contrary to what you may believe... Or did you really think you had me figured out, I guess you know an anonymous person better than he himself does.

Well played sir.

>> No.2675773


besides the tripfag thing, you also lose points for not realizing u mad is best used as a statement not a question

>> No.2675777


>> No.2675779
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>mfw this turned from a thread about government ignorance into a thread about tripfags.

>> No.2675782
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>> No.2675788


didnt feel like uploading a picture. And I honestly wanted to calm the kid down... seems to be a lot of exaggerated angst towards people with tripcodes for little to no reason.

>> No.2675794

it's easy if people just IGNORE them

seriously not sure why people fight and complain about tripfags, if they are being stupid, don't respond, if they make a point which you can remark on, respond as if you are responding to any other anon.

>> No.2675798

Fuck all of you haters, tripcode users have tripcodes because many of us make important contributions to the boards and we want recognition for these well written, reasoned posts, we also want protection from impersonators ruining our good name.

A post made anonymously is almost invariably worthless while a post made by a tripcode user is almost invariably a valuable contribution to the community with something important and relevant to say.

[[Posted anonymously to protect my tripcode from butthurt anonymous hackers.]]

>> No.2675800

so if a company limited the amount of electricity you could get (not by only on and off but at a specific level) what would happen if you reached the max? wouldn't everything just shut down?

note i don't know shit about how electricity works but i find this interesting

>> No.2675801

yes EK is teh awesome

>> No.2675804
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>> No.2675825

>I use trips for great justice
in which he contributed the world-changer
narcissus was a tripfag and so are you

it's great fun to derail threads by denigrating people
>want[ing] recognition for these well written, reasoned posts (see: >>2675798)

because tripping needs negative reinforcement and that comes by lowering the value of threads with tripcode user participants.

>> No.2675835
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no but seriously the phrase in the OP isn't really wrong, just badly expressed.

>> No.2675842
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I understand why you guys hate those tripcode users. They are a pretty annoying group... EK and Aether etc. But Im not trying to place myself on a pedestal. Seriously just want to remove any speculation as to who posted what. My contributions to the board are just as credible as yours, I just want to avoid this

[Im the first poster (but not the second), and I really don't want this to devolve into a tripcode argument] ---- as was posted before.

>> No.2675997

I frequently contribute long blocks of well thought out and written text to conversations (aerospace engineering and off-planet engineering are my favorites) and I see no need to use a tripcode. I rarely see tripcode users making useful contributions and never establish a reputation for them in my head as anything but individuals desiring to build a reputation for themselves on boards where reputations are for the weak. I don't know why people do this - lack of influence in their default-reality spheres?

>> No.2676012 [DELETED] 


I clearly said I only wish to differentiate my posts to avoid confusion. I dont want to be placed on a pedestal and I dont care if you hold my contention in higher regard. We are all still anonymous.

stop implying things that have not relevance to my issue.

>> No.2676016


I clearly said I only wish to differentiate my posts to avoid confusion. I dont want to be placed on a pedestal and I dont care if you hold my contention in higher regard. We are all still anonymous.

stop implying things that have no relevance to my issue.

>> No.2676102

Who the fuck is Max Planck?
God danmmit, get off /sci/ you fucking tripfags, this is whats destroying /lit/.

CCM and Incumsomething are the only good ones.

Also I lol'd at "holding back energy".

>> No.2676110
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go back to /lit/

>> No.2676217
File: 204 KB, 470x570, lol_y_u_mad_tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
