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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 350x300, calabiyau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2675577 No.2675577 [Reply] [Original]

The path of the manifold calls me to enlighten everyone to the truth of existence, there is only the manifold, it is the path it is the light.. once you understand e^ix = cos(x) + isin(x) you will understand the complex nature of reality, you will transcend through the rational plane of existence into the world of the irrational, complimentary, temporal and spatial dimensions of the world...

You must follow the manifold, it is everywhere it is nowhere..

>> No.2675579
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>> No.2675581
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I sacrifice my babies to the manifold, because it was pleased with my sacrifice it cured me of cancer..

>> No.2675590
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>> No.2675608

so... you are really going to go through with this stupid forced meme... sigh... I kind of miss that darn surgeon

>> No.2675615
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A meme is simply a way of leading people to the truth, if the manifold declares itself to be a meme then a meme it shall be.. Once you see the truth of the situation you will understand everything. Become united with the manifold and understand existence

>> No.2675623
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>> No.2675630
File: 12 KB, 224x224, sut..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manifold is everything, the manifold is nothing, the manifold is closer to your body than your shirt is to your skin.. Open your eyes to the power of mathematics and science and understand the magic of the Reimann zeta function. It is the only way to the truth.. It is the only way to the light!!!

>> No.2675637
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>> No.2675651
File: 10 KB, 266x189, med..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the manifolds wisdom after I smoked a lb of marijuanna

>> No.2675665

A meme is a thought virus that meaningless and pointless, but tries to inject itself into every discussion.

A forced meme is a meme that never actually catches on with the masses, but is proliferated by a small number of samefags, often botting, that everyone looks down on.

>> No.2675673

spread the word

>> No.2675686


>> No.2675706
File: 39 KB, 462x599, Schläfli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is simply preposterous! Blasphemous! Die, you son of a cowfucking bitch!

>> No.2675723


>> No.2675766


>> No.2675796

I was introduced to the manifolds majestic power during a dream, it manifested it's power to me... It showed me the truth of the Reimann zeta function.. Only the manifold can divide by zero, only the manifold knows how to count to infinity, only the manifold is the truth... To know the manifold is to know everything and nothing, to be one with the singularity, to be one with the universe...

>> No.2675816

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

>> No.2675818
File: 79 KB, 361x358, 1283304688254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme is a term coined by Dawkins, you dumb shit

>> No.2675824
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>> No.2675848
File: 5 KB, 204x204, lala..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the manifold proclaims the tree to fall, then the manifold proclaims a sound shall be made-- it is arbitrary whether a mortal is around to hear the tree fall, the manifold knows everything, the manifold is and it isn't.. The manifold exists and the manifold is the truth.. Once you understand this you understand all..

>> No.2675859

> Reimann Zeta function

Yeah, but i agree OP, manifolds are awesome.

Although there are of course newer developments towards a more fundamental geometry.

>> No.2675896

There is nothing more fundamental than the Calabi yau manifold... It exists on the 11th dimensions and enlightens your life to the truth of the world.. How can you deny it's existence when math proves it to exist? Can you deny 2+2=4? Neigh, but I say to you verily the manifold is the only object in the universe, it is the universe.. Submit to the will of the manifold..

>> No.2675894
File: 26 KB, 524x399, 1297603184251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.2675913
File: 4 KB, 140x140, calabi..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic troll is classic

>> No.2675929


>> No.2675939


> There is nothing more fundamental than the Calabi yau manifold

No, sir, that is clearly wrong.

String theory fanboy?

>> No.2675951
File: 150 KB, 750x574, stul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The calabi manifold is the strings upon which you place your theory, you only think it's a string but in reality your theory is nothing and it is everything, wake up to the truth of the manifold..

>> No.2675970

OP, look, how do i break this to you...

IT is called RIEMANN Zeta function

I before E.

Also, Calabi-Yau-manifolds require the manifold to be able to define a certain metric on it, which is not the case for all manifolds.

>> No.2675996

Don't believe anything because someone claims that once I believe it it describes everything. Sorry, even if it did it does not validate your model. Please submit your research or claims to the academic arena or peer review, if it passes I will give it credence, until then asserting it as fact makes you look like an idiot. Regardless if it has been through peer review, please send me any and all sources. Essentially you need to put at the end of your statement [CITATION NEEDED]
The person who invented this silly question did not understand sound at all. No observation does not equal no event occurring. We know when a large objects smashes to the ground there is reverberations that occur, these reverberations travel through many mediums, mainly air to travel to someones ears. The answer to this question is simple, no one heard the sound, it was still produced.

>> No.2676013


You didn´t understand the sophism of the sound. The problem here is the definition of the word "sound". Is it really only the physical kind of sound? Is it what happens in your ear and brain when your acoustic sensors are active? Is it just the humand concept of what really happens?

>> No.2676140

What if's do not equal what is.
Sound by definition is reverberations in the air which moves the molecules in an outwards pattern and we as humans have evolved a instrument to pick up this minute fluctuations in the air to determine what I heard. However it does not matter if I hear it or not, it still occurred. If no one is in the middle of the sun, do we say fusion doesn't naturally occur because we can not witness it? The person who postulated this question was not someone of great intellect, and neither am I though even with my limited intelligence I can see very easily the flaw in the question itself.

If we can not express something, if something is just a construct to us, or of no useful value, then it can be left out of the equation all together. All these questions of why does your brain interrupt sound the way it does, what is sound, how is it caused etc have all been answers. It is not like these are unknowns.

>> No.2676190

The thing is, the question gives you clues to the answer, a large object(tree), falls down in the woods, and hits the ground. This causes sound unfortunately, if someone hears it or not is another thing. The event still occurred. You could say that "With all we know about reality and the laws and theories that govern it, to the highest probability would determine a sound exists, however since nothing can be in fact absolute, one most provide a certainty probability contingent to assert the likelihood for this event to occur. When taking all things into considering, the probability that no sound occurred is at such a low level, we may just leave it out completely and assert yes sound did occur. The probablity we are speaking about is 99.99~(followed by another 98 9's) that it did occur, and the IMMENSELY small probability it did not. In fact the probability is around the same probability that tomorrow when you turn on your light switch it will destroy the world. That is why this question fails, it tries to be profound, profound has no bearing on the real world.

>> No.2676221


You are still referring to the physical definition. Why are you using it instead of the psychological definition for instance?

>> No.2676287

It is not demonstrable. When you ask a question about a physical phenomena that occurs, you must analyze it using physical means. We can ignore the "psychological definition" as you put it. If we are speaking about psychological, then if no one is there to hear the sound, no one heard it. However hearing and occurring are two different things, sound is a natural phenomena we know why it works. It is not like if we are not there the air in that area won't carry sound waves, it's not as if the air suddenly decides not to act as a medium when force or reverberations act on it. It occurs, if someone heard it or not is not important, you could state that it is unimportant if the tree made a sound or not because it will not effect you in any way because there was no observation so it might as well not of happened at all. These are all easy to understand and grasp conceptions, but thinking "Does it count if no one heard it?" doesn't matter, it still produced a sound.

Will the universe continue to function when we are gone? Yeah, with or without observers. We can postulate all we want that maybe existence is made in our minds, however that is all fun and good, but when it comes down to writing down the answer on what happened and will happen, we can only take physical data and base our assertions on that, not on guessing and thinking about it.

>> No.2676291

When two problems emerge turn to the manifold, for it will use the power of manipulation of variables and solving the wronskian to ultimately put an end to all questions.. The manifold is the beginning , the manifold is the end, the manifold is the solution to all questions-- to argue against this is to say 2+2 = 3

Only the manifold can divide by zero, only the manifold knows all...

--Thus spake the manifold 12:24

>> No.2676311

Only the manifold can switch i before e and still convey it's message.. The manifold doesn't make spelling mistakes, the manifold interprets the letters, the manifold IS the letters.. For the manifold there is no difference in i before e or e after i it's completely arbitrary in comparison to the manifolds glory...

Once you understand the complex planes of existence you too will understand his glory study e^ix = cos(x) + isin(x) it is the way to enlightenment, it is the way to transcend reality...

>> No.2676350


>> No.2676428


>> No.2676478

wow wut?

>> No.2676567

This thread is immortal

>> No.2676693


>> No.2676728


>> No.2676918


>> No.2677520


>> No.2677714
File: 17 KB, 245x252, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love /sci/ all heil the manifold, the overlord of the universe