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2671824 No.2671824 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of telepathy?


>> No.2671834


>> No.2671846

bump goes in all fields

>> No.2671860

Crush the Germans with your mind!

>> No.2671861


>> No.2671869

bump for interest

>> No.2671872

I lol'd

>> No.2671877

It's about as realistic as OP's heterosexuality.

>> No.2671910

> Many meta-analyses performed on multiple Ganzfeld experiments returned a hit rate of between 30% and 40%, which is significantly higher than the 25% expected by chance

So yall think this is not evidence enough for further investigation?

>> No.2672526

No, because it's hardly a significant percentage. Once you crack the 50% mark (I would not investigate anything less then 75, maybe more) it's not worth wasting money on.

The problem with telepathy is strictly that of transmission and reception. Somehow, one persons brain must be able to not just detect another persons brain waves, but interpret them in the exact same way as the target would.

The Target's thoughts must be transmittable. we know this is not possible because the signals in the brain are all self contained, and don't produce enough of an energy pulse to be detected by anything but electrodes placed on the scalp.

The theoretical signal, assuming it can be sent, must be then interpreted. This is assuming everyone's brain interprets the world the same way, and it magically goes to the right place in the brain for interpretation.

So, no. Telepathy is the biggest piece of bullshit sci fi ever came up with.

>> No.2672531

Telepathy exists, its called talking, and the medium of transmission is air, modulated with pressure.

>> No.2672547

depending on the sample size, 5-15% more is not nearly significant

>> No.2672562

It's bullshit like every other paranormal retardedness that's fucking up my SciFi channel (refuse to call it SyFy).

>> No.2672693

So it's logical to assume that only a small percentage of the people are telepathically "compatible" so that might be one of the main reasons why it's hard to find direct proof of it

>> No.2673154

No. It's logical to assume that the people trying to find it are either certifiably insane, desperate for money, or are hopped up on illegal drugs... possibly all three.

Another silly bullshit theory is the "Xavier" style of telepathy, which is to say, he "gets in your head".
This displays another problem, specifically with transmission of a gestalt consciousness developed from the rapid actions of an incredibly complex organ.

First, you would somehow have to transmit your consciousness into another beings mind. Obviously the first problem is transmitting a gestalt process in the first place.
The other issue is that of hardware. The other mind may not have the proper complexity or processing power to contain two intellects, much less process one that may be leaps and bounds stronger then the other.

>> No.2673188

So we can break the issue down to several major barriers preventing telepathy from ever existing.

1. Transmission. There is no way to transmit information from one brain to another without hardware.

2. Translation. There is no way to assure that the brain impulses will be translated in the correct region of the brain, or if they can be translated at all.

3. Hardware. The brain is not set up for transmission or reception of brainwaves outside the body.

4. Compatibility. There is no guarantee that one mind can function in the same conditions as another (aka.. a smaller frontal lobe will still be small if someone else has taken over)

5. Stability. The ability to read another beings mind would be traumatizing to say the least, and who is to say that they would only read human minds? do you really need to know the thoughts of termites in your wall? Insanity is more likely to develop before genius.

Anatomy: the proper hardware to transmit and receive data from another brain would require either implants of some kind, or the development of a new organ/lobe in the brain. The body may not be able to accommodate either, resulting in damage, death, or cancer.

In the end, dream on, not gonna happen, ever.

>> No.2673192

Depending on the sample size, 1% more alone is significant.

But it's a moot point because we have never found statistically significant evidence of telepathy ever.

>> No.2673198

if that 1% was able to pass tests 100% of the time, it would be viable. right now we have some people who can occasionally beat the odds and get 40% correct on the tests, which means probability worked in their favor, once.

>> No.2673201

If people with telepathy and telekinesis exist, why haven't they done Randi's million dollar challenge?

>> No.2673222

No, take a statistics course. The theoretical mean success rate for your test individual and your control individual should be the same if telepathy isn't real. You take, say, a million samples from each individual and say the split is 26%-25% in favor of the test group. So you find the likelihood of getting this result if the true success rate is supposed to 25% for both. If it is extremely unlikely to get 26%, you say the result is statistically significant.

But again, we have never found statistically significant evidence for telepathy.

>> No.2673305

you can wax statistical all you like
I am talking physics and biology. Statistics does not develop telepathy, you need to use the laws of the physical world to make it work, and we don't have the glitter to make it work

>> No.2673332

You are talking about religion. Statistics are evidence. When evidence contradicts the physical model, we either throw out the evidence or we change the model. When we have overwhelming evidence, we must change the model. We determine what the laws of the physical world are by what we observe, not the other way around.

>> No.2673345

This comedy sketch best reflects my thoughts and feelings on the matter.


>> No.2673357

Why can't you hit a bulls-eye on every shot?

>> No.2673364

In the extremely tiny number of studies that have shown support for psychic phenomena, they have been statistically significant but not psychologically significant (i.e. effect size too small to warrant concern).

There are huge volumes of investigation into psychic phenomena that never get published because they don't show anything notable and the people who are on a mission to prove that it exists don't publish non-significant results.

Psychology uses a standard alpha of .05 for tests of significance, which means that 1 in 20 studies will be a false positive on average for this alpha. Given hundreds of studies, we should actually expect MORE significant results than we have now, purely from statistics.

>> No.2673367

... are you insane? The world does not give two shits about us, we simply exist in it. If we change the laws of physics, the world does not change with it.

There is zero evidence supporting this

Also, science is not religion, you should know this by now

>> No.2673401

I know there is zero evidence supporting this. I've said this twice already. That is not the point. The point is that if we were, hypothetically, to discover statistically significant evidence for telepathy, we must acknowledge it. To do otherwise would be undue adherence to dogma.

>> No.2673422
File: 73 KB, 421x600, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit dude. I'm not the guy you're replying to, but you just went full retard and missed his point.

By "determine what the laws of the physical world" he means change what we perceive as the laws of the physical world, you fucking aspie. You know, the scientific method?

>> No.2673421

.05 is more like a rule of thumb than a scientific benchmark. Good for practical purposes but not for meaningful claims.

>> No.2673435
File: 56 KB, 500x361, leprechaun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we talking about fantastic crap now? How the hell do I get back to /x/?

>> No.2673550

What I find humiliating about this topic of discussion isn't the fact that it is brought up, but at how many reel away from it.

The idea of humans having super powers is, in fact, silly.
But the idea of human beings having some kind of perceptiveness to one another's presence, and intentions is obviously prevalent enough that the question is brought up repeatedly, through generations, across cultures.

But no.
You are biased by stereotypes which you have already adopted to your own disposition.
This bias is reinforced knowing that to question it otherwise means to be ridiculed and ostracized.

And that makes you bigoted cowards.

You are a coward, and it is not these parapsychologists who are truly damaging to any kind of endeavor, but YOU.

Are you so full of pride, and hubris in thinking that every model we use to describe natural phenomena is fact. To say that there is absolute certainty in anything is a fool's promise; there are no true facts, only axioms.

You know where the theory of relativity came from?
The theory which led to the breakthrough of nuclear energy, birthing our greatest sources of power, our most horrific weapons, and more?

Because somebody made the conjecture that energy must travel through "ether" of some kind.

You choose the easy way out by means of conforming to popular conventions, and in doing so you kill the very spirit of scientific endeavor.

>> No.2673574


>> No.2673584

>i suck cocks

>> No.2673587

I thought your post was very intelligent, but I have to go check my thetan levels.

BRB to support you.

>> No.2673597

But to argue that something is true when there's no evidence at all is rather foolish.

We give ear to the idea of telepathy, but we dismiss it, because there is no significant evidence that supports it.

>> No.2673610

Because nobody gives it serious, non-biased study.

It's either somebody who's out to prove it, or somebody is out to disprove it.

>> No.2673615

plausible but we havent mass evolved it yet.

>> No.2673619

This is a more fair statement.

>> No.2673628

We need to discover something else first, something like another dimension, new sensing technology, etc..

>> No.2673633

how would we discover new sensing technology without observing it in the natural world first

think, man

>> No.2673675

but how can you observe something new without new technology?

>> No.2673683
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What came first, the psychic or the scientist?

>> No.2673680

l2platonicheaven n00b

>> No.2673690


fraud definitely predates intense unbiased investigation

>> No.2673691

It could be that we already have technology capable of measuring it, but then it's a matter of how do you configure that technology and then put those measurements into quantifiable form.

>> No.2673707
File: 12 KB, 204x207, bwahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intense unbiased investigation
>this is what science majors actually believe

>> No.2673719
File: 19 KB, 469x313, gaddafi_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but with current technology, every supposed evidence of paranormal/supernatural events could be explained as natural phenomena.

>> No.2673724
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Telepathy is pseudo science bullshit that belongs on /x/. Plain and simple.

>> No.2673800

>explained as natural phenomena

As if there existed any other.

>> No.2674378
File: 270 KB, 1440x900, kira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an expert.

>> No.2674379

Are you Hal Thompson?!

>> No.2674384
File: 8 KB, 238x205, 1299347226685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am all and I am none.

>> No.2674396
File: 54 KB, 875x543, cirno-race-alt-color.1258524959972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay out of my head, Charles.