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File: 58 KB, 400x432, drugs-abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2665217 No.2665217 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really that hard to make a substance that has the effect of drugs but without any harmful secondary effects?

Can't we just "clone" the bodies natural endorphins?

Is there at least any research on this? Not just because I ma a pothead but you could use this to ease the pain of sick people or women giving birth without the negative side effects.

>> No.2665228

inb4 weed

>> No.2665231


>> No.2665259

There are many existing drugs that mostly lack harmful secondary effects. In fact, even most of the drugs considered very harmful, like heroin, are not inherently so. Their harm comes about through behaviour patterns of persistent excess coupled with their artificial scarcity.

>> No.2665256

Substances are not as subtle as they are made out to be. Stimulating the sex organs is much better.

>> No.2665263

You want a substance that has a guaranteed singular effect?

When you come upon it, make sure and post it so you can't make billions on the patent.

>> No.2665286

Run a marathon, and as you cross the finish line have someone slap you silly for 4 minutes. Then get stung by a dozen bees.

Your endorphine should reach epic levels. As close to heroin as you will come without using actual heroin.

>> No.2665352
File: 957 KB, 2592x1936, IMG_20110121_100731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JWH-018 and similar compounds give you a VERY good high. The only "side effect" is rapid heart rate.

Cheap, legal (in most states/countries), metabolizes into sugar in the human body when smoked.

If you live in the North Dallas, TX area I'd be more than happy to smoke you out as a sample.

>> No.2665359


What sort of effect are you looking for?

There are a huge number of ways we could make drugs safer, more fun, less side-effecty, even less addictive. If drugs were legal the amount of shit we'd have that looks "advanced" today would be astonishing.

Btw, pharmaceutical opiates such as morphine aren't toxic in the long-term, although misuse (such as injecting) is. Also they are addictive (although much less so when taken orally as opposed to smoked or injected (due to the much slower come-up).


Running a marathon and getting slapped won't give you an endorphin rush. Sure, if you go into a brain scanner there'll be "increased endorphins", but there'll be so much substance P knocking about your brain agony is probably what you'll feel.

>> No.2665417
File: 35 KB, 430x400, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have a sage trip on me.

Sage0hogwU <= #?7sC`*;I

>> No.2665544

quick rundown of some possible future drugs:

1. 5-ht2c antagonists


They "disinhibit" dopamine, rather than just creating a flat dopamine release. So you'll get loads of naturally-caused dopamine release that are just rammed up to unnaturally euphoric levels (this is how caffeine works on the dopamine system btw, but caffeine is way too side-effecty at the neccesary doses to replace the standard classical stimulants).
Not only should these dopamine swings be much more fun (than a flat release), it should be (according to my theories-which i'll explain if you want) virtually comedown free and nowhere near as addictive as standard dopamergenic stimulants.

2. Oxytocin agonists:


Will hopefully be usefull in creating the "love buzz" of MDMA. but without side effects. Probably most useful when done in combo with other drugs (e.g a 5ht2-c antagonist and a psychedelic).

5-ht1a agonists: anxiolytic. Responsible for the oxytocin release of MDMA. Good reason to believe it needs dopamine to kick off the fun, so 5ht2-c antagonist would be good. May aswell throw in a psychedelic for funzies.

>> No.2665551


5ht2a agonists: ok, these aren't new, but just thought i'd point out that a leading theory suggests the anxiety they cause is due to their agonism of the 5ht2c receptor. Say if we couple them with a low dose of our magic 5ht2c antagonist? Less anxiety. Or if that doesn't work, why not block anxious feelings with a drug like >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emapunil?

cyclobenzaprine- ok this isn't new either. It's a skeletal muscle relaxant. Subjective reports claim it makes opiates much more effective. My theory- the relaxation causes an endorphin release. Where this comes in handy is if you had a drug which sensitises your endorphin system (rather than activating it in a flat rate). Imo, cannabinoids and psychedelics are such drugs that would go well with cyclobenzaprine.

Cannabinoids: as another poster posted, these are like weed but possibly better (i experienced jwh-018 a few times (i wouldn't have done it if i knew it was an untested chemical-would you believe i was sold it in a shop as a herbal blend?) but anyway i was amazed. Better than weed imo.

Prof. Nutt wants to work on pagaclone: >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pagoclone
says it's potentially a much safer alternative to alcohol. wiki article explains benifits well.

There's so much i could post, but so much effort... actually i haven't read up on drugs in ages. A trip to erowid and bluelight's ADD forum is in order methinks ;).

>> No.2665558


why thank you!

although i do kinda like being a namefag...

>> No.2665574

>only side effect

you surely mean:

>only KNOWN side effect

hate to be a pedant, but research chemicals are not to be paraded as safe, they're unknowns (although i will vouch that jwh-018 is very effective).

>> No.2665590

jwh-018 was banned in the u.s. a week ago

>> No.2665628
File: 39 KB, 500x500, MOD - I Come In Peace1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come in peace

>> No.2665655

"known" sure, I use my product however and it's the only side-effect I have personally noticed. It's the same with my test groups as well.
JWH-018 has NOT been banned in the US. Even if it were you still have the chemical range of 019-027 which are different enough from the make-up of 018 to evade any ban of any of the others in said range. Do some research before spouting out nonsense.

>> No.2665658
File: 77 KB, 343x542, dmtserotonin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2665669

yea no one gets my reference, I'm getting old I guess

>> No.2665710

Had to correct the range. There are hundreds of these compounds.

>> No.2665730


jwh-018 is certainly banned. along with a couple others. but not last week, it's been banned since the day before christmas. but you are right in that there are plenty of other jwh compounds that are not banned yet.


there is one side effect of smoking jwh that myself and a friend both noticed independently, but i haven't heard this anywhere else. i noticed that when smoking it on a daily basis then going without smoking it one day, i would salivate very excessively followed by nausea and gagging. my friend noticed the same on his own. also, smoking some seemed to relieve that side effect. almost like a really weak withdrawal symptom.

>> No.2665746

You're reading the article incorrectly. It's not the active ingredient (JWH-018) being banned, it's the blends that are banned - "Spice", "Black Magic", "K2", the list goes on. To ban JWH-018 they would need to ban bonsai tree fertilizer, which is what I personally breakdown to extract JWH-018. (don't try this at home, kids... seriously)

>> No.2665753

mushrooms have no toxic side-effects, neither has dmt. Lots of things tbh has those properties.

>> No.2665756

Similar thing happened to me. I used to run cross country in high school. Stepped on a beehive during a race. Shit was do cash.

>> No.2665771

Mushrooms are a completely toxic compound. It's the toxins that allow for the "trip". One of the most common side-effects to chomping on some caps is asphyxia.

Be smart with your drugs, low dose until you find your happy zone.

>> the article states which chemicals are "targets", but they are not banned this time around. The idea was to get the easy-to-buy blends off the market ASAP.

>> No.2665783


maybe i am but i really don't think so. they show pictures of the spice/k2 shit but what is being banned is the chemical compounds.

if i am wrong, answer me these questions then:
1- why can you still purchase k2 blends after the ban?
2- why did websites selling jwh by the gram stop selling the compounds in that article on 12/24/10, and move on to different compounds like jwh-250?

>> No.2665792


they announced the targets on 11/24. the ban took effect on 12/24.

>> No.2665798

what? Mushrooms arent a compound.
>One of the most common side-effects to chomping on some caps is asphyxia.
[citation needed]
find me one mushroom related death, or any serious toxic effects they have on the human organism.

>> No.2665829

▲ ▲
Still for sale, first link google popped up.
You're right, I'm wrong. The only psilocybin related deaths are due to accidents. I was thinking of other fungi that looks like FUNgi.

>> No.2665849

also, drugs are a very complex problem, even your own genetics decides how drugs affect YOU.

>Nelly Alia-Klein, a study coauthor who is a Brookhaven Lab medical scientist, said, “This research shows that genes can influence the severity of addiction. The results suggest that addicted individuals with low MAOA [monoamine oxidase A] genotype may need a different kind of treatment than other addicted individuals who carry the high MAOA genotype.


>> No.2665944
File: 52 KB, 1392x596, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and this screencap is what you get when you go to the checkout page on that site. you're just like trolling me right? you can't be this dumb.

>> No.2666032


Do you have any proof that psilocin is toxic?

I was under the impression it is not (we're talking about neurotoxicity etc. here, not possibility of overdose).

>> No.2666056
File: 15 KB, 300x284, 1299623950937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the toxins that allow for the "trip".
>toxicity makes you trip


>> No.2666136

>Mushrooms are a completely toxic compound.
>Mushrooms are a completely toxic compound.
>Mushrooms are a completely toxic compound.

>> No.2666164


>Mushrooms are a completely toxic compound.
>It's the toxins that allow for the "trip".
>One of the most common side-effects to chomping on some caps is asphyxia.

You sure know your stuff man.

>> No.2666195

>>Can't we just "clone" the bodies natural endorphins?

We can. But nobody has bothered to use it recreationally since it's a peptide that cannot cross the BBB. We'd have to drill a hole in your skull and inject it there for it to do anything.

If you theoretically figure out a way to make exogenous endorphins able to pass the BBB (requiring a miracle discovery), it wouldn't be one tenth as powerful a mu-opioid agonist as shit called morphine that grows on a wild plant. And it'll still be just addictive in proportion to its "potency." Some people are quasi-addicted to the endorphins stimulated while eating, exercising, or inflicting pain (cutting).

Morphine is here to stay.

>> No.2666212

Anything that has that sort of effect, that can be introduced externally easily (pop a pill, inject something) can also be easily abused. This is how addiction happens. Even if there is no physical addiction, there would be psychological addiction. Look at how many anons are addicted to fapping!

>> No.2666222


Fun fact: You can get addicted to placebos.

Enough to experience withdrawal, in fact.

>> No.2666226

>>Is it really that hard to make a substance that has the effect of drugs but without any harmful secondary effects?

That was the great innovation with opiates. Morphine (heroin is a derivative) has NO peripheral bodily damage other than addiction and the results thereof.

>> No.2666241

>>Oxytocin agonist

This is as close to a "love potion" as you can get. A more humane version of roofies, a godsend for nerds and creepy guys.

>> No.2666356


And how do you define "artificial scarcity"?

>> No.2666363

This was popular in my area for about a week. Tried it. It did nothing for me. Maybe a little lightheadedness but that's about it.

>> No.2666583

psilocybin is not toxic