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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2661592 No.2661592 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2661605

What I studied: math
What I expected: abstract theory
What I got: abstract theory

Not really a surprise there

>> No.2661610
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>> No.2661628
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>> No.2661645


>> No.2661665

What I studied: Biology
What I expected: Insightful education about life
What I expected (after research): Prep for med school
What I got: A very well-trained memory.

>> No.2661679

>Information that might actually be useful to us in the future?
>Now lets go find some Higgs Bosons!

Just cool it for a while, boring threads like the ones you support are a diamond dozen.

>> No.2661685



>> No.2661701
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pretty much

>> No.2661710

What I studied: Biochemistry
What I expected: Understanding how chemicals affect the body
What I got: Pathways, pathways everywhere

>> No.2661729

alg topology
cool fuckin shapes and shit
group theory repackaged

>> No.2661738

What a convenient thread, I'm wondering if I should go into physics, chemistry or astronomy. Anyone got any for those?

>> No.2661763

fiancee is chem...60+ page lab reports weekly, 60+ page lab reports weekly everywhere

best friend is in astro and does research... tracking pixels on a screen all day long, tracking pixels on a screen all day long everywhere

I am finishing my phys and math dbl major. just got accepted to math grad school...

phys...cool theory and math but lots of approximations. differential equations and fourier series, differential equations and fourier series everywhere.

math... depends on how hard you make your curriculum. if you do it right... proofs, proofs everywhere.

hope this helps

>> No.2661769
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>> No.2661777

How was quantum mechanics for you? I've heard that it's not very intuitive, which makes it difficult to learn.

>> No.2661793

real quantum mechanics (the one that is too hard for the pussy engineering students) is a linear algebra treatment of probability and functions of a single complex variable. it is not intuitive. but if you know your math, it doesn't matter.

>> No.2661799

lol yeah ece is alot of comp vars

>> No.2661800

What I studied: ChemE
What I thought: Physical Chemistry
What I realized by end of 4th semester: Pulp and Paper
What I got with my BS: Army. Lol, fuck pulp and paper.

>> No.2661806

Anyone got one for Particle/Quantum/Theoretical Physics? Looking into a major for one of those, probably the first.

>> No.2661818

I want to get my bachelor of science and hopefully major in Biology, unless I become good at math all of the sudden

what should I expect? I'm a very evolution driven person

>> No.2661826

I'm glad you got it

>> No.2661822

>I'm a very evolution driven person
This made me chuckle.

>> No.2661836

particle: is high energy phys you'll work with cool machines.

quantum: is not a research area, really. you pretty much become a badass at it by the time you do any real research. especially particle phys.

There is no such branch as "theoretical phys". if you aren't doing experiments, you are doing theoretical phys. but you probably mean to say mathematical physics. that is what all those ppl like hawking, witten, and brian green are.

>> No.2661931

Anyone studied Astrophysics/Cosmology? That's what I want to get into, because I mean, fucking quasars......but seriously, it's interesting stuff.

>> No.2661947

What I studied: Pure & Applied Science (A pre-university program)
What I expected: Math! Science! All the fun of high school science classes but in hard mode and a fresh start on academic life~!
What I expected after research: Math. Science. Tedious lab work and strange, uncaring professors.
What I got: FAILURE.

>> No.2661975

looking to major in bio, chemistry, or biochemistry. wat do

>> No.2661984
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>> No.2662019

>What I'm studying
Aerospace engineering
>What I thought it would be
Inventing advanced air/space craft and systems.
>After research
Specialized mechanical engineering, not much opportunity to build my own air/space craft. I do, however, see much more specialized opportunity as far as propulsion engineering.
>What I hope I don't get
Bad/flooded job market, stuck to menial design/testing tasks, or forced to go back to school for Ph.D. or another major.
>What I hope I do get
Patents on aneutronic hydrogen-boron nuclear propulsion, dynamic aerofoils, efficient sterling engine spacecraft power systems, superfluid superconducting magnetic launchers for weaponry or spacecraft launches, encapsulated life-support unit for use on interplanetary voyages. Research into CFD also peaking my interest as of late.

Hell, I don't care about my specialty, I just wanna build shit yo.

>> No.2662030


Same, expect I was expect more on drugs, bioorganics, etc.

>> No.2662048

oh hey, a fellow controls fag.

there's some cool shit out there... you just have to wade through a bunch of industrial control bullshit to find it. i'm doing some research on unmanned aerial vehicles that's pretty interesting.

>> No.2662051

Chemistry and Management master race reporting in. ( I can't wait to tell those Chem-E tards what to do in the plant!).

>> No.2662055

getting a BS in bio soon. considering getting a grad degree in marine biology. this a good idea?

>> No.2662065

deciding between astronomy/astrophysics , aerospace eng, biology (then pursue astrobiology), or make organic chem. What do? (exceptional at all)

>> No.2662067
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>> No.2662071

Fuck, forgot to change the "what I studied" bit. I guess it's obvious though.

>> No.2662073
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>> No.2662080

To the control systems guys - Haven't heard much about this before but after a quick google search it sounds awesome. Whats it like? Worth doing?

>> No.2662083

It lead me to believe that you were making satire on all of these posts, showing an archetypical progression from high expectations to low outcome

>> No.2662089

What I studied: Biology
What I expected: Studying various animals and plants and understanding their roles in nature.
What I got: Cell theory Cell theory Cell theory Cell theory

>> No.2662098

The fuck is wrong with you? YOU THOUGHT chemical engineering was like Indiana Jones..

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.2662094

personally i know nothing about marine bio. ive heard that the job market's tough? maybe look into that

>> No.2662101


i like it this way, it gives it a surreal quality

>> No.2662102

Read the post right after it. Just forgot to change that part. It's late, I'm tired, and dun goofed.

>> No.2662107


Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Transport Phenomena

>> No.2662110
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this is now a meme

moar plox

>> No.2662113


>> No.2662118

I'm okay with this

>> No.2662119
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>> No.2662125

Suddenly I'm proud of the goof

>> No.2662126
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>> No.2662129
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>> No.2662134
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>> No.2662135
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Math major FTW

>> No.2662139
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>> No.2662144
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>> No.2662147 [DELETED] 

So you developed schizophrenia?

>> No.2662149
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>> No.2662150

So you developed schizophrenia?

>> No.2662153

What I Studied: Ecology
What I thought it would be: paid nature hikes
What I thought it would be after some research: mucking around a swamp in all weather conditions studying smelly, smelly things
What I got: a sector that is heavily dependent on the economy, in a job market that's tough for everyone, even those with marketable degrees. Fuck me.

>> No.2662159

Studied: Geology
Expected: Rocks
Expected after research: Rocks
What I got: Rocks.

>> No.2662162

My dad's a geologist. He thinks rocks are an interesting topic of conversation for the average person. It's rather lulzy.

>> No.2662181
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>> No.2662182

Industrial control isn't that bad; I like programming and configuring PLCs/DCS/SCADA systems.

I'm really interested in learning more about the theeeeeooooory behind complex control methods like model predictive, H-infinity, extremum seeking, non-linear dynamics, etc...

>> No.2662188
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>> No.2662190


>> No.2662197


epic win op!

>> No.2662201


op is not a fag lol

>> No.2662202

lol nice oc bro!

>> No.2662204


>> No.2662208
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>> No.2662212

lold my ass offf!

>> No.2662206



>> No.2662213

needs more samefag

>> No.2662216

what sector of sciences has a job market that isnt shitty?

>> No.2662232

Materials science

>> No.2662236

>What I studied
computer science

>What I expected

>What I expected (after research)
algorithm analysis

>What I got:
computability theory

I started out wanting to make video games and university turned me into a logician. I'm pretty okay with this.

>> No.2662237

Studying you're mom

>> No.2662250

Particle Physics is what made my Physics professor quit grad school and leave with his Masters lol. He was at a conference and realized these old men wasted away their lives looking for tiny bits of crap that might not even exist. Why waste my time, he said.

>> No.2662265

so have you made a video game yet?

>> No.2662322
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