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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2660929 No.2660929 [Reply] [Original]


For those of you who don't know, the UCLA campus is divided into a north and south campus. Arts and humanities are in north campus and Math and sciences are south campus. This article was written in the campus newspaper.

feel free to rage.

>> No.2660951

Here's the solution - firebomb the fuck out of the north campus.

>> No.2660982

>This allowed me to take courses on topics as varied as political theory, American politics, Israel, international relations and war and peace.

Those topics are all directly related. How is that "varied"?

If he spent as much time thinking about the real world as he thinks he does, he'd be damn thankful that the people who designed his car or TV "spent too much time studying".

>> No.2660990

who here has actually had to memorize the periodic table?

>> No.2661003


Pass this one to /b/.

>> No.2661005

"For me, freedom conjures up images of John Locke, the Patriot Act"

This must be a troll.

"Gandhi and Nelson Mandela would have been right at home in North Campus"

Gandhi probably would have killed Mandela, considering Gandhi was hated black people more than anything.

"When I’d ask teachers back in middle and high schools why I was learning a specific formula for a math or chemistry problem, I’d often get a blank stare followed by a “Because it’s in the book,” or “Because I said so.” So I began to think that math and science truly had no connection to the real world."

>mfw there is no way this is for real

>> No.2661113

At least the commenters aren't retarded fuckwits. Even people from the North Campus are arguing against him. What a pretentious douche.

>> No.2661123


they're ucla students. I don't know how they even let people like the author of the article into the school.

>> No.2661379

>Lighter workload for North Campus students provides flexibility to explore, critically think about real-world issues
>Lighter workload for North Campus students provides flexibility to drink, engage in intellectual circle-jerks
Let them have a lighter workload, it will only make them weaker while you grow stronger.

>> No.2661417

>mfw he thinks that you don't need critical thinking to pass a calc test.

that fool would shit himself if he ever had to take a real math class.

>> No.2661472

A gem from the comments section:

"The claim that north campus people are the most adept at addressing world peace and ending poverty is total folly. What qualities, exactly, would a north campus person have that would make them so perfectly situated to solve these issues? Would it be a working knowledge of The Beatles and their rise to fame? Or maybe it would be the ability to quote verbatim the ideas of a hundred dead philosophers? Please, don’t make me laugh. The socio-political landscape changes based on shifts in power, power which only exists in knowledge and is manifested in technology. To even begin to think that understanding political theory and international relations alone is enough to solve the world’s problems is arrogance of the highest order.

So please, continue to sip your lattes. Continue with your thinking about “things that matter to the world”. We’ll continue learning about, and advancing, the fields of knowledge that brought you all those things you seem to be so proud of; Royce Hall, those reliable places to eat, and oh yeah, those lattes too."

Why do colleges even have liberal arts programs any more? What purpose do they serve in 2011?

>> No.2661516

holy shit. are you the same UCLAbro who posted that video yesterday? or are there just a lot of us here?

mechE here.

>> No.2661544


I raged.

>> No.2661560


Holy crap. This article made me rage more than christian fundies ever could.

>> No.2661591

this is utter bullshit.

all math classes (excepting graduate courses) ultimately depend on a limited set of proof strategies...

in the physics/math area (PDE, ODE, Numerical analysis, etc), all of the proofs depend on similar strategies

in the pure math analysis, topology, graph theory, group theory, number theory, combinatorics, etc...

all of the proofs, again, depend on 4-5 different strategies.
just look in any text book. 9/10 of the proofs depend on the same type of strategy.
as long as you memorize the way those strategies work, and are good at recognizing when to apply them, you will excel at undergraduate mathematics.

>> No.2661615


what I meant by that is that you could memorize all the lecture notes and book readings you want, do all of the homework and go to all the office hours, and still get tripped up when the prof throws something new which hasn't been explicitly covered in the course at you in an exam.

>> No.2661622

Lurking another thread, found appropriate quote.

"We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology." - Carl Sagan

>> No.2661626



As your former editor, I was extremely disappointed at having read this. The topic you’ve chosen to undertake is a non-issue. What did you hope to gain from promoting a conversation regarding the supremacy of certain fields of study? It’s not a contest, nor should it be. The fact that you bring this to public conversation only to assert your narrow viewpoint is a flagrant misuse of your privilege (never a right) as a collegiate journalist. I hope you take some lessons from this.

Never write for self-gratification. If that was not your intention, it sure reads like it. And in this business, you should know that seeming is just as bad as being.

Editors: It’s your duty to help your writers through the process of becoming cogent and compelling. What happened?

— 11:34 PM March 5, 2011, by Reno Ong

>> No.2661649

Suddenly, common sense

What is Zymet's major anyway?

>> No.2661678


>mfw this is written by an engineer and the prose in his article was better than the humanities major.

>> No.2661707
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>All of this extra time can be well-spent by taking in the grand establishments that are Royce Hall and Powell Library. The beautiful architecture embodied by these two magnificent works of art is truly a thing to behold.
Mfw author thinks math and science are less applicable to the real world than arts and humanities but spends free time enjoying architecture.

>> No.2661720


political science with a minor in civic engagement.

>> No.2661734

The thought of this person having any involvement in discussions of public affairs makes me sick