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2660469 No.2660469 [Reply] [Original]

How do I convince my girlfriend to get an abortion using a scientific argument?

>> No.2660472

Abortion sends the babies back to god faster.

>> No.2660479

Go with financial reasoning

Tell her how your wallet will be empty if she make babby form

She'll be shooting it out in no time

>> No.2660484

Don't ask her. Punch her in the uterus and your problem is solved.

>> No.2660489

Soccer ball >>> her stomach.

F = ma.


>> No.2660496

Why do you not want a child, OP?


You are both disgusting and horrible.

>> No.2660498

Question: Will you abort the baby?
Background research: She doesn't want to.
Hypothesis: I can talk her into doing it.
Test hypothesis: ???
Analysis and draw conclusion: If I do convince her, eventually she would end of the relationship. If I don't convince her, I don't have the balls to be a daddy so I'll end the relationship.
Communicate results: You're fucked. Man up and take responsibility.

>> No.2660500

Won't work. She's an atheist, like I am. However, she is pro-life, unlike me.
Tried that. Her response was basically along the lines of "No monetary shortfalls are above that of the blessings of having a family" Blessings in the symbolic sense of course. Like I said, she's an atheist.
I'd prefer a method that would prevent her from breaking up with me.

>> No.2660501


>> No.2660506

Deal with the consequences for shooting a hot load into your girlfriends cunt you horny, brainless, teenfuck.

>> No.2660508

babies destroy vaginas

>> No.2660509


That's a terrible conclusion. You assume ending the relationship with a female who allowed herself to become pregnant is a bad thing.

>> No.2660512

>blessings of having a family
Being saddled with obligations at inopportune times is not a blessing.

>> No.2660514

It is her child and she has every right to give birth to it.
If you want nothing to do with the child, then so be it.

Who are you to decide whether a person should live or die?

>> No.2660515

asexual faggot detected

>> No.2660520
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>he thinks a clump of cells is a living person

>> No.2660522

If you don't want to get her pregnant, and you don't use birth control or condoms, then use the fucking pull out method.

>> No.2660528

Disregard that. I am a gigantic cock-sucking nigger and you shouldn't listen to anything I say.

>> No.2660529

>hurrrr asexual because you don't know how to pregnant someone dats how sex work durrrr

>> No.2660532

It would be a person, given time. To abort it is to deprive a potential person of being alive.

Sperm are present in the precum, and can still fertilise an egg (although it is relatively unlikely, apparently.)

>> No.2660534


>> No.2660542

You fucked up, let her have it and be a fucking man.

(I'm pro-choice.)

>> No.2660544

Fortunately for me I never get pre cum.

>> No.2660546
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>It would be a person, given time.

So if a girl swallows someones cum is that cannibalism? Nice logic faggot.

Or murder perhaps?

>> No.2660547

Sperm CAN be present in precum. Not if you are smart.

>> No.2660549

I think that you are the same person who impersonated me yesterday.
What are you hoping to gain by doing this?

>> No.2660551

So the guy is asexual for not getting a girl pregnant?
I swear to god /sci/, you get dumber by the minute.

>> No.2660553

>To abort it is to deprive a potential person of being alive.
The line has to be drawn somewhere.
My sperm also has the potential of fertilizing an egg and thus impregnating a woman. Am I a babby killer every time I fap?

>> No.2660557


You could argue that a baby is a big responsibility that neither of you are quite ready for, and that you would not be able to provide that child with the sort of life it deserves.

Or you could quit trying to end the life of a small living creature, and instead embrace becoming a father and love it. Maybe it would be good for you to become a little less selfish.

A kid will do wonders for that.

>> No.2660561

I just ejaculated over 250,000,000 potential babies. You mad?

>> No.2660563

Tell her that you visited a psychic, and the psychic says if she didn't get the abortion, that she will fall down many a flights of stairs.

>> No.2660566

I have heard that all males do. It is what they use for lubrication, and they can not help producing it.

>> No.2660567

I don't see why you need a scientific argument here.
Abortion is safe, that's all. The choice of doing it or not does not depend on science, it depends on whether you want a baby or not. Obviously you don't but your girlfriend does, I hope you've already told her that you didn't want a baby right now at least.

Would having a baby put you in a such bad situation ?

Just tell her that's not what you want because you (none of you both maybe) are not ready for this.

If it doesn't work, don't be a douche and don't leave her.

>> No.2660568

>jelly of OP for having sex on a girl

>> No.2660579

Tell her that since she's too stupid to be on birth control, and you OP are too stupid to be 100% sure of the character of the woman you're putting your dick into AND you're too fucking stupid to play it safe and use a condom, that obviously the child resulting from your rediculous coupling will be a complete and total retard, not unlike yourselves. Therefore the fetus should become An Hero -- as should both of you. Please be sure to get your heads completely in front of the shotgun before pulling the trigger, k?

>> No.2660581

I agree the line has to be drawn. Why not draw it AT THE POINT WHERE IT MIGHT REALLY BE A PERSON. AKA WHILE IN THE VAGINA.

>> No.2660582

That is not what I was saying. There is a difference between a sperm, and a living human embryo.


Well then where would you draw the line?
1st birthday?

The fact is that the person is alive, and is still your child.
I would not want to kill them if it were me.

>> No.2660596

>How do I convince my girlfriend to get an abortion using a scientific argument?

I can see it now.

>Why should I get an abortion anon?
><presents logical reason>
>lolol, you think about things too much XD. Just let things happen XD.

>> No.2660599

The line is drawn when the baby sticks its fat head out of its mother's dirty vagina.

>> No.2660605

Let her have it. Find some meaning in your life.

>> No.2660611

And so you would have no problem aborting when the woman has been pregnant for 8 months and 25 days?

>> No.2660614


So as it passes through the birth canal, being born (but not yet outside of the woman's body at all), I can icepick it through the skull?

What a wonderful new sport!

>> No.2660615

Why not is not an argument as to why we should.

>> No.2660620


This isn't even science.

>> No.2660622

do you think babies develop in the vagina?

>> No.2660624

You are disgusting.

>> No.2660626

no im insulting him for acting like a prude cunt who's afraid of sex, and quit samefagging.

everyone has sex, everyone fucks, sometimes shit happens, you shouldnt have the rest of ur life ruined because you took part in a natural biological process.

>> No.2660627

No. That would have a potential of harming the mother (an actual living person).

>> No.2660629
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>> No.2660630

I don't know when you call it a human being with rights, but after the first couple of weeks it is no longer just a clump of cells.

There's a head and a heart and a brain and arms and legs with little toes. It's a living creature, whether you consider it is human or not.

Clearly it should have some rights. Even penguins have rights!

>> No.2660631

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.2660635

Not everybody has sex.
Nuns, for example, stay celibate for life

>> No.2660639


I was clearly mocking his argument through hyperbole. Apparently it worked!

>> No.2660641
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I, on the other hand, think that murder should be legal because the government can't legislate morality.

>> No.2660649

this is not gonna work guys. Give me better ideas.

>> No.2660661

Kill it after birth. Claim SIDS.

>> No.2660662

Just have the baby faggot.

You'll love it, and as a bonus your gf's tits will get bigger and you can suck milk out of them

>> No.2660674

Scientifically speaking, you have no real argument.

The new life is created on conception. It's when the DNA of two different people merge and create an entirely new DNA, which means an entirely new person.

A sperm cell or an egg cell aren't a new human being anymore than, say, your toenail is. But when they finally merge and their DNA mixes up, it becomes a new living being.

I guess you could try to use pseudo-scentific arguments such as "It's not a person because it has no consciousness", but "consciousness" and "person" aren't scientific terms. Scientifically speaking, fetus is a human being. Just like an infant is, just like a child is, just like a teenager is, just like an adult is, just like an old person it. It is merely at an early stage of life.

>> No.2660675

Tell the stupid cunt you'll be poor ad the kid will grow up to be a thug and kill and rape people. And also, that it's bad for the environment.

>> No.2660677


People here are really quite disturbing...

>> No.2660680



>> No.2660681

I'll just leave this here


>> No.2660684

Protecting rights is different from enforcing morality. Protecting rights is desirable because in a deterministic universe, individual liberty is the closest thing to free will and the only way to allow any actual moral responsibility. A world that uses the law to become free of sin is a world free of choice, and thus free of humanity.

Now that we've established protecting freedom to act as a worthy goal, I have to ask, even if your claim that a fetus is life was true (which I disagree with) do they have rights? Do they have the freedom to make choices? That is questionable, but it is not questionable to claim that the mother does.

>> No.2660686

See this:>>2660631

>> No.2660700

There are no scientific arguments. If you want to manipulate your gf into abortion you have to use reverse psychology and emotional arguments so that she decides not to keep it while you seem supportive. This is the only way.

>> No.2660702

I doubt that she is stupid enough to fall for that.

>> No.2660707


Not the guy you're replying to, but you'd be surprised. My girlfriend fell for the exact same thing, but it was about a cat that I hated and wanted to get rid of. And she is smart.

>> No.2660711

>Protecting rights is different from enforcing morality. Protecting rights is desirable because in a deterministic universe, individual liberty is the closest thing to free will and the only way to allow any actual moral responsibility. A world that uses the law to become free of sin is a world free of choice, and thus free of humanity.

I agree.

>Now that we've established protecting freedom to act as a worthy goal, I have to ask, even if your claim that a fetus is life was true (which I disagree with) do they have rights? Do they have the freedom to make choices? That is questionable, but it is not questionable to claim that the mother does.

Whether you think a fetus is alive is irrelevant. Scientifically speaking, it's alive. You can argue if the fetus is a person or if it has consciousness, because those aren't scientific terms with clear definitions. But in any mature argument, they have no place in.

Let's use a six month old baby as an example here. It's obviously way too young to make any rational decisions on its own. It clearly cannot survive on its own. So, how exactly is it different from a fetus, then? Why is it ok to abort a fetus but not abort a six month old baby?

And yes, mother has rights. Forcing pregnancy on a person is a horrible thing, as it means they have no control over their body and that others are telling that person what she can or cannot do. But some rights are more important than others. A human life is more important than an inconveniance that lasts for nine months. It's a far greater breach of human rights to end a life than it is to force someone to have a "parasite" in the body for 9 months.

>> No.2660719

I live in a world where I find morals to be subjective, and merely codes that are mutually agreed on by society as a whole. And more people would find themselves agreeing if they really thought about it, I think.

People like to say that it's never okay to take the life of another person. Yet at the same time, war is somehow justified anyway. People say you can't put a price on an individual's life, yet their bank accounts remain lofty while children starve all over the world. People say that a person becomes human at conception, but we don't gain all our individual rights till decades later.

Of course, I'm generalizing what the majority of people think here, but these are common tensions in philosophy that many people have.The only real conclusion I can come to from all this is that there is no actual moral absolute.

So I can come to no conclusion where killing a fetus is inherently wrong. Circumstantially, killing a fetus could be more than acceptable. It all comes down to, however, what the terms of that are.

>> No.2660731

Why do you want her to get an abortion, OP?

Given that you asked this question on 4chan, I'll assume you're a malingering manchild who couldn't be trusted with a goldfish, and wouldn't accept the responsibility if offered. Why don't you make it clear that you're totally unready for fatherhood, and what's more, are likely to leave her if she does carry the baby to term?

>> No.2660741

There isn't a serious public debate about the moral implications of killing a 6 month old baby. Because it is considered something morally controversial, the abortion issue makes more sense as a personal one rather than a government one. We'll never agree on that, so if you want to move on to practical considerations I would cite the dangers of making abortion illegal. It's somewhat like what would happen if you made handguns illegal. People would still get handguns they'd just get them illegally, and that can get you killed. Same principle applies to abortions.

>> No.2660745

you won't
women base their most of their decisions on emotion, especially over a child

>> No.2660752

Sure, morals are subjective, but that doesn't make them arbitrary. I think you seem to be too focused on objective morality, when a subjective one will do quite nicely.

>> No.2660760


Holy shit dude. I am actually concerned about a person on 4chan.

I am not trolling, but I gotta give some advise. First, go to every forum possible to ask dudes who have done this successfully. Do NOT listen to those idiots telling you to "man up" or that bullshit. Those are the guys living in near poverty making 40,000 per year, thinking they are right.

Ok. My advise, though I have not done this, is to say that you will NEVER have any part in the kids life(You can bluff this. Its ok.) And seem serious about this. She thinks its important to have a family, but if you convince her that will NOT happen, she may wait till a better time.

>> No.2660773


I agree with this

>> No.2660779

I do not think that she will care. She will have the child with or without him.

>> No.2660781

I still get surprised reading people say that someone should keep and raise an undesired child.
People should have children only if they DECIDED to, or have no reason to refuse.

For all those who talk about the right to live, morals, etc.

Don't grown up human beings have the right to decide how they live?
Isn't it immoral to enslave someone with an undesired condition, relaying only on your own criteria and disregarding the dreams and expectations of that person?

>> No.2660786


The fuck do you know? Have you done this before?

If indeed she does keep the baby, OP..QUICKLY move out of town and change your name, go to a different college, whatever.

Or, kill yourself. You just dun goofed your entire life fucktard

>> No.2660787

I was agreeing with you until I realized we were talking about children here and not a job you hate.

>> No.2660796


If you can tell me the reason your gf thinks abortion is immoral, I can give you a counterargument.

>> No.2660797

right? I totally forgot too.

>> No.2660800

How can you argue against morals when it is all personal opinion?

>> No.2660801

You're fucked. You can try to convince her, and good luck, but in the end its her decision and you're the one who's going to be financially responsible for it. You either need to ask her to marry so that you at least the upcoming burden is equally divided (and if you can get some kind of prenup, you'd be good), or be prepared to pay more than you earn each month in child support for the next 18 years.

If you try to talk her out of it, a scientific argument isn't going to work. At best, you can use a sociological argument that children who grow up in these kinds of circumstances are invariably fucked up and they don't have a chance. Planned parenthood is the only truly successful parenthood. She does not have a child. Repeat that to her again and again. She is faced with an opportunity to have a child, and she shouldn't want that right now. It's not responsible.

>> No.2660807

This will work, phrased properly.

>> No.2660817

I hate that sort of argument. It is completely illogical.

It's like saying that we should legalize bank robberies, because people will always commit them, and at least this way no one would get hurt in the process.

Yes, if abortions were magically made illegal* (Which I don't think is going to happen anytime soon.), some women would do it illegally and might end up getting hurt because of the unsafe procedure. But a lot of women who would ordinarily abort their child would give up on doing so either for the fear of legal punishment of because the operation itself would be unsafe.

*Note: I am personally not for making abortions illegal overnight. It simply wouldn't work. I personally believe that a lot of effort should be put to positively discourage abortion instead of banning it. Teach the dumb kids about sex education so they use condoms and other kind of protection. If a woman does end up pregnant, give her alternatives to abortion if she's poor. Make it easier to give the child up for adoption. Give more money to orphanages so they can ensure that those kids grow up and one day become valuable members of society, support young mothers and young parent couples in general, especially if they're poor, so if they do have kids when they're young, that wouldn't mean they'd ruin their lives and be poor forever. I wouldn't mind paying slightly higher taxes if it meant to a more noble cause like this one. But then again, I'm a bleeding heart liberal.

>> No.2660820


If it really is all a matter of opinion, then any claim such as 'abortion is wrong' is plain false -- for the very same reason that 'coke is the best soda' is false. Error theory wins the day.

>> No.2660825

>implying you won't hate the job that looking after a kid you didn't want and wasn't ready to have supposes

>> No.2660831

I made 5 millon dollar last year.

You should escape to some other country and just get a different woman to ride your dick. There are 3 billon women, your girlfriend isn't anything special.

>> No.2660837

>implying your shouldn't learn to love that shit ASAP for the child's sake

>> No.2660840


This anon is correct in that if you want to avoid paying child support for the kid, you will need to leave the country.

>> No.2660850


Even this isn't totally accurate. The US is a signatory to an international Child Support convention, and individual states have their own bilateral child support enforcement agreements.

>> No.2660856


Can you learn to love an ugly girl, a bad videogame, or a terrible song?


By the nature of the sexes, women will "love" their children, while the man may not.

Deal with it.

>> No.2660859

The argument that making something illegal makes it worth is totally valid. Take prohibition, for example.

And yeah, I suppose that's a solution. We're on different ends of the spectrum, so I would have it funded by private charity (with a dollar for dollar tax credit), but discouraging abortion through some kind of fund allocation is something we can agree on.

>> No.2660862


>> No.2660865

Enjoy your degenerate criminal of a child. Don't know what kind of house you were raised in.

>> No.2660866


My kid's mom has paid around 30 dollars in child support. My son is now 10.5. Hard for DCFS to find mommies who don't report and switch jobs frequently. But, of course, she works crap minimum wage jobs.

Look on the bright side bro -- as long as she sticks around, you won't be in my boat.

>> No.2660868

God, I fucking love cocks. Cocks all over, cumming all over my body. So good.

>> No.2660898

Tell her you're afraid that your retardation and lack of responsiblity may be carried on to the child.

>> No.2660917

I'm sorry, I'm not so helpful at this but:
If you a) abort it, you're a faggot and so is your girlfriend
if you b) don't abort it, you're a faggot and so will be your son and your gilrfirned (who'll probably cheat on you).
If you don't have it, you may have your own life (which you're not even sure if it won't get fucked anytime soon, disregarding the baby), if you have the baby, you're stuck on to your girlfriend (subjective here, may be good or bad depending on whatever you like).
If you have the baby though, you'll be happy and sad at the same time. Happy because he's your own child, and for fucks, it's an unimaginable unconditional love you have for someone, trust me it makes you happy. Sad because you might not give him everything you'd like him to have.
But all of this could've been avoided if you used the rubber, you fucker.

>> No.2660919

God I love babies so much. I wish I had babies of my own so I could suffocate them by ramming their heads up my cunt.

>> No.2660925

Since I think the masses of people matter more than op, I present the question: What have we learned here today?

>> No.2660943

Wear a fucking condom.

>> No.2660983
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The fetus is comprised of 50% of your genetic data and 50% of hers.
Thus, you are each accountable for 50% of the child and must contribute your 50% share to all child-related decisions.
Thus, 50% of the fetus should be aborted and 50% should be left in the womb.
>Problem solved.

>> No.2661018

That a few people on /sci/ hate Harriet?

>> No.2661021

I think that it is the same person each time.

>> No.2661035

I also do not think that they hate me, they are just taking advantage of the fact that I do not use a tripcode.

>> No.2661041

Tell her:
a) this way you won't contaminate the world with your limp chromosomes.
b) that if you, (your penis), were to endanger her life, (vagina), that you'd have it ripped apart, as well.

>> No.2661049


Pro-tip: It's not the same person you cunt.

>> No.2661056

How do you know?
...There is no need to be rude.

>> No.2661078


Because I'm one of them and there's tons of posts not made by me.

>> No.2661223

theres lots of shit you could poison her with to force an abortion
congrats on signing an 18 year contract with your dick

>> No.2661227

What contract? He is not obliged to do anything. She can raise it by herself.

>> No.2661247

Easy. If she keeps the baby, then you are leaving. Logic > her.

>> No.2661258
File: 42 KB, 540x571, 20101010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back in time to the point of conception and do this: easy, right?

>> No.2661262
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>not obliged to do anything

>> No.2661295

Hello, readers and contributors of /sci/
I've just come across a conflict while doing my Statistics homework, that I don't know how to do a few of the problems. Would anyone be able to assist me here? Sadly there is no reward I have to offer, but knowing that you've done a good deed for the day and helped a high schooler with some homework. Four problems are below
Faced with rising fax costs, a firm issued a guideline that transmissions of 10 pages or more should be sent by 2-day mail instead. Exceptions are allowed, but they want the average to be 10 or below. The firm examined 35 randomly chosen fax transmissions during the next year, yielding a sample mean of 14.44 with a standard deviation of 4.45 pages. (a) at the .01 level of significance, is the true mean greater than 10? (b) find the right tail p-value

A coin was flipped 60 times and came up heads 38 times. (a) at the .10 level of significance, is the coin biased toward heads? Show your decision rule and calculations. (b) calculate a p-value and interpret.

The Web-based company Oh Baby! Gifts has a goal of processing 95% of its orders on the same day they are received. If 485 out of the next 500 orders are processed on the same day, would this prove that they are exceeding their goal, using a = .025?

An auditor reviewed 25 oral surgery insurance claims from a particular surgical office, determining that the mean out-of-pocket patient billing above the reimbursed amount was $275.66 with a standard deviation of $78.11 (a) at the 5 percent level of significance, does this sample prove a violation of the guideline that the average patient should play no more than $250 out-of-pocket? State your hypotheses and decision rule. (b) is this a close decision?

>> No.2661313


>> No.2661334

Why post that here? Should you not just start a new thread?

>> No.2661347

accident, now it wont let me post it in a new thread because im flooding

>> No.2661355

Here's the answer - there is no fucking way any small business would ever bother figuring it out this way. The boss would just walk in and say "You fuckers are costing me money - no more faxes over one page. Mail that shit". I bet you get extra credit.

>> No.2661359

Alright you fags, if you believe in abortion than answer me this:

say a time machine were to be build. Would you travel back into the past and abort yourself (pretend you're an abortion doctor who knows how to do this?)

>> No.2661364

>What contract? He is not obliged to do anything. She can raise it by herself.

If he is in America... well, I feel sorry for him. He will be bound by law to pay support for the child; that is regardless of if he sees the child or not.

>> No.2661375

Not if he stays with the woman.

>> No.2661383

This is the dumbest post I have ever seen -- ever. E-V-E-R.

>> No.2661396

Since I consider the probable contribution that I will make to humanity to be grater than the average I must say no.
I would however abort my mother since she's a cunt and waste of air.

>> No.2661409

But then you would cease to exist.

>> No.2661425

Don't be ridiculous, If I didn't exist, who'd abort my mother?

>> No.2661442

I suppose this paradox proves that time travel must be impossible.

>> No.2661444
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OP here.

I leave and come back a few hours later and this thread is still going strong...120 responses, probably my best troll yet!

Joke's on you though. My girlfriend isn't pregnant. In fact, I don't even have a girlfriend (forever alone).

....u mad /sci/?

>> No.2661448

I'm OP
guy above can fuck off.
Help me /sci

>> No.2661463

The funny thing is, I actually am the OP (444, trips get...FUCK YEAR!)

>> No.2661538

I wouldn't say that's necessary. If we assume 2 temporal dimensions so timetravel would produce 2 different timelines, and that you can't ever revisit the original I don't think there'd be a problem with her dying without birthing me and me still existing.

>> No.2661553


Prablam salved.

>> No.2661561

I'm not sure
> and that you can't ever revisit the original
is even required.

>> No.2661589


How would you visit this other timeline? I picture the timelines ripping apart as you abort your mother.

>> No.2661691

The way I imagined it is that at the moment you travel back in time, you split it into two timelines, an original where you were born, and another where you weren't. You wouldn't be able to travel back to a previously visited timeline, but you'd be free to continue jumping, creating another timeline each time.

>> No.2661709

>and another where you weren't
this wouldn't be decided at the exact moment you travel back of course, but at the time you make it impossible for yourself to be born in that timeline.

>> No.2661715

>he didn't get a vasectomy as soon as he turned 18

Argue the economic angle first.
If that doesn't work argue the quality of life angle of how she will put the child through unnecessary hardship because of her selfish desires. (It's already quite clear neither of you are suitable parents.)

>> No.2661725



>> No.2662187
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A potential person isnt a person and people who think so are retarded.

>> No.2662192
File: 4 KB, 436x306, oddface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So potential energy isn't energy?

Therefore, you don't believe in the conservation of mass-energy?

>> No.2662209

cool strawman bro.
If you can't form a real argument, just shut up so people don't think you're dumb.

>> No.2662214

In the USA, the majority of doctors won't even perform a vasectomy until your mid/late 20s. It's really horrible.

>> No.2662217


by this logic, potential people are killed every month on bloody tampons all over the world.

>> No.2662223

>implying potential people can be killed.

>> No.2662229


philosophically speaking, when would be first possible time that hypothetical people become killable people?

>> No.2662233
File: 45 KB, 368x208, youWHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidents happen. Even reliable forms of birth control that were used correctly can sometimes fail.


>> No.2662243

when the brain develops enough for consciousness to occur.

>> No.2662254

when does that occur?

>> No.2662259

22 weeks give or take a week.

>> No.2662269

How do you know that they're conscious?

>> No.2662282

>She's an atheist, like I am. However, she is pro-life
>pro-life atheist
That's actually LESS rational than religious pro-lifers... They at least have some excuses for being ignorant (pro-life).

>> No.2662284


You need a certain amount of neurons, you get the right amount, again, 22 weeks give or take a week.

>> No.2662311

Is adoption an option? She gets maternity leave from work and doesn't have to raise the little fucker.

>> No.2662422

Humans don't have any value only the information inside them has. God damn it why are women such emotional cunts and why do we life in such a feminist infected world where i have to listen to the opinions of women..