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File: 35 KB, 300x449, 300px-Spaghettios_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2659889 No.2659889 [Reply] [Original]

I have very little self control.
I eat too much and I go online too much.

As hard-nosed and restrained scientists, please tell me how YOU manage to not get suckered into such fail.

>> No.2659893

Hey! that's the video where she shoves ravioli in her crotch

>> No.2659913

self control

>> No.2659915
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>> No.2659916

Advice NAO.

>> No.2659925
File: 107 KB, 500x346, 136481113_a84ecdb5a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to increase self control?

>> No.2659930

Just... stop doing it. That's how it worked for me anyway

>> No.2659966

Yes. There are mind altering drugs you can take known as nootropics which can do an assortment of things. One of which is increasing self-control. Unfortunately, it's not readily available, because baby boomers are afraid that nootropics will foster super-intelligent young people, so they keep the drugs for themselves.

>> No.2659968
File: 31 KB, 450x574, 1299266783708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW do I stop?!

I NEED to eat and I NEED to use the internet.

>> No.2659974

I've checked nootropics and they seem quite placebo ish...Any effective ones?

>> No.2660018
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I cannot be the only one with this problem.

>> No.2660091

fuck, ill bump for this. not op, but i desperately want to know how to limit internet and food consumption and how to get more self control too.

>> No.2660174
File: 15 KB, 215x184, cute,food,japanese,photography-9e38f4510b3696388e91b4815106923f_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys strike me as so controlled. Maybe you were born in such a way, and never 'slip up' as I have done.

>> No.2660186

>As hard-nosed and restrained scientists

...who are on 4chan. I think you might be asking the wrong crowd.

>> No.2660200

Put your internet somewhere uncomfortable and if you really mean fapping, anywhere public will work.

Start to really hate yourself, rationalise a deep hatred of your body and everything that has caused it. You need motivation and the realisation of how disgusting you are is perfect to get you going.

>> No.2660223
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Such negative thoughts are correlated with low self esteem and the likelihood of a host of immunological, cardiovascular and even neurological diseases is waaay increased.

That is some horrible advice you gave.

>> No.2660270
File: 21 KB, 400x300, 1299148628834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I am 19 and have very low self esteem. I have a passion for science which I feel is greatly hindered by my right frontal lobes love of entertainment and my guts love of cake.

Here you go, some insult fodder. At least some replies might be sparked.

>> No.2660298


And lying to yourself by saying "It's ok to scoff down butter and not exercise" is doing your health a lot better.

You need to hate the disgusting blob that you're turning into, sure it'll kick your self-esteem in the balls but the second you see results from your effort is the second that you're a changed man for life.

>> No.2660317

If you do not absolutely need the internet for work that you're doing, shut off that computer. Like right now. Have entertainment devices? Loan them to a friend.

>> No.2660327
File: 26 KB, 400x323, 1299275065721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:/ Perhaps you are correct. Being soft on yourself is something the stereotypical gender studies graduate would suggest.
You ARE right. I'll stop whining and google up some ballsy self control remedies. Thank you for your help!

>> No.2660379


>> No.2660391

>As hard-nosed and restrained scientists, please tell me how YOU manage to not get suckered into such fail.

I haven't. I'm just lucky I'm witty enough to get by with the minimal effort I exert on 'useful' things.

>> No.2660432

Turn your weaknesses into strengths.

My business benefits enormously from my internet skills, and by eating a lot, I have a lot of energy to jog and help my friends and relatives with handling heavy stuff.

There's really no magical way to build up your motivation, which seems to be what you lack. You either get up and do it or you don't. But once you get going at it, it gets easier and before you know it, it's become a habit.

Just don't beat yourself over missing a night of your new life. Even the most awesome people take a few days off.

>> No.2660434
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Am very jelly.