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2656035 No.2656035 [Reply] [Original]

In terms of overall averages, what do you think should be the ranking of the intelligence of engineers?

God tier: EE, computer engineers (some of these people that I've met are on par with physicists, and a few in grads school with mathematicians. most are smart regardless of what kind of school they came from)
High Tier: Chemical, aeronautical
Mid Tier: Industrial, mechanical
Low Tier: Civil

>> No.2656049

>oh boy here we go
saged, hidden reported

>> No.2656282


God tier: ChemE, Aero
High Tier: Comp Sys, EE
Mid Tier: Industrial, mechanical
Low Tier: Civil

>> No.2656296

1. who cares
2. how the fuck do you break up aero and mech when they are, in effect, the same major?

>> No.2656330

God tier: Software Engineer
Less than God tier: all others.

>> No.2656333

1. Apparently some people? Better major makes more money? It really doesn't matter.

2. They are not the same. When was the last time a mechE needed to know fluid dynamics and really anything involving the outside of a plane or spaceship?

>> No.2656338

you mean comp sci majors?
....a.k.a. not engineers...

>> No.2656347


It's certainly not a science major. It's an engineering major.

>> No.2656359

no software engineering is a new branch of engineering, they make software but for some retarded reason they need to learn about chemistry, physics, and other shit that regular engineers learn

>> No.2656364

it's not a science major.
nor is it engineering.

comp sci really is its own study. it doesn't have much to do with either science or its application.
It's a wonderful thing yes, but is it really a classification uder sci/eng? i wouldn't say so.

>> No.2656373

....what do they do?

>> No.2656385

Comp Sci is lumped together with math.
Software Engineering major depends on where you go.

>> No.2656384

like i said... mainly develop/design software

>> No.2656383

more focus on fluid mechanics is about the only difference. that's like breaking up computer engineering and electrical engineering because CE's have to do more coding.

>> No.2656408

should be
>often lumped together with math.
Doesn't really deserve it though.

>> No.2656410


i guess that's true. I feel mechE is more broad, and kind of contains aero. And EE is broad and contains CompSys. Although i see more differences in compsys and EE than differences in meche and aero.


that sounds like compsci to me...

>> No.2656420

what about nano engineering? is that under the godliest category?

>> No.2656426
File: 51 KB, 367x451, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: OP majoring in EE/CE at a shit-tier school, trying to make himself feel better.

Sorry, OP. You're still a fucking idiot who couldn't handle candle to those who are not academic failures like you. Enjoy being at the bottom.

>> No.2656459

seems like a decently accurate list, but its missing quite a bit.
needs to be expanded a bit though with more fields.

>> No.2656486

nano engineering is mat sci engineering which is chemical engineering.

it's just a sub-discipline. Although you can take different paths, that is the most predominant path.

>> No.2656511

Not op, but have to say this. Realize that some of us (a minority) aren't going to a shit-tier school because we're shit. I got into two T30 schools (Duke, USC), but since I'm a poorfag, had to opt for a shit-tier state school (in-state tuition). Not willing to get out huge loans for a fuckign B.S. I'll save that for grad (or possibly med) school.

>> No.2656561

Why you all hatin on civils? Civils are the type of people that can combine a healthy social life with academic success, UMAD EE fags?

>> No.2656579

God tier: EE, computer engineers, astronautical
High Tier: Chemical, aeronautical
Mid Tier: Industrial, mechanical
Low Tier: Civil

>> No.2656613

bump down EE and up ChemE

EE is broad and only needs depth of knowledge in a section of physics.

ChemEs need to have a depth of knowledge in chemistry, physics, thermo/fluid dynamics, and have to deal with every kind of dynamic balance.
Additionally, the ChemE set can be broken up, because they have the widest range of jobs, from oil industry to toy industry to biopharmaceutical. Thats part of the reason they need such a range of knowledge.

>> No.2656641

My brother is a ChemE, feel vague sense of entitlement.

>> No.2656647

>When was the last time a mechE needed to know fluid dynamics

I dunno, maybe when doing CFD/microfluidics research? Aero really is pretty much a specialized subfield of mechanical engineering. Why everyone seems to think it's awesome and mechanical is lame/easy stuff for auto mechanics and factory workers is beyond me.

>> No.2656655

also, fuck year minneapolis

>> No.2656656

as an AE i agree that any job an AE could do an ME could probably do and vice versa.

i still don't think these efforts at ranking is worth two shits but i'd put chem and EE at the top if we're talking about how difficult the concepts are and ME/AE fairly low, maybe mid tier.

>> No.2656779

Is environmental engineering anything like environmental science?

Also, bump for Philly in OP's pic.

>> No.2656783

Bump for answer

>> No.2656887

sorta. they have the same goals, but the main difference is that the scientists do more research, while the engineers do more application of that research. but there is a lot of overlap.

>> No.2656909

I wouldn't insult the 'civil' ians.

Remember that next time you wanna cross a bridge

>> No.2657130
File: 161 KB, 1600x1200, Jessica-Alba-Beautiful-1-1152x864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dont we jsut exploed evryone in africa lol? they all dont really matter to the earht?


(pic not realted lol

>> No.2657142

Biochemistry is also god tier

>> No.2657170

thats a HUGE part of chemE right now.

>> No.2657174

Eh, they're used to it. They have thick skins.

>> No.2657177
File: 15 KB, 350x460, advanced_test_reactor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No love for nuclear engineering I see, but then again there aren't that many schools for it these days.

>> No.2657222

Exactly what I was thinking about. You have my vote for president.

>> No.2657230

Nukes are top or god tier. Maybe top because their scope of necessary knowledge isn't that wide, but what they need to know, they damn well better know.

>> No.2657231

>aeronautical not in god tier
also go fuck yourself regardless because engineers are the worst people ever

>> No.2657243

Actually NukeEs get a very broad engineering education on top of what we specialize in, or at least that's what it's like in my school.

>> No.2657405

OP has a good point

>> No.2657435

comp sci > everything else

>> No.2657524

mechanical engineering is where all the frat bros go when they major in engineering. not knocking the discipline, but they sort of make the concept of studying mech e give me a headache

chem e here btw

>> No.2657531

Not very easy to show your intelligence at gay bars and clubs.