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2654911 No.2654911 [Reply] [Original]

Chemfag here, wondering if anyone has any tips/instructions on synthesizing dextroamphetamine. Not lookin to cook meth or speed or any shit like that, just a little adderall 'cuz insurance won't pay for my A.D.D meds, and it's really hampering my pre-med studies.
Thanks in advance.
(Apologize for infringing on any native customs/courtesies in advance, since newfag)

>> No.2654925

Youre gonna need ephedrine, wihch is watched by DEA.

You're a big retard for even posting this.

>> No.2654949

Why not?
You want to be a doctor and you can't hack the undergrad shit? What are you going to do when you're pulling 80 hour shifts and someone's life is in your hands? Are you still going to be pushing speed on your rounds? Not to mention the damage to your valves, the massively increased stroke risk, the 100% likelihood of DAT/NE downregulation a year or two down the line, etc.

If you're really having trouble studying, slow your pace down a bit and examine your strategy. Look at your study skills, your lifestyle, everything. Are you getting to the gym? Is your diet right? Do you have any major distractions? Do you -know- the right way to study for everything, or are you guessing?

>> No.2655003

Thing is, my parents have been divorced for nearly 12 years, and I'm taking care of my mother now who finally got disability recently. She doesn't speak fluent English, too, so I have to run most of the affairs and translate at her doc appointments, too, of which she has many. On top of that, I have a brother in grade school to take care of since mother is in bed most all day, and I cook, clean, grocery shop, everything. I can study fine, and I've done so, but then the house goes to waste and there's no food. I'm kinda juggling a lot here, and I'd drop it and focus on my studies in a heartbeat if I could. But with no one else to take care of my mother and brother, I'm in a pickle.
Can't exactly leave them to fend for themselves.
Don't think that I'm a typical college student - I don't drink or smoke on a regular basis. Just life really is overwhelming and I get nearly no sleep.
Sometimes life puts you in a situation where medicine is really the only help - such as depression, for example.
I'm majoring in Radiology because I know I won't be able to handle ER-level stress. I know not to bite off more than I can chew, but I can't really control my current situation, can I?

>> No.2655281

Your problems are related to your lifestyle. Adderall will not teach your mother English, do the chores, or get your brother through school faster. Your responsibilities don't sound like they're going anywhere, which is a big problem if you're planning on going to med school anytime soon.

Now, how can you change your situation to give you more time for you? Have you explored nonprofit driving/interpretive services for your mom? Are there support groups/advocacy networks for people with her specific condition? Are there immediate family members who can take some of the burden off you? Do you have the money to pay for a housekeeper to do the basic 1-3 hours of cooking and cleaning necessary for your family's standard of life?

In the meantime, I would take your courseload down to a sustainable level, and stay away from the adderall. It will not really improve your studying or productivity, and it will drastically reduce your ability to cope with all the other stressors present in your life.

>> No.2655299

One more thing: you mentioned your parents divorced. If your mom is on disability and you need help to take of your bro, she can get child support payments adjusted to reflect that reality.

>> No.2655312

dubstep reduction from d-phenylalanine with LAH. it's easy as shit if you can get your hands on LAH.

>> No.2655331
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>dubstep reduction

>> No.2655572

It's a really shitty situation. Being immigrants, there is no immediate family in the country. Father left and moved back home, absolutely no way we can track him down for child support. Living on mother's disability payments of $600/month is tight.

The chores, however, get done hella quick with adderall. So does homework.

>> No.2655680


Yikes, that is really rough. Have you exhausted assistance from non-profits? Are there fraternal/aid organizations for your particular ethnic group in your area? Are you associated with a church of any kind?

>> No.2655744


My family is East European Muslim. The closest Mosque to my area is across state borders, nearly 60 miles away.

I'm not sure what non-profits I can turn to, really, since we already get food assistance from the DSHS and housing and utilities subsidies from the Housing Authority and Public Utilities office. I've been trying to torn everywhere I can for support, and I figure now that the best way, and nearly only way left for me, is to get a good education and decent job. Then I can put myself and my family on our feet.

To do that, I've started college in my Junior year of High School through the Running Start program, applied for FAFSA and all scholarships/grants I can get my hands on, so school right now seems very viable. The only issue is that most scholarship institutions won't give to students with a low GPA, and if I can't find time or concentration for homework I'm gonna lose it. :/

It's not like I'm stupid, either, which would be a little more understandable. I'm smarter and more mature than my High School classmates, but my GPA is still ridiculously low.

And it's ALWAYS on stupid stuff like late homework or missed parts of an assignment due to inattention to detail. My test and exam scores are always at A level.

>> No.2655858


With respect to nonprofits: YMCA? Women's shelters? Community centres? Speak to a social worker?

With respect to your story: we've gone from pre-med to high school junior piling choosing to put more onto his plate that he can chew. Why are you trying to rush the college credits? Are you trying to shave a year or two off the 6 years minimum you'll be slaving in school before you start pulling $?

>> No.2655908


Nonprofits: accessed all already and exhausted the resources. They won't give anymore.

School: Yes. An Associates in Science Transfer degree weighs at 90 credits. I'm a senior in high school now, and will have 65 credits by the end of this quarter while simultaneously completing the Phlebotomy program. Plan on applying to medical labs in the area in the summer to start making more than minimum wage. That's a start, right?

Then I'll transfer to university to major in Biochem. I think I got it figured out, just as long as I can keep the GPA up so that med schools will even consider me.

>> No.2656096


Well, all I can say is that you should be realistic about your capabilities. If your schedule is so hectic that you're willing to commit an extremely serious felony to buy yourself a little bit of time, perhaps you should take things slower. Police departments pay good money for actionable tips on meth labs. Maybe the world won't end if you go to med school in 5 years instead of 3.

>> No.2656106


Also, 60 miles to the Mosque is not an impossible distance to cross. At the very least, I would phone them, see if they have any resources for you, and see if there's a youth group in your area that you could connect with.

>> No.2656154

Did you play the minority card yet?

You can score some nice scholarships and stuff for that.

>> No.2656233


Thank you for your advice, kind sir.

I've never been inclined to this sort of illegal activity, even when friends and acquaintances use/suggest/pressure, but since I tried adderall from the street once I noticed its very helpful boost. I guess I'll just stick to maybe minimal street doses once in a while, like to clean the hell out of the apartment once a month or something.

Yes, I've applied to minority scholarships and all. I'm not as worried about financing school as I am about paying the rest and eating.

Thanks, again. :)

(huh... kind people on 4chan. Who woulda thought?)

>> No.2656251

If you don't NEED it don't be taking it all the time. Even people who use it to study agree that you shouldn't be on it constantly.

You don't wanna be requiem for a dream.

You presented yourself as a decent guy and were honest. Whats to hate. Lot of guys here were in a similar position at one point. Good luck man.