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File: 53 KB, 460x556, Antilia_most_expensive_home_world_record.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2654101 No.2654101 [Reply] [Original]

how does this make you feel, look at this house, it cost 1 billion dollar and is 170m tall, guess how many ppl live in there... exactly one family of 6 which has 400 ppl staff,
it makes me so mad that ppl spend money on such useless things, just imagine the research we could do if the rich fuckers would donate their money to science

>> No.2654107
File: 225 KB, 1126x1600, antila12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic of this monument of decadence and retardation

>> No.2654112

its right next to the slums so the owner can spit on the heads of thousands of people...

>> No.2654145

Looks like a sweet pad to me, bro.

Except I'd totally paint it red, the color of communism, since I'm a communist. I'd invite all the coolest people over and we'd have communist meetings in our super-secret hideout.

>> No.2654150

It's an architectural abomination, is what makes me mad.

>> No.2654154

its been billed as a private residence, but I would bet large amounts of money that it is going to be used as a tax dodge, and that the majority of the occupants at any given time are employees or business partners

>> No.2654158
File: 24 KB, 456x340, u-jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2654163

The person who owns the land is free to build whatever they like there.

>> No.2654166



Whoever designed that building should be shot.

>> No.2654169

oh look another leftist jelly of successful people

>> No.2654170

it's his money, he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it.

>it makes me so mad that ppl spend money on such useless things, just imagine the research we could do if the rich fuckers would donate their money to science
>this is what liberals actually believe

>> No.2654172

It looks like a mangled building version of Thermaltake's Level 10 case.

>> No.2654178

except no

>> No.2654183

If you had the money, you would too.

>> No.2654191

Am I the only one who likes its looks? Sure it's special but not bad, I mean if you build the most expensive house in the world you better get something outstanding.

reminds me of bladerunner

>> No.2654197

>named for a fictional island in the Atlantic


>> No.2654208

Even a braindead monkey could design a better looking building with one billion dollars.

>> No.2654214

Why not? As long as he abides by the boundaries set by the law, there's no problem.

I kinda like it, too, but I think it's too messy. If it was a little more sleek and minimalistic, maybe.

>> No.2654215

>next to a slum
Every nook and cranny of that goddamn country is a filthy slum.

>> No.2654219

It's fucking hideous.

I find it both disgusting and lulzworthy at the same time.

At least we know they're not morbidly obese.

>> No.2654220

because his house is like an island in an ocean of poor people

>> No.2654221

Compared to all the half assed pre-fabricated concrete shit stains around it its a master piece

Anything that encourages building taller buildings is good to me, good experiment if nothing else. For teh futures

>> No.2654222

Apparently it has helipads even though they are illegal in Mumbai

alpha as fuck

>> No.2654234

If I had one billion to spend on a house I would prefer to build it outside of urban areas. Perhaps a hideout on a lake or something. With secret tunnels that end in the middle of that lake.

>> No.2654240

Wow this is just sick, a fucking skyscraper for one signle family, 100 servants per family member, garage for 160 cars, 3 helis, seriously, how the fuck could you think you need all this shit and space?`????

>> No.2654254

They're Indian dude, they bury their dead people in giant marble palaces

>> No.2654256

u mad he is stylin on you?

>> No.2654262

ITT: leftists cannot into economic science and are jelly of successful rich people who gave work to thousands of people

>> No.2654263

What country is this in?

Also, building is ugly as all fuck, especially with that one mid section coming way out and those ugly trusses or columns or whatever right beneath it. Looks like someone vomited on an architect's draft paper.

>> No.2654267

it's in an uncivilized country with rampant prostitution
no way they'd let you build something like that (not to mention having it be 3x higher than any other house in vicinity) in a sane place

>> No.2654297


Mumbai, the cost per square meter is more than 5th avenue lal

And its still in construction, thats why there are nets hanging down.

But I must say even tho I find the idea retarded, I really love the way it looks, just like something you haven't seen before

>> No.2654300

This building looks like a bad game of Tetris.

>> No.2654301

What pisses me off is that we give financial aid to both India and Pakistan. Both countries felt it appropriate to spend their budgets on developing nukes rather than feeding the populace. We shouldn't help the governments there, rather we should spend the money to inform the populace of how retarded their governments are and to put pressure on the government to help the people who put it in place.

>> No.2654309


This. It is an ugly building though.

>> No.2654318


if you are the richest man in india, 5th richest worldwide, your companies make 5% ofIndias GDP, creating more than half a million workplaces, I'm pretty sure they let you build whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.2654319

Our house it has a crowd
There's always something happening
And it's usually quite loud
Our mum, she's so house-proud
Nothing ever slows her down
And a mess is not allowed

Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our

>> No.2654334
File: 744 KB, 1580x2800, chicago_235_van_buren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the same architectural firm

>> No.2654336

The inequal design (for lack of a better term) makes it absolutely beautiful. It looks like it could crumble at any moment, and yet it doesn't. I guess I prefer originality over basic conventions.

>> No.2654340
File: 35 KB, 460x287, gaddafi_1838311c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone's just jelly!

>> No.2654347
File: 585 KB, 640x638, 1273986930844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like these guys got their ideas from some 1960's magazine on what building of the future will look like...

>> No.2654351

That doesn't look that bad, actually.

Goddamn hipsters.

>> No.2654352



But yes, I for one am somewhat jealous of extraordinary wealth. And yes, I believe he has a right to do with his wealth whatever he wants. And yes, he probably contributed a lot to society to get that rich (but if you think that's equivalent to making and spending a lot of money, then you're the one who can't into economics).

All of that being true, it's still a hideous waste.

>> No.2654389

stop bitching, this guy has given several BILLIONS as aid to poor ppl in India and chances are that he also donated to science since he's a chemfag

>> No.2654409

Basically this.

>> No.2654415

Virgin Media ad playing in my head lol.

>> No.2654418

I dont think US gives govement aid to India. May be a very small amount.

>> No.2654424

god damn it's fucking ugly and awkward. Nearly the worst architecture ever.

Looks Asian. Asians have fucked taste in architecture.

>> No.2654430

What the fuck does this has to do with anything?

>> No.2654439
File: 7 KB, 250x251, 1299311676770s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just calling everyone else jelly
>Not realising India is one of the most corrupt countires in the world
>assuming the owner didnt make his money by illegal means

>> No.2654441

well guess you either hate or love the design, no in between, I like it

>> No.2654445

Nothing I was just correcting what someone else said.

>> No.2654449

people with billions of dollars to waste are just as indicative of the problems with the world's economies as the people who are dead broke

>> No.2654450

>Anything that encourages building taller buildings is good to me

You're the reason why modernism was a shit movement in architecture.

tall =/= good architecture or advancement or useful

>> No.2654457

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

>> No.2654463

this is what I thought first too

it is a rich guy's house, he's spending money he earned. jelly is the only reason to be "mad"....

,,,it's fucking ugly though. looks like parts left over from building offshore drilling rigs or something

I wonder what the inside looks like?
nobody online seems to have showed pictures of that yet,,,,,,, can anybody here find pics of the interior at all?

>> No.2654465

Well its the players that make the rules of the game.

>> No.2654477


Jealousy is an ugly thing.

>> No.2654479


no, god made the rules

>> No.2654498
File: 28 KB, 476x318, 1297144869198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rules of corruptions

>> No.2654616


>> No.2654804

LOL you mad? you jelly?

>> No.2654836

>170m tall
OP, if you could afford it, you'd do anything you could to get out of the smell.

>> No.2654878

He's employing 400 people for staff, and that's not counting the architects and construction workers who had a high paying project on their hands. You have no argument.

>> No.2655097

lol indians

>> No.2655163

>successful rich people who gave work to thousands of people
> who gave work
> rich people are the producers of jobs
> without rich people there would be no jobs/goods

by this same logic we should extol slave owners for giving those black guys jobs.

>> No.2655201

Ugly building and in a completely shitty location.

What the fuck is with third-worlders and their obsession with building expensive skyscrapers right next to slums? Do they just not have any common sense or is this their sick idea of a joke? "Ey, look at us ya dickheads, we escaped and you didn't. Now we will lord it over you."

>> No.2655207


shitty location...... you realize this is the best place in india and the cost per square meter is higher than at 5th ave in new york

>> No.2655217

hmm ok

Why don't they just shoot the 6 rich bastards?

>> No.2655220

Pretty much this. Shoot the rich. Bomb the location.

>> No.2655224


Are you fucking serious? Really?

Look right at the foot of the tower. Look at those shitty concrete towerblocks. They are in a shitty condition and in most first-world countries would be considered incredibly undesirable. All the other buildings are equally shit. Not at the 'pre-fabricated soviet block' tier of shit, but still shit.

I imagine the land is expensive not because it's a great place to live, but because it's so damn fucking crowded.

>> No.2655232

That's the ugliest building I've ever seen

>> No.2655234

anyone admiring that piece of shit building should stfu

pic related : this is what a beautiful building looks like. you get gelatinous looking at it

>> No.2655235


Lol just google it, best street in India where like the richest of india live

>> No.2655239
File: 188 KB, 499x757, anara_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2655240

architect here, the buidling is a total failure, it sucks at every conceivable level and is an insult to the architectural advancements of the past century, if Le Corbusier saw it his rage would make the building explode

>> No.2655243


you realize this "rich idiot" provides a workplace for over 600 000 indians?

>> No.2655245


So much fail in one post lol

>> No.2655248


look at this and compare it to that shit OP posted.

Also, OP, post the building at night . Daytime makes any place look shitty..

>> No.2655250

Wow what a charitable guy

>> No.2655254


You do realize that making 6 people live like Gods and having 600,000 slaves doesn't justify anything?

Its like saying, " We killed your children because they would overcrowd our place"

fuck that. communism ftw

>> No.2655256

Yes, I gelatinous

>> No.2655260


well, considering he has donated billions to help poor indians I would say yes, how much have you donated?

>> No.2655261


post night images.

>> No.2655267


any retard supporting corporate capitalism should just shoot himself

>> No.2655268


If these are the kind of places rich people live in in India, I don't ever want to be rich and Indian.

>> No.2655271

I agree with you except for the communism part

>> No.2655274


well thats 600k people that have a better life than they would have without his company

how f dumb are you?

>> No.2655279


cry more poorfag

>> No.2655283


They would have better lives in Resource Based Economy where everyone lives like a God

>> No.2655285


When slavery was abolished, the living standards of slaves decreased as they went from slaves to unemployed workers competing with white labourers, is that a justification for slavery? Does that make slave holders and slave holding laudable?

>> No.2655288
File: 468 KB, 1440x900, look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think that no staff members live there?

All 400 of them leave for the night and only 6 remain?

If that is not the case then your claim "guess how many ppl live in there... exactly one family of 6" is false.

You so stupid, OP...

>> No.2655292


lol bad troll

>> No.2655294


Billions of dollars that was extracted from them in the first place by the exploitative working practices of the subcontinent: what a guy!

>> No.2655295

Why do republifags and christfags keep coming here?

>> No.2655296

From what I can tell the Ambanis are the most corrupt fuckers in the country. They apparently were involved in the murder of some governor or the equivalent who wanted to nationalize oil.

He died in a mysterious sabotaged plane, and one of the Ambanis tried to murder his younger brother afterwards.

Kill em all and nationalize the company. Not like they are doing anything but inheriting their father's business while maintaining corruption in one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

>> No.2655302


The staff lives in the smaller apartment building infront of the tower -> you fail

>> No.2655305
File: 86 KB, 700x464, nightCity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets laugh at op by posting how first world country buildings look like

>> No.2655314


Why do obviously dumb and retarded ppl like you come to a science board?

>> No.2655316



no comparison

>> No.2655321


you realize that those are business towers? If you build a skyscraper to live in you want some open places and balconies

>> No.2655326

haha so true op has such horrible taste

>> No.2655327
File: 224 KB, 1047x1638, burj-dubai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


op is a smelly curry eating hindu from the slums of mumbai

pic related. this is what a real building looks like

>> No.2655332

Why do I have to explain to you that you're wrong and you are vastly outnumbered around here by people who are most likely more intelligent than you?

>> No.2655347

scrolling through thread... hmm normal discussion... reach bottom... wtf .... look at time..... guess the stupid americans are back home and on the net

>> No.2655349



>> No.2655355


Wow what a bad post, kids here are mostly leftist who have no idea what they are talking about and lol @ /sci/ is intelligent, especially at this time when the americans are on haha

>> No.2655369

What puzzles me the most is what the fuck do you do with a gigantic house like this? I'd probably end up using one room, with a nice view and close to the most comfortable shitter. Big houses sure are cool and everything, they also look great on MTV but this dude is going to need an elevator every time he goes from one masturbatorium to the other. There's a reason why every other insanely wealthy person on the planet lives in a mansion and not in a tower.

Also: it's ugly as fuck.

>> No.2655381
File: 52 KB, 635x423, hongkong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad the Burj Dubai is empty and not even at half capacity usage. It stands as a monumental waste.

Pic related, an actual center of commerce and capitalism. Actually the only major center of finance besides Seoul to emerge in the past quarter century.Their buildings are stocked with investment firms and major corporations unlike Dubai.

>> No.2655389

Lets do what you say
Lets adore the rich Indian guy because he built an ugly 1 billion dollar building and is giving 600k people shitty wages so he can make more money and waste it on other ugly crap
All hail rich Indian guy

>> No.2655393

Tower obv needs a "haters gonna hate" neon sign on the top

>> No.2655403


Those 600k work for the wage hi gives, which means that there is no better payed job available for them, it's not like they are forced for what he pays them

>> No.2655420
File: 502 KB, 1016x1222, frost-bank-tower[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud to have this beauty adorning my city's skyline.

>> No.2655423




OP and Ambani cocksuckers go die in a fire.

>> No.2655432


nice samefagging

>> No.2655433
File: 97 KB, 960x720, Kaaba-islam-172966_960_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody can beat God's home.

Pic related : Its God's home


>> No.2655446
File: 69 KB, 3247x3260, 1298990816852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dubs don't lie. I jelly.

>> No.2655452
File: 72 KB, 526x424, 4676022083_e1774b05fc_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2655461

>Le Corbusier

Er, Le Corbusier would have loved this. Le Corbusier WANTED people to live in tower blocks.

James Howard Kunstler, a member of the New Urbanism movement, has criticised Le Corbusier's approach to urban planning as destructive and wasteful:

Le Corbusier [was] ... the leading architectural hoodoo-meister of Early High Modernism, whose 1925 Plan Voisin for Paris proposed to knock down the entire Marais district on the Right Bank and replace it with rows of identical towers set between freeways. Luckily for Paris, the city officials laughed at him every time he came back with the scheme over the next forty years – and Corb was nothing if not a relentless self-promoter.

>> No.2655463

>I'm rich because I found an oil well and have had people do all the work for me
>I guess I could give back to the community and help other Indian people who are dying of starvation on the streets
>No screw that, I'm just going to be an asshole and buy an ugly $1 billion dollar building

>> No.2655471


ignoring the fact that he has donated several BILLIONS to charity, how much have you donated?

>> No.2655480
File: 293 KB, 400x366, what kitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you were a corporation, and all the other corps were paying low wages, would you pay low wages or high wages?

>> No.2655490


>> No.2655499


what are you, a bitch of your corporate overlords?

>> No.2655502


>> No.2655504


www.funnyfail.com to your image

>> No.2655519


>> No.2655536

If I had billions of dollars to waste, sure why not

>> No.2655556


And that, children, is how the price mechanism causes decreased levels of social welfare.

>> No.2655566


That's not even fucking finished.

>> No.2655573


And this children, is an idiot who talks out of his ass and has no idea what he's talking about

>> No.2655597
File: 564 KB, 1600x1200, Tobu_World_Square_St_Peters_Basilica_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2655706


oh dear god is this some chinese theme park of europe? i see st.peter's and then in the background is tower bridge and what looks like dover castle or something similar.

>> No.2655722


Most likely. It was the best picture of St. Peter's on Google Images, unfortunately.

>> No.2655920


>> No.2658156
File: 35 KB, 650x368, wayside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw wayside

>> No.2658183

Looks like the buildings I made in spore.

>> No.2658267


>Indian person gets annoyed other people in his country aren't as stupid as he is
>Equally stupid Americans with priveliged lifestyles tell him how great communism is
>He heartily agress
>someone points out without that guy nearly a million people would be unemployed and as a result millions would starve

This is the worst board on this website.

>> No.2658289


Fucking thank you im sickle regards who think our quality of life was superior 100yrs ago before capitalism. Fucking idiots. The world on whole has never had a higher standard of living

>> No.2658295

Haters posting in a hate thread.

>> No.2658306
File: 237 KB, 990x659, 01_03B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sickle regards

>> No.2658334
File: 553 KB, 1323x597, MCtp101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

archaists must not have played MC

>> No.2658343


I like you.

I can certainly understand why people would be upset, but a part of it is from the mistaken belief that the money went nowhere. That billion dollars went into the pockets of a loooot of construction workers, material manufacturers, and interior designers; a billion dollars, back into the economy. Those men and women all have families to feed, and their money filters down nicely. Plus, there's 400 people as permanent staff on there to boot, which is 400 fewer people unemployed.

Just hope the architect who made this eyesore did it under duress, because it is ugly as sin.

>> No.2658500


Sry was in a rush typing this on my phone before class started

>> No.2658505

No no, it's fine. Got the first good laugh of the day.

>> No.2658614

>>2654347 this is the only non-shit post in this entire fucking awful thread.

Also, too many Chinese trolls. Paying people to write hate on the Internet... another great step forward for humanity thanks to the Chinese Communist Party.