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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2648386 No.2648386 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I just realized why apple is so successful...

Its a computer company for RETARDS. They make their products so easy to use so that even your grandmother can play with it.

What's more is that the average apple user will never crack open the case and see what's inside or open up the command prompt to do coding.

Its a company that takes advantage of 95% of the population sucking at computers. They overprice their products and release new ones all the time because the average retard who buys apple products doesn't realize that they are getting ripped off.

>> No.2648403

no shit i got a ipod touch and it broke but i cant take it apart to fix it because it's almost impossible to open.

ps sage this shit thread not sci related

>> No.2648408

if one looks for an operating system that is faster and (at the moment) safer than windows but needs some compatibility with commercial software (i.e. graphics, music...) then osx is the way to go. i use ubuntu for all my computational stuff and have an iMac for music production and consumption. with both I don't need windows anymore and thus it's not entirely reserved for retards. mathfag btw with a particular interest in dynamical systems (thus the simulating at times).

>> No.2648425

>They make their products so easy to use so that even your grandmother can play with it.

Why is making your products usable and accessible ever a bad thing?

What do you expect? People to type their own fucking code and make their own operating systems from scratch?

Next to Linux, Mac OS is the most stable, unlike that crash happy shit from Windows.

If you have a problem with this, convince people to stop paying for software.

>> No.2648428

You JUST figured that out? Are you like 5?

>> No.2648432

Guys, I just realized why food stores are so successful...

Its a business for NON FARMERS. They make their products so easy to use so that even citydwellers can eat it.

What's more is that the average food store-customer will never sow a field and harvest it in the autumn or open up the throats of cattle to slaughter them.

Its a business that takes advantage of 95% of the population sucking at agriculture. They overprice their products and release new ones all the time because the average retard who buys food products doesn't realize that they are getting ripped off.

>> No.2648438

so...what? that pisses you off? that computer use is now widespread and open to everyone? You feel entitled to being the only kind of person capable of using a computer? Do you realize that PC companies combined still control the vast majority of the market?

Seriously fuck off.

>> No.2648443

+1 internets

>> No.2648450



>> No.2648492
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>> No.2648504

The iPod classics are really nice.

>> No.2648505

PCs are for computer users who are too retarded to use a Mac.

>> No.2648519
File: 28 KB, 363x310, 1298440502464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2648552

Agreed. I enjoy my iPhone, but I'm going back to PCs for my next laptop.

Sage for /g/.

>> No.2648558
