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2648137 No.2648137 [Reply] [Original]

I have a thousand million dollars.
or a billion dollars.
Whatever you prefer to call it.

What research should I fund.
Pic semi-related
(bringing back fossil pokemon is SCIENCE)

>> No.2648145

A little research on the pros and cons of giving all that money to anons on /sci/.

>> No.2648148

how many girls you can fuck in a day everyday before you realise its all bullshit

>> No.2648152

4 +/- 1 for a month.

>> No.2648158

OP i like using a thousand million compared to a billion. It just seems more natural. like saying 10 hundred.

But my department is constructing sensitive skin technology to detect touch and feel. It also has technology to draw energy from the sun. We could use some more money?

>> No.2648168

Just the other day I was thinking about which fields we'd need to advance to have things like Pokeballs, Pokemon storage and transfer, spray medicine, artificial lifeforms etc. Came up with this list!

Pokeballs, Pokemon PC storage and transfer: Computational neuroscience, neuroinformatics, computational biology

Spray medicine: Nanochemistry, biotechology

Pokemon healing machines: Computational biology, biotechnology, computational neuroscience, neuroinformatics

Mewtwo: Genetic engineering

Porygons: Robotics, artificial intelligence, electrochemistry

You're welcome.

>> No.2648174

You could pay for my research on alternative energy. The university gave me only so much money to bring together a team of capable biomedical technologist.

This is my first research I'm directing as I am only 24. Monetary funding could help :p, even though this is clearly a prank.

>> No.2648183

Give the money to NASA. They could waste it on another unmanned mission.

>> No.2648185

Plasma phycisist here.

Give me the cash, and I'll build you a space ship.
You can sell it back for profit if you want.

>> No.2648221

Doing I have a BA in economics
and a Master of Science in Space studies/management

I will maximize profits for a space program you will fund. aka, I'll make you money.

I'll make space visitation and exploration a viable market in 20 years with a billion dollars.

>> No.2648237

Give it to SpaceX and tell them to go to the moon with it.

They have only spent 600 million and they have a fully working rocket and spaceship

>> No.2648255

Longevity research, space elevator development, fusion power. Those are my top three, in no particular order. Below them, I recommend Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and such.

Frankly, though, you have a lot of money there, and I recommend using it to create self-sustaining returns. Pour a lot of it into private development for the betterment of science (like, for example, doing what a lot of companies are doing and develop better carbon nanotube tech to use in construction and military tech), making sure that, even if your money evaporated tomorrow, your development team could continue to sustain themselves.