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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 300x232, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2647469 No.2647469 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /sci/, see if you can help me with this. I know I want to be a psychologist, but I don't know which field I should look into.
I'm 14, and a freshman in high school. I'm a girl, if that changes anything.
I get overall pretty average grades, A's in honors classes and a B (in advanced mathematics, it's my weakest subject)
My interests include art, literature, and science, particularly anything concerning the human brain and the way people think.
I was wondering if you guys know of any careers that play to my interests, and possibly colleges/universities with a good psychology department. It would help a lot.

>> No.2647500


>> No.2647510
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I'm 14, and a freshman in high school. I'm a girl, if that changes anything.
I'm 14, and a freshman in high school. I'm a girl, if that changes anything.
I'm 14, and a freshman in high school. I'm a girl, if that changes anything.
I'm 14, and a freshman in high school. I'm a girl, if that changes anything.

>> No.2647515

>I'm 14
>I'm a girl

>> No.2647523


Nostradobvious in the house, ladies and gentlemen!

>> No.2647526


I don't understand how I was attention whoring.

>> No.2647531

underage b&

>> No.2647532
File: 146 KB, 802x1300, pedobear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came as fast as I could!

>> No.2647537

You have a vagina so you're instantly not fir for real science.
You aren't even considering psychiatry or even neurology because you're pathetic.

Try this:

Go to school, get knocked up and drop out.
Do nothing with your life but grow a fat ass before you die buried in knickknacks and photo albums of your meaningless life.

>> No.2647539

This isn't an 18+ board anyway.

>> No.2647540

Neuroscience. Johns Hopkins currently has the best program. Barring that, Tulane has a good one, the rest are all about the same. It also goes by the names 'cognitive science' and stuff but its neuroscience. Soon will be making inroads on philosophy, supplanting psychology as a science, and cleaning up sociology.

>> No.2647547


U mad?

>> No.2647551

naw you should work with retards. retards will always be around and someoe has to take care of them. it's a good job.

so study to become a retard supervisor. I don't know exactly what they are. you'd look after them, deliver drugs maybe have to give them baths. take them for walks.

>> No.2647555

All boards are 18+. This one is simply worksafe.

Global rules, faggot.

CAPTCHA: ntablef Lemma

>> No.2647552

Reported for underageb&
Global rule 2

>> No.2647559
File: 17 KB, 215x184, f625f098ebaca033357fcbd0c671cf8b_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By giving us unnecessary details.
Go away, read books on neuroscience, see if it strikes your fancy. If you were truly intelligent you would have had known that.

Why is your gender relevant?

>> No.2647562

since you're a girl you could become a therapist for abused women, where as men aren't as trusted

>> No.2647564


>> No.2647575

>You aren't even considering psychiatry or even neurology because you're pathetic.
Moron detected. Both psychiatry and neurology require an MD. I think the word you were looking for was neuroscience.

>> No.2647577

I bet a million dollars she thinks psychology is the same as psychotherapy.

She's 14 though, so that's forgivable. I helped a 21 year old apply for university the other day (she couldn't figure out how to do it...) and she wanted to become a psychologist because she "wants to help people, and wants people to listen to her." I don't hold any hope that she'll get through the first semester. Serves he right for being a huge bitch though. Seriously, what a huge bitch.

>> No.2647582

Sentence syntax fail.

>> No.2647589

become a mom...

>> No.2647592

only /sci/ would be butt hurt over a 14 year old girl showing interest in psychology, and you wonder why people think you're pretentious assholes.

>> No.2647596

I know they require an MD. It makes it much more legitimate and difficult to aquire than bullshit psychology. I first typed neuroscience, but I didn't think the aspies would be on this early to nitpick every fucking syllable.
Welcome to the board though, how's theclegos, hand flapping temper tantrums and body-pillow girlfriends?

>> No.2647597

OP, do you want to become a clinical psychologist (treat people) or an experimental psychologist (do brain research)? There's a big difference between the two.

>> No.2647600
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1292667182769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, if this is real, this makes me pretty fucking mad inside.

>I'm 14, and a freshman in high school. I'm a girl, if that changes anything.
>I know I want to be a psychologist
>My interests include art, literature, and science, particularly anything concerning the human brain and the way people think.


>> No.2647605

Haha, they have to actually have to have some self-esteem to be pretentious. I think they're just assholes that possibly live with their mums.

>> No.2647610

you shouldn't say you are a girl in the internet

i am serious and will not articulate it but it is the fucking truth

>> No.2647614

4chan has always been as misogynistic as it gets; TITS OR GTFO.
Now, I kindly ask you to leave, your kind isn't welcome around here.

>> No.2647620
File: 57 KB, 475x321, 1298460176696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for showing you have absolutely no idea what constitutes psychological research. Have a nice day.

>> No.2647623
File: 20 KB, 480x360, alan-jackson-small-town-southern-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.Well looky here. Looks like we found ourselves a nigger.

>> No.2647626

So true.

>> No.2647641

>psychological research

yeah I do. It involves pure observation and making correlations (i.e. making up bullshit) and no hard science.
Sorry you weren't good enough for medical school.

>> No.2647650

I like how you just assume I studied psychology. I have an MSc in cognitive neuroscience. Also, here's a protip: people with an MD don't do research.
>It involves pure observation and making correlations (i.e. making up bullshit)
>you have absolutely no idea what constitutes psychological research

>> No.2647663

Coming from a Jew, this hardly matters.

>> No.2647666

well it's not really worksafe

>> No.2647683

Research psychology deals with finding patterns in the way people think, and more fundamental reasons for various thoughts and desires. Clinical psychology is more about trying to help people deal with problems and not so much about finding out new things about how people think. The various cognitive sciences like neurobiology or its more interdisciplinary counterparts are how people think on a more fundamental or mechanical level. I don't mean to make that sound boring, because it's actually quite fascinating. They look more at the brain and how various chemicals and electrical signals create thought.

That's just a little overview. I would encourage you to go into neurobiology or something similar because it would help fight the huge gap between the number of men and women in the hard sciences, but you should really go with whatever suits you best. Also, don't be so sure you want to be a psychologist, you're only 14. I'd be surprised if you feel the same way in 6 years. There's a reason the average college student changes majors twice.

>> No.2647707

>Research psychology deals with finding patterns in the way people think, and more fundamental reasons for various thoughts and desires.
Not really. It's a lot broader. Stuff like attention, brain plasticity falls under research psychology as well.

>> No.2647721


Fair enough. It's a really broad field. I was just trying to give a short description.